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Tesla’s Genius

I have read pretty much everything I could find on Tesla since my twenties. I even had a book of all his patents until thanks to my family’s utter contempt for my stuff it got lost/destroyed in a flood/disappeared by aliens.

The thing which most astonishes about Tesla is that he clearly had understood so much more about how electromagnetism and resonance work than anyone has to date.

He invented things before those to whom they have been attributed and he is the only man to have refused the Nobel prize.

The plagiarist, thief, elephant murderer and liar Thomas Edison is credited with inventing the light-bulb, but Tesla had invented a different version of it before him. Marconi is credited with inventing wireless radio transmission but it was Tesla who got there first and in fact, Marconi used some of Tesla’s coils to get there.

Above all, Tesla invented the alternating current motor, without which we’d still be mostly in darkness and the modern era would not properly exist.

But Tesla’s genius, though now being somewhat recognised, was almost unheard of 30 years ago. And this because he was scrupulously honest and never took a ticket. He changed the world yet died in poverty, alone in a hotel room in his eighties.

But the thing that fascinates me the most is that it is obvious that his way of seeing and thinking about electricity, magnetism, resonance, radio and so on was completely different to what is taught in electrical engineering courses today.

And his name still hets used by ticket takers, deceivers and plagiarists, like Elon Musk more recently.

I truly hope Nikola Tesla is sitting in Heaven, looking down on is miserable and ignorant humans.

Aside from Jesus, he is probably the man I would most like to have time to listen to and ask questions of.

God bless you Mr. Tesla. And may your genius bring us the peace, light, and freedom you had hoped for humanity.

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