Posts Tagged ‘the kurgan’

And Now, Back to my Current Obsession!

So I watched this whole black and white documentary on training G.I.s for using the Colt 1911 in WW2. Here is a clip of it.

It really is quite good.

Modern gun guys will probably make fun of it, or say it’s bad in many respects, but the reality is most of those guys have no clue about training people in anything, much less firearm use where you get to have each guy get a chance to shoot a grand total of about two magazines’ worth of ammo, that is, less than 20 rounds each. When many of the guys never fired a handgun before.

The point shooting advice of keeping the gun in line with the locked arm and using the shoulder to point the whole arm at the target is an effective way of getting a brand new gun virgin to have some chance of actually hitting what he’s going for.

If you notice the tracer rounds used, most of the guys are really doing quite well shooting out to 50, 25 and 15 yards. In fact I would say most of them do better than your average guy you see at the range who is not a regular but rather an occasional shooter.

The full video is here and I have to say I even got into the VoiceOver and generic attitude of the video. It’s quite entertaining really.

Paranoia Edition

Here is one scenario no one thought about (and I don’t think it’s all that likely at all, but it’s good to keep options open when things are uncertain).

Remember how some said Putin too was just part of the whole Satanic control both teams to always win the game?

Well… what if, the whole Israel thing is a distraction to get Ukraine to kind of lose and disappear as an actual country, and then Israel is to be attacked by almost the entire Muslim world, just so Israeli Jews can go: “We need help, we’ll go to Ukraine!” And Putin, being all anti-Nazi, as he has been, can hardly refuse to let the poor, new holocaust victims settle in now totally de-nazified Ukraine. And all of a sudden the Jews now have their Greater Israel, just as they sort of told us they wanted. And access to the entire “financial aid” of the West, who will be compelled to finance the poor, starving, war refugees with their small hats. And Russia too will finance them, because hey, poor Jews. And besides, those evil Muslims destroyed Israel, so we can now continue the endless war against them, gotta keep those war profiteering things and dead white boys going somehow.

Hey, don’t panic. I’m just saying.

The illiterate “Operator”

Few activities generate as many cretins with “tough man” bullshit syndrome as:

  • Martial Arts
  • Pick-Up-Artists
  • Guns (by people who have never actually been in a gunfight, nor worked with a gun especially, but not limited to them.)

On my piece on the Colt 1911 allow me to introduce you to the illiterate retard, Thomas Ramsey of [email protected] those of you who agree with him, feel free to write to him and join a mutual admiration society. Those who do not agree with him, you may be entertained by the Kurganing about to take place below his now immortalised comments.

Using the same kind of analysis we had on my post of the fed-commenter on the video about Bombard’s body language reading, we will now dissect this living specimens of Professor Cipolla’s undying truth about the human condition.

Thomas never learnt to read for comprehension. This is clear. Thomas is probably one of those people that can’t form abstract thoughts nor imagine what he would feel like if he had not had breakfast this morning. Google that sort of thing, you will find some fun facts about IQ and how people think. Especially if you look at 4 Chan sites.

Was it hard to understand what I wrote Thomas? Did it hurt your brain and make you drool extra or bite your tongue as you scrolled your finger painfully on the screen to keep your place?

First of all, let us some hard data that incontrovertibly makes it clear that the most important aspect of an actual gunfight is… drum roll… shot placement!

Which also, incidentally, shows that basically people who shoot 9mm DO in fact spray and pray, and as a result miss more than people who use a revolver in .44 magnum or .357 magnum, who get far more consistent results of one shot stops.

So, there is that. Secondly, Thomas there, Tommy, I’m gonna call you Tommy, since you have the brain of a small, excitable child, who thinks Hollywood is reality. Thomas also thinks that if you are capable of doing double taps with a pretty near-certainty of death for the assailants at the usual handgun ranges at which firefights happen, even if there were more than three assailants, the remaining ones would just stand about and carry on returning fire.

Especially since in 99.99% of cases, as I explained in the original post I would have got the drop on them, since I was “part of the scenery” and not in any way obviously with the client team. He also assumes that Hollywood shootouts in the style of Heat (the film) are how things work out in the real world. It’s not.

The reasoning I had was very simple. With my 6 shot revolver in .357 magnum, the most likely scenario would be the first shot would immediately drop one guy, then depending on number of people, the next four shots would likely drop two more at least, which left me one shot as I then looked for cover. Total time to shoot those five shots would be about 2 seconds at most, or there about, even if the targets were pretty spaced out. That’s enough to pretty much dominate the environment of a gunfight. Especially since the first guy dropping was pretty much guaranteed as I would have surprise.

