Posts Tagged ‘the kurgan’

What all women should already know

And especially the younger ones, really should understand this from a young age. He puts it in a very nice and digestible way that MIGHT get some women to actually listen to the whole 10 minutes.

This one on the other hand, the conclusion regarding women apologising and why they should, is solid gold advice. And some women probably need it tattooed on their forehead so they see it every time they look in a mirror.

I do not know this guy and only came across the first video as a result of a comment on gab from TrevorGoodchild which was synthesised more along the way I tend to present this stuff when I do:

The point is that as a general rule, since a very early age, I learnt that presenting information in a synthesised, or boiled down form was (and is) an excellent filter for gauging the general intelligence of the person receiving it. And because stupid people absolutely surround me at all times in pretty much every setting, and as they are unbearably tiresome, boring and often also irritating, their getting “offended” and then leaving me mostly alone after a few encounters is a feature, not a bug.

I read somewhere, long ago, that warrior souls never lose their fire, but as they get older wiser they may tend to burn at a lower temperature. My personal experience is that there is no drop off in intensity overall, really, perhaps in fact an increase, but… the frequency of the smouldering and flare-ups changes. I ignore or only smoulder a little at the smaller stuff, but some of the things that matter to me, I am more ready to go to absolute war for than before. And not as a simple flare-up, but as a relentless, steel-melting, sustained, furnace level.

I mention this because, in the various discussions I have had and written about here concerning community, it is obvious that my natural/instinctive misanthropy is not the best way to build a solid group of people. As I mentioned before, I am not general material. I’m more special ops small team commander material. But given I don’t seem to have any generals around me, a certain level of “normal” human interactions is useful to try and if not master (I simply am not built in such a way I will ever want to do so) at least learn the basics of.

Intimate relationships have invariably been the thing I cared the most about and given my aspieness and IQ, also the things that have caused me both the best highs and the lowest lows.

Aside the fact that women will generally not take any good advice from pretty much anyone anyway, and if they do it will be from a random stranger before it’s their husband, brother, father or other man that actually cares about them, but will generally jump at the chance to take some “advice” from their female friend (or other women in general) that will tell them to get a nice haircut to be “hotter”, the fact remains that given how the female brain works (for the aspies out there… I use the term loosely!) regardless of how good the information you present to them might be, women are pretty much incapable of simply processing the dialectic facts.

Prove to them with scientific evidence done on humans for 100 years that has all been verified that eating X amount of dark chocolate a week is good for you in simple, cold, hard facts, shooting down all their objections from cosmopolitan magazine, Cadbury adverts, their idiot doctor, their gay friend Charlie, and all her fat friends with blue hair, and she will ignore it.

Let her best friend tell her in hushed and conspiratorial tones that she just tried this new “chocolate” that is made from “sterilised” dogshit, and she will wolf-down a bar of it just to prove she’s “with it”.

At the lower end of the female scale of intelligence, it is literally not too different from communicating with your pet dog. It matters little what you say, as long as it’s in soothing, calming tones, or happy excited ones.

Oh, yes, yes, I know, the feminists are climbing the walls on that one: “How dare he! Comparing women to dogs!” Well, no, I am not. For one, dogs are far more loyal than women (men too to be fair). And said feminists, throughout my life, have invariably completely lost their shit whenever I actually spoke to them precisely the way I would to a man. While very rarely has a man lost his shit with me for being brutally direct.

All this long introduction, simply to say that it probably pays to find a nicer, easier way to get your point across without needing to water it down, nor feel you’re being deceitful, since, after all, presenting the information in a way that it is received more easily, is simply a skill, like any other.

And as a bonus, since that ship has pretty much sailed for me at about age 16, and given that I don’t give a rat’s ass about being labelled whatever the gynocracy is going to label me, you could probably do worse than directing women you care about to these two videos, and feel free to tell them to “Look at what videos this chauvinist pig has on his blog! Ha, ha, so funny!” Well, ok, maybe don’t do that unless you’re a metrosexual male feminist, but you get what I mean. It will be quite interesting to see what they say (if anything) after viewing the total 15 minutes or so both videos come to.

Sedeprivationism vs Sedevacantism an Explanation

There seems to be either some confusion, or perhaps a new and fancier attack on the Church and it is the trying to drive a wedge between Sedeprivationists and Sedevacantists, as if there was any real theological difference today in 2024.

