Part 4 – Synergy and Politics
Hopefully you have read Parts 1 to 3 before this one. They are immediately below this post in reverse order.
Although I am perfectly aware that most people do not have the things described in parts 1 to 3 below in order, let us continue to assume you do, or will in the not too distant future. We do this, not to be unrealistic dreamers, but because before you embark on your best survival and then thriving strategy, it’s best to think things through.
As I said in part 3, even if you have all those things in order, it does not guarantee a win against the forces of evil that are lining up against all of us in a very real manner. Ultimately, as Lysander Spooner stated very clearly a couple of hundred years ago or so, government is merely the agglomeration of the violent thugs who then insist on their monopoly on the use of force. In short, when things get bad enough, you will have to deal with a government or powerful entities supposedly representing your “democratic” government, using force on you.
This force, is unlikely, in most cases, to be the squad of jack-booted thugs coming to inject you and your children with genetic serum against your will. If that was the case, the armed resistance would be swift, violent, and widespread. So, no, the force used against you will be a creeping and oppressive, python-like slow asphyxiation.
They will raise taxes and costs for everyday things like travel, eggs, real meat products, and so on. They will legislate absurd rules requiring you to inject your livestock with their prescribed “antibiotics” —which technically they will be, since from the latin, anti-biotic means anti-living things— They will feed you ever more genetically modified foods and sterilising components. The recent results of chickens no longer laying eggs at all for months as a result of a feed that is widely used in the USA is just the beginning. The will continue to spray chemtrails of whatever sorts and with no oversight. They will continue to police your thinking and expressions online and in real life. They will legislate away your gas stoves, your firearms, your ability to grow and sell your own food and so on. And it will all be done with the excuse of it all being for your own good. And with total media compliance to ensure the 98% of the retarded and zombified population not only complies, but becomes a sort of “angry mob” hellbent on making you comply too. Because grandma. Or the children. Or climate change. Or the poor Jews. Or, or, or. And then also and, and, and.
Even if you live in a small community of like-minded individuals, unless you have the run of the little village you live in, eventually, big government will come to you too.
So. Like it or not, and believe me, I certainly do NOT like it, you and your friends need to get involved in local politics. You need to infiltrate the local city council. You need to put one of yours as the town mayor and the town sheriff or police commissioner, or whatever the equivalent is where you live. You need to get the whole village to be politically as under your control as possible. And you need to begin making such inroads as soon as you can. Make friends with the locals and then with the local officials. Sound them out for their ideologies in a very gentle, careful and measured manner. Get your friends to do the same.
Remember in part 3 when I said you should drop mind-seeds? And so should your friends? That is actually how you change the perception of people from a real grass-roots movement. If a normie gets the same sort of message in different ways from four different people in the course of a few days, they begin to view that message as the prevailing truth. And if that message gets reinforced periodically by other people over the next few weeks and months, then that normie will take a position either for or against it.
In order of importance, you should, as best you can, begin to ensure as many people as possible in your little town are aware of:
- The total unreliability of the mass media
- Best if you can demonstrate not just unreliability but active, evil, lying with intent.
- Discover who is still a pureblood in your area in gentle and non-confrontational fashion and remember that these people are more likely aware of the disinformation and lies they have been subjected to.
- Discover the process to get yourself or like-minded friends to begin working in and taking positions in the local political landscape. Try to place people in municipal offices, home owner associations and so on. This takes time, but begin to work towards it as soon as possible.
- Discover what people in your area are most concerned about and fan those flames with a view to improving conditions for them and yourself as well as to position yourself in a way that you can be elected for such policies.
- If you can’t influence politics directly, get into the local infrastructure, whether it is main employers, co-operatives, unions, academia, whatever has an interaction with the local town council, and begin to infiltrate it.
This absolutely needs to be planned and the core people planning it should meet face to face to discuss things without any electronic equipment in any kind of vicinity, preferably. Not because you’re doing anything illegal, but to avoid your intent being railroaded and infiltrated by the ever-listening enemy. And if you think you would not be listened to and acted against, think again. And you should absolutely be sure to have only the core, usually no more than a handful of people, know all the parts and intents. The outer layer should know in generic terms that you want to take over, say, the mayor’s office to improve condition X and Y, but they do not need to be aware of the deeper purposes of your planned take over.
