Posts Tagged ‘the kurgan’

The Errors of Bp. Sanborn

Despite what many detractors think of me, the reality is that the title of this post is being extremely charitable. I am assuming error where Bp. Sanborn himself refers to the VAERS results and states that (paraphrasing) “we don’t even know if the adverse reactions are related to the vaccines” That is PRECISELY wrong. The VAERS site exists specifically for listing adverse reactions within a certain period of vaccination. But perhaps you are one of the utter morons that believes that 108 professional athletes collapsing on live television in the field of games like soccer, basketball, etc etc in the last few months, something that has NEVER happened before in the entire history of television, is —as the newspapers would have you believe— just “coincidence”. If you are that limited in your powers of observation, then perhaps, you might actually believe that all the sudden deaths from Cardiac Infarctions, Pulmonary and Brain Embolisms, and other noted side effects directly related to what is known as the “clot-shot” are not related to the non-vaccine, genetic experimental Pfizer, AstroZeneca, etc “Covid-19” injections at all. You may of course, also believe that there is no correlation between you walking in the rain without an umbrella and getting wet.

But let’s start at the beginning.

UPDATE: As it turns out, the ACTUAL Numbers of people who have already died from the Covid Deathshots are a conservative 300,000 in the USA Alone. Watch this video interview between Joseph Mercola And Steve Kirsch. There are not two yahoos on the internet. Steve has spent approximately 6 million US dollars to ensure the science done on the Covid fake Vaccines is correct and he USED to be a strong advocate FOR them. But like any honest man, when confronted with the truth he corrected his erroneous position. It’s a VERY interesting video and not a second of it is boring. I strongly suggest you watch it to understand what is really going on.

The Video in question from Bp. Sanborn is on Youtube here, and I have saved a copy just in case. It’s 34 minutes long and I will time stamp the more relevant portions. Before all this however, let me begin with one glaring omission. Bp. Sanborn states it is not a mortal sin to get “vaccinated” with these clot shots, yet he never addresses or mentions in any way the fact that tissues from murdered babies has been used in the creation of these demonic injections.

The sophist media and pharmaceutical companies make a big deal of the fact that (according to them, if you are inclined to believe them) there are no actual murdered baby cells in the clot-shots themselves. Great news, right? Well… not so fast… every single one of the non-vaccine clot-shots have been created thanks to “research” done and developed using murdered baby cells and tissues. So… it’s like saying…

“Hey, when you eat a McDonald’s burger… There is no murdered baby meat in them at all! None! Great right? And oh, yeah, we figured out how to make burgers by creating all the “research” using murdered babies to cook a bunch of meat until we came up with the burger shape to fit our buns. But it’s all just cow meat now, honest!”

And here is an archived page that explains a bit more about that.

Now, even given the example above, would it be a mortal sin to eat one of those “all cow” burgers? Or take the “no baby parts, honest!” clot shot? I’m no Bishop, and no Priest, just a simple layman, but here is my take:

If one is wholly ignorant of the entire process, when one has the ability to find out at their fingertips, then one is at the very least guilty of sloth.

You’re going to inject yourself, or worse, your children, with something that has NEVER been tested in humans, and that when tested on animals resulted in 100% death of all the animals after the 4th or 5th “booster” shot, (I forget the exact details, except I think it was on Gibbons) but you’re not going to learn ANYTHING about it? When the internet exists?

I suppose that’s ok, if you’re some barely literate person in some country with little or no access to the internet and so on. I am not saying that such levels of ignorance don’t or can’t legitimately exist. I am saying if you have access to the Internet and an IQ about 100, and you DO NOT find out for yourself what is in the things and where they come from, then you are guilty of sloth. At the very least.

Secondly, if you ARE aware of the murdered baby “research”, again, I am not a Bishop, or a Priest, but I, personally will have nothing to do with anything that I am aware of comes from doing any research on murdered babies. I just can’t see myself facing Jesus one day and saying, “Yeah well, *I* didn’t murder them myself, and you know, they were already dead and the research had been done, so it was kinda fine, right? Wouldn’t want to waste it…” But maybe you’re comfortable with it.

My question here for Bp. Sanborn is: Why do you not address this issue at all?

Now to the points he DOES mention, which I feel are grave errors.

  • Right from the start he states that he did not want to comment at all because he felt the issue was political. I find this astonishing for at least two important reasons.
    • Firstly, by this very admission he is clearly recognising that the entire Covid clot-shot circus is POLITICAL and has nothing to do with health, yours, mine or anyone else, and therefore is, by default a MORAL issue, which leads directly to the second point,
    • If it is political, how can you not comment on it, given it literally affects people’s lives and they may be confused about their moral and theological obligations concerning this POLITICAL issue being forced on the whole of humanity? At the very least it looks like cowardice to me.
  • At about 1m 25s he states: We clergy are not competent to make scientific judgements.
    • In the first place, this is again, a matter of sloth. You don’t have to be a scientist to use your God-given reason and ability to read and count to figure out quite a lot really.
    • In the second place, while I accept him at his word that he may well not be competent in the field of general science or even the specific field related to the vaccines, that is a failing of his own. Not one I feel he should be criticised for, let me be clear, but it most certainly does NOT apply to ALL clergy. I personally know priests that studied biochemical engineering before becoming priests. And some of us laymen are very well qualified to be able to interpret, understand and even correct so-called scientific data.
    • Thirdly and even more importantly, if Bishop Sanborn is not able to even verify for himself if the scientific method has even been applied at all regarding these clot-shots and the entire circus around them, then I seriously question whether he has the ability to do basic logic at all, and my personal opinion concerning listening to much of anything he says on that basis would be extremely seriously compromised thereafter.
  • At 2m 15s he states: We have no authority to declare the vaccine sinful. He goes on to state that a declaration of that nature would pertain only to the Holy See (which, being currently absent a valid Pope, is therefore a moot point). Again, I find this to be not just astonishing, but utterly wrong.
    • In the first place, ANY clergy, and in fact ANY layman, for that matter that has the mental capacity to do the work involved in finding out the details of something, has the right to personally and as his or her conscience dictates, decide for themselves what is or is not sinful, but they absolutely also have the right to tell their brethren what they have concluded. Of course, from a layman, this holds no imposition on other laymen, but if from a valid Priest or Bishop, and they have done the relevant work, why on Earth would they not be able to tell you what is or is not a mortal sin? That is the entire point of their existence! Bishop Sanborn is in absolute error when he states that pronouncing something a mortal sin or not is a jurisdictional issue! Canon Law is very clear on this. During an Interregnum, it is true that the clergy has no jurisdictional authority, and this affects many things, but it does NOT affect a clergyman’s duty to point out issues that are clear in divine law. It would be like saying that because there is no Pope a Priest cannot say that cutting off the left leg of 3 year olds to fit them with a robotic exoskeleton leg that will “benefit them later in life” is fine. Why do I pick such a weird example? Because it is something new, never tried or done before and supposedly all for “our benefit”. But I assure you, doing such a monstrous thing would offend God and absolutely be a mortal sin. And I for one, fully believe and agree with that clergy that states that using murdered babies to do ANYTHING with it, is a mortal sin.
    • In the second place, if you refuse to agree that using murdered babies to create ANYTHING is a mortal sin, then please go ahead and show your working out. Bishop Sanborn has not done so at all.
    • What Bishop Sanborn is doing here is essentially taking the position that whether or not using murdered baby parts to create something down the line that does NOT contain murdered baby parts directly is or is not a sin is something only the Pope can decide. I suppose it could be a complicated legalistic argument for some. One might discover for example that say aspirin was originally invented thanks to the use of murdered babies and now after decades that aspirin is produced without any dead babies whatsoever, and most of us have no idea how aspirin came about anyway, are we committing mortal sin if we take an aspirin? But the point is that this is happening NOW. It is not some decades old thing. The dead baby parts may be from 1973 in some cases, but again, we KNOW this NOW. I wasn’t around when aspirin got invented and it had been around for a long time when I was born and did not use any baby parts at all at least since then. This is not the case here. So, if you are inclined to be on the “it’s all cow burgers now” team, I suppose you could agree with Bishop Sanborn that it is a “mystery” for the present time. Well, guess what the Church strongly advises you to do if something is suspect: HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH IT. In fact, the entire Cassiciacum theory, which states that the current fake Popes are Popes only materially but not spiritually, by that very reasoning makes it absolutely clear you are to treat the current impostors as completely invalid Popes even if you might choose to not call them heretics. So even in the classical Sedeprivationist thesis Bishop Sanborn by his very existence KNOWS we are to absolutely avoid anything that is suspect. And anything coming from murdered babies absolutely fills that minimum barrier of being at least suspect! So to put this point down to “error” is truly stretching my charity to its very limits, and frankly, somewhere beyond it.
  • From 4m in he states that all that the clergy can do is present the moral rules that exist (as per the existing infallible magisterium of the Church). Great! I agree! So please do that. What, EXACTLY is the Catholic position for using murdered baby parts to build something that supposedly later benefits us even when we stop using the murdered baby parts to physically put it together? Because I’m fairly sure even a dumb layman like me has got that one figured out correctly. So why is Bp. Sanborn NOT doing his duty here? I am genuinely curious. I’d like to know. Because the answer can only be one of the following:
    • Invincible ignorance. He has not taken the time, is not capable of, does not have the mental, or moral, or both, requisite faculties to investigate the issue or even be aware of it. I personally find this possibility absolutely unlikely, but, if this is the case, then it is worrying in the extreme that this person is a Bishop and that anyone listens to him.
    • Sloth. Despite feeling entitled to make this video Bp. Sanborn has not bothered to investigate the matter at all and is completely unaware of the murdered baby issue. Again, I find this at the very least unlikely and in any case, if this is the case, again, absolutely worrying. I don’t want any of my Bishops to be slothful, sloppy and arrogant to this extent.
    • Complicity. I again find this likelihood absurdly unlikely. I cannot believe that Bishop Sanborn, whatever his human failings, would knowingly be on board with the likes of Bill Gates and his cohort of demoniacs to achieve the ends of the elite.
    • Personal Ego. This, unfortunately, from past occurrences, and in fact, even just more recent events I have blogged about in detail here, I do find most likely. That is, if I had to bet on it, and I would not like to, but if I did, my bet would be that Bishop Sanborn is somewhat himself caught up in the narrative, might be a little fearful of death himself (God only knows why, as Catholics are not prone to fear of death, but I suppose he may have plans to do much more than he has done (and he has done a lot, no doubt)) and being of boomer age, is susceptible to boomer ways of thinking and believing, it is only human of course, nevertheless, this would be all in the service of error and not Catholicism.

