Imagine if you Bonobos could speak like humans, with a near full vocabulary, but retained their bonobo interests and brains although they were trying to pretend to be the rightful rulers of Earth. In short: Planet of the Apes, the original film.
Then imagine these apes pretending to discuss an item of basic philosophy or religion, or metaphysics. And imagine how you might feel and what you might think observing them.
Any attempt at trying to seriously engage with them on the topic would be utterly frustrating, as you might only get a few basic concepts across before their limited ape brain got them back to talking about bananas and how they are intrinsic to the question at hand. Or how rutting with the nearest female bonobo right then and there was. All the while pretending they are sophisticated philosophers even as they rape the nearest female and shortly eat the banana she was trying to keep for herself.
Would you get angry and beat the male and try and educate him? Would you take the banana from him and at least try to prevent him from stealing it from the other ape? Would any of it be worth doing at all?
Or you might poke at them with a stick or a sentence, to see what they might do. You might get more fond of one or two oft mhm who seemed to have some beginning of a kind of understanding, or more human-like behaviour. But in the end, you would realise they are bonobos.
Arrogant as it will sound, this is very often the case I encounter when I come across the average “theologian on the internet”. They say the most absurd and retarded things, with no basis in the factual information they are pretending to base their opinions on. Literally none.
So, I am often finding myself making comment like this one:
And people think “Oh, what a rude bigot!”
Insofar as they think of anything at all past the nearest fetching female ape with a banana in hand, that is.
But you see, for the half-dozen or so of you that might not be apes who actually read and comprehend… the fact is that I didn’t just become a Sedevacantist (that is a proper Catholic) by chance. I wasn’t born into it. I rejected religion as a whole in general and Catholicism as it was preached to me by the then Novus Ordo (but probably validly ordained) priest we had come talk to us in school when I was 7. I have read thousands of books and probably hundreds on various concepts of physics, astronomy, philosophy, various religions, and metaphysical beliefs. I literally read hundreds of research papers on everything from neurology to ESP testing. I practiced various forms of martial arts and the associated exercises of mental and physical control that goes with them. I have read pretty much everything Milton Erikson wrote on hypnosis and practices self hypnosis on myself for over a year and a half before I tried it on anyone else. I have yet to fail at a single session of smoking cessation done on others and have helped people heal even from clinically diagnosed paranoid schizophrenia that meant they were on mandated medication. I have read enough stuff on neuroscience and tested various practices on myself to know most doctors haven’t got a clue of the level of brain-body-mind connection that exists and how much it is interrelated.
So, when I had a unique, Road to Damascus experience, I didn’t just go “Oh, right, I’m Catholic now!”.
Nope, I spent the next 4 years obsessively reading and researching Christianity, which I had already read up on a lot of stuff before already, but now I went back to the very earliest writings on it and started there. And slowly but surely it became obvious that Catholicism was far and away the closest interpretation of reality as it actually is that exists. And I didn’t just assume this. I tested it. I tested it scientifically with prayer and various methods of belief and so on. And my life radically changed path in ways that are literally nothing short of miraculous.
If you take the approach I did to Christianity, which is to assume nothing, to release all and any preconceived ideas you had and just do the work of researching it from the very baseline, it becomes absolutely impossible to assume that Protestant-anything has any validity whatsoever.
That’s because Christianity absolutely has rules. Which, of course, is perfectly logical. If God is good and loving and logical (the word Logos literally is part of Christianity) it makes absolute sense that you have rules and things you can do and things you should not do. And things that you need to do and things you need to NOT do. Simply saying “I believe in God and Christ is King!” just is NOT enough. Nor would it be enough for anyone even remotely reasonable and good. That level of “belief” is literally identical to the one demons have. They know God is real and they know Jesus is King. Which is why they have to flee before him and people who invoke his name with true faith in our Lord.