So, let me nip this in the bud, as much as any layman who can read and think logically at an elementary level at least, can easily do. And which, in fact, cannot be disproved by anyone.

Keep in mind that I have read the entire Cassiciciacum theory in the original French too, so am not exactly jumping in here like some ignorant moron that hasn’t reviewed the facts, relevant Canon Law and so on. The point is that while I could write another 530 page book explaining everything in minute and fully weaponised autistic detail, it really is not required, because the core concepts are really quite simple and easy enough to understand and Canon Law is, as usual with Roman Law, exceedingly clear, humane and just.

As I say, all that is required is a normal level of ability to read and cogitate and a basic but correct grasp of logic and objective reality, which, given the state of Clown World today, is hard enough, but one hopes the average reader here, given the semi-constant insta-bans for not following the rules has purified the gene pool enough that he or she is easily capable of grasping the concepts I will present and further able to review them on their own for further clarity of verification if they have any doubts.

Let us begin then by first of all pointing out a couple of aspects of Catholicism that is quite misunderstood by the average anglo type:

  • Catholic charity requires that if there is doubt, one should try to (when possible) be charitable and allow for some mercy given the fact that all human beings are flawed and miserable sinners. However…
  • When logic dictates that there either is no doubt, or the doubt is minimal, then prudence requires you treat the suspect thing as suspect. In fact, in proper Catholic behaviour, the charitable act of being merciful does not invalidated the just act of pointing out the sin/flaw/error or downright evil of whatever is in doubt.
  • To Anglos this appears to them as a somewhat schizophrenic way of dealing with life, because while on one hand in a proper Catholic world, say, a pedophile would be burnt at the stake, the act of doing so is in the first place one of charity (giving the peso the opportunity to truly repent while he contemplates the fire burning him) and in the second place one of charity towards the victim and the other members of the community, protecting them from further harm and also educating them on the consequences of certain unacceptable acts. But even more confusing for them might be that the very parents of the child raped might pray for the soul of the pedo burning to death. Which does not in any way mean that the father of the child would not be the one applying the torch himself, nor that his prayers are in any way insincere.

This apparent “schizophrenia” is not due to any flaw of logic or reason in the Catholic, but rather, generally speaking, of a stunted and child-like grasp of human affairs, including justice and charity in the Protestant milieu in which Anglos tend to be raised.

Furthermore is the fact that Roman Law works in a far more just and fundamentally correct way than Anglo Laws, which is that Roman Law is principle based in general terms but with each case being judged on its own merits regardless of precedents in the law. A murder under Roman Law is not always the same kind of murder, and while Anglo Law pretends to also have some exculpatory levels of crime (manslaughter instead of murder one, say) in general terms, previous law dictates current law, which is, fundamentally, unjust. Since the very concept of a legal system is mostly absorbed by the zeitgeist of the environment we live in, most people perception of actual Justice is also fundamentally corrupted to some extent by their assuming (unconsciously for the most part) that Common Law, or the British, or American legal system is in any way representative of actual Justice. It is very far from it and while even Roman Law can obviously be used improperly by a judge, it is, in general terms, a far closer representation of Divine Law than any other system of Law ever created on planet Earth to date.

Right then, with that long introduction aside, let us begin.

The Basic Premise of Sedeprivationism

First presented by Father Michel-Louis Guérard des Lauriers the theory of Sedeprivationism was in essence an extremely charitable proposition designed to allow anyone of the clergy that was either confused, too timid as a result of al lifetime of obedience to their superiors, or otherwise unclear on what a Hellish turn the Vatican II documents had created and how Roncalli (who personally set up the wheels of Vatican II in motion and also approved the first two documents before dying) and Montini (who published the next 14 documents of Vatican II, every one of which is replete with absolute heresy) were obvious heretics, to be able to take a position that allowed them to continue being actual clergy, non-heretics and yet also give an opportunity to the arch-heretic Montini to possibly repent and return to Christianity (impossible to do in my view since I believe he was an infiltrator and non-Catholic from the very first).

Vatican II was the equivalent of a poisonous neutron bomb, that left the buildings intact but reduced almost all the then supposedly Catholic clergy to a bunch of infected zombies spreading heresy and the few survivors dazed and confused.