The point of leaving the faithful in something of a limbo regarding the murdered baby parts in the creation of the non-vaccine genetic experiments is not one that Bishop Sanborn himself misunderstands. He wrote on his blog a lengthy entry clearly pointing out that either one believes the Pope is legitimate or he believes he is not, but in either case “opinions” is not the correct path in theology. His post is here. The point here is clearly that in theological matters, “opinionism” and indeed opinions themselves, are irrelevant. The only thing that matters is the dogma of the Church and in this case a clergyman (or even a layman if none other will do it) needs and should point out the correct rules concerning such a matter. Currently however, Bishop Sanborn has remained silent on the matter of the murdered babies. Certainly in the video being discussed. If and when he expresses his official stand on it, I may well require to correct this entry when I become aware of it. And of course, if it needs to be revised, I will absolutely revise it, as charitably as possible.

  • At about 7 minutes in he is asked his personal opinion and he states that he does NOT think it is a mortal sin to take it, and that in his view it all boils down to one (and only one) question, and that being how much do you trust the “medical science” involved.
    • I put “medical science” in inverted commas because I want to be clear, first of all, of the point that this is NOT the only question at all, as the four points above demonstrate, there is the murdered babies part, which Bp. Sanborn avoids entirely.
    • But in the second place, while I have great trust in the scientific method when it is correctly applied, I can state with absolute certainty that the scientific method has not come within a light year’s distance of anything the media or the politicians have presented us with concerning covid.
    • THAT is scientifically absolutely demonstrable to a level of certainty that approaches something more certain than the sun rising in the East tomorrow morning. So if Bishop Sanborn thinks the clown show that has been presented to us for two years now is “medical science” then I have to absolutely be clear that anything this man says from here on is something I am absolutely unlikely to pay any attention to, because someone so absolutely devoid of the most basic ability to do logic, has no business whatsoever leading souls at all.
  • At 8m25seconds or so he states that in comparison to the number of people that have taken it, the adverse reactions are a minuscule portion. Here I will give Bishop Sanborn the benefit of the doubt and assume that due to his boomer sensibilities he simply takes the mass media numbers at face value without having bothered to do any checks himself. This benefit of the doubt however does reinforce a staggering level of lack of preparedness, logic and willingness to do the work when considering the importance of the topic. Nevertheless, let’s look at the perpetrators’ OWN NUMBERS. Even according to them, over 30,000 people have died of it. Here is an archived link to some official figures.
    • Keep in mind the MSM has lied to you about literally everything, so why would this be any different, but even so, these are based on VAERS (official Vaccination Adverse Reaction) numbers. Here is the thing though: Not all patients fill in an adverse reaction forms, especially since there is in any case no recourse because all the big Pharma are completely immune from any fault if you die like flies from it. So what’s the point? But even more interesting, even if you DO report it, the doctor in question has no obligation to pass it on. In short, it has been known for decades that VAERS data is from 10 to 100 TIMES under reported. Which in real numbers means that from 300,000 to 3,000,000 people have died of the clot-shot. And some 10 to 100 MILLION are likely having some adverse reaction to it, many of them life-threatening and permanent.
    • I think most people now know personally someone or multiple someones or are related to people who have died or been permanently damaged from the clot-shots. I personally know of two so far and I am not counting friends of friends etc. These numbers are going to keep being impossible to hide in the coming months and years, especially for the booster takers.
  • He states that the VAERS numbers, show it has a very, very low incidence of death or serious injury, wait… so… he IS aware of the numbers as reported above then? Or is he just parroting what the MSM tells him on TV? But even more astonishing, he says that we don’t know the VAERS numbers are even related to the actual (non) Vaccines. I mean… that is the WHOLE POINT OF VAERS. It tracks adverse reactions from vaccines! It not only is directly related to the non-vaccines, it was created for the very purpose of monitoring such adverse reactions and keeping track of them. Once again, I will put this down to invincible boomerism, but that’s not a good thing, whichever way you slice it.
  • At 9m 50s or so, after discussing vaccines and his own experience of taking the polio vaccine he repeats that this is Nothing new at least twice. This is a gross error. First of all, the current clot-shots are NOT vaccines, have never been vaccines and never will be. In fact, they went and changed the definition of Vaccine in online dictionaries because people started to become aware that this is GENETIC MODIFICATION shots. And for those of you that think that mRNA doesn’t change or affect your DNA, look, let me make it simple: Unless you understand the actual biochemistry involved, be silent. And secondly, it makes your body produce spike proteins according to the people that produce this monstrosity. Yes, it DOES change you at a fundamental cellular level and there is a reason that it does that. It’s designed to. There is even beginning to be some evidence that clot-shot babies, that is, babies born to people who took the clot shot and somehow survived both the pregnancy as well as the birth and did not have one of the many, many, many spontaneous abortions that the clot shot induces, seem to be of a different type of human altogether; with physical abilities that take place much sooner than normal babies. A development that generally means stronger physical specimens but with comparatively lowered IQs. There are also several reports of graphene, and other parasites possibly of an artificial nature in the clot shots, but even if you ignore totally all the let’s say more fringe parts of this story (but with plenty of evidence), the simple fact remains that these clot shots are NOT vaccines. So this IS something new. Something completely new, untested and global in scale. Furthermore, while presenting himself as technically incompetent to discuss vaccines, here he speaks authoritatively on them? That is in itself a contradiction.
  • at about 14m he begins to answer a question relating to the Cassiciacum theory and states that sedevacantists have a problem if they state that the seat is empty of any kind of legitimate Pope because they then have to account for how there could be a break in the dogmatic position of the Church that there has to be, and I quote: “An unbroken succession of hierarchy, that is Popes and Bishops, from the time of St. Peter until the end of the world.” Once more, I am stunned at the theological error here. First of all it is clearly NOT Catholic dogma that there has to be an UNBROKEN SUCCESSION (of Popes) because if that were the case, then the Church would have ended immediately after the death of St. Peter, before the next Pope was chosen. It is TRUE that there needs to be an unbroken hierarchy, but this is preserved by the living Bishops EVERY TIME A POPE DIES. And they keep this hierarchy in place, in a sort of jurisdictional emergency mode, until a new Pope is elected, REGARDLESS OF HOW LONG THAT TAKES. While this is the LONGEST period without a valid Pope the Church has ever experienced, it is not the ONLY time the Church existed without any Pope at all. There have been periods of a few years before that had no Pope at all on the seat. And there were approximately equal length periods as the current one, of some seven decades, when one could hardly be sure WHO was the real Pope because up to three at a time claimed the spot and it was only resolved after their deaths in many cases. Plus, we have had over 40 antipopes before 1958, so his theological rhetoric is just plain wrong on the facts. The unbroken succession of hierarchy continues to exist right now and Bishop Sanborn is part of it. As long as a single Bishop exists, as St. Irenaus pointed out, there is the Church. And we have more than just Bishop Sanborn. Which frankly, given these grave errors, is a relief.
  • He goes on to state hardly a minute later that the notorious, public heretics occupying the Vatican have no authority within the Catholic Church but have legitimate titles to hold those positions. This is once again, a glaring error of huge proportions. Canon 188 part 4 is very clear on the point: ANY office, of a public, notorious heretic is lost by the very fact that they act as a public notorious heretic. And you can’t be more public and notorious than the fake Popes and fake Bishops promoting Vatican II heresy for the last 60 plus years since the documents are supposed to be for all mankind. Add to that that MANY of these vermin were exposed as actual Freemasons by Mino Pecorelli and others (Mino paid with his life for it) and the troublesome fact that Freemasons cannot be Catholic, and it really doesn’t take a rocket scientist to see that the Sedevacantist position is correct and that the original Sedeprivationist thesis, put forward by fr. Gerard de Lauriers was a charitable way to permit some still honest Catholic clergy of the time that may have resided in the Vatican to try and make amends. To hold to such a theory now in the hope that a confirmed aider and abettor of pedophiles, actual pedophiles themselves, cocaine snorting homosexuals who perform orgies with each other, or some other foul Satanist, “converts” and fixes the Novus Orco dumpster fire, is frankly, not just absurd, because it is, but it is, once again NON-CANONICAL. Even IF such vile creatures did, genuinely repent and convert; by canonic law, as clearly detailed in the ex-cathedra pronouncement of Cum-Ex Apostolato Officio of Pope Paul the IV they are to have authority over NO ONE, and spend the rest of their days in seclusion in perpetual repentance and penance. And the Code of Canon Law of 1917, the only valid code in existence for catholics, clearly refers to it:
    • The Latin version of the Code definitely lists Cum ex… in its footnotes, also recorded by Peter Cardinal Gasparri’s in his Fontes (sources). This is true not only for Can. 188§4 but also for several other Canons dealing with heresy, (Codex Iuris Canonici, Peter Cardinal Gasparri, Newman Press, 1957.) The Code lists Cum ex… as a source not only for Can. 188§4, but also for Canons 167§3, 2264, 2314, 2316 and 2317.
  • The error here in theology is monstrous. It literally puts people who believe this totally illogical stance in the position of being at the mercy of pedophiles, homosexuals, freemasons and satanists, hoping that they “convert” and then, AGAINST INFALLIBLE CATHOLIC DOGMA, go on to lead the Church back to health. It is not just absurd, it is literally impossible. Even if God were to save and cleanse the souls of every single satanist in the Vatican and make them repent, by DIVINE LAW, they would NOT be permitted to lead anyone or anything. Sequestered for life in a monastery in perpetual penance does not mean, become a fully legitimate Bishop or Pope able to lead the masses back to real Catholicism. And this is IMMUTABLE and perpetual law. Infallible law at that. So, once again, the error here is of catastrophic proportions.

