Testing polling function

So I have finally added a polling function, which I hope will make my blog a little more useful to my readers, as I will use it to try and figure out what y’all want to read more or less of.

Here is the first one. Results will be shown once you vote.

Assuming WWIII becomes partially nuclear and wipes out the largest city near you:

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6 Responses to “Testing polling function”

  1. Tommy says:

    I recon St Petersburg would make a nice glow on the horizon

    • G says:

      Before that happens I think London, Brussels and Washington DC would go up. Given that the Russkies have hypersonics and the USA and NATO do not.

      • Tommy says:

        If more than one goes, then they are all likely to follow. The recent doom mongering of Medvedev does not bode well. The retarded bed wetters of Europe and America I find difficult to judge. They grasp at life like hell bound spawn, but are incapable of understanding the meaning of life. Their actions make little sense to me

        • G says:

          The actions of the neocons are nonsensical until you realise they are guided by the Talmudic “Jewish” religion and their aims are to destroy Europe and Christianity. That aim has already largely been achieved for the USA.

  2. CB says:

    Well, is Detroit on a nuclear target list? If not it should be, but I’ll be glow dust.

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