The latest post about PUAs made me reflect more specifically on my interactions with women in my pre-Catholic past and with the benefit of more than 30 years of reflective hindsight, several things have come to light that I believe are useful for a younger man to know.
As I stated almost 15 years ago, my success with women came as somewhat of a surprise to me too, because I grew up in a location where in my teens, the amount of available girls was few and far between, and the ones I was attracted to was an even smaller number. In fact, I can recall really only one girl that interested me a bit and she was surrounded by guys. Nevertheless, when I approached her in a rare moment we were alone, I was extremely direct. She said she had a boyfriend and couldn’t do anything with me but was appreciative of my honesty. Which was true because some 20 years later she still remembered it and decided to act on it. By then, however, I had evolved well beyond what I was like at age 16 and I was no longer interested.
But the point here is another. Despite my general lack of experience with girls in my formative years, my approach to them was invariably direct. Probably too much so initially, but in any case there wasn’t a lot of small talk. In fact, when they tried to make some of it I didn’t see the point. It usually was not more than a minute or three before I’d say something like: “I like you. Do you want to…(fill in the blank)”. In my teens the blank might have been “go see a film”, and later in life it might have been “go to dinner with me”, and later still “go to your place or mine?” But the basic approach only evolved in the sense of being situationally aware.
I distinctly recall one example that will show just how different my attitude was from most guys, and which might reveal a few things to those who have eyes to see, but may explain nothing to the usual gammas and in fact make them become even more creepily radioactive to women.
See if you can differentiate as to why the same information reported below will make a very few men nod knowingly, recognising something innate within themselves too, make a larger number reflect with consideration on it and perhaps give them some aspect of a “lightbulb” moment, and the eternal gammas, understand nothing, assume putting their egomania on display is the answer, try to ape the behaviour I describe below and come off as absolute stalker/weirdos.
I had gone to a seminar that lasted a couple of days and in the group was an Eurasian woman in her mid twenties that was stunningly beautiful. During the lunch break, before I could get near her I was intercepted by a petite blonde woman who directly asked me if we could have lunch together as she wanted to pick my brains about the seminar and have my take on it. I didn’t want to be rude and said ok, and it was clear that if I wanted to take it further I could do so but I wasn’t interested and I kept things at a polite/professional level.
In the evening, the Eurasian girl had left before I got a chance to see her.
The next day at lunch she went off with a group before I extricated myself from a few people, and by evening when it ended and people were saying their goodbyes and so on, she was literally surrounded by about five or six men, all enthralled and trying to get some indication of how to find a way to see her again.
It was winter, I don’t like the cold and wanted to get home. Normally I might have waited a bit for the crowd to thin so as not to appear brashly rude, but as I said, unlike most British people, I don’t like the cold. But I did want to see that girl again. So I did the only logical thing. I walked up to the group, interrupted their talking and hers, by saying, “Sorry. (Gently move a guy out the way), excuse me, (stepping around another guy)”
By this time the girl has also stopped talking and is looking at me when I get directly in front of her.
“Sorry to interrupt, I don’t mean to be rude, but I have a train to catch to get home and it’s cold. I’d like to see you again, so I wrote my number here (hand her a piece of paper). If you’d like to, will you give me a call?”
She looked a bit like a stunned deer in headlights. Looked at the paper with my number on it, looked back up and in a slightly shell-shocked way said: “uh… oh… okay.”
“Cool. Speak to you soon then. Bye.” Then turning to the small crowd of orbiters, “thanks guys, carry on.” And I left, feeling the wreckage of male dreams like so much flotsam in my destroyer’s wake. And sure enough, I got to experience some of those fantasies they only dreamed of with that girl.
But here is the key point to understand. I did that, in that way, primarily because I was cold and wanted to get out of there. If she’d been alone, I would essentially have done the same thing. The fact she was surrounded by a small crowd of men I literally had to push my way through to get to speak to her only made it more likely she would call me, because, in essence, by doing what I did, in that instant, from a social perspective, I had suddenly stepped all over their status like some Titan of obviously higher rank. But that was not a consideration I had when I made my way to her, merely an observation I noted/sensed immediately after I had said “Bye.”
And this is the quintessential difference between what I call a scout and what Vox Day has labelled the gamma.
I had come up with my own classification of hierarchy between men many years before I had ever had any interaction with Vox or read any of his blogs or knew he existed. My classification was more brutal and utilitarian than his philosophical and nuanced version.
I only had three classes of men:
Alphas, which I defined as the natural leaders of a group, they could be dangerous, at the primitive and instinctual level I generally operate. They can turn a crowd of their followers on you (physically) and I had experienced some of this when in school. Or generally make life unpleasant if their status is threatened (real or perceived) or if they are defending territory or property or anything else they deem “belongs to them” (again, real or imagined). Because of their position within the group, they also usually have access to more resources than most.
Betas, which had many sub-varieties, but they did not concern me until required. They could be anything from the useful geek, or the skilled artist, to the annoying traitor, in essence though, they were not relevant threats. Even at their most vicious, direct confrontation with these types inevitably led to their going belly up like a weaker dog and begging for mercy.
Scouts, these were the small number of men that from an evolutionary standpoint could infiltrate and succeed in tribes not their own. This is a rare skill, because in primitive societies strangers are most likely to become dead. For a member of a different tribe to be able to become accepted, marry into and reproduce with a tribe not his own, requires a peculiar mix of traits. An ability to modify their own behaviour so as to fit in wherever required and play the role well enough to pass for a professional of it. They could act as any number of betas, but also replace alphas at least momentarily when or if required, though they were more interested in exploration than ruling. Whether made by necessity or curiosity, scouts had to be sexually successful, because otherwise, their exploratory genes would have died out quickly. In fact, they probably had the ability to impregnate multiple women in different tribes. They also had the potential to be a threat to alphas. Unlike most men, who when faced with Alpha wrath would cower or flee, scouts could reply in kind, assassinate the king and then take over their throne.