This takes us to not quite half-way of the entire video, but I believe I can rest my case here, as none of these points get resolved, fixed or addressed in any way that can be considered exculpatory later on.

So, while Bishop Sanborn remains a valid Bishop to date, his errors of theology and morals are gigantic and a Catholic should not and cannot remain silent in the face of them. Remaining silent when clergy goes on a merry ride to Hell in a sledge of broken theology that contradicts canon law at every turn is how we got here in the first place.

I was not around in 1958, but I assure you, there is no way in Hell that I will keep silent when clergy are acting improperly, teaching in error and ignoring the infallible magisterium of the Church, whatever their reasons, be it ignorance, sloth, stupidity, giant egos, personal power, or even power for “the greater good” or, God-forbid, actual complicity with the enemies of God, our Lord and the Church, I will speak out, and tell them to their face if need be.

As God is my witness.

And I pray in earnest that may He see to it I never, ever, falter in this regard as long as I draw breath, and then after too.

Surviving the Elite Generated as Well as Natural Apocalypse, Coming Ice-Age, and Possible Sudden Pole-Shift.


You know, just in case you had a dark view of the future or anything. But fear not, I am here to help you navigate this stuff as best as anyone can. This may be a multi-part post or multiple update post anyway, as time permits. The general view taken is for those who are not millionaires, not particularly wealthy and don’t necessarily have all or even any of the resources that would make things ideal. You will need to adapt the suggestion, information and ideas presented here to your own specific conditions, and as always, I am just a guy on the internet, all responsibility for anything you do or not do rests with you.


All else being equal, in order to get the best out of the possible negative things coming our way the order of practicalities is as follows: Lines in BOLD have been covered, the ones still in normal black will be addressed in updates as time permits.

  • Mindset
  • Geography/Physical Location
  • Community/Social Situation
  • Ability to be self-sufficient in:
    • Water supply (Clean and uncontaminated/off-grid)
    • Power (Electricity)
    • Fuel (For Vehicles)
    • Heating (For the dwelling and generally for water/hygiene)
    • Fuel (For the heating requirements above)
    • Medical Procedures up to minor surgery/dental work
  • Ability to defend/Protect your family, neighbours and property
  • Ability to be self-sufficient in food production

In order then, let’s look at each of these and take note how every one of them can and does impact the other things on the list.


If you don’t have this, you could literally have everything else and you’ll still end up losing it all because (for example) of several or all of the below:

  • You’ll trust demonic liars and take a zombie creating experimental medical genetic modification serum.
  • You’ll feel hopeless and suicidal at the first hardships, or the 100th for that matter and may end up actually ending your own life, either intentionally or through apathy which leads to errors, mistakes and accidents.
  • You’ll be so anxious and stressed you will ruin yourself, your family and your relationships or be unable to create new, or good ones.
  • Above all, in short, whatever the situation, you’ll give up before you’re actually dead, and THAT will defeat you faster and more thoroughly than getting shot by would-be raiders.
  • Mindset is EVERYTHING. It’s first, and last and the middle too, so get it right.

So how do you get the right mindset?

Sure, it helps if you have been a special ops trained soldier, a high level martial artist, if you have pushed yourself physically and mentally beyond what you thought was possible (usually this requires someone else doing the pushing for you). But just because you have been an inner city cop, or a soldier, or a martial artist does not automatically mean you will have the right mindset for the long run.

In the long run, the strongest, most reliable, flexible, adaptable, mindset has been the one of committed believing Catholics (Sedevacantists or Sedeprivationist) the Novus Orco Churchians simply do NOT have a real, foundation in actual Catholicism, and they are essentially Protestant in their Churchianity. While there are always exceptions and there undoubtedly are strong minded Protestants, Ignorant would-be “Catholics” that follow Bergoglio (I seriously doubt it though), Pagans, Buddhists, Shintoists or whatever, the point is that those are EXCEPTIONS. They are not a generic solid rule you can apply to a varied group of people who only have their stated religion in common.

So. If you have not done so yet, and are totally new to the idea, or even hate it with a passion, may I suggest you click on the link in the upper left and buy the very short book BELIEVE! It’s something like $10 and has resulted in dozens of people converting from lifelong atheism, agnosticism, Protestantism, or other religion to Sedevacantist. And when they then met up with other Sedes they have been stunned at the level of community spirit present. As have I.

I have led men into some pretty hairy situations, I always had a very strong mind long before I even thought remotely about Christianity or religion in general, and I have had extremely loyal friends throughout my life, but NOTHING prepared me for the level of long term, constant, reliable commitment other Sedes have to creating a functioning community of people. I would have not believed it if you had told me before I experienced it myself.

So that would be my magic, secret bullet. Read BELIEVE! and if you are inclined to learn a LOT more Read also Reclaiming the Catholic Church (both available by clicking the books I wrote link above). If you are already a Sede then good on you, you can now focus on the other traditional, “Never Give Up” Type mindsets. The Systema book I wrote can also be very helpful in this regard, as can the series on Sedeprivationism and Systema you can find at the Digital Kurganate here.

But, despite what you might think, this is not a giant advert for my stuff. It’s simply that I have had this mindset and developed it further since becoming Catholic, so if you want to quickly get up to speed, the stuff I wrote will help you avoid years of trial and error and point out the pitfalls of many wrong turns I took before getting the right one.

Training at whatever skills you need or want to develop is also extremely important. you can’t be confident in something you are incapable at. So become competent in your chosen skill set.

If you are a secular/agnostic/atheist/Churchian type you have a distinct disadvantage because at a purely practical level your level of stress will be higher as your primary focus will tend to be rooted a lot more in the material world, no matter how “spiritual” you fancy yourself to be. That in turn will also close your mind to other possibilities and opportunities in the PHYSICAL world, that only become apparent if you have an intrinsically SPIRITUAL worldview.

Ultimately it will also make you shy away from situations that would normally be thought of as unsurvivable or too dangerous or too difficult and so on. Meaning you are less likely to ever operate at full potential, which generally is a good thing… except… when you really need to!

Ultimately the correct mindset is simply a willingness to go on. To find a way. To overcome. To survive. To adapt. To win. To outdo the enemies. To get up and find a way no matter the odds.

Geography/Physical Location

If you have mindset squared away, the next most important thing of where to make your stand is the physical location. there are multiple potential issues this affects, so from the biggest to the smallest (in size, not necessarily in importance), these are:

  • Tectonic Plates – Worst case scenario, the pole shift will happen in your life-time and be a sudden one. These have, as far as I can tell, happened many times before and invariably have some instantaneously catastrophic consequences for vast areas of the planet. Personally, I hope this doesn’t happen for a long time, however, my prediction of the accelerating of the drift of magnetic North from the physical North Pole accelerating in the last 20 years or so has played out for the last 26 years and since the progression is not linear but exponential, there is, in my educated opinion, a good chance this will happen in the next 50 years or so. But it may happen tomorrow. There are a number of indications this will be the case:
    • The increasing drift of magnetic North from physical North over the last 50-100 years
    • The recent increase in volcanic activity, earthquakes and tsunamis around the planet in recent years
    • Most significant of all the fact that as of 2021 all 4 magnetic phases of the Sun are going out of synch and this will affect the weather on Earth in a spectacular fashion. The only model of global weather patterns and “climate change” that has been something like 97-98% accurate for the last 30 years is a Russian model that is based on the Sun’s activity. For context, the last ice-age only 2 of the Sun’s magnetic fields had gone out of phase. This time it’s all 4. You keep believing in global warming if you want, you special child in a yellow bus, you, but I strongly suggest you buy an extra jumper this Christmas. While the magnetic fields of the Sun affect our weather, it makes sense they would also affect the Earth’s own magnetic field, and in fact, the Sun may very well be precisely what makes the Poles flip. And it may do so very rapidly. The 4 out-of-phase fields have started to go out of whack this year. 2021 may yet have a nasty surprise in store for you. or maybe 2022, but no one really knows.

Given all of the above, the LAST place you want to be is near fault lines, the meeting of various tectonic plates and so on. I said how before moving to Northern Italy I was looking at a small island in Panama. However Panama is situated on one of the smallest tectonic plates on the planet and at place where various plates meet. Also, being only a few metres above sea level means a giant wave would wipe you out.

The ideal place would be one relatively in the center of a stable and large tectonic plate, in a location that is fertile, physically defensible and has a good supply of natural water.