Sedeprivationism, in simple terms, basically stated that although Montini had clearly produced 14 documents replete with heresy and as such could not be a valid Pope (as per Canon 188.4), he might have been validly elected, as theoretically might have been Roncalli. In Roncalli’s case the very idea he was validly elected has since been absolutely demolished since he was a practicing Freemason and his election was forced by blackmailing Giuseppe Siri (who HAD been voted Pope, twice!) by telling him that is he became Pope a lot of Bishops behind the Iron curtain would be killed by the Communists. A convenient lie that was in fact pushed by Roncalli himself, an absolute Freemason and hence communist friendly plant whose entire intent was the destruction of Catholicism, as has always been the case by those who promote and even start various secret societies like the Illuminati, the Carbonari, the Freemasons and indeed Communism itself. If you are curious, you might want to figure out what ethnicity Karl Marx was and who pushed his agenda.

In any case, back then, when it was not yet clear which of the Cardinals that voted in the various false Popes might have also been heretics or not, since their position was not public and clear, as was Montini’s (and posthumously also Roncalli’s) des Lauriers’ theory allowed that it was possible (slim though that chance was) that both Roncalli and Montini had been technically, that is, materially, validly elected as Popes, but that given their behaviour, they clearly were not spiritually valid Popes, at least not until and if they repented.

This was, in the sensibilities of the time, a rather polite way of saying:

These two guys are thugs and murderers of souls, and if a bunch of you morons elected them as valid Popes, you should see it by now, repent and make it clear you don’t see them as actually valid Popes, given their thuggery and murder of souls. As for the thuggish murderers themselves, whether you are Jewish/Protestant?Gnostic/Satanist or simply secular apostate and imbeciles, if we assume you were materially validly elected and you make a 180 degree swift turn and repent and correct all your public heresy, well, God is merciful and we can pretend you are now a redeemed actual Pope by the Grace of God that promoted your absolute, sincere and true change of heart.

As I said, it was the most rose-tinted glasses, optimistic, and charitable view anyone could conceive of to allow a tiny margin of possibility of self-correction to the cowards, infiltrators, Satanists, Freemasons, Communists, pedophiles and homosexuals that had been injected into the clergy for decades (see Bella Dodd’s book to understand how this was done to the tune of thousands of fake clergy whose sole intent in joining the seminaries and the Church was total subversion), as also the list I reprinted in RTCC of Mino Pecorelli clearly evidenced beyond any doubt the massive number of official Freemasons (complete with codenames) that were already in high offices at the time of the third fake Pope in a row, Lucani.

Such a slim possibility filled with charity was indeed a viable possibility certainly up to at least 1965 when the last Vatican II documents were finally presented to the world, and given the slow movements of the Church on grave matters, one could reasonably extend that charity even to the 1970s, even the late 1970s, but by 1983, when the Satanists decided to come out with a “new” code of Canon Law, in order to try and invalidate the Code of Canon Law of 1917 which to date remains the most vetted document on Earth, having compiled and reviewed and checked and double checked every dogmatic document and position of the Church from the time of Jesus to 1917. And then having remained unchanged for the next 65 years except for a tiny modification to Canon 1099 part 2 done by the last valid Pope, Pius the XII himself. And when I say unchanged I mean unchanged despite an invitation to all Catholic clergy around the world to present any objection, question or argument against any canon. Tens of thousands of documents had been reviewed and checked to produce the Code of 1917 and tens of thousands more after it to make sure they had got everything right. There literally is no other document like it on Earth. And the “code” of 1983 is not even logically consistent within itself, as I have made clear before on this blog. So at this point it was absolutely clear that the Satanists now in the Vatican only aimed to continue the destruction of the Church and there was no repentance or halting it. I described this situation briefly in RTCC but since it is a 530 page book that refutes every single argument against sedevacantism ever produced to date, and no one has been able to counter it validly in any way, not everyone has read it. Hence this blog article to make the topic more accessible to all.

Given what we now know about Roncalli, and the constant unrepentant promulgation of the heresies of Vatican II, and absolutely following the Magisterium of the Church in the form of the infallible Code of Canon Law produced by two valid Popes in conjunction with a team of valid and pious Cardinals led by Cardinal Gasparri, it is absolutely clear, that anyone that continues to hold to the Vatican II fake Church is simply not a Catholic. No “clergy” who does can be considered to be anything other than at best a heretic and more likely a knowing Satanist with pedophile friendly intent at a minimum. And as such, as per Catholic infallible dogma as produced by Pope Paul the IV in his ex cathedra pronouncement Cum-Ex Apostolate Officio, such heretics should be shunned, others warned against them and deprived of all natural human kindness. In Catholic thought they are worse than mere murderers, for they intend to cosign your soul to eternal Hell.