But, all that aside, and going back to the original post, I thought it was fairly obvious even to lost tribes in the Amazon, that the point of the post was not that the 1851 Navy is THE “operator” weapon of choice, or that the Colt 1911 is, but merely that I liked them.

What part of this sentence hurt you and made you shied away from it in fear Thomas?

Coming from a family of hunters and familiar with pretty much all aspects of shooting, meant that in general I would subjugate my personal preferences to functionality.

Aside from the fact you obviously did not understand my role, the situation, the parameters, or the work I used to do, despite my detailing it quite clearly, you obviously also missed the fact that I specifically stated that my personal preference in a context where I expect actual trouble are irrelevant. Meaning quite clearly I would use whatever tool was deemed best for the job. People who read English at a basic level understood this. You did not. That tells us quite a bit bout you Thomas. And your inadequacies. And possibly your genetic make-up as far as IQ goes.

Thomas then goes on to show that once more, he did not understand at all, anything I wrote. The scenario of “high as a kite” was not ever really a factor. We worked for extremely wealthy individuals, the shadiest of whom had rivals of an equally wealthy, or close to it, lifestyle. The attempts we did have were from well-organised criminals with a plan, although, ultimately not as organised as we were when I was in the team, since the only time one of our clients got hit (no bodies, just common robbery of a lot of cash) was the one time I was not on the team and they went and did their own thing under-staffed. The other times, guess who warned everyone of an impending attack? Yup. Me. And frankly, a high-on-drugs thing was not really much of an occurrence anywhere in South Africa in the mid 1990s. If it had been, he would have simply got Swiss-cheesed by the combined firepower of everything from our team to most bystanders since the incidence of armed citizens stopping armed criminals in SA was one of the highest in the world.

But all that aside, yes a Central Nervous System hit under duress is precisely what I trained for. And yes, I have had occasion to react under high stress situations enough times to know that in such cases, my movement only becomes absolutely more accurate than even when I am NOT under stress. Nor can I put that down to training alone, although training helps. I just seem to have been wired that way from birth. And I really don’t care what you believe Thomas. Because you are a nobody, with no real world experience nor any inkling of my actual life or abilities or realities I lived through. You’re a plastic cut-out of a loudmouth idiot who is (as usual) blathering on about things he has zero practical experience or knowledge of, and tries to pass off his YouTube/Hollywood/James Patterson fiction as though it were real life experience. It isn’t Thomas. It’s just you bullshitting yourself first and foremost, and then trying to gaslight everyone around you too, into thinking you know something about anything. You don’t. You’re too stupid to read a few paragraphs and comprehend them, so what are the chances you actually know anything about real world gunfights?

And goys, goys, remember! Seals don’t go around carrying 1911s! Yeah man, because Thomas here is JUST like an OPERATOR MAN. Like in the war! That’s how he lives in the mean streets man!

And of course, Navy Seals DID use Colt 1911s up until 1986, when the US Military mostly switched to the 9mm Beretta.

Not that that is any kind of point. The reality is that at least until the Zombie Apocalypse, Thomas is about as likely to use, or need to use his firearm, as an Eskimo is to use a ballista. But you can bet your last doughnut that Thomas will tell you all about how the latest ballista is far superior to the one used by the Romans, because OPERATOR REASONS.

And his fluid pressure drop comment… Where do I begin? No Thomas. There are PLENTY of faster ways for a person to be incapacitated a lot faster than bleeding out. Massive trauma to pretty much any part of your body tends to shut down main systems. A broken neck or spine will immediately make you into a rag doll or at least a partial rag doll that falls to the ground. And again, the resulting shock from that is enough to get most people out of the fight long enough you can pepper them with more shots at will even if it was “just” their legs they can’t use anymore. A shot to the face, even one that doesn’t immediately kill you, from a .357 magnum with Cor-Bons or hydro-shock, which is what I carried, is also not going to let you just carry on firing away with abandon while retaining your composure. You’d be lucky to survive it, but you can bet you’d be thinking about God, your mommy and possibly emptying your bladder as you prayed while trying to keep your eyeball/teeth/brain, from leaking out your new and improved ear-hole. Assuming you’d even be conscious, of course.

Do you see how tiring these retards are?

They can’t read.