  • Defence Considerations – It’s all well and good if you are in the middle of a giant tectonic plate of a large country with fertile land, not close to sea level. Excellent. But if you happen to be next to a military base, well… It won’t make much difference when/if the military decide it makes a nice pit stop or refuelling area, etc. The Ideal place is a small town or village with only a few hundred people, relatively far from large cities and inhabited town, in a fertile area that may also have some geographical vantage points (high ground, protected from the weather or floods, mudslides, rockfalls, flash-floods, etc.). The biggest threat is other people, but of course, things like seasonal fires, floods, heavy snowfalls and so on, also need to be considered.
  • Water and Food Considerations – You need to be able to raise livestock and plant crops, is the area suitable for that (most places are to some degree or other). Do you have access to clean, unpolluted water (mountain river stream, bore-hole or well, or rain catchment, lake with water purification possibilities or if need be even desalination possibilities). You do NOT need a HUGE area to grow enough food to keep your family fed, but obviously, if the main dwelling is good, possibly other minor dwellings on the property are either available or possible, and other costs/considerations have been taken care of, then the more land you can own the better, as a general rule of thumb. However be aware that without modern machinery (and the fuel to run it) farming large tracks of land by hand is almost impossible for the average lazy, fat, out of shape, ignorant Westerner. That’s you and me in case you were wondering. Even if like me, you are not lazy, fat or particularly out of shape, the sheer lack of knowledge of how to even begin to plow a field using an ox (and where to get an ox, how to keep him fed properly and cared for etc etc etc) is almost completely guaranteed to become a comedy of errors that can turn you into a cripple or dead. I have worked as a professional armed personal protection operative in South Africa and done martial arts from the age of 4. I have hunted in Africa from a very young age, including large game of all kinds in places where there was no medics at all, and survived some rather scary/stupid.accidental stuff. The phrase “health and safety” when I began working in Europe was essentially equivalent to “Gay clown world for gay clowns”. Despite all of that, I would put being a farmer as more dangerous than ANY of those professions and things I did. Farmwork is deadly stuff and if you half-ass things, sooner or later you WILL injure or kill yourself. This is not an if. It’s a when. So realise that before going in. No matter how many fat bastards on Youtube play-act at being “Homesteaders” don’t buy into the lies. Go see a working farm and go help a farmer for free for a week. Tell him you just want to learn a bit by following I’m around and doing work in exchange for a learning experience. If you can convince a farmer to take you on on that basis, a week will give you an idea, a month would be better, but only long enough to realise you can get hurt. A few months will begin to teach you to plan things properly. All this “health and safety” talk in THIS section is geared to make you understand that the more land you have the more work you need to do and the more fieldwork you do, the higher the changes you will screw-up somewhere along the line and get hurt. Don’t tell me you didn’t get warned here when it happens.
  • Weather Considerations – while you are not going to be able to predict exactly where or how a sudden Pole Shift might affect the place you are in or choose, since a Pole Shift may not happen at all in your lifetime, it may be best to choose something relatively warm, or at least temperate. If there is another ice-age coming (and this prediction is a LOT more likely and scientifically backed up than when a Pole Shift may happen) then you want to avoid places that are already freezing cold as it is. This pretty much excludes places like Canada, Iceland (exception slightly made for the volcanic heat, but then….do you WANT to live near a volcano?), Siberia, large parts of Kazakhstan and Russia in General, Alaska and so on.

Community/Social Situation

In a way, this too, falls under the Geography. That is, the physical location you choose (or are limited to) also defines the community in which you will live. Until the world carries on limping along on a semblance of normality, even the twisted, wreck, half-zombified current state (Nov 2021) this point need not be critical unless you are already in shithole territory, BUT, please believe me when I say that YOU HAVE NO IDEA how fast, normal human beings become vicious, murdering rapist cannibals when there are no more rules. I have had a very interesting life in many countries including some 25 years in various parts of Africa, and do NOT fool yourself into thinking that the most vicious of things that goes on in a supposedly primitive African setting in extreme situations could never happen in Europe or North America or some other “first world” country. It can and does and possibly is even worse. Talk to someone who has survived the Yugoslavian wars of Serbia, Croatia, etc. It gets brutal VERY quickly and pretty much anyone you are not directly related to, as well as some you ARE, will as soon kill you for your coat or shoes than say good morning.

In this respect, regardless of what you personally believe, I have not come across a group of people that is more likely to continue behaving in a civil manner even when the situation is truly life-threatening than PROPER Catholics. That is Sedes. You can be upset about it, you can object, you can shout to the sky, but it is simply a fact that in all my travels, leading and being part of teams that operates in areas of life where getting shot or stabbed was a very real daily possibility, no group has EVER even come remotely close. I have not seen the level of commitment and loyalty from even devout Muslims or hard-core martial artists that trained together for year, childhood friends, or anything else. In fact, the behaviour OFTEN surpasses that you’d expect from your own blood relatives.

That said, Sede communities are few and far between, so my suggestion is:

Firstly: Begin one.

And secondly, Try to find a rural area with a SMALL population, the smaller the better and the more rural the better.

The Ideal location, all other things being equal is a rural setting that geographically ticks as many of the boxes as possible and where you at the very least blend in with the local community. The more similar you are, the better. In this regard, a Southern America black man, who understands the locals, has a culturally aware grasp of them and is willing and able to fulfil his expected role in it, would fare better than a lily-white yankee that behaves like your average New Yorker. So, try to pick your place primarily on Geography and Community. It is hard to say which of these is more important.

You MAY be able to lone-wolf-it for a while, but ultimately, any community that will survive long terms has to be composed of several individuals. And on a long enough time line, you want your children to be able to grow up and have partners to marry and have children themselves with, so ultimately, isolation with a view to a continuing future line of descendants, means that a community existence has to be one of the main points of where you pick to live.

If you have children, or plan to have them (and the answer to both is YES) try to pick a place that also has children and/or the people have skills in home births and so on. Rural doctors are sometimes a godsend and even a good vet is better than nothing and can save your child and wife if he has some basic equipment and the situation is not drastic in the extreme.

If you’re a single guy in your 20s, try to pick a community where you can make yourself useful and treat honestly and hard-working with everyone and try to pick a place that is not filled with only octogenarians, but has some women of suitable age for you to eventually marry and build a family with. This goes doubly so if you are not local, speak a different language and so on. The more different from the locals you are the harder you have to work, the more friendly, open and honest and so on to make up for the negative “he’s just a damned stranger” points you have from the start.

Self Sufficiency

I am putting this above the Ability to Protect yourself and your property and family only for the reason that generally, you need to have something worth stealing or murdering you for before you become a target, although, in extremis, your very existence or your wife’s pretty face could be enough reason for someone to want to murder you, so depending on your specific situation the next heading in red may be further up the list.

  • Water – Clean water, and NOT from a piped “official” source is one of the main points you ideally want to have. Many people, maybe even most, will unfortunately not have this, but consider that water is second only to air for survival. And if you are healthily paranoid like I am, you also realise that it’s the easiest vector for nefarious creatures to attack you from. If you rely on tap water, all that an evil would be mass-murdering psychopath that thinks he has the right to create zombies for his own purposes needs to do is pollute your supply and you’re done. Admittedly, for most people this level of paranoia seems slightly absurd, but… most people are complete idiots. You already have fluoride in it, and if the graphene/5g/microwave control vectors have ANY truth to them (they do, it’s technology that was created in the mid 90’s or at least that was publicly discussed as having already been achieved in the mid 90s by doctors that were concerned at its potential uses) what would prevent the same satanic elite from putting whatever “additives” in the water supply? Bottled water MIGHT be a temporary suitable alternative but you can’t know that either. The best solution is to have your own supply, wether from a well or borehole, clean stream or lake, or rain catchment. Even then, you want to have a good filter mechanism and possibly there are good enough ones that would function to keep even the “additives” out, but no one knows for sure. Rain catchment with filtration would probably be the safest unless you have a decent supply of naturally protected subterranean water (always difficult to be sure of).
  • Power – Electricity is extremely important, but once again, if you are healthily paranoid like me, you want to have your own, off-grid supply. This could be solar panels, or turbine powered if you have a water stream or wind that can generate enough to at least run some essentials. Aside from getting the initial off-grid supply (which again, as long as the world works to a degree you can rely on only as emergency power) it is important that you understand how to maintain and repair this off-grid supply, because remember that in the zombie apocalypse, your local solar panel expert has probably been eaten alive already. Hand-crank devices to charge things like phones (not really something you want to have in a really advanced zombie apocalypse scenario. You don’t want to be trackable then) and more importantly torches, lanterns and so one, radios, walk takes and so on are the way to go too. Paraffin lanterns work well and I lived for a year or two on a farm with no electricity or potable water. I don’t recall it being a hardship either and mobile phones did not exist back then, nor did we have a landline. And life was free and happy. A lot of modern equipment runs on electricity but most of human history it did not exist. Don’t forget that and prepare yourself with alternatives that do not require it.
  • Fuel (for vehicles) – A little bit like electricity above, it is extremely advantageous to have vehicles, especially for farming the land, transporting materials or food or other things and getting you from A to B quickly, so, while not necessarily an absolute must, it is is always good to have some relevant vehicles. And be able to keep them running well into the apocalypse. This generally means fuel. You can stock up a certain amount to be sure, also for powered tools like rototillers, chainsaws, weed-whackers, portable generators or whatever, but unless you’re into being able to create your own mini fuel depot (which would become a MAJOR target in bad times) this would be limited to an emergency stash that would run things for a few days at most. If you have an electric vehicle it may be that there is a way to make the solar panel or turbine electric power described above be enough to charge it, but I doubt it and in any case, I doubt that there are tractors or other farm machinery that is electric. The main aim here is to try and keep a stash, be aware of impending shortages, keep your vehicles topped up at all times and realise your maximum time/distance/fuel requirements in a situation where you can’t get any fuel suddenly.
  • Heating (For the dwelling and generally for water/hygiene) – Heating is obviously most important in climates that are cold or can be cold part of the year, or will become cold (due to the coming ice-age) or that might suddenly (if you survive it) become cold due to a sudden pole-shift. Once again, if your heating relies on electricity, you’re going to suffer badly once the zombies, evil elite, asteroid hit, or whatever takes out the main grid. And if you rely on solar panels in a country like for example the United Kingdom, whose people only have a passing acquaintance with the concept of sunlight as it is, it may not be enough to run your kettle, never mind heating your home. The solution here, especially if you’re in rural areas, is wood stoves. HOWEVER, did you notice the sudden rush from the elites and governments around the world to try and literally ban the use of wood stoves and the burning of wood? All supposedly to help fight global warming, which of course, is not an issue at all given we have just literally entered the biggest ice-age in recorded human history. The effects of this new ice age may take a while to be felt, but I think within a year or two will already be very noticeable and possibly as early as this winter. Depending on your country, location etc it may already be “illegal” to own or use a wood stove. So you’ll have to choose how to navigate that issue based on your local circumstances, but if you are in a region that at all allows it yet, GET A WOOD STOVE. I do not know of a better option, assuming you have plenty of wood. Again, if you happen to have a very unique position with access to some kind of water or air powered turbine that generates enough electricity to heat your dwelling, then great, but there is a reason that all old homes where winter existed had chimneys. As an added bonus Italy makes some of the most efficient and best wood stoves anywhere in the world. They literally are global leaders in it and no one even comes close, so if you live in Italy, this is a bonus. Italy has various manufacturers of what they also call TERMOCUCINE, these are wood burning stoves that provide heat to the radiators of the house. The Termocucina has the pipes running in it that heat up all the water in the radiators, which flow through the radiator water circuit. They all have a separate circuit to heat sanitary (potable) water, so you can heat your home, and take warm showers and have hot water out of your taps. But that’s not all, the top surface of the Termocucina becomes a giant hot plate that you can cook on and food cooked on these wood burning stoves invariably tastes better. I do not know the reason, but it does. And on the side of the wood burning chamber is an oven, so you have a fully functioning kitchen that you can cook on top of, cook in the oven, heats all your water for daily use and heats the radiators of the house too in winter. There is a minimal requirement of electricity for the pump that ensures the water doesn’t overpressure (you also have safety valves anyway) and that pumps it around the two circuits, but on some models this uses little more power than a 60 watt lightbulb, so if you do have solar panels for it, miserly as they might be, they should be able to run it. And if you have a decent battery connected to it, perhaps even a hand cranked power unit might be enough. It’s pretty impressive to be able to heat your whole home and cook all in one unit, so if you can get one of these do so. And if you need to get separate units for each function because you can’t source one that does it all, I would still advise to go for it. Conversely, if you live in a hot climate, I truly believe air-conditioning is a total waste of money, power and resources. And I should know, I lived in hot countries where even the locals didn’t go out at lunch time, but I did. Of course, if you’re grossly overweight and out of shape… but then, if you are, you’re probably zombie food anyway.
  • Fuel (For the heating requirements above) – This has essentially already been covered above, but the principle here is that fuel for heating is more important generally speaking in the long run than fuel for vehicles, so the advise here is once again to ensure your geography permits you to have enough fuel to last you years and is either essentially unlimited or renewable. So, wooded areas for wood, an area with access to a river if you plan to install a water turbine, windy valley for a windmill turbine, and so on.
  • Medical Procedures up to minor surgery/dental work – This generally requires a doctor. HOWEVER, purchasing HARDCOPIES of relevant manuals and as much medical equipment as makes sense for your specific circumstances, if simply common sense. Besides buying these books, READING THEM BEFOREHAND is imperative. Trying to figure out how to do an emergency tracheotomy with blood spurting out of a cut vein and all over the pages of the book you are trying to read which has font far too small in the fading light is no way to learn about home-surgery. Dentistry is a killer and knowing the basics should be an absolute must for everyone. There is also the added bonus that if YOU happen to be a surgeon or a dentist, you could reasonably equip your home with a theatre for emergencies or even routine visits and this in and of itself would become a prized service in the zombie apocalypse. Furthermore it is one that would generally tend to motivate your neighbours to help protect you and your family/assets because you would be a very needed part of the community of would-be survivors. I would save a dentist above a doctor and a doctor above a mechanic. And so would most people who have a functioning brain left. So if you have skills in this area, keep developing them if you can and equip yourself so as to be able to continue providing this service even in a zombie apocalypse scenario.