And if you study Christianity, you realise that Catholicism IS Christianity. It always was. Infallible Popes and everything else. And you realise the lies told about it and the eternal and relentless attacks against it from the very start. And you also begin to see how the politics and byzantine machinations of the East led them to splinter away for purely human and worldly reasons, even though they recanted their errors several times, even four centuries later at the ecumenical council in Florence. What is more, you see the fruits of Catholicism literally throughout the world. And as you continue to study you begin to realise the evil of freemasonry, Satanism and the Judaic principles behind it all. And you begin to appreciate a lot more exactly what Jesus meant in Revelation 3:9. Or how America came about and who made it as it is, and who controls it to this day.
You begin to see the French Revolution and the so-called “Enlightenment” and the Industrial Revolution in a new light and why they had to happen after the staged Rebellion by the fat German sex pervert, aided by the wife-murdering, impotent, English King.
You begin to understand the absolute majestic heroism of the Crusaders and the vicious lies told about them by Protestant historians for centuries.
You begin to grasp the treachery of the Eastern “orthodox” backstabbers and the further lies they tell about the oh so “unjust” fourth Crusade that sacked Constantinople. Which was eminently just in the scheme of things, and rightly and deservedly so, by the logic of any reasonable man.
Then you read the Code of Canon Law of 1917 and you begin to now really understand why what you always thought WAS the Catholic Church in fact is no such thing and hasn’t been since 1958, when the first fake Catholic, a confirmed freemason named Angelo Roncalli, took over the papcy by an completely invalid “election” with many more fremasons already entrenched in the Vatican. After that foul day on the 28th October 1958, there has not been a valid pope since and almost the entirety of the catholic Clergy became apostate and heretical by continuing to promote the absolute and obvious heresy of Vatican II. Absolute and obvious to anyone who has bothered to do what I did and research the history and the ways of Christianity from the very first principles, without any preconceived idea of what I might or “should” find.
So, you then go and investigate both he fake Bergoglian-led home of pederastry, communism, and lies, and you compare it to your investigation of Sedevacatnist priests and bishops and their congregations. And here it becomes obvious that the Novus Ordo clergy are really Novus Orco. Just new orcs, spouting the same gnostic and satanic lies all attackers of christianity always spouted. They are fake and they know they are fake. Perhaps the very newer and younger priests aren’t aware even of Vatican II, but if that is so, whose fault is it? If I study to be an engineer, do I not learn about bending moments? Catholicism is not magic. It is based on reasons and logic. there is a REASON why it was Catholic monks that invented the scientific method and applied it to pretty much everything.
But the Novus Orco “Church” is fake and gay and pederastic, and the fruits it produces are the same, rancid and abusive. It literally has nothing to do with actual Catholicism, which is now, exclusively the purview of Sedevacantists. Nor is it my opinion that makes it so. It is the same, logic, reason, and scientific method that does so. With he added benefit that it is supernaturally protected from error by Jesus’s promise to always be with “us” that is, the church.
All the rules of Catholicism are written down. And why would they not be for any ACTUAL RELIGION BASED IN TRUTH?!?
It’s not write your own rules, nor choose your own adventure book and if you don’t like the outcome you just choose differently until you get the result you want. A real God that Loves us would have a way for us to KNOW the rules and for them to be clear and simple, and available. Even despite EVERY human being being flawed and imperfect. THAT is the amazing, miraculous thing. If you read the Code of Canon Law of 1917, it is absolutely obvious that a society based on these rules would produce amazingly good results. And we have 2,000 years of proof of it too. Literally no other religion on Earth even comes close to having done what Catholicism has done for humanity. CATHOLICISM. Not some vague and corrupted “christianity”.
And protestantism has brought us, in straight line order:
- Contraception, which leads to sex before marriage and sex for entertainment. Which in turns leads to…
- Divorce. Which was only accepted by Protestant denominations in Christianity and at first still thought of as pretty scandalous, so they went ahead with…
- Fault-free divorce. Which of course led to…
- Sex as mere sport/entertainment/pleasure with no connection to marriage, which naturally led to…
- Killing babies so they don’t get in the way of having sex just for “fun”. And killing them by the most horrific way possible by sucking them out of the womb in pieces, ripping them limb from limb. And by the MILLIONS. Every. Single. Year.