They can’t understand basic concepts.

They watch some tiktok video and think they now have the combined expertise on firearms of a seasoned special ops soldier, and a master gunsmith.

And then they open their stupid mouths and spread their idiocy into the world.

To what end? None. None that is useful or good anyway, because their only aim is to feel IMPORTANT. Precisely in direct proportion to their absolute worthlessness as a human being.

Which explains why they are so loud and insistent.

On the Role of Women

As mentioned en passant on a previous post on the infiltrators, a lot of so-called “red-pilled” or MRA (Men’s Rights Activists), or PUA or MGTOW (Men Going Their Own Way [incels for short]), or general inches and embittered “men”, make the mistake of assuming I am “one of them” or at least “nominally” on their side.

And ALL the embittered, acidic feminists, as well as the generally brainwashed females of planet Earth assume I am just a misogynist, EEEEBIL (yes with a B, because they are retards after all) woman-hater, patriarchal, oppressor of women everywhere.

And of course, before we delve into this topic at all, let us say a prayer of thanks to the Saintly Professor Cipolla and his first Law of Human Stupidity:

1. Always and inevitably, each of us underestimates the number of stupid individuals in the world

That there are stupid people in the world is well known. But Cipolla was convinced that we underestimated their number and influence in our lives and in society. He stated that “any numerical estimate would prove to be an underestimate”.

It’s enough thinking, for example, of those people we classified as intelligent but who suddenly begin to behave in a foolish and obtuse manner. Or it’s enough going out to the street to see how many people insist on hindering us, for no apparent reason other than stupidity.

Ave professor, Ave.

Armed with his fundamental concept, let us then proceed to discuss in a little more detail my actual take on women.

Very simply put, it is simply Catholic. As we give respect and reverence to Holy Mary, mother of our Lord and Saviour, without any shame or discomfort as experienced by Protestants, who seem to think to do so is somehow “worship” or “unmanly”, so Mary reflects the natural positive aspects of womanhood in general.

The demonic secularisation of Christianity, also known primarily as Protestantism, has caused incalculable damage to humanity over the last 500 years, culminating (and not yet at the apex) in today’s absolutely insane ideology of madness, where even something as absolutely obvious as the sex of a man or woman is “questioned” by the freaks trying to groom children into their disgusting sexual deviancy.

Since time immemorial, however, every sane and normal human being, yes, even the stupid ones, was perfectly aware that men and women are different on every level. Not just physiologically, but also and inevitably psychologically, because after all, form does follow function and mentality follows both form and function. Their different bodies mean also different ways of being, thinking and experiencing reality. The physical structures of a woman’s brain are also physically different from those of a man, and obviously, this too influences their thinking process.

In broad terms (and it bores me to death to have to explain BASIC statistics to retards, so do catch up if you don’t understand what that three word sentence means) we can say that women:

  • Are less Logical
  • Are more prone to being emotional
  • Respond more to Rhetoric than Dialectic
  • Have shifting hormonal patterns that greatly influence their moods
  • Are more nurturing and less combative
  • Tend to nag and complain instead of resolving issues (because it irritates the men into doing whatever it is… eventually)
  • Tend to want to be “listened to” more than “fixing” the issue
  • Are more verbal than men
  • Are absolutely more solipsistic than men
  • Have a completely different concept of things like Honour, Courage, Friendship, Loyalty, and so on than men do

These are simply observable facts. It really doesn’t matter if you agree or not, if you like it or not, if you understand it or not. the Universe, (and me) really don’t care if you can’t grasp the basic reality placed in front of your nose.

But does the above mean I see women as “useless” or less worthy of men, or that they are somehow inferior?

The ultimate answer is simply: No.

Are women less able than men? Sure, in a BUNCH of things. Pretty much anything requiring physical strength, iron-clad logic (especially under duress) or non-solipsistic abstract thought, they are at a massive disadvantage.