Ability to defend/Protect your family, neighbours and property

As mentioned in passing above, I only placed this below the previous section because it becomes more important once you have all of the above things already. If you are a homeless, dirty bum, you’re probably safe from most human predators except the truly twisted and perverse. But if you life in a golden castle with all the amenities and glass walls, well… you’re a magnet for bandits and everyone else.

Once again, the primary protective item is not, perhaps surprisingly, guns, but Geography and Community. Anyone in a large city is generally and generic zombie-food. But if you are in a rural tiny community where you have integrated yourself quite well, while not “safe” in and of itself you are already a whole lot “safer” than most people on the planet.

The physical geography of the location and of the specific dwelling you are in is also important. Rural homes in the US for example, are generally the equivalent of tool sheds when compared to Rural homes in Italy. The average Italian rural home, especially if older, has walls that can be about a half-meter thick, tiny barred windows and heavy wooden doors. You could hold off a small army from inside one, because short of explosives, most firearm round will simply not go through the walls at all.

By contrast, the average American rural home, built of wood, would quickly turn into cheap Swiss cheese after any protracted gun battle. Once again, if you can choose or can afford to build, build accordingly.

Safe rooms, hidden bunkers and so on, are also all possibilities depending on location, budget, etc. etc. Nevertheless, if you are determined enough you can usually almost always build some kind of emergency bunker. If you go to these lengths, it would make sense to keep it hidden and with an escape hatch somewhere.

Having covered these issues, let’s get down to the fun part: Guns, guns, more guns and weapons in general.

In a rural setting it is assumed you will in any case have a lot of axes, machetes, sickles, pitchforks, knives of all kinds and so on. These are working tools for the most part, but a sledgehammer or axe to the head will kill you as much as anything else, so that’s always a consideration, I will therefore not go into details regarding melee weapons.

For ranged weapons, you may very well be limited by the laws in your country and so on.

As most readers are Americans, let’s first “Blue Sky” the ideal set of weapons, with no limits, later you will need to adapt for various locations.

A note on Hunting Weapons: These are a separate subset and are discussed in the next main heading. Here we will only discuss personal protection, home and community defence.

Long Arms – Shotguns – You should ideally have at least one each. Shotguns are unbeatable for home defence, especially if short (be careful, in most countries including the USA there are restrictions on barrel lengths and so on and it is NOT legal to have sawn off shotguns and so on). Commercially available home defence shotguns generally have 18″ barrels. Given its primary aim is to protect you from intruders, you want something that is mechanically reliable. A pump action shotgun therefore is what I would suggest. There are, if you live in the USA some shotguns that can hold 25 standard shells and up to 41 of the small ones (The Key-Tec KSG 25). Some of these are a bit different (bullpup design, ejector spits the shells onto your wrist, etc) but even a standard, relatively cheap Mossberg 590 can hold between 6+1 and 8+1 shells depending on magazine extension. Again, there may be limits on the number of shells you can legally have in your shotgun, but most places will generally allow at least 5+1 or 4+1 and unless you are literally being swarmed by zombies, that should be about 3-4 more shells than you need to ensure anyone that entered your home with murderous intent is either turned into a pink cloud or runs away as fast as his legs can carry him. You can pick up a cheap pump action shotgun for about $200, so there is no excuse not to buy one.

Long Arms – Rifles – Once again, we are not discussing hunting rifles, only rifles for the protection of your family, home or community. Here, there are so many factors it is nearly impossible to make a generic suggestion applicable to most people. Nevertheless, a rifle is the longest range weapon available to civilians and as such, applies to distances beyond effective shotgun or realistic pistol ranges (about 30 metres). The main compromises here are between speed and distance. The faster you want to be able to put a round in a target, the shorter the distance you will be able to do so consistently as a general rule. Conversely, if you can take your time to aim, you can hit targets at very long distances. Almost all rifle rounds will at the very least incapacitate a target, but heavier rounds obviously cause more damage. My advice here is very simple and consists of two parts:

  • Decide what your maximum effective range for engaging potential zombies is. Find the rifles and calibers that can consistently hit a target at that range.
  • Find out what is the largest and flattest firing caliber that you can COMFORTABLY and RELIABLY put hits on target downrange with.

When you have done that, get that rifle (and scope if required)

Short Arms – Handguns – Once again, personal preferences and so on play a big part here along with availability, legal limitations and so on. That all said, always assuming the Blue Sky principle, I would suggest multiple handguns. IN a long term Zombie scenario, I would personally opt for at least a 6″ barrel revolver in the largest caliber you can shoot comfortably and reliably with. Why a revolver? Less moving parts. Easier to maintain, and despite what a lot of morons who think they know better than me will say, a revolver, all other things being equal is INHERENTLY more accurate than a semi-automatic pistol that does not have a fixed barrel. The Desert Eagle in .50 and the Beretta Target Pistol model 69 in .22 are the only semi-auto pistols that I found as accurate as my .357 magnum Ruger revolver.

Also, a handgun doubles as a home defence weapon. It is a short distance weapon. While it’s true that catching a.357 magnum bullet to the face at 50 metres will spoil your whole day anyway, the number of people that can even hit a human sized target at 50 metres are a handful, if that, in your entire community. For a home defence weapon you want absolute reliability. And no matter, once again, the number of people telling you that they can swear on a stack of bibles that a high-capacity semi-auto is the way to go, the reality is that with a semi-auto, misfires and jams in a home invasion scenarios can mean life and death. With a revolver, you just pull the trigger again in case of a misfire. And misfires happen. You could have the perfect semi-auto, but you only need that 1 in a million dud round in the chamber and now you need to cycle it out. So if you are limited I would get a revolver if that is the only gun you will take. Secondly, a high-capacity semi-auto in a common calibre would again not go amiss. And possibly a third one in a small caliber for the wife, to teach the kids how to shoot, or to keep noise to a minimum should that be a consideration (keep in mind that silencers are utterly illegal in most of Europe).

One consideration that many people don’t even think about is a black powder firearm. In a REALLY long game, eventually unless you are reloading the ammunition, or even if you are, you may find it difficult to come by the ammunition. Or the smokeless powder. Or the primers.

To be fair, the primer issue applies to black powder handguns as well, but the ammunition problem is far easier to deal with as long as you have some lead you can melt into balls and you are familiar with how to make black powder. As I said, this is an extreme situation in the really quite distant future, but if we really do get hit by an asteroid and you’re one of the last survivors, knowing HOW to make black powder from scratch is going to be a useful skill to have. And it will let you have a firearm when most other people will have run out of ammo. If you want to go really primitive, you can get one of those guns that does not use a primer but instead uses a flint to light the powder directly. Of course these are less reliable, prone to getting wet and so on, but… you know the saying, better have one and not need it than need it and not have one.

