Posts Tagged ‘wait but why’

The Kurganing of Tim Urban

Western civilisation destroying vermin must be outed, and on my recent short post where I mentioned my disgust at/of Tim Urban of the blog Wait but Why, I received the following comments on SG:

Thanks for posting and pointing out the evil. Used to follow this guy a couple of years ago when I was more naive. Without this post I would have still believed him to be a normal.

This was from extraoliveoil, who is so awesome he has literally made all my videos into podcasts for ease of listening, which you can find here.

While another denizen of SG said:

Reading your short blog, expecting it to be some expertly brutal kurganesque dramatisation; then skimmed through the linked blog post — it’s all false, lies, disgusting, misleading, gross, and lying. The disgust expressed in your own blog post is actually uncharacteristically mild, compared to the filthy OP.

It is a harsh, but fair, rebuke. I let small things like family time, work, trying to single-handedly build a small channel to save the road from the next flood on my property, clearing the forest for the truffle areas, getting the grass cut before we are overtaken by the vegetation, fixing the new cupboards to the wall and so on, from appropriately taking another heretic’s head. Mea Culpa. Mea Maxima Culpa.

Furthermore, my recent post on the importance of proper reason and its use in human affairs, laid the groundwork for a proper look at Tim Urban using those very same catholic principles of discernment.

Forthwith, let the vermin that is Tim Urban, be exposed for the Western Civilisation destroyer and deceiver that he is. This is his disgusting blog post on “parenthood” that I will now dissect, point for point, for your entertainment. Tim’s vileness in vomit-colour green, mine in normal text.

1. A newborn is not a baby

He even has a disgusting graphic:

The intent here is clear. Sticking to his religion of birth, I assume, which is Judaism, he is trying to run with that professed tenet of Judaism: baby murder, and going along too with the idea of Australian professor Peter Singer that babies can be murdered even some time after birth.

It is really quite clear that this is the intent, even if thinly masquerading as “humour”. Yeah, this is supposed to be “funny”. When written from a supposed father about his own first-born baby daughter. Right. Yeah. I don’t know a single man who has had a daughter (or son for that matter) born to him that would even come up with such abject and disgusting nonsense. The only emotion that a normal father has towards any of his children is that he would happily axe murder 10,000 Tim Urbans before letting any kind of harm come to his newborn baby.

Hey, Tim, don’t worry; it’s just some humour. Of the funny kind, you know, the one you know nothing about.

2) It is insane that there’s not some required training for new-parents-to-be

Well, it’s not so much training that is required, but some people might agree that some kind of licensing is required. Mostly so that people like you, Tim, are not allowed to reproduce.

That aside, the point here, which most would miss, is that Tim is advocating for even more regulation in people’s lives. Right down to having to go through some government approved course with an exam in order to pass and be allowed to be a parent. No doubt, when one of the requirements on the test is something like answering the question: “Do you agree that all vaccines (genetic serums) are good and should be given to your child?” makes its way on the test it will only be a “natural progression”. For your own good, according to Tim.

3) Babies have giant heads

He walks this one back trying to be funny. It’s a non point. Fluff to camouflage the rest of his disgusting attempts to influence the zeitgeist.

4) Babies are incredibly overdramatic

This is another somewhat subtle but really disgusting point. He essentially is advocating for the ignoring of a baby’s discomfort. Babies only cry for a reason. They are either in pain, hungry or otherwise uncomfortable. Whether from colics or something irritating or hurting them in their clothing, or them being hungry or requiring a cuddle, necessary human contact that provides them with neurological changes required for healthy humans. On top of which Tim outright lies and pretends that the old canard about babies not being able to see or be conscious or normal (which he made in point 1 above) is true. When it is an absolute lie, and this point is supposed to subtly reinforce that, while also adding the lie that babies have no positive emotions. All babies do, and my children all could see and even smile from day one. And no, it’s not “wind” it’s a smile. And anyone that can’t tell the difference is either a retard that should never be allowed to reproduce, or intentionally evil and trying to relegate babies to some sub-class of living beings that is somehow not human. Either way, such people really should not reproduce.

5) The parent-newborn relationship is super one-sided

Here Tim exhibits that narcissist streak his people are very famous for. It’s all about him and his needs. The idea that it is perfectly normal that you should be willing to die for your children without so much as a “by your leave”, much less a thank you, is absolutely foreign to him.