And it’s an important but, a feminine woman makes life worth living for a man. Her loving tenderness, her animalistic instinct (acted on in the positive) will produce a sensation of care, love and attention to detail that a man simply would not even think of, but is absolutely able to appreciate and enjoy. The devotion of a woman in love with a man can be insane to the point of self-immolation in a way that goes beyond the rational and conscious self-sacrifice that a man may (and should for the right woman) have towards his woman. They are able to suffer day-to-day grinds that are as detrimental to a man as attempting to be a coal miner would be to a woman. A perfect example I recall that explain this is the one of a Southern Belle recounting the time her husband went to do a shopping trip in a supermarket for the first time. And consider these two had been married a long time and have grandchildren. She said when her husband came home with the shopping, he dropped the bags off then immediately went to his wife and thanked her profusely and hugged and her and told her how much he appreciates and loves her for doing all the shopping for all the years they were together. I laughed when she told the story, and she was of good humour telling it. And it absolutely represents the natural instincts of a man and a woman. A woman actually (probably? Almost?) enjoys going shopping. Especially if not rushed and able to buy what she wants without worrying too much about budgeting (but, conversely, they are also good at budgeting if they are provided parameters). While a man is just as likely to prefer being in a trench in a bloody war than traipse at funeral speed through endless shelves of despair and soul-crushing routine.

Her caring and listening to every little issue her little children tell her about is a necessary and important part of their feeling loved and cared for. Of course, a father too should never ignore his children, but let’s say that my enthusiasm for their showing me their scribbles “art” wanes somewhat at the 14th example. On the other hand, when it will be time to teach them to drive, or handle a firearm, or discuss the Illiad, or the principles of astronomy, or how a star works, and so on, they will find it difficult to have a more enthusiastic teacher than their father. And this balance, this being present in both the day-to-day minutiae, as well as the life-defining aspects, balanced between both father and mother is pivotal in having healthy childhood. It is indispensable. And yes, it is true that statistically, single mothers turn out far worse prospects for their children than single fathers, because an objective understanding of the Universe is gained primarily from the father, and not having a good grasp of that invariably leads you to bad choices in life. But the absence of motherly love can also result in an austere, somewhat desertic, self-evaluation that is not healthy, especially if that man or woman in turn goes on to become a parent.

Just like I do not think less of a man that has no warrior instinct, because he has the soul of a painter, of maybe of a farmer, I do not think less of women for their different skills and abilities. I cannot give birth to a child, nor would I ever want to, and I am infinitely grateful that women can and do this.

In short, when it comes to dealing with the world, it is just, proper and normal that the man leads in this. And leads absolutely in extreme situations. The reason is obvious: A man (if he is worthy of the name) is more objective, is more logical, is instinctively designed to put his family first and himself last in situations of extreme danger or even death. And in general, being non-solipsistic is better able to plan ahead and for the future of his family, children and wife, without being as easily swayed by temporary set-backs, difficulty or hardship.

And it is also just and proper that, generally speaking, if a woman wants a specific set of plates or layout of a room, (as long as certain basic practicalities are not ignored) or detail of their home life to be just so, that she should feel free to have it her way. The exception, of course, is any specifically male space the man has in the house, and/or, the in any way messing with his tools/weapons/workshop/study/books.

Similarly, a child is far more appreciative of the general attentiveness his mother gives to things like the clothes they wear, the school lunches she prepares for them, and so on. While a man’s general attitude is more akin to: Is it snowing? Here is a huge weatherproof jacket, boots and gloves and a hat. So what if it’s bright yellow, the boots are pink and the hat green with a pom-pom? Packed lunch? What, you can’t catch something and cook it over an open flame? What do they even teach you at kindergarten anyway?

The balance between a man and a woman is delicate, but not so delicate as you may think. It is increasingly difficult in the modern era mostly because of the degrees of lies that women have had inculcated in their heads (it’s easier to fool a woman with nonsense aimed at her solipsistic nature inspiring a victim complex, since it uses her own biological weaknesses against her). And of course, men have been lied to as well, using the same “chink in their armour” of “well, just man up”, which in a way is true, however, actually manning up, would probably look more like an armed rebellion that hangs all politicians from the nearest lampposts, rather than a peaceful demonstration about men’s rights that achieves precisely nothing. Instead they try and convince men to just shut up and take whatever new emasculating, humiliation ritual they come up with while convincing women that they are poor, oppressed victims of sexist men.

It’s all lie. Men’s natural instinct is to protect and take care of women’s primary needs. And women’s natural instinct is to nurture, feed and take care of her man’s secondary needs of comfort, peace and tenderness.