Alternatives – In countries like the UK where most guns are banned anyway, or difficult to get, you can still have some legal options with things like bows, crossbows and airsoft weapons. Yes, airsoft weapons are not lethal, but given that you can buy the airsoft balls separately and they can be filled with paint, or indeed other substances, it may still be better than nothing.

Ability to be self-sufficient in food production

This boils down ultimately, long term, to farming. And farming is hard, hard work. Farming without modern equipment is even harder and extremely labour intensive. And even if you work really hard, chances are you are unlikely to be able to produce enough food to feed your family. Mostly because bugs, weather, ignorance, lack of skills that have been lost will ALL conspire against you. Modern machinery allows you to do a lot more a lot faster and recover from mistakes quicker but of course, it is dependent on fuel. So there is that issue.

Supplementing your food supply with hunting is of course a given, and in this regard, an air rifle is hard to beat for getting birds and other small animals. Similarly, a small rifle, say a .22 long rifle, would be a very effective weapon for the hunting of smaller game, mostly because you can store a LOT of .22 ammunition in a relatively small space. Of course shotguns and larger calibers for larger animals are also assumed to be something you would have if the conditions of your geographical area allow for it. The overall point however is that food production is difficult and you need to study HOW to go about it more than probably all the other items on this list.

Church of Power vs Church of Piety?

So Bp. Sanborn has made this video, which is short enough and to the point enough I suggest you watch it if you are at all interested in the Catholic Church and the Sedeprivationist vs Sedevacantist positions and why both are valid and Catholic. The Video is here.

The Newsletter from Bp. Dolan he is responding to is here. And the part that offended and was read out by Bp. Sanborn in on the third page on the left hand side.

Now some ground rules and truths:

  1. I have some direct experience and knowledge of Bp. Sanborn and his behaviours, both public and private.
  2. I have no knowledge or experience whatsoever of Bp. Dolan and the only behaviours I am privy to at this point in time is the newsletter referenced above. This will naturally tend to give Bp. Dolan somewhat of an advantage in my view of the disagreement/s that may exist between these two men and that, as far as I can tell and as far as the video by Bp. Sanborn himself seems to indicate are being made PUBLIC, by Bp. Sanborn himself, not by Bp. Dolan. If this is indeed the case, as I suspect, then this alone in and of itself is a strike against Bp. Sanborn, but I reiterate that as I have no more context other than the single newsletter referenced above, I may be in ignorance of other potentially public communications that Bp. Dolan may have made that are more specific than the ones present in the newsletter.
  3. I am a layman. Normally, in pious times of the Church’s light shining across the globe powerfully, my opinion would be merely one that would be discussed among other Catholic friends as we argue amicably for this or that perspective, not to hear the sound of our own voices mind you, but to find the closest way to the absolute Truth that we can, by prodding each other’s brains, as good friends and good Catholics should. However, given the confused, confusing and ever present snakes of deception pretending to be Catholics while trying to lead souls to Hell (see for example my exposé on the Freemason Milo, the charlatans, EM Jones, Taylor Marshall, Church Militant and their Opus Dei sponsors) it is incumbent upon every Catholic man to stand firmly against any such practices or deceivers or deceptions. In this case, I want to make it clear that as far as I am concerned:
    1. BOTH Bp. Sanborn and Bp. Dolan are VALID Catholic Bishops. As such they are princes of the Church. And as such a modicum of respect for their courage and position is due.
    2. That said, they are both human beings and as such, inevitably both will have their flaws, as, of course, do I and no doubt mine are far more profound and numerous, nevertheless, my shall we say rather debased position does give me some advantage in a few respects, firstly, I fear no man, nor any man’s judgement, I submit and subject myself wholly and totally only to the Judgement and Will of God the Father, Our Lord Jesus Christ the Son and the Holy Spirit. I may and I do, submit to the requests, observations, judgements, edicts etcetera, etcetera, of VALID Catholic Clergy that is:
      1. Validly ordained and in good standing with the infallible magisterium of the Church as presented in the Code of Canon Law of 1917.
      2. Issuing such pronouncements in accordance with same.
      3. Issuing such pronouncements in accordance with my own conscience once I have carefully examined it to ensure it is not my ego, pride or other human flaw impeding me to obey such pronouncements.
    3. It is a scandal and a shame if these two men cannot put their differences aside and regardless of their personal opinions, permit each other to work together against the enemies of the Church. I would therefore implore them to BOTH make a public statement of tacit support for all the LICIT efforts made by the other party towards increasing the reach of the remaining Catholic Church and saving souls, and to keep their personal misgivings of one another private and if possible to resolve them in private too.
    4. Given the times, anyone sufficiently learned in the matter should point out errors, but to keep these private if possible and make them public only when necessary. In this specific instance, I am undoubtedly skirting the edge of the abyss, but for whatever reason, it seems I live there, on that edge and always have, I pray, that whatever failing I do in this, God forgives me. Whatever my errors may be they are, in this, I am quite sure, not of pride or ego, but of genuine wish for all Catholics and all would-be Catholics, to rise up as a wave of light against ALL the current darkness. That all said, do not, for one second, hesitate to think that I will tell you exactly where to go, if you think I was kidding about point n.2 above. Critique all you like, but if it is not licit, expect both barrels. To the face. Twice over. It is not a time for pussy-footing around as Catholics.

Now to the video and newsletter. First the “offending” part of the newsletter, here it is quoted below (7 minutes in):

Friday’s St. Martin I suffered exile and a miserable death rather than accept the heresy of only one will in Christ. It sounds obscure to most, doubtless, but we must hold the whole Catholic Faith without compromise. Even the best today want to make us believe that bad though he be, Bergoglio is the validly elected pope, and that the Novus Ordo, One World Church, is identical with the Catholic Church. That’s a theological error, and savors of heresy. As we honor the anniversaries of our churches, we remember that there is only one Church, the unchanged Catholic Church. If people would only understand this truth, so much confusion would be dis-
sipated, so much peace—though at a price!—would ensue.

Well, taken on its own, as I specified above, I am doing, I see absolutely nothing wrong with hat paragraph.

Now, it may be that the “best” in question IS directed specifically at Bp. Sanborn and the sedeprivationist position in general, but if that is the case, I certainly cannot say that from this newsletter or this paragraph at all. And unless it is specified elsewhere, someone self-identifying with those “best” would, by their OWN choice, be falling in precisely that category as described by Bp. Dolan.

There is, however, a principle of distinction between Sedeprivationism and Sedevacantism that absolutely needs explaining and precision if we are to understand things properly.

Sede vs Sede?

The Sedevacantists essentially state that the current occupiers of the Holy See, from fake Pope John the XXIII (henceforth known only as Roncalli) to today are not Popes in any way, shape or form. In fact, they are not even Catholic, being public, notorious heretics, so have absolutely zero standing in the Catholic Church, they are impostors, fakes, Freemasons and Satanists (I repeat myself) and as such deserve only our contempt. It is the position I too hold, though I call myself a Sedeprivationist, the reason for which I explain below.

The Sedeprivationist hold with the Cassiciacum theory produced by Father Gerard de Lauriers. It is available in the original only in French by a publication that will not allow reproduction of it. I have read it (yes I read French quite well, thank you) and in a nutshell it states that the fake Popes could be assumed to have been validly elected as Popes in a material sense, but not in a spiritual sense and especially given their behaviour as public notorious heretics, they could not be considered legitimate or valid Popes nor obeyed as such. This position was not unreasonable at the time it was formulated because the takeover of the Vatican by Freemasons was for many (especially laymen but also some pious clergy) so sudden that one dared not initially believe almost the entire Church had been converged to heresy and handed over to a bunch of heretics (and in fact much worse, never-were-Catholic, Satanists). Using the principle of charity and benefit of the doubt, Father De Lauriers, who was an outstanding theologian proposed that even IF the Popes had been validly elected, by supposedly valid Cardinals and so on, their behaviour precluded them from being actual Popes. It was a charitable, pious, best case scenario thesis that in my opinion hoped to reconcile, correct and bring the Church back together. Unfortunately, the rot was so deep and the very weapon used by the enemy is our good natures in order to get inside our guard to stab us, that the thesis, in hindsight, was clearly over-charitable. And given what we NOW know about the entire process, the level of Freemasonic infiltration etc it is patently obvious that the Sedevacantist position is the correct one (if you do not know, read my book Reclaiming The Catholic Church, which unlike the fake Catholic Taylor Marshall’s book Infiltration I wrote myself and has actual verifiable facts in it). There is one tiny aspect that the Sedevacantist position ignores however, and that is that the Chair, technically speaking is NOT empty (which is what sede vacante means). It is filled by an impostor PREVENTING it being filled licitly and validly. Hence my slightly subversive use of the word Sedeprivationist. I do this for two reasons:

  1. The sedevacantist position is undoubtedly correct.
  2. The charity of Fr. De Lauriers should be lauded, if, at times, ignored. Particularly by people like me and my brothers in arms against lies, deception and Satan’s little helpers. My current position is that if we could get rid of all the fake clergy we also got rid of 100 genuine men that aspired to be real Catholic Priests and were merely deceived, well, so be it. God will sort them out. Leave all retards behind. We will cross that bridge and burn it, so we can only march forward. People like me are the tip of the spear. We will make errors. We may seem at times uncharitable or cruel. We are neither, and although we may well be thought of as a necessary evil, without men like us, Christendom would have been swallowed by the hordes of enemies long ago. So… God must at least in some way, deem us necessary, since I count people like Bohemand, Tancredi, Jean Parisot le Vallete and so on among our number, and pray I can only measure up to those men. YET, in the name of tempering our fiery natures, it is good to remember (for better times at least) that Piety, Humility and Charity are great virtues, and only Courage bridges those three with the ones of Fortitude, Justice and Reason. And those who operate on the first three are generally better men than those who operate in the latter three. So I use the term yes to co-opt it, but also to remember its founder as the honourable and charitable way to do things, being always higher in intent than our own, more practical ways.