As I said in my book RTCC at the end, the term Sedeprivationist today, should really only be used for two reasons:

  • Etymologically it is a more correct term, because strictly speaking, the chair (sede) of Peter is not actually empty (vacante) but rather it is filled by an impostor that is preventing (privation) the proper filling of it by a valid Bishop.
  • As a memory and remembrance of a great and courageous theologian and Bishop, Michel-Louis Guérard des Lauriers. keep in mind that because he was made Bishop in 1981 by Bishop Thuc he was later “excommunicated” from the fake “Catholic” Church of Satan by none other than Ratzi the Nazi in 1983, just when the “new” (fake and perverse) Code of Canon Law was produced.

In all other respects, Sedevacantism is absolutely correct and no one can make any argument against it, theological, canonical, logical or of any other valid kind. Let us therefore now look at that.

The Basic Premise of Sedevacantism

The essence of Sedevacantism is literally childishly easy to understand

1. If you are not catholic, you cannot be Catholic clergy.

2. If you defect from the faith publicly and notoriously, you are not Catholic.

That’s it. That is literally it. It really is not more complicated than that.

The Satanists pretending to be Catholic (fake clergy) will try to tell you that no man has a right to judge the “pope” as being a heretic, which is a conflation of one true fact with a lie, as is their usual modus operandi.

It is true that no man can pass judgement on the Pope. But there are two important points to note:

ANYONE can judge a non-catholic, non-Pope as being a non-Catholic non-Pope. In fact it is dogmatic catholic law that ANYONE can call out a heretic.

Secondly, it is not any man that decides if a pope is or is not a heretic, regardless of whether he had been voted in validly originally or not. It is, in fact, the INFALLIBLE Magisterium of the Catholic Church, which in its valid and infallible wisdom, produce the Code of Canon Law of 1917, which was approved by two Popes along with their Cardinals and therefore made infallible. And the Code of 1917 in Canton 188 part 4 reads as follows:

Ob tacitam renuntiationem ab ipso iure admissam quaelibet officia vacant ipso facto et sine ulla declaratione, si clericus: 

4º A fide catholica publice defecerit; 

Any office becomes vacant upon the fact and without any declaration by tacit resignation recognized by the law itself if a cleric:

4.° Publicly defects from the Catholic faith;

See that? Without any declaration and upon the fact itself. it really burns them. And if you want a totally autistic view of the whole of canon 188.4 that atomises the ghosts of dead horses, well then, here you go.

Right then, given canon 188.4 it is absolutely clear that anyone who does not specifically and actively condemn the fake Popes since 28th October 1958 and their heretic Vatican II documents, and changes to the UNCHANGEABLE Holy Mass (see Quo Premium also in RTCC), cannot be thought of as properly Catholic, and any “clergy” doing so are absolutely not valid clerics of Catholicism.

So we now come to the distinctions between current day Sedeprivationists and Sedevacantists. What are they?

Having discussed this matter in some detail with a valid priest of the IMBC, the statement told to me was that this priest and thus most of the IMBC I would guess, simply take the charitable position that they, as individuals prefer not to pronounce the current heretics in the Vatican as being actual heretics, including, the (in my opinion) never-was-catholic Bergy the Oleous.

That is a valid personal position that a clergyman can take. It is based on the fact that only God really knows the Foro Interno of a human being, that is, his true heart concerning anything at all.

HOWEVER, and it is a big however, by ALL external indications (Foro Externo) the (at best) heretics in the Vatican (actual Satanists as far as I am concerned) ALL, without exception fulfill the precepts of Canon 188.4. And canon 188.4 refers to and does NOT invalidate in any way Cum-Ex-Apostolato Officio which was an ex-cathedra pronouncement of valid Pope Paul the IV, and which in any case, was even before this an obvious thing anyone of normal intelligence knew. In general, Papal ex-cathedra pronouncements are made only to further clarify an solidify a simple and obvious fact known to all but under attack by gnostics, Satanists and enemies of the Church. So, these fake Popes absolutely ARE to be treated as heretics in a practical sense. Which of course, all Sedeprivationist clergy does. They do not perform Una Cum (one with) masses (they do not use the names of fake popes in the Mass) and they do not promote or promulgate Vatican II and warn people against it, all as they should. The only practical difference is they do not outright call Bergoglio and such as actual heretics because, in a spirit of charity they hold the position that perhaps, by some miracle or mystery unknown to them, Bergoglio and such are all afflicted by some mind-worm, or whatever that makes them not actually responsible, somehow, for their heresies.