You get the idea. Participate in town council meetings, show your face, be positive and helpful and friendly to all and in the meantime gather information and begin your planned take over.
Now for some warnings as to the entire process.
1. It’s all too hard, too long and too unlikely. I don’t even like politics!
Buckle up. No sane human being likes politics. it’ s the purview of liars, parasites and grifters. No one likes going in a sewer either, but if you want indoor plumbing, someone, somewhere, at some time, has to do it. Step up.
It is not too hard, and does not take nearly as long as you think. What it does take, is action. Relentless, gradual, patient, thought-out, flexible, resilient, and continuous action.
And above all, this requires the thing I said was absolutely fundamental in part 1. Your steel mind. Your invincible will. Because they are both rooted in love of God and your family and you know you are doing it for the truth, justice and beauty in life and the freedom of your children down the line.
Never, ever overestimate how “difficult” something will be. And if you are likely prone to do so (most people are) start anyway. Knowing nothing, and continuing on relentlessly regardless. Let your ignorance of the obstacles you will encounter be your strength, as it allows you to deal with them one at a time, as they pop up, thus avoiding the need to try and think about all of them at once and be overwhelmed by the seemingly impossible task.
Step, after step, after step. The biggest enemy is not reality, but rather your own mind. Your own weakness of spirit. Your own depression. Your own tiredness. Your own lack of belief and lack of courage. THAT is your enemy.
Life, the objective world around you is not the problem. But the scum-beings in your way? They WANT you to be afraid, scared, feeling helpless and unable to do anything. Have you seen how the Klus Schawbs of the world react to a normal person asking them a simple question face-to-face? They flee in panic. They are not just incapable, but they are terrified of dealing with any actual confrontation face to face.
You’re going to let the dweeb that should have been shoved in a locker in high-school tell you what you can eat, and when? What transgender ideology your children are to believe? And probably even what kind of sex, if any, or with whom, and of which biological sex you can or should have it with? Is that who you are? You’re going to let them put insects in your food, and genetic serums and other poisons in your tap water, force you to use their green-energy (that doesn’t work anyway), own nothing and be their chip-implanted, drug-addled and drug-diseased puppet because it’s too hard to infiltrate local politics?
Well, it’s up to you, of course.
2. But I don’t know where to even start!
That’s a lie. I told you. Read Parts 1 to 3 and this part 4 and you now know exactly what to do.
“Oh but I don’t know all the details…!”
Well, butter-cup… figure it the fuck out. You learn by doing, not sitting on your ass. So get it wrong a few times, or a hundred, but get at it. You didn’t wake up one day and suddenly knew how to walk. You fell over thousands of times before you learnt how to walk, and then run, and jump, and maybe even do Parkour. So get off your ass and start. And start by feeding your brain and body better food.
3. Yeah ok, it all makes sense, but I am single, broke and have no friends.
What part of get off your ass and start is hard to understand? Start at part 1. If you have accomplished very little in your life, it is undoubtedly because you need to fix up the issue discussed in Part 1. You might also be young and not started any kind of work yet, so begin. Even if you’re still in high school, find a way to make some money and save it. Apprentice, learn a trade, get your parents to help you finance your new skill, whether it’s wood-working (very useful) plumbing, electrical work, metal-work or whatever. Get some hands-on experience, especially if you’re young.
First get your head right, second, get some kind of work and make some kind of money and begin to acquire assets. If you are young and broke and the money you can save is very little, think in terms of “bug-out” scenario more than permanent city-state fortress in the mountains. You can still scout the closest area to you that might be suitable to invest in later. Decide which country might be best if the one you are in is not suited to your needs. Most places you can make work, and only a few are really something I would advise against.
The UK is possibly the worst in terms of mind-control and globohomo agenda and it does not even have many rural areas to speak of. And if there are some god-forsaken spots, it is mostly because they have absolutely terrible weather and bad prospects. Hence God-forsaken. And yet, even there, people are trying to find ways. And probably are. Places like Monaco or Luxembourg are also probably not ideal, but if you live there, chances are you already own property elsewhere or could do so easily.