6) Babies shit all over your schedule

More of the same. The idea that your baby may be more important than lazying around with a mocha-latte from SatanBucks NOT writing your book that took you 2 years for some reason, because the lazying around was easier, is simply foreign to narcissist Tim.

7) It’s mathematically impossible to know if your baby is cute or not

Here Tim (always under the guise of really unfunny “humour”) is trying to imply that some superficial attribute of “beauty” can be assigned to a baby that will only develop features you can begin to note as being in the finished state a year or more after birth. Because that matters. Somehow. Possibly to Hollywood influenced and influencing members of a tribe of superficial caricatures of humans, but certainly not to any actual functioning human being looking at a newborn baby.

I’m guessing that the phrase “the miracle of life”, as far as Tim is concerned, only applies to himself.

8) I’m a motor skills virtuoso

Once again, Tim reveals how everything in his head is all about him all the time, incessantly. Not just that, but he is totally uninterested and oblivious to the rather fascinating concept of how a baby forms mind-maps of its own body and how it literally increases proprioception right in front of you. If you have read my book on Systema, you will also understand why babies can pretty much grab anything out of your hands, and/or smack your face, insert a finger directly in your eyeball and so on before you have a chance to react at all. Because they do not transmit information in their movement as they are at first absent of any intention. And the micro-cues that would let you unconsciously anticipate such intentions are absent given their unexpected and only semi-intentional movements. Observing this in real time is actually really interesting. But then, you’d have to actually care about your child. And that would mean having space in his head, heart and soul for someone other than himself; clearly an unthinkable proposition for him.

9) You don’t go from a non-parent to a parent overnight

Here Tim continues to promote the general zeitgeist that making children is a huge deal, that it’s difficult, that you’ll never be ready, that the learning curve is huge and forever and impossible to get right. Let’s see… is that geared to promoting having children or not? What do you think?

Sure, one never stops learning being a parent, but so fucking what? One never stops learning how to paint, or draw, or do martial arts, or skeet shooting for that matter. Should it stop you from having children? No. Because guess what, all the billions of people that were born and then went on to make children all had the same challenges in various degrees, and yet, here they all are. That’s life. Get over it, and make babies. Unless you’re Tim. Then please stop. Don’t do it again. No, seriously.

10) Having a baby really makes you think about the future

Incredibly, here Tim advocates for full-blown transhumanism, literally stating:

My baby might live a life a lot like mine, just a little more futuristic. Or she might live to 500. She might live most of her life with a brain-machine interface implanted in her head, thinking with her own superintelligent AI.

As if that is somehow a cool option for the future, instead of the dystopia, horror-show the Klaus Schwabs and they (literally) homosexual freaks like Yuval Harari, fantasise about for us. Really in this last point, his agenda is somewhat shown. As is the little known fact that Tim was contacted by Elon Musk a while back, because supposedly he’s an “influencer”. Which is why, this ticket-taker does what he does. Whether he got paid in money and power or not is irrelevant, he’s a ticket taker anyway, by sheer adherence to the baby-murdering transhumanism we have evidenced here and the fact that he is indeed, boosted as an “influencer”.

In Conclusion

Do not listen to, do not be influenced by, and see through the thin veneer of “humour” this transhumanist would-be abortionists tries to hide behind. When looked at in the correct, objective, view of reality, his nonsense is not just absurdist nonsense, it is identifiably evil. Which, of course, he would deny strenuously while pretending to just be a mere victim of my cruel Catholicism that has “hated” his people for almost two thousand years.

Hated, no. Seen for what they are, absolutely, yes.

Tim of Wait but Why disgusts me

I was over reading this guy a while ago, but had forgotten to unsubscribe until today.

He posted this vile thing, about his own baby.

I’m not going to comment on it at length right now, and yes, yes, I am aware it’s supposed to be “funny”. Well, I don’t find it funny at all. I certainly do find it abhorrent and disgusting and think only some sub-species of subhuman could write such stuff (and I am fairly sure he actually believes most of the crap he writes) about their own baby daughter.

Notice the whole “babies are foetuses even after birth” thing, and thus, by implication, subject to murder, which I have no doubt this guy “supports” as a “right” of women everywhere.

There are a bunch of absolute sociopathic points throughout, which I think highlight the zeitgeist of people like Tim.

And personally, I don’t think people like Tim should ever reproduce.

It’s not even funny. It’s that same sort of “funny” that actually really doesn’t work without a laugh track to convince you it’s funny instead of sociopathic. So screw Tim.

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