Well. They are entitled to their personal view, of course, and for the record, I do not have a personal view as such on Bergolgio etc. I mean, if I had to bet my life on it I would bet they are actual Satanists, non-Catholics from the start and heretics only in the best of cases (because to be a heretic you have to first have been Ana actual Catholic at some point), but honestly, absent any enforced need to make a judgement, I don’t have an opinion. I simply follow Canon Law and Catholic dogma and since they walk like a heretic, quack like a heretic, smell like a heretic, act like a heretic, and do everything else under the sun as a heretic, I will treat them, as is my duty as a heretic.

That’s it, and that’s all. In any case, the Sedeprivationists do that too with the only exception they don’t call them actual heretics due to their rather (in my opinion) unnecessary charity towards what I consider to be spiritual, intentional would-be mass-murderes of souls.

So, in essence, in practical terms, there is no real difference between a Sedeprivationist and a Sedevacantist.

One last note, if anyone says that if Bergoglio were to repent he would become valid Pope, this is, of course, absolute nonsense, since a heretic, even if he repents, by infallible and perennial dogmatic and divine Law, as pronounced infallibly in Cum-Ex Apostolato Officio, cannot ever again have ANY authority over anyone and must spend the rest of their days in constant penance in a monastery with, again, I repeat, no possibility to teach or have authority over anyone, ever again.

So, in essence and practice we are all Sedevacantists today. Sedeprivationism was a kind idea that has, in the course of time, been demonstrated to have been mostly overly charitable wishful thinking.

Nevertheless Father (and later Bishop) Michel-Louis Guérard des Lauriers was an outstanding theologian and Catholic clergyman. May God keep his soul in the eternal presence of His beatific vision as per His Will.

Clown World Comes at you FAST!

Well, what with the Ukraine war suddenly not existing anymore as far as the media is concerned, Israel being shown to be a country filled by apparently genetic pedophiles and genocidal psychopaths, and Orthodox Jews being exposed for having literal tunnels all over New York in which baby chairs, child sized mattresses and bloody rags seem to be the main furnishings, one hardly has the time to tell everyone that they should immediately become hardcore sedevacantists and pray for a proper Holy Inquisition of the pedophiles around the world, including those sheltering in the Vatican, as well as the Scourge of God on the heads of all the above mentioned pedovores and whores that work for the mass media (with my genuine, sincere and deeply felt apologies to actual prostitutes for comparing journalists to them).

So. Assuming you have been diligently ignoring the fake news and getting your information from the only viable sources (autists memeing on 4chan, so-called “conspiracy theorists” that have been proven right about essentially everything for the last 30-40 years or more), as well as ignoring the gatekeeping conmen such as the fake “Catholics” like Milo, Taylor Marshall, Emo Jones, anyone who doesn’t condemn the Novus Orco Vatican II Satanic sect, as well as the gatekeepers of “popular online media”, such as the completely bought and paid for self-sodomising on camera, face and gay Gavin McInnes, Tim Pool, and other assorted “The poor Jews only had those pedorat tunnels to pray in peace” types, you might be wondering…

Well, self, avoiding all the tsunami of degeneracy, having avoided the latest HAARP produced “weather” and “Earthquakes” and “volcanic eruptions” and not yet having succumbed to false accusations by the FBI/CIA/NSA/Deep State of any of the “democratic” supposed “countries” (satrapies) of the West, what do I do now?

Well, gentle reader, rest assured. In the coming days and weeks I plan to keep adding to my E-store so you have both fiction for entertainment and non-fiction for post-apocalyptic information you will treasure, as well as trying to launch a really good new business that I hope is successful primarily because it is health related and absolutely awesome, having tested this on myself with results that continue to amaze me, and no, do not worry, I am not about to sell you boner pills a la Alex Jones (also a gatekeeper from day dot as far as I am concerned). It involves only absolutely organic products that are 100% natural and contain absolutely zero additives of any sort and have been proven by literally weaponised autists to be precisely what works to reduce all sorts of inflammation, including the one caused by the genetic serums if you took them.