Now that you know these things, let us move to the video of Bp. Sanborn.

What Bp. Sanborn gets right

  1. Bp. Sanborn is absolutely right concerning the differences between Sedeprivationist and Sedevacantists being essentially irrelevant in terms of taking the Church forward. There is indeed no higher authority to decide between them, and the errors of one or the other position when compared to ultimate truth must be for every man to decide for himself. Given the history we know, the details we know, the facts we have to hand, personally, I have zero doubt that the sedevacantist position is closer to correct. Nevertheless, the Priest who baptised me and was there for my confirmation and marriage and has been outstanding to our family is a Sedeprivationist, and we have indeed discussed this very topic at some length. I absolutely respect his position, his advice and his counsel and I have no doubt he is one of the best human beings I have ever had the good fortune to encounter. Undoubtedly a much better man than I am. Even so, I disagree with him on his position and he has stated that my technical position is correct. It cannot be assailed, but for his ultimate devotion to charity. And make no mistake that this priest is “soft” in any way. He is not. The point is that he is a priest of piety. Possibly one of the very few who would rather die than break the confessional seal as an example.
  2. Bp. Sanborn is correct that Sedes of either name should and do work together and that their theological disagreement is not one that should cause strife or division. We both agree the fake Popes are fake. One is more charitable to the way they got there, the other is more logical. Given the current situation, there is simply no logical way that Bergoglio or Ratzinger can even be considered Catholic at all. In fact the Sedeprivationist position is that you should absolutely treat these people all as heretics, their only difference is that they say that charity should prevent you from stating it outright. I interpret it as basically the whole “we are too polite for that”. Well, I am not. My behaviour is roughly the equivalent of at a prestigious gala of famous dignitaries, some guy charging in, calling out one of the guests of honour as a disgusting pedophile, dunking him in the punch-bowl and dragging his semi-conscious body out by dragging and kicking him to the exit where he goes on to curb-stomp him. It’s not pretty. It’s not polite. But… if you’re one of the kids he raped, or one of the further ones he was going to rape if no one stopped him, I absolutely believe, it is necessary. And if I were a spectator, I would simply stop a waiter and ask that a new punch bowl is brought on and can they please cover up the blood splatter, before continuing my conversation before I could sneak off to congratulate the “barbarian” for his style and efficiency.

3. But that’s me and my weaknesses, and we are here to try to reconcile differences. And in that respect Bp. Sanborn is also correct in his closing argument when he says that there should not be trouble made.

4. He is right that the usurpers are using the structures of the Catholic Church to promote their heresy, but it is not just heresy and error they are promoting, they are, in fact, ushering in, Satanism, which is a religion and a very old one, so while technically it is not a new religion, Bp. Sanborn is, however, being too charitable in simply saying or believing that the Novus Orcians are simply promoting heresy, as if it was just a big, bad mistake. It’s not a mistake. It’s intentional and malignant with evil intent at that. So, TECHNICALLY right about Novus Orco not being a NEW religion, but it is pointless to say that, since it is certainly NOT Catholicism either, but its most ancient enemy.

What Sanborn gets wrong

  1. BUT he also says that (about not making trouble) after making a very public and very specific accusation video, based, from what he himself presents in the video, heresay (that may well be true, but is not public as far as I can tell from the video. I heard…He said…or…this guy told me…is the definition of heresay) and one newsletter that has zero direct attacks. Does this mean Bp. Dolan has not made public attacks? I don’t know. I haven’t looked and I probably will not. But based on Sanborn’s own video it is not looking good for Sanborn.
  2. On Bp. Dolan calling Covid cowards “girls” for bowing to the worldly laws instead of doing their priestly duty on the further point of Bp. Dolan not offering money for doing it to pay for eventual lawyers or bail. Errr… sorry, you are a Priest! You have CHOSEN to devote your life to God and sacrifice yourself to the world for the sake of the realm of God. If you need to go to jail, by all means try to avoid it, escape, lie to the worldly authorities (it is NOT a sin to do so when necessary, Jesus Himself lied to the Pharisees after all), do the Holy Mass in secret, whatever, but to bend to the worldly will as a Priest and claim you did it to avoid some jail time? Really? You dishonour the very frock you wear. It’s like a cop saying he will not enter a school with an active shooter because he is scared he might get shot! It’s your JOB! MOVE YOUR ASS! Unlike soldiers, cops and Priests don’t get drafted, they chose it. So, no. Bp. Dolan is 100% correct and he SHOULD shame such cowardly Priests. Rightfully. We need direct, in your face, face in the punchbowl truth these days.
  3. He states that Bp. Dolan is accusing him and his seminarians of holding the position that Bergoglio is a validly elected Pope. And in the very next sentence he states that Bergoglio is a validly elected Pope and thus a Pope elect but that he is not Pope. At the very least Bp. Sanborn here does a poor job of explaining what I explained above in the Sede vs Sede section. I am not even sure most Sedeprivationist hold that Bergoglio WAS (even potentially) validly elected at this point in time, but it was the POTENTIAL position of the original theory of Cassiciacum. In other words that even IF the (fake) Pope HAD been validly elected, it would only be a valid MATERIAL (Worldly) election and NOT a Spiritual election, necessary to make one the Vicar of Christ on Earth. It is, a rather rarefied, super-abundantly charitable theological theory. And it was this back then already in the late 1960s. To hold it today is to my view absolutely in error. BUT, technically it IS the Sedeprivationist position. Now… IF Bp. Dolan then went on to MISREPRESENT the situation by further saying that the Sedeprivationist hold Bergoglio to actually be a valid Pope to all effects, then THAT is indeed a lie. But if all he said is that the Sedeprivationist hold the Bergoglio to be validly elected MATERIALLY ONLY. Then he was perfectly correct. And if, as I suspect, Bp. Dolan did not clarify the position, then, well, we can perhaps accuse him of being a little less charitable, a little bit more “pragmatic” in his fire and brimstone in order to avoid confusion, but we can’t fully call him an outright liar. The Cassiciacum position was ALWAYS a very fragile, ethereal thing and frankly, while we should pay homage to Fr. De Lauriers, it is time to move on and reclaim the Church.
  4. Bp. Sanborn makes the comparison between thugs who have hijacked a car to describe the Novus Orco clergy and pointedly calls them Heretics. Yet he refutes the point that the Novus Orco Church is a different Church from the Catholic Church. This is patently false. While he hides of the fact that the usurpers are using the infrastructure of the Catholic Church, just like a car thief has now taken use of your car, it is obvious that:
    1. The car/Church does NOT belong to them
    2. The uses they are putting it to are not only NOT legitimate and criminal, they are in DIRECT opposition to the licit uses YOU, the rightful owner were putting it to. The analogy would be you going to take your pregnant wife to the hospital so she can give birth, getting the car hijacked and the thugs using it to drive to the hospital to murder newborn babies while they leave you by the side of the road. It’s all well and good for you to say that the car is the same car, (the Cathedrals too are indeed still the same, as is all the worldly structures of the Church) it is, but the purposes, intent, use and drivers of it are in direct opposition to everything that car/Church was meant to do. You can hardly say it is not a “New” Church. Physically the structures remain the same, but they have been defiled, they are being used to perpetuate crimes against should and bodies and pervert the truth. The Novus Orco are NOT Catholic. Their religion is NOT Catholicism. There is literally no point at all to not call them out as a fake, new, different religion, because that is what the Novus Orco is.

Arguable Either Way

  1. Assuming it is true that Bp. Dolan characterised the Sedeprivationist position as a tentacle of the Novus Orco Church, and let’s for argument sake ALSO assume it was a PUBLIC statement, which, in fairness, I think is assuming quite a lot. It sounds to me as if the statement by Bp. Dolan may have been made in private conversation, in which case, my explanation here would have even more weight. An argument can be made, that by this continued excess of charity and not simply labelling public notorious heretics as such publicly, the Sedeprivationist faction is unwittingly (and unwillingly) helping the Satanists to continue their wearing of the Church structures like a snakeskin for their demon-infested Church of Moloch that it really is. IF this was the intent, then the characterisation might be unfortunate or lead one to perhaps rushed conclusions, especially if taken out of context, either about Sedeprivationist or about Bp. Dolan, or both. Nevertheless, it has a certain sound logic to it. And, if we are going to be charitable, as Sedeprivationist indeed are, then, surely, this interpretation would be the more correct one.
  2. Ok about the fake “Old Catholic Church” having failed, true, but it is also a fact that these people were intentionally trying to destroy Catholicism and Bp. Sanborn states it clearly himself. The Freemasons/Carbonari/Satanists did this intentionally to take over these structures so as to fool the masses. So how can you say that the present usurpers are not a “new” Religion that is separate from Catholicism? It seems pedantic and irrelevant.

Bp. Sanborns Questions:

Q1. When did this Novus Orco Church begin?

A1. Worldly, on the 28th October 1958 when Roncalli was invalidly elected false Pope John XXIII. Spiritually, when Satan and his third of the host were driven from heaven. Simple. Not sure why he is unaware or pretends to be.

Q2. Was Bp. Dolan not part of the NO originally?

A2. Let’s assume yes and the answer will follow below.

Q3. Was Bp. Dolan not ordained by Archbishop Lefebvre?

A3. I believe he was. Fuller answer below.

Q4. Was Bp. Dolan not part of the SSPX which had as its stated purpose the reconciliation with the NO Church?

A4. I believe he was. Fuller Answer below.