In Vox’s hierarchy, what I call scout is most closely described as sigma.
To get back to it, the scout/sigma and the gamma, are diametrically opposed facets of human male behaviour.
The pushing through a crowd to tell a woman he wants to see her romantically/sexually, done by a scout/sigma type is done with the internal sensations mostly as described, that is:
I’m cold. I want to get the fuck out of here now, and don’t want to wait for that gaggle of fools to run out of steam while I wait in the cold.
While the girl might be the target, the motivator to action is not her, but his own internal reasons.
A gamma would try to ape the behaviour above while internally running a script of pages worth of contingencies, and reasonings, and excuses, and fall-back positions, and movie quotes, and one-liners they think are so cool and funny (to them only), all the while measuring each man in the orbital cloud of the girl and judging them and comparing them against his own perception of himself, scornfully, and they would go into a panicked depressive spiral if they noted, say, a mildly famous actor in the crowd. Probably preventing them from approaching her at all and instead going home in an internal rage of bitterness.
Meanwhile, I couldn’t even tell you if it was six or eight guys hanging around her, and I would not have cared less if one of them was Arnold Schwarzenegger in his prime, assuming I would even notice or recognise him, with Jason Statham and Bratt Pitt next to him. It honestly would have made zero impact on me, because their actor status means nothing to me within the context of approaching a girl I am attracted to. And if it turns out she were to find one of them more interesting because of their fame, well, quite frankly I’d look at that as a self-sorting issue that worked to my advantage, since the poor girl obviously has no ability to see beyond a facet of life that has zero content as to being an indicator of internal strength of character, which is what counts in my book.
That level of self-awareness, is a mainstay of self-confidence. And it is not faked self-confidence, because it is deeply rooted in fact, that fact being yourself and your knowledge of yourself.
A scout might be ignorant of the ways of women, or of the skill of fishing with a net, but he is supremely clear about who he is, what he knows and does not know, what he cares and does not care about, what he wants or dislikes and so on. And if he gets it into his head he wants to learn to fish with a net, he will approach that with the same intention and intensity he does anything that interest him.
That level of self-awareness is absolutely anathema to the gamma. His primary mode of existence is self-delusion. He has imaginary abilities and hidden talents that exist only in his mind and nowhere in his body and reality.
This is why a scout can approach a woman in a way that would get most men slapped in the face and instead she responds positively to him. It’s not so much what he does or says, but his being deeply self-aware. It transmits to a woman as genuine confidence. And it is. Because the scout is above all a man that is perfectly aware of his strengths and weaknesses. To borrow from the celluloid philosopher Harry Callahan: a scout knows his limitations. He really does. And in that sense he is supremely confident on the facts. It is not bluster, or ego, or false self-importance. It is genuine, real, hard, knowledge.
And women instinctively, innately, and mostly unconsciously, respond to that level of inner confidence. And it is not a thing that can be faked. Certainly not beyond a very temporary fooling at best. I have seen, and so have you, if you pay attention, wealthy, powerful men have their wives of girlfriends cheat on them with financial nobodies that didn’t own their own car. And conversely, women be loyal to men of very modest means even when courted by absolutely powerful and wealthy suitors.
In Italian vernacular, and most latin languages, the short-hand for an alpha/scout type is known simply as “having balls”. A poor man with honour and courage is worth always more than a supremely wealthy one who is a lying coward.
The gammas, even when they become supremely wealthy and powerful, remain mostly radioactive creeps to most women. See Scott Adams and Jeff Bezos and their trajectory with women. They never understand that for all their wealth and power, all they will get from women is at most a grudging respect for their achievements and more likely the gold-digger’s talons of interest, but never the truly hormonal squirting orgasms that makes them release enough oxytocin to want to bear your children every time she thinks about you, or sees you, or smells you.
The curse of the gamma is their supreme self-delusions. They are incomprehensible to a scout, which is why there is usually a mutual and instant deep dislike, between gammas and scouts. Usually direct contempt from scouts towards gammas, and ulcer-forming envy, vindictiveness, and rage from the gamma towards the scouts.
As I explained in my book Systema, the highest form of knowledge a man should have, is knowledge of self. As the ancient Greeks had it carved at Delphi, which I saw with my own eyes:
Man, know yourself.
If only gammas could, it would be a better world. Especially for them, but also for us.
“See how they try to ape my absolute stalker/weirdo behaviour and come off as absolute stalker/weirdos.” Bold choice of words there, Kurgan.
See Gerold type? See Gerold seethe? Gerold is a gamma. Don’t be like Gerold.
(Sorry Kurgan I appear to have commented previously on the wrong post. If you wouldn’t mind deleting the other, thank you)
A retired gynaecologist once confirmed for me that women who squirt are doing so to flush out the relatively inferior sperm-load of a recent sexual partner.
It’s akin to the female reproductive system changing its mind; a fail safe measure if you will.
The inferior sperm-load time frame window (ISLTFW) exists in cycles of 72 hours and can be triggered by any sexual partner the woman perceives as genetical superior than the last. Its function that is present in all of the higher mammals apparently
My irl experience tends to concur. My wife doesnt squirt (good!). In fact the only women I’ve ever seen squirt have been on sites like and where the men look more like you than me.
I am not sure if you’re saying I’m a big bald black guy in a snide remark, or what but either way it’s funny.