North America is an absolute shit-show, be it the USA or Canada, but… they are vast places and you can probably find an out of the way rural village that you can visit first and try and gauge for the possibility of it becoming a suitable city-state in the eventual economic collapse that is surely coming at some point, the real zombie-apocalypse, or the unleashing of 87,000 IRS agents and FEMA paratroopers to take you to the camps. Or whatever. And at least in the USA you can buy pretty much whatever firearms you want, in plenty of gun shops around the country. Unless you are a criminal. In that case apparently you need to buy them out of the back of a boot in a shady alley from a guy called Tyrone or Vito. Or so the films tell me.
The point is, it is never too late or too early to begin the work of selecting what way you want your mind to work and where you want to live.
Those two things matter most. The making friends is a skill. And if you have no social skills because you were abused sexually as a child, beaten, kept in a cage until social services moved you to horrible foster care and so on, I feel for you. Sure, your starting point is rougher than most. But you still, just need to get up buddy. Life is a lot like a fight. The guy who keeps getting up, who keeps fighting, who doesn’t stop, it’s true, very occasionally he might die. But…at least he dies with honour, and in most cases, the most stubborn, unwilling to quit guy, eventually, wins. And most things in life are not as harsh as an actual real fight to the death, so just get up. Again, and again, and again, and again, and again, no matter how many times you fall down. And build on your successes, however tiny. And if you lose it all, just begin again. Relentless. Become with an invincible mind. It is the most absolutely vital component in all of this. In all of life, really.
Most people overestimate what they can do in a year and underestimate what they can do in three or five years. Begin. Work. Build up your resources and your skills and toughen your mind and learn to enjoy the process. It’s not possible to grit your teeth constantly without a break. The taught bow snaps. You need to learn to smile and have fun, even when your nose is broken and you are spilling blood everywhere with each punch you throw and you’re still getting hit, but you’re fighting back. Smiling, and even laughing through the blood spatter. Foster this attitude.
4. But I am not even a Pureblood! I took the serum!
I’m sorry for you. Really I am, but it’s done now, carry on, try to do your best. Research what you can do to improve your chances, and if you are going to reproduce, my advice would be to do so with someone else that is also vaxxed but seems healthy. I say that, because there are a percentage of people that will survive regardless of the injected poison. Some of you may even mutate into new kinds of humanoids that can exist with this stuff in your bloodstream. It might not be ideal, but life always finds a way. If you have not read the book (not the film, the book) Jurassic Park, by Michael Crichton, then do so. It will, if nothing else, provide you with a very real glimmer of hope, if you realise you’re basically the dinosaurs.
Even mutated you can be useful. You might find the way to heal any of the vaxx intended damage, or help others avoid it. I can’t be sure what your path looks like because it is very different from the one I chose, and am advocating for, but I know you can still be on the side of truth, justice and beauty even if you were fooled by the evil scum that convinced you that taking the genetic serum was good for you.
5. It’s all just too depressing, I can’t go on.
Seriously, if this is your attitude, then I can guarantee you are not a believer in the Christian God, and certainly not in the real Christian God, which is the Catholic one. You’re primarily an agnostic-atheist type and ultimately a materialist. Alright then, listen up, because in my most depressed time of being an atheist, as a teenager, I came up with a very simple solution. If you do not believe in an after-life, fine. Don’t worry about it. No one gets out alive, so your time will come. Now stop being a pussy and carry on. At least work against the forces of evil. What else you got going anyway? Life is horrible, total shit, and then you die, right? Fine. Then make it count, and stop being a faggot.
6. I don’t have enough money to…
No one does. Especially if you didn’t sell your soul for fame and fortune. But consider this:
- A few hundred years ago people built their own homes. They didn’t have power tools.
- You really don’t need a lot of fancy stuff. Even if you put convenience first, as long as you don’t care about status, you certainly can get by with relatively inexpensive tools and equipment.
- Where there is a will there is a way is not just a cliché for no reason. Do try to keep it legal though. Or at the very least Just.