- Gay “marriage” which leads to…
- Child trafficking. Because that is literally what adoption by homosexuals is, since they are obviously unable to reproduce naturally. Which leads to…
- Transgenderism and the associate child abuse and sexual mutilation.
And so on and so forth. You can scream and shout and tell me that the Novus Orco “Catholic” Church is now heading down the same path led by its “pope” Bergoglio, and I of course agree with you. The Novus Orco is a creation of Protestants and Jews.
No seriously, I am not making this up. The entire set-up of Vatican II was the result of consultation with protestants and Jews. People who historically obviously never had any input whatsoever into Catholicism. Don’t take my word for it. I wrote a book of 530 page with lots of references in it. Try and prove me wrong if you can.
So… perhaps now you understand why when some brainwashed protestants, with all the best of intentions, I am sure, gets all shouty about how the Catholic Church is not the Real, One, True, Holy and Apostolic Church, I hover between wanting to bitchslap them le Valette style, until they recant —and I’d probably be happy to do the same 4 months in jail for it if it means every other cretin becomes aware of the reality of behaving like such a retarded ape— or laughing in their face and scrubbing them entirely from my life forever, as I would any annoying and irrelevant insect.
In fact, it is my rather miserly level of Christian charity that keeps me engaged from time to time with the rutting bonobos and their cursed bananas. Because I know, in such efforts, the few who are capable, who can read, who are not impossibly lazy and illiterate, may and do pick up the thread and do the research, and in time, they may get there. And getting there is the important part.
Whether they do so through my books or not is not important, though it does save a lot of time, since I have put a lot of references for people to verify for themselves within them.
I have been told by several people who also happen to admit that on investigation, they really cannot falsify or deny my logic and hence they too should really be Sedevacantists, that one of the things that prevents them from doing so at times is the WAY I present this information. With sarcasm, humiliating examples of people’s ignorance, and ridicule of their sophistry and ruthless exposition of their lies. You can go look at the videos I did on Jay Dyer if you want, to see their point.
But I feel the only point they have is that perhaps, my behaviours in that respect might earn me a little more time in purgatory (assuming I make it there). Firstly, Jesus himself was not averse to insulting, ridiculing and generally making the Pharisees and the idiots look like liars and morons, so, you know, I feel I’m on fairly solid ground here.
But more importantly, the number of people who have written to thank me and have gone on to get baptised, confirmed, married and proceeded to have their friends and family become interested and closer to doing so themselves outnumbers the complainers of my lack of “decorum” by at least two orders of magnitude. That’s times 100 for those of you who are not sure what an order of magnitude is (x 10).
So… if you’re holding your breath for me to become a softer, gentler, kinder Kurgan with the fake Pagans, the sophists, the morons, the Protestants, the “Orthodox”, the liars and especially the fake, Satanic Clergy of the Novus Orco, well… good luck with that.
I had a friend at a Protestant training college in England in the 1990s and it did seem to me that there was sex going on between the students there, many of whom will have gone on to become ordained priests. It seemed odd to me despite my being an atheist at the time.
The way people use illicit sex now isn’t just for entertainment. I’ve noticed especially among women that there seems to be a desire to use it as a form of social currency, just like the Bonobos are supposed to do.
Darwin was wrong, mathematics makes it obvious, but I am not convinced that modern man isn’t rapidly devolving to bonobo quality.
[…] And the cherry on the top being your accusation that Catholicism is a) MY brand of anything, which is clearly absurd unless you think I am Jesus, in which case, your mental problems are even more severe than even I can imagine, b) “random”, given it’s literally the very root, beginning, middle and eventually end (at least insofar as the End Times are the “end” of anything) of Christianity. Catholicism IS Christianity. Now, if I were a Protestant, you might be able to accuse me of having rolled dice (lots of them!) or, more realistically using a large random number generator to pick a brand of fake Christianity, but you’re really shit out of luck on this one. Especially if you could read. At all. […]
[…] because me and Bruce have had this out before, so if you need more information, you might start here for generics on Sedevacantism, or buy one of my books Believe! (short) or Reclaiming the Catholic Church […]