Unless you are actually getting shot at/droned/carpet bombed, the incessant ramblings from the brainwashing nodes of TV, Internet, Newspapers, and water-cooler colleague gossiping has become rather stale.
A constant recycling of:
*American politics, and who will win in the rigged “election” despite the rigging, and will civil war 2.0 start already (it won’t. Americans will do nothing regardless of who “wins”). This is particularly boring for the remaining 98% of the planet that doesn’t live in the (((USA))) and will never do so, nor care to do so, yet we are constantly barraged with which clown in clown world central will clown the hardest. At this point I think the rest of the world but also including possibly a majority of American citizens, would probably vote that they would prefer the Russians just nuke Washington and the white house too.
*Ukraine spanking. Continues. Is inevitable. The only questions are: will cocaine dwarf survive the end game? Will any part of Ukraine still be called Ukraine? Will all the puppet sellouts that are pretending to be democratically elected government officials throughout Western Europe ever be actually replaced with anything even remotely loyal to the natives of each country once the (((USA))) begins to implode (answer: no, because short of violent revolution, those parasites make barnacles look meek and easy to remove).
* Digital cash, constant satellite surveillance of the entire globe, pedophiles and tyrants at the highest levels of every government that matters, increase in taxes and the crushing bureaucracy all around the world. Yep. It’s just going to keep increasing until they squeezed every drop of blood out of you and you give up and become just another zombie.
So these are the prospects of general life on planet Earth. It is therefore no wonder that everyone is more or less just wanting to lie in bed all day binging even the terribly shitty shows they are now producing, possibly with glitchy AI.
So… what is the alternative?
Right now, there isn’t one.
You need to build it yourself. It’s very hard, thankless and full of barriers. But it’s the only thing that can actually inspire anyone if you build it. And if you build it, as soon as it starts to work at all, you WILL have massive interest. Yea from people that will want to join and help you. And also from the same people trying to make you a zombie.
That’s it. That is the dark timeline we are in.
Would I have preferred to be in WWII with all else being the same? Maybe. Although in this area there was plenty of fighting. Some buildings still have machine gun holes in them from back then.
But the nature of the fight was more direct and immediate. The constant grinding down in this version of WWIII is more of a spiritual and emotional battle than a physical one. So it takes a different kind of fortitude. A spiritual fortitude is absolutely essential in such a fight.
I once saw a documentary on the people who survived the gulags, where talking or communicating at all was severely punished. And yet some men would get up in the middle of their few hours of rest from back-breaking work in brutal conditions to read poetry they thought up of to each other. One of the survivors said that those who eventually stopped risking those brief meetings, to rest a little more, or avoid the risk, invariably died shortly after. The ones who continued lasted longer and many of them survived. His view was that without a spiritual element, a human being dies. A related phenomenon is the idea of not seeing any betterment in your future.
Depression is essentially the absence of hope in a better future. If you can convince your brain that there is a way out, a better way forward that will achieve something brighter and hopeful, no matter how improbable, if you work at it, and build on it, you get stronger. And as results begin to happen, it makes you more hopeful.
But that is exactly how they fight now. They make any attempt you make to improve your situation harder. They increase costs and barriers to entry.
They are relying on you giving up and submitting.
It’s like the guys in the gulag. Keep getting up and making another step forward. Just keep at it. If you do, eventually, the dam breaks and the flood follows.
Keep at it.
Hope youre wrong, but I dont think you give enough credit to actual, real White Americans out in the real America. America isnt new york, California or Minnesota. Out in real America, the pushback started years ago. We essentially said ‘up yours’ to the plandemic scam; sure, some urban dwellers cowered in fear – and are still doing so – stayed home and donned face diapers, but the vast majority hoisted a middle finger and went on about our business. What few times these were ‘challenged’ early on, it was made quite clear what ‘they’ could do with it and we went ahead on about our business.
Cash is still king. Farmers markets thrive and grow. The anger is palpable and is being spoken of openly. Several state governments are already eyeing secession. People are individually ‘seceding’ as much as practical right now. People are pissed ; conversations start spontaneously in grocery stores. police are held in wide disdain by the general, lawful populace. There is virtually no trust in ‘establishment’ institutions. And remember – a majority of us are armed and reasonably proficient in the use of said implements. The only question is, how long will we take it?
Either way, its gonna get spiorty I fear…
I absolutely am aware that some enclaves of white Amercians will form. Whether any are actually about ready to secede right now I doubt very much.
I would be surprised if anything very meaningful happens after the elections, regardless of who “wins”.
With regard to most Americans being armed, sorry but that is really not even a factor. In every case they will go after you one by one and very very very few are willing to be swatted and die for the second amendment. And those who are pretty much died out on Ruby Ridge.
The reality is that the average American will give up their guns with a whimper as soon as they are told to.
Will there be enclaves of rednecks in the Appalachians or Louisiana swamps that no fed will go and disturb? I believe so. But they will be the exception, not the rule.
In any case, I truly pray for you and your family and all those like minded that you are able to rebuild a better nation with as little trouble as possible. The country you live in is disintegrating even faster than Europe.
“The reality is that the average American will give up their guns with a whimper as soon as they are told to.”
The Math just, Does. Not. Work.
[The fact that you think math governs human behaviour proves without doubt you are too stupid for this conversation. Also, see the stock market. or any other human behaviour.]
Any dedicated and concerted attempt to “Ban Guns” will Fail, due to Math. Too Many Guns, too few thugpigs to try and Confiscate them. the Coward’s whine of “They will Cancel your Bank Account unless you Turn in your Guns” meme doesn’t work on people who would see this as the Green Light for Violence. And there are far too many of them for the ‘government’ to suppress.