- Changing your initial expectations is usually a good idea. Sure, it would be nice to have a 20 room villa on a 100 hectares of good land. But you might actually enjoy a 5 room home on a couple of hectares of forested land in the right place more. Alternatively, it might be better to buy a smaller but decent piece of land in a good location with the right to build on it what you want, and do so now, rather than try and save and wait for a better property with a house on it that might never come, because the financial collapse wipes out the digital money you have in the bank before you can convert it to a property.
7. Ok, ok, but I really, really, really, hate politics, and I don’t have the time and…
Listen buddy, whoever you are, I am almost certain you don’t hate politics even half as much as I do. And you probably are not past the half-century mark with 5 children all under 12. So, if I can contemplate local politics, so can you. In fact, you should become my loyal serf, move close to me and begin the process of becoming mayor in my stead, because frankly, it’s almost certain you have more time on your hands than I do. Stop being under the delusion that someone else will fix things for you. No one will. You gotta fix them yourself. You. You gotta become the mayor. The Chief of Police. The tenured professor at the local university. And if you can’t then you need to become the assistant to the mayor, so you can eventually manoeuvre your friend Bob into the mayor spot. And so on.
They took over by infiltration, blackmail and patient subterfuge. We just need a little patience and some subterfuge. We don’t even need the blackmail and the backhanders. Probably.
Because we’re better, faster, smarter and precisely because we are sane.
We don’t want their job.
But they are forcing us to take it. So take it and make it good. Win.
Because like it or not, whether today or ten years from now, we are in a fight. And if you try to sleep-walk your way through it, you will fail. More importantly, your children and their children will have horrific lives. And in a fight, unlike the bullshit they tell you, “taking part” is not the important thing. Winning is.
And I have absolutely no intention of letting the globalist scum win.
And I hope you see it the same way. So go out there and win.
8. Ok, so now I am mayor, now what? my power is severely limited…
Really? You got this far and this is your thought process? I sure hope not, but just in case (and maybe you’re just already mayor and have a sudden bolt of lightning strike you and it made you one of the good guys. Ok then…): Organise.
Get the important movers and shakers involved. See what the possibilities of your little community becoming totally independent from the state are. LOGISTICALLY first of all. Worry about the politics later.
Foster independence. Promote individual businesses and works. Give the little guy as many breaks as possible. Fine, tax, or get some other help from the lefty crowd and big business as you can, by whatever means works. Do whatever you can to promote homogenous ideology and ethnicity. Get as much money from the main government as possible and then direct it to building infrastructure with people at its head that promotes its independence from the state down the line. They want green power right? So get a fat hand-out for it and see what you can do about making your little town as energy independent as possible
Including by funding alternate technologies (which exist) but will probably get you killed if you try to bring them to a global audience. Nevertheless, if you have individual inventors find a way to produce a bit of power that just isn’t mainstream and you can put a nice windmill nearby or a solar panel next to it. Hey, it can’t be helped if your wind and solar work just a whole lot better than everyone else’s. You local electrician is just that good.
Think big and act small and gradually. This is the way to get where you want to eventually be.
Organise a local militia. Whether this is possible in your country, like in the USA, or whether you need to go about it slightly differently, like say, organising a gun-range day for the locals, or whatever, find a way to begin to organise the citizens in their preferred ways and in ways that promote their skills and talents, all with a view to becoming an independent, low taxes, high benefits, locals supporting, little town.
9. Spread your wings.
Become friendly with the commander of the nearest military base and police stations. Visit them often and gauge where you are with the leaders there. Coups happen and we are entering a time when the only certainty is that uncertainty looms. Economic collapse, energetic collapse, political collapse, balkanisation, civil war, international war, all these things are on the bingo card on some level or other, so be prepared, make allies as best you can and fortify your positions, mentally, spiritually, socially and physically. Remember, your objective here is to win. For your family, your children and your friends and loved ones and also for total strangers that are on your side and on the side of God, Truth, Justice and Beauty.
10. Above all: Enjoy the ride.
We all have to do things we don’t enjoy in life. As the Russians say: It’s best to do these things well and joyfully, happily. Because if not, you still have to do them, and you’ll also be in a bad mood while you do them.
