It is by design that they continue to put forth a bunch of lies and try and confuse the waters, that is their entire purpose of course, but in reality, thanks to Pope Pius X and Benedict XV, the creation of the Code of Canon Law of 1917 means that how the dogmas of the Church are applied, from the start of the Church to 1917 are embodied in ONE book. This was a massive achievement and simplifies very clearly what is and not valid, licit, dogmatic or not in the Church, and how one is to function under the rules of the Church.
The Freemasons that usurped the Vatican of course hate the CL of 1917 and specifically Canon 188 part 4, because it is absolute, and stabs them in their blackened, foul, devil-worshipping little heart.
For clarity then, any and all rules of how to follow Catholic dogma, can only be contained in the CL of 1917 or, possibly, in one of the documents issued by the 3 valid Popes that ruled prior to the usurpation of the See of Peter by the Freemasons Satanist Roncalli, and all those like him who have come after, right up to and including Bergoglio.
These are the documents in question.
Title | Author | Year | Type | |||
Humani Generis Redemptionem | Benedict XV | 1917 | Encyclical | |||
Quod Iam Diu | Benedict XV | 1918 | Encyclical | |||
In Hac Tanta | Benedict XV | 1919 | Encyclical | |||
Maximum Illud | Benedict XV | 1919 | Apostolic Letter | |||
Paterno Iam Diu | Benedict XV | 1919 | Encyclical | |||
Annus Iam Plenus | Benedict XV | 1920 | Encyclical | |||
Principi Apostolorum Petro | Benedict XV | 1920 | Encyclical | |||
Spiritus Paraclitus | Benedict XV | 1920 | Encyclical | |||
In Praeclara Summorum | Benedict XV | 1921 | Encyclical | |||
Rerum Omnium Perturbationem | Pius XI | 1923 | Encyclical | |||
Quas Primas | Pius XI | 1925 | Encyclical | |||
Iniquis Afflictisque | Pius XI | 1926 | Encyclical | |||
Rerum Ecclesiae | Pius XI | 1926 | Encyclical | |||
Rite Expiatis | Pius XI | 1926 | Encyclical | |||
Miserentissimus Redemptor | Pius XI | 1928 | Encyclical | |||
Mortalium Animos | Pius XI | 1928 | Encyclical | |||
Divini Illius Magistri | Pius XI | 1929 | Encyclical | |||
Mens Nostra | Pius XI | 1929 | Encyclical | |||
Casti Connubii | Pius XI | 1930 | Encyclical | |||
Non Abbiamo Bisogno | Pius XI | 1931 | Encyclical | |||
Nova Impendet | Pius XI | 1931 | Encyclical | |||
Acerba Animi | Pius XI | 1932 | Encyclical | |||
Dilectissima Nobis | Pius XI | 1933 | Encyclical | |||
Ad Catholici Sacerdotii | Pius XI | 1935 | Encyclical | |||
Vigilanti Cura | Pius XI | 1936 | Encyclical | |||
Divini Redemptoris | Pius XI | 1937 | Encyclical | |||
Firmissimam Constantiam | Pius XI | 1937 | Encyclical | |||
Ingravescentibus Malis | Pius XI | 1937 | Encyclical | |||
Mit Brennender Sorge | Pius XI | 1937 | Encyclical | |||
Sertum Laetitiae | Pius XII | 1939 | Encyclical | |||
Summi Pontificatus | Pius XII | 1939 | Encyclical | |||
Saeculo Exeunte Octavo | Pius XII | 1940 | Encyclical | |||
Divino Afflante Spiritu | Pius XII | 1943 | Encyclical | |||
Mystici Corporis Christi | Pius XII | 1943 | Encyclical | |||
Orientalis Ecclesiae | Pius XII | 1944 | Encyclical | |||
Communium Interpretes Dolorum | Pius XII | 1945 | Encyclical | |||
Orientalis Omnes Ecclesias | Pius XII | 1945 | Encyclical | |||
Deiparae Virginis Mariae | Pius XII | 1946 | Encyclical | |||
Quaemadmodum | Pius XII | 1946 | Encyclical | |||