A very feminine woman and a very masculine man will feel a natural attraction to one another, but if you think the modern world is in any way conducive to their finding peaceful bliss right off the bat, you’re dreaming. The path to that has to be consciously chosen by both. Held to firmly by the man and eventually understood and appreciated by the woman too. In fact, the natural dynamic between the manly man and the womanly woman, was always a spark-filled dynamic since ancient times. The stories could as easily result in tragedy as in heroic bliss. Perhaps more often tragic in fact, if the ancient poems and legends are to be believed. Even so, the risk, for those men willing to take it, always seems worthwhile to them, it’s just that in modern times, the “crazy” of the feminine woman has risen exponentially and has far more paths to lead down nefarious ends. Which means the man must have all the more resolve, calm and steadiness in all things. A man’s strength lies in his willingness and ability to simply walk away if a when a woman is unwilling to listen to reason. Not as a ploy, not in anger, not as some kind of “game” theory. But simply, as just the truth of life. Hard as it may be; painful as it may be; if and when you have determined what is the ultimate truth of a situation, you are best served by taking the objective course of action that follows from it. Because in the end, that is the path you will be most able to live with in your own dark moments. The Ancients Greeks at Delphi said:

“Man, know thyself.” And they were right. I would add, “And act accordingly.”

In the end, if a man is simply coherent, consistent and true to himself, I guarantee a woman that fits with him exists in the world, and his chances of getting with her and eventually finding a lasting happiness with her are far better than if he simply tries to modify himself to try to fit with what he perceives is “expected” of him.

Fuck what the “world” wants. Let the world worry about how to fit to truth, justice and beauty instead, while you hold to those things and navigate life by them.

Remember, as Catholicism clearly states, we live in the world, but do not be of it. As a man, it is your duty to live, aspire to, and inspire in others, the virtues of life. Truth, Justice, Honour, Courage, Beauty.

Hold that line, friend.

Hold that line as surely and as absolutely as your Spartan ancestors held theirs, at Thermopylae. And let your stance reflect, and reverberate, and shape history, and inspire men for thousands of years to come, no matter what the specific fate of your individual life might be.

Telling the Woke Commies Where to Go

Coincidentally to my own piece on the lefty rapist types that are frenzy-whipped by the shrews in their life, Vox posted the response of a CEO of a comics publishing house to the suggestions that Chuck Dixon, an iconic comic book creator, should be deplatformed for… reasons. I have no idea. I don’t care at all. I read plenty of comic books as a teenager and earlier and the ones I liked best would probably get people jail time today.

Jonah Hex was my favourite one of the I think they are silver age comics we used to have hundreds of before my dad got rid of them all after we left home. It’s why I don’t feel bad he helped me buy this farm. If he hadn’t chucked those out I probably would have been okay getting it on my own. Maybe ten years ago.

Interestingly, DC also made a roleplaying game that my brother and I briefly owned and it had little cards for each of the DC heroes, that included a motivation for each one of them. Jonah Hex’s was correct: Seeking Justice. It’s why that character resonated with me so much. I think if I were reduced to a cardboard cutout that would be my primary motivation too. And as it was a Western, Jonah blasted a few bad guys per episode. The themes were quite adult and the writer of the stories was brilliant. Jonah Hex was discontinued and then they kind of did to him in real life what happens to him in the comic book. In a future he gets wormholes into, Jonah finds out his own body was embalmed as a circus attraction. Well, the subsequent restart attempts and the film made were kinda that. Whoever wrote those stories and film should be horse-whipped.

Aaaaanny way, I digress, the point is the CEO of the publishing house producing the latest Chuck Dixon comic told the entire woke world to go pound sand. And then cry a bit and pound it a bit more.

Good. And so should say all of us to every insane, retarded, Satanic, nonsense that is currently being peddled by the perennially offended. Common sense needs to prevail and courtesy and good manners be reserved for those who deserve it and earn it.

To the screeching “social justice”, cultural marxist, types trying to convince your three year old son that he can become a girl or that your three year old daughter can become a boy, we should have a resounding: “Fuck right off, groomer!” ringing in their ears until they disappear back into whatever festering hellhole they climbed out of.

And it should be loud and clear and backed up by legislation, and penalties, and consequences. These toxic excuses for “equality” in the name of “respect” and “fairness for all” are really evil. There is no other word for it. they intend to do harm and they do. The last thing they do is respect anyone, or try to be fair. They, in fact, are the very worst little tyrants, and everyone normal has had enough. So it’s time to put the mentally ill, the unbalanced, the insane, and the intentionally evil child predators back into proper health care, be that a mental institution, a home for the criminally insane, or being noted as a potentially unstable person that an eye should be kept on, for their own safety and that of others.

And it starts with you. Be more Tyson Fury and less Danny Masterson.

This is what you need to push back against.

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