I truly hope this four part series has been helpful. And that in due course, I will hear, see and meet those of you who have used this advice and gone on to build places and communities that can not only survive the globohomo assault on all of us, but in due course, push back and remake the world into one that is free entirely of these satanic, pedophile, parasites.
And remember: Deus Vult means God wills it/God wants it.
It can apply to your actions specifically (if you’re arrogant enough to believe you know what God wants precisely and is using you specifically to get it done).
But, more likely in my opinion, is that, even if you do not know the specifics of how, why, when, or where, your deep intent to do good, to struggle against evil in every way possible, to create and build a better community, one person at a time and a really honest, honourable, society, free of the vile parasites which have infested our civic life from birth, I truly believe, the more you put yourself to this task, the more God does, indeed will it and want it. So:
Deus Vult, Brothers! CHARGE!
In case you had any doubts still… Why Graphene.
As anyone who is not functionally brain dead by now knows, the genetic serums passed off as “vaccines” by the depopulationists contained graphene. And once you see what can be done with graphene, it was sort of obvious to me that at least in part, this was a way to get millions of test cases on which to experiment with all sorts of control technology. Technology that can hack your brain, and your DNA (this was published in March 2019).
In fact I variously referred to the people who injected themselves with the serum as being equivalent to the human shields in the old PC game called Syndicate. In Syndicate, where you controlled up to four Cyborgs, you could eventually develop technology that produces a kind of mind-control tool that “zaps” normal citizens to follow your cyborg around, a useful thing to have, because the enemy cyborgs would now have to mow down layers of human shields before their mini-gun bullets hit your cyborg.
In my own RPG Game, Surviving the Current Zombie Apocalypse, one of the Mutant abilities those who took the serums can have is described as follows:
5G Connectivity – The mutant does not need a smartphone to receive news, entertainment and games. It’s beamed directly into his head. His level of control over this is to be referee determined. Drone Mutation – At certain times the mutant gets directed by a drone operator. The mutant will have no memory of what he did or for how long this took place unless he happens to have noted the time shortly before activation and checks it again after he is released from duty.
Now, don’t get me wrong, I don’t believe they are there yet in terms of detailed mass control down to individuals thanks to the genetic serums. I think they are still working on that, but controlling crowds by directed microwaves is certainly already here and has been for decades. See Operation Crimson Mist in Rwanda. Oh, and by the way, the guy who wrote that was killed off. He had also exposed the utter bullshit story concerning who the perpetrator of the Port Alfred Massacre was. Bryant was a mentally handicapped guy framed for it, who was supposed to die in a fire. Instead he survived the fire. He “confessed” after being strapped to a chair and being “interrogated” for 3 days with 3rd degree burns.
The stuff Joe Vialls wrote about I was familiar with myself from other avenues, so none of this is news to me. I have mostly been aware of all these technologies since the early to mid 1990s. This graphene latest round is the next step in the Satanic Pedophile Club’s wish to control the world at all cost, and more importantly, make every single human in it a literal slave to them.
Does it sound insane? Sure. Is it? Sure, it is. They are in fact insane, which from the Latin, mean the opposite of healthy. They are a bunch of evil, corrupt, moral degenerate pedophiles, so, sure, they are far from well-balanced.
Oh, wait… you mean the ideas presented above, along with all the facts that back them up if you can still do any logic or objective thinking? You mean people like me and Joe Vialls sound insane? Yeah… well, see, after more than 30 years being right every single fucking time when I come up with the latest “conspiracy theory”, which the rest of the world then quietly assumes as fact approximately 20-25 years later, I really don’t care what anyone stupid thinks. I really don’t. I never really have, but I used to think maybe a few could be saved. The last 3 years have mostly disabused me of that notion. You go right ahead and take your booster shots. Take all the ones that they had set aside for me too. You can never be too safe.
The reality is that I am right about Mars. I am right about the antigravity machines, and I am right about the evil pedophiles that run most of the planet. I also happen to be right about Catholicism, about martial arts and a bunch of other stuff. But I am not telling you this to be glorified as some genius, smartboi(tm). Nope, believe it or not, you (more than likely) half-wit, I am telling you because some hopelessly hopeful spark within me, keeps thinking that maybe, just maybe, one of you stupid monkeys might just not inject your own child with some genetic serum and maybe that kid will grow up and find a way to be free. Free of all the human stupidity and human cowardice and weakness that surrounds us.