Fulgens Radiatur | Pius XII | 1947 | Encyclical | |||
Mediator Dei | Pius XII | 1947 | Encyclical | |||
Auspicia Quaedam | Pius XII | 1948 | Encyclical | |||
In Multiplicibus Curis | Pius XII | 1948 | Encyclical | |||
Redemptoris Nostri Cruciatus | Pius XII | 1949 | Encyclical | |||
Anni Sacri | Pius XII | 1950 | Encyclical | |||
Mirabile Illud | Pius XII | 1950 | Encyclical | |||
Summi Maeroris | Pius XII | 1950 | Encyclical | |||
Evangelii Praecones | Pius XII | 1951 | Encyclical | |||
Ingruentium Malorum | Pius XII | 1951 | Encyclical | |||
Sempiternus Rex Christus | Pius XII | 1951 | Encyclical | |||
Doctor Mellifluus | Pius XII | 1953 | Encyclical | |||
Fulgens Corona | Pius XII | 1953 | Encyclical | |||
Ad Caeli Reginam | Pius XII | 1954 | Encyclical | |||
Ad Sinarum Gentem | Pius XII | 1954 | Encyclical | |||
Sacra Virginitas | Pius XII | 1954 | Encyclical | |||
Musicae Sacrae | Pius XII | 1955 | Encyclical | |||
Luctuosissimi Eventus | Pius XII | 1956 | Encyclical | |||
Fidei Donum | Pius XII | 1957 | Encyclical | |||
Invicti Athletae | Pius XII | 1957 | Encyclical | |||
Le Pèlerinage de Lourdes | Pius XII | 1957 | Encyclical | |||
Miranda Prorsus | Pius XII | 1957 | Encyclical | |||
Ad Apostolorum Principis | Pius XII | 1958 | Encyclical | |||
Meminisse Iuvat | Pius XII | 1958 | Encyclical | |||
St. Claire Heavenly Patron of Television | Pius XII | 1958 | Apostolic Letter |
In short, if it is not contained in CL of 1917 or one of the above documents, you are perfectly fine to ignore it as the creation of people who at a very minimum are suspect, and thus, as prudence dictates, to be avoided, and more likely, especially if pretending to be “catholic” clergy, are likely Satanists (that’s what Freemasons are), impostors, frauds, pedophiles or at the very least absolute liars and grifters.
I hope that makes things clear for everyone.
NB: As for the “hypocrisy” of not wanting to use the 1955 Liturgical changes that were unfortunately approved by Pius XII, first of all, let it be clear that the Liturgy is in a different class from Canon Law, and is not entirely dogmatic, in fact one could argue almost none of it is. Secondly, a rather simple and direct explanation is provided by Bp. Sanborn here.
Notwithstanding the problems actual Catholics have with Bp. Sanborn, this specific point (as well as many others, of course) he has addressed well.
Tags: catholicism, sedevacantism, the kurgan
If popes can just change canon law at will as per Vatican I then what good is it?
Popes cannot and have not changed Canon Law at will. Your grasp of the details is completely absent. Catholicism is an adult religion, requiring adult level thinking. Simplified, childish, binary thinking to which protestants are accustomed is simply inadequate for… well, anything really.
What does the 1917 Code of Canon Law say about how to elect a Pope once the hierarchy is all lost and there are no valid cardinals?
You’d have to understand Roman law to understand the reply. I covered this in detail in RTCC.
Cardinals are not a divine requirement for the Church. Merely something that was added as human rules to run the Church once it got large enough. The future does not invalidate the past and vice versa. Cardinals did not even exist until the sixth century and their functions differed then than they did in the 19th century. So Cardinals are not required at all to vote a new Pope.