[No, there aren’t. That’s the point. All these “Rambos” exist only in the hyperbolic mind of delusional fantasists. Usually too overweight to jog up a hill with a rifle.]
Are you an ‘American’? If you are, you probably shouldn’t be.
Mistaking the fact that there hasn’t (yet) been Open Warfare against the Regime that pretends to be a ‘government’ is Cowardice, is a severe mis-reading of the Mindset of a Lot of actual Americans. Tens of Millions of them, in all probability. Likely a Million or so of them being recent (last 30 Years or less) Ex-Military.
[Bullshit. Your country literally had an “election” that made Zimbabwe look like the model of free and fari electoral processes. And what happened? Absolutely fuck all. And that is what will happen again in November regardless of who “wins” the completely rigged banana republic “election”]
Here’s why nobody is out in the Streets, gunning for bureaucrats and politicians – the Lights are still On, there is Fuel at the Gas Stations, Food and Beer at the Grocery Stores. Does it Matter which puppet of the (((uniparty))) is (p)Resident? of course not. Does it Matter if the Russians are pounding the (jew-run) ‘nah-zees’ in The ukraine into Dust? Nope.
Does it Matter that ‘god’s chosen people’ ™ are Genociding every non-‘jew’ in Palestine? Who Cares.
[And they will still have the lights on when they come and tell you that you are not fit to own firearms so hand them over. And you will. Quietly.]
There isn’t going to be any “Active Revolt” here; everyone is just waiting for the inevitable ‘Collapse of Empire’ under its own weight of Incompetence and Corruption. Once that happens, ‘government’ will become irrelevant, until at the Local Level, it is re-constituted in a more sensible form. Will there be Chaos and Violence? Of Course. Read any History about any Nation where the ‘government’, King or Emperor, lost the Respect and Consent of the People.
[Throughout history, we have never really had this level of cuckoldry throughout the planet. The French King got his head cut off for bankrupting the country. The Americans were induced into war of revolution by Freemasons, but the excuse was a minor tax. Today the average American doesn’t know where Australia is and can’t run up a single flight of stairs without being out of breath. As long as Netflix and burgers are still available they will simply continue becoming larger couch potatoes.]
Yes, every ‘Empire’ tries to maintain its ‘Control’ by Force; this Empire is well down the path where it is Incapable of convincing the People to support it, most noticeably in regards to recruiting the Soldiers it needs to exert ‘Power’, either Domestically or against Foreign Nations.
Those who put their ‘faith’ in this ‘Empire’ being able to Leverage the Technology for ‘surveillance’ to maintain Power are sadly unaware of how delicate the ‘Network’ actually is; the Vulnerability of the Infrastructure that the ‘government’ relies upon to Sabotage is well-documented, and even more so, it relies upon the continued Functioning of the entire Economy, with its intricate, just-in-Time supply chains.
Any Disruption, internal or external, to the smooth functioning of, really Everything, and the ability of the ‘government’ to ‘maintain control’ will Degrade Rapidly. At that point, faced with the Cities disintegrating into Chaos, the ‘government’ will hardly have enough ‘law enforcement’ and Military to protect its own facilities. Forget about “Gun Confiscation” at that point.
p.s. the FUSSA Army was in Afghanistan for 20 Years, trying to ‘control’ that Nation. Who runs that Nation today? not the ZOG.
[Yes, and the Afghanis have been in continuous combat for 4000 years. the Americans haven’t had any war they didn’t lose except the ones other people fought for them in WWII. Ever seen a fat Afghani brainwashed by TV? I sure haven’t.]
Fatamericans brainwashed by (((teevee))) are not a Factor in any sort of Collapse/Rebellion/(un)Civil War scenario. It is the numbers of Angry, Armed, Prepared and Knowledgeable individuals that are going to be the deciding factor. Just like Afghanistan, where only a very small number of Patriots were active Fighters at any given Time (FUSSA Army estimated 5-6,000) it won’t take very many Individuals/small Groups to make it Impossible for the ‘government’ to maintain ‘order’.
The whole “You can’t Fight F-15’s and Nuclear Weapons” meme is not Relevant – You Don’t. Individuals and small Groups Fight one bureaucrat/ thugpig/ politician at a Time. Where they Live; which is something that Patriots defending their Nations from FUSSA Invaders couldn’t do.
The guy who said what will happen here will be “Bosnia x Rwanda with Wi-Fi” probably is right…
I simply doubt your assumption that “many” or even just “enough” such men exist in the USA and are a) willing and b) able to co-ordinate themselves enough to even be a threat to the punitive expeditions of polithugs and Cons-scripted in the various government fed armed forces. In the first place, pretty much EVERY such organisation is actively infiltrated by feds, if not created by them, like the whole khaki trousers and blue shirt feds posing as America first’s, or whatever they are called, Patriot Front? Whatever. Wall-toWall feds.
In the second place, knowing this, neither a) nor b) above will function.
Lastly, other than tribal groups like you might get in the mountains or swamps, there isn’t a lot of “neighbourliness” in the USA. Your national trait is secularism uber allies. Your nation’s “god-fearing” is a melange of 40,000 denominations of Churchianity, for which literally no one would become a martyr. You have no valid religion, no valid ethnicity, no valid tribe. You are an atomised people. There has never been such a people that “fought back”. Never mind actually revolted and won anything.
Even if you personally and maybe a friend or two were such people, you are not enough, not organised enough, and you don’t understand the modern version of “guerrilla warfare” at all. You might succeed at just being among the first in body bags though. Before those run out too in the ongoing collapse.