Most reading this will shrug and do nothing and change nothing. Some will say I sound “angry” or “bitter”. Neither is true. At most I am slightly saddened at having to be on this planet with so many idiots. I mean, there are so many cool things I could be doing with just a small-ish antigravity ship and a few gauss rifles. So much space to explore. So many alien things to observe and study. And even here on this planet, if we were not constantly hamstrung by a small tribe of psychotic child-rapists, we could make this place so cool to live on.
And even if it were wild and brutal, but natural, still, that would be light-years ahead of where we are now. I genuinely would prefer to live on a planet like the Xenozoic Era comic books, where humanity is holding on by the skin of their teeth and dinosaurs and all sorts of deadly things hide in the jungles all around us.
Do you still doubt that they are out to get you? To destroy the very concept of family, which they already largely have? To destroy you and your loved ones specifically and particularly. That voting isn’t going to fix any of it? Do you really doubt these things? Or are you just to scared to face them?
And the usual refrain: Oh, but what can I do? I am just one person.
Listen up.
Nothing, in the entire history of humanity, was ever fixed, improved or made better by a committee. It always, always, always, all, changes because of one guy. Just one. He may lead others, he may get help, others may even propel him forward, but it always starts with just one guy.
I know I am doing precisely that. I am literally doing everything I do, from when I wake to when I fall asleep to try and ensure, in every way possible, that my children grow up knowing the basic utterly fundamental true things about life.
Objective reality exists.
Consequences for everything you do and don’t do exist.
God is love and God exists.
Life is hard and you can and will fail. Many times. Just get up again.
Never, ever, ever, compromise yourself or sell out your principles. You don’t need to let them know what they are. You can let them think you have. You can lie to liars and cheat cheaters, but keep your own code yours; and true.
Learn to navigate in this world of lies and shit. You can’t always stay clean, but stay you. Always.
Family, the one YOU create, not necessarily the one you were born in, is the most important thing. Wether you’re a man or a woman, pick a wife or a husband that is willing to die for your children.
And pick a wife or a husband that will be baptised proper Catholic if they are not already, and will die before even thinking about divorce.
Be a good father or mother and a good husband or wife.
Save your asshole parts for the rest of the world. At home, be good.
Don’t ever give your power, loyalty, or trust to another human being that does not deserve it. Know that none really deserve it. And give it sometimes anyway, but choose. You choose. Not them, to whom and when and why. And know the answer to those things: The whom, the when, and the why.
Honour matters. Even if they will all tell you and prove to you it doesn’t matter to them. Your word matters. Even if they prove to you a million times over theirs doesn’t. Learn to navigate them and their lies and dishonour, but keep your own honour and your own word. Not for them. For you.
Love like a fool and hate like a madman, but be no fool and no madman.
And in the heat and the alarm, my son, smile at death and danger in its teeth, and know God and know your father, dead or alive, near or far, will always be with you. You are never alone.
And in the heat and the alarm, my daughter, do not fear, for God is with you, and know your father is with you, dead or alive, near or far, I will always be with you. You are never alone. So stay calm, see opportunity and seize it in whatever way you can, no guilt, no doubt, no mercy, no fear, no hesitation, and escape and survive. And when one day, finally, you too, come to an end; then don’t worry, you’ll only be coming home. And I’ll be there when you do.
Do you teach your children? Do you know you would die for them in cold blood in a horrible way if need be? Do you know you’ll do whatever needs doing to see them grow free of the parasites hounding us and that have hounded us since we were born? Do you know you should and will and must have children and change this world? If your answer to any of these is no, or I am not sure, then, you, do not know God.
Not at all.
And what’s worse, you also don’t even know yourself.
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By G | 16 March 2023 | Posted in Believe, Catholicism, Face on Mars, Freemasons, Increasing Happiness, Martial Arts, Reclaiming the Catholic Church, Relationships, Relationships, Sedeprivationism, Social Commentary, Systema, Zombie Apocalypse