But I will tell you more about that once I have established viability and got it at least tentatively off the ground.

All that aside, I plan to produce a series of blog posts and eventually probably also a short book filled with basic but really simple and practical advice on how to navigate and thrive in the coming multi-polar world, if like too many of us, you are stuck on the wrong side of Clown World vs BRICS (and in any case, how to also continue avoiding the most nefarious aspects of life on Earth that will and do continue to exist also under BRICS).

It’s what I have been focussing on and while you are probably all by now clear on my absolutely completely zealot screaming from the rooftops advocacy for Catholicism proper (i.e. Sedevacantism) the series that will follow over the coming weeks and months will not be focusing on the religious aspect mostly. Of course, being as I am a good proper zealot, some related posts cannot be avoided, but in the main it will be a practical guide with practical applications. I will also have to conduct more polls to try and best serve as many of you as possible, so if you can respond to them and also help spread them and this blog around, I will be grateful, because the larger the data sets, the better I can focus my energy on what is most required or requested by you all.

Thank you all for your continued readership by the way, I have high aims for 2024 and a positive outlook for it although I have no illusions about any of it being easy for any of us. Anyway, adventure is never easy, but it can be glorious, and that is my intent going forward. And don’t forget to network, help each other and if you find useful stuff here, please share it with everyone you think might be able to make use of it. And now for one of those polls (which I might, like this one, “hide” at the end of a post, because I want to cater to the PCs of this world. The NPCs have plenty of other places to get their daily dose of lies, brainwashing and degeneracy from, this space, is reserved for those willing to put on armour and go and adventure in the broken world filled with mutants, scumbags and tunnel-digging pedophiles.

Do you:

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And the first Firearms Post Request is up…

Tarcisius asks:

Regarding your requests:

I am currently able to legally purchase and own a, to my limited knowledge, vast array of firearms.

As for my current and likely future geographical makeup, I live in a relatively flat, plains-like area surrounded by small mountains. There are a few larger towns on the plains bleeding out into more rural areas in and near the mountains. I am in one of the smaller towns, but about a 10 minute drive away from the woods and potential retreat locations with friends/family/fellow church folk.

With regards to firearms, I intend to use them for hunting and defense. The more adaptable a given firearm is to multiple scenarios, the better. This next bit may be asking a lot, but some type of cost-to-own ranking would be helpful for a given weapon. For example, if you recommended having a shotgun, what is your best recommendation? But also, what is an “okay” alternative if one is strapped for cash because he has a family to support and feed? Additionally, what models or manufacturers should be avoided entirely? I was recently gifted a Winchester SXP shotgun. Is it a good gun to keep?

Do you have any recommendations for gaining weapon familiarity that don’t involve spending money on ammunition and gun range visits?

Thank you, G.

Let’s get the quick parts done first. The Winchester SXP has many variants, but they are all decent. In fact I own a Winchester SXP Defender myself (the pump action one) and I would put it as a top class gun. Are there more expensive ones? Sure, fancier ones? Sure. But a shotgun is a shotgun at the end of the day and a 7+1 pump shotgun is really one of the best guns you can have. you can hunt anything from birds to smallish buck or even boar with it if slugs are permissible in your area. And it’s under $400 so will not break the bank. Plus, a pump shotgun is about the best home defence weapon you can have. Load it with buckshot and the chances of a bad guy surviving a centre mass hit at home defence distances are tiny.

If you can only afford one long gun, after the shotgun you already have I would suggest a RUGER SFAR in .308 with the 20″ barrel.

Why this particular gun?

Here are the bullet-points:

  • It is light for the calibre it fires so is an excellent compromise of hard-hitting round yet carry-ability is high even if you have to hike around a while with it.
  • Why .308 instead of .223? Because with .308 you can reach out to 1000m with some training and will do 600-800m hits with just some basic marksmanship. There are many other advantages, not least of which is that getting hit by a .308 spoils your whole day a lot worse, comparatively than a .223, all else being equal.
  • Ruger rifles perform incredibly well out of the box. Although my own rifle is not a SFAR, it does 1/2 MOA out the box (if you don’t know what MOA is don’t stress, you can study that up at leisure).
  • For the price (around 1500 $ or less I believe) it is the best compromise of a long range gun that can also be used up close if needed. it is semi-auto so can be fast, and .308 are basically 7.62 NATO rounds so cheap and available everywhere.
  • Why 20″ barrel instead of 16″ because it makes a difference for long distance shots and if you live in a plains type set-up 1000m is really a minimum in case of having to defend an area.
  • Shove some decent PASSIVE only scope on it. If you can still find them, Leupold used to make awesome mil-dot scopes with starlight ability, you can illuminate your reticle by shining a light into it and you will see the main posts inside the reticle without giving away your position to special night vision equipment (though the rest of you probably will if you are not shielded in some way). You don’t need huge levels of magnification, in fact, a variable scope say 4x to 15x or something like that is probably ideal on that type of rifle. You can go for more, say 6x to 20x or whatever, but your field of view at that higher magnification is very reduced.
  • Get some training on it and range it out to 500m and get to know how much of a hold you need to have for different distances and practice, practice, practice. If you shoot a thousand rounds after having been properly trained and having understood the basics, you will already be able to score reliable one shot hits at 500m without problems. If you are talented, out to further.

So that is what I would recommend on a budget. The SFAR with decent glass will be your biggest expense but it will be your everything gun and you can hunt anything in the USA with a .308.

if you are concerned about self-defence then you should also get a handgun and carry it on you (obviously with all relevant permits) and train pretty obsessively with it. The amount and variety of handguns available is almost infinite so get thee to a range and practice, practice, practice with LOTS of different guns until you find one you like and that works for you.

Ultimately every other consideration after:

  1. Having it on you, and
  2. Being comfortable and accurate with it

is a distant second consideration, including calibre and everything else.

Some reliable polymer thing in 9mm is probably the most common and versatile type of handgun, although, personally, I can’t bring myself to say Glock without throwing up in my mouth a little, but that’s down to personal preference.

If on the other hand money were no object, on a plains type of landscape I personally would prefer a .338 Lapua. I would get it in the Ruger Precision Rifle format. HOWEVER, that is because I KNOW that with a .338 Lapua and some practice I can reach out to 2000m fairly reliably. and I can make anything up to 1400m fairly easy to kill on first shot and pretty much anything within 1000m is screwed. BUT The Ruger RPR is a HEAVY rifle and once you add decent optics on it (for a .338 Lapua you want the big magnification, at least x20 but even x30 or more is not a bad idea) sling, bipod and so on, you’re not going to be running around with it easily, especially if you have a decent load of ammo with it (say 100 rounds minimum in a SHTF scenario).

And .338 Lapua ammo is NOT cheap and not that easy to find either. So this kind of rifle is really a hunting rifle that in a SHTF scenario becomes a very plausible and dangerous sniper weapon in the right hands.

An alternative is .300 Winchester Magnum instead of .338 Lapua which you can still do 1000m shots a lot easier and more reliably than using a .308 and can reach out to 1400-1500 m if you train and get it right.

Even then, assuming a .338 Lapua was no objection, I would still have the SFAR in .308, because even as a sniper buddy team, the SFAR is a decent rifle and far more likely to be in your hands in any given day, since the .338 Lapua begins to approach crew-served weapon size/weight/usability.

I hope that covers your most pressing questions.

One thing I cannot emphasise enough is:


and practice as much as you can.

I tend to use only match ammo and don’t bother reloading because I don’t have the time to devote to it, but if you have the time and reload you can save some money. With match ammo in .300 WM you can comfortably hit at 1000m reliably if you practice regularly. doing it in .308 requires a level up in terms of proficiency.

If you have any further questions or clarifications please post a comment on this post and I will reply to it.

Red Space

This was a short story for Vox Day’s Anthology Riding the Red Horse, which used to be on Amazon, but which I cannot find today even at Castalia house. Here is the original post by Vox announcing it.

This was at the end of 2014, so the story is nearly 10 years old. You might find some “predictive” concepts concerning Russia and Ukraine interesting given where we are today. I am publishing it here in the full, unedited version, which has never appeared in print or anywhere else before, as the version in the anthology had been quite severely edited and what I though was a central point of the story (the non-fiction element of it) was completely removed.

A recent request for the non-fiction aspect by a good friend reminded me of it and I decided to put it up here in full. Enjoy.

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