Q5. When did you (Bp. Dolan) make a public abjuration from the NO Church? And here Bp. Sanborn states that as Bp. Dolan says the NO is a separate Church, a public adjuration must be made as if one were previously a Lutheran say. It is a kind of twisted logic and if it were valid then one could accuse Bp. Sanborn, by the same logic of actually BEING a Novus Orco Church guy. Here, I believe, we see the crux of the matter and I think it boils down to something neither side has mentioned and possibly that neither side understands consciously. Here it is, the Answer to the above questions:

A2,3,4 and 5. Being ordained by a man who was trying to navigate the absolute carnage of the Vatican II era while trying to preserve what he thought he could salvage or repair of the Catholic Church is not a sin. Nor is the ordination invalid. Bishop Lefebvre was indeed in error in trying to reconcile with what in all likelihood he had either not recognised as, or didn’t want to believe were Satanists within the very church he loved. But being in error does not make you a heretic. It does not prevent you from validly ordaining Priests other Bishops in good faith. Nor does being validly ordained by such a man and you yourself genuinely believing you are doing your best to navigate the same storm make you a heretic. merely in error. And we all are to some degree or other. Importantly though, like Bp. Sanborn, Bp. Dolan corrected his errors and eventually left the now essentially logically bankrupt SSPX.

As a result of the above, there is absolutely no need for an abjuration, because one never stopped being Catholic. Never belonged to the Church of Satan that the impostors clearly belong to. So there is no need to say you don’t belong to it!

Let me make an analogy that is easier to understand. If a bunch of Nazis decide to wear US army uniforms and infiltrate the trenches of the US Army and start murdering American soldiers in their sleep, are they now US Soldiers? NO. Clearly not. And if a US soldier in the trenches calls these Nazis out and says they are not Americans but Nazis in disguise, and belong to a different army, is he wrong? Does he now have to swear that he has no allegiance to the US Army because THE OTHER GUYS ARE WEARING THE SAME UNIFORM?!? It’s idiotic and ridiculous. Of course not. He is a US soldier and has to abjure or swear fealty to no one he hasn’t already done so. And he is doing his duty by calling out the impostors as belonging to the enemy army and NOT the US army. Simple. Again, I want to be charitable but Bp. Sanborn is not, I believe, stupid, so this, to me, stinks of sophistry.

Bp. Sanborn further embroils himself in deception when he asks who lifted the presumed excommunication of Bp. Dolan since he was originally “Novus Ordo” and this according to Bp. Dolan is a different Church. But this is an inversion. To return to the soldier analogy. Bp. Dolan never took off his uniform. He always was a US Soldier (Catholic) and if the leadership of his Army now tell him to shell his own positions and he does, in ignorance, in obedience, in essentially innocence, he is NOT at fault. Especially since, once he realises that his superiors are in reality Nazi spies in disguise as US soldiers, he stops following their fake orders, raises the alarm and calls them out as enemies. There is not guilt he has to expiate. There is no “nazi loyalty” he ever gave to the impostors. IF he did anything wrong he did it in honest error and by being fooled. He certainly does NOT need to once again swear loyalty to the US army. Whenever left. The other guys infiltrated into it. His conscience is clear. As it should be. In short, I think it is a deceptive and disingenuous question, a straw man. The same applies to deceived Novus Orco lay people who then become Sedes.

But it gets worse. He asks who now has the right to lift the excommunication of all those NO priests who have not yet refuted the V2 NO fake Church. The answer of course is no one and the answer as to whom, if any are potentially t least valid clergy, the answer is almost certainly none. The reason is simple.

  1. Most of them were NOT ordained by valid clergy.
  2. Most of them were not ordained validly. (1 and 2 here are two different things).
  3. Of the tiny proportion left that we might assume have been somehow validly ordained, these must be exceedingly old and therefore utterly aware of the heresy of Vatican II yet have remained silent for decades. Case in point: “Archbishop” Vigano. Such people, are by definition, public, notorious heretics in word and deed. They promulgated the V2 heresies for decades and as such fall foul of Canon 188.4. They are public notorious heretics and indeed there is no one who can forgive them their heresy, but even if there were, their lot would be t spend the rest of their lives in secluded penance with authority over no one.

In conclusion then, even if there WERE any valid NO priests that could potentially become forgiven or be assumed to be Catholic, their lot is to have authority over no one, and hence are completely irrelevant to the future of the Church. This is a good thing, because it precludes the infiltration of any of these supposed “Catholics” into the actual, growing, resurgent, real, Catholic Church.


Bishop Sanborn is certainly a valid Catholic Bishop, nevertheless he is a Bishop of Power, as Rodney Stark labels such people. He is interested in the material aspects of the Church. He wants to “win” so to speak, by having more seminarians, more Churches, more laypeople contributing money to more structures being built and so on.

I do not know personally, and I am not accusing Bp. Sanborn of doing or being this way for personal gain. For all I know he may be, but I absolutely and without reservation give him the benefit of the doubt in this as I always did from the beginning. In fact, I’ll go a step further and state categorically that from my perspective, such clergy are, at times, required. The worldly aspects of Church buildings, funds for seminarians and resident priests and so on are realities of the world, and someone pushing to get these things is required and useful. Often such men can get corrupted by the power they wield. They can become gluttonous, or proud, dictatorial, revered in their cult of personality, and I have reason to suspect that certainly Bishop Sanborn has at least some of these flaws to whatever degree or other. As, I remind you, we all have flaws. That said, his errors will tend towards those that in ancient times were labelled as the avarice, gluttony and so on of the proud, power-hungry, worldly Popes.

I do not know Bp. Dolan at all, and never interacted with him, but judging from his tone and assuming the things Bp. Sanborn said about him in the video are true, it sounds to me that Bp. Dolan is more a puritan sort, which we may refer to as belonging more to the Church of Piety. The errors of such clergy tend to be either excessive charity (which got us where we are today) or, sometimes, a zeal bordering on Donates where if anything or anyone has the tiniest flaw then they are expelled for heresy.

In short, if these men are Power vs Piety, they will invariably disagree and nothing good can come of it. So I hope they put it all behind themselves and move on in a positive manner. Some form of public reconciliation, however superficial, would firstly demonstrate both men are willing to submit their ego to a higher need and secondly, for that very reason, be welcome by all Catholics I believe.

Proof Positive of the True Nature of Ruminant Puritans

A short while ago, I posted a take-down of one of the retarded denizens of SG, here: Bovine Things.

As a result, there was a few morons that complained about… honestly I don’t know and don’t care to even find out in any more detail than the rumours and passing screenshots I received, but let’s all assume it was the usual: My brutal, brutal, brutally harsh, and brutalist nature, my “gammaness” for writing such a long post just to fisk one, lone, irrelevant, puritanical cow for getting the tingles at everything I do, my general hate-filled hatey, hate, my stunning good looks and whatever else.

The discerning gentleman, appreciative of both digital as well as natural blood spatter patterns however, understands that such exposés are required to point out the enemies of God and all that is good, true and beautiful of Western Civilisation.

It is not this probably overweight, frustrated, puritan-raised idiot that is important in se, of course. She is utterly irrelevant in the scheme of things, but it is necessary to educate any who may still be able to be educated, to note that such creatures are NOT on our side. They are not even neutral. It is a mistake to let them near you or your loved ones and they need to be purged from your relationships without mercy or delay. These poisonous morons are the very reason why we have allowed satanic beasts to control the world. They are the majority. Individual-duh-ally they are irrelevant, but like drops of sewage, together, in their millions, they pollute everything with their idiocy, their blatant stupidity and more importantly their discivic cretinism and behaviour.

The average soy-eating, metro sexualised (gay), weak, nominally “male” of the modern era, along with all the multi-coloured hair feminists of voluminous mass that nevertheless claim to be “conservatives” or “Christian” or even pious “Catholics”, however, feel great discomfort at my public observations of the enemy. Mostly because they simply don’t have a clue and are not able to see the things I do thanks to long experience and not a few grave mistakes on my part to gain that experience.

The sensation is not unlike being next to an expert sniper that takes out an enemy at a thousand paces with certainty and a smile on his face after pulling the trigger for a job well done. You, lacking field glasses can barely tell it’s a human being. It is only later when, filled with guilt, revulsion, fear and a wish to not even be associated in any way to the “psycho” sniper that just dispatched another human being oh my God! (Insert deep sobs here), that as you approach the corpse, you realise it was a guy with a suicide vest filled with C4 that would have torn a giant hole in the wall of your citadel and murdered dozens.

But since most modern people are too lazy to even walk a thousand paces to check, most simply assume the sniper is a psychotic brutalist of some kind.

Behold then, the ultimate proof that I am correct in my fiskings.

The below was posted by a guy that unless I am mistaken (I very much doubt I am) tagged along to dinner with me and a friend when I went to visit the USA a couple of years ago. He seemed polite enough and didn’t say much at dinner. Later, online, he revealed himself to be a devotee of Owen Benjamin’s Flat Earth idiocy and was told in a direct manner to take his stupidity elsewhere, as he refused to do so, he was banned from the YouTube channel. And now here he is posting this cowardly, weak, vileness, in an attempt to make people turn agains all that is good, true, virtuous, courageous, honest about Christianity, God and the behaviour of men who still have their own testicles attached. Behold the politically correct soy-drinker:

Notice the 47 down voted, which as someone else on the platform noted, must be some kind of record, but notice 3 upvotes. And who does one of those votes belong to? That’s right, the same bovine beast that blurts out her thoughts much like a cow in a field releases the excess grass she has ruminated on from the other end.

Let me state in no uncertain terms that Kyle Rittenhouse did absolutely NOTHING wrong. He went to protect friends and family businesses with courage, fortitude, and a wish only to do good and ease suffering. He had some medical training and wanted to use it to help anyone injured. He was assaulted WITH FIREARMS, by a pedophile and two other criminals, and Kyle reacted with the innocence of the just and the skill that is the envy of many supposed experienced special operatives. He even had the presence of mind to not kill the last useless piece of shit, oxygen thief who was aiming a firearm at him and wanted to kill him and has since admitted as much AFTER THE FACT. When Kyle saw that the degenerate would-be child killer had dropped his pistol after Kyle shot him in the arm, he stopped. Most men in such a situation and considering he had already had to shoot 2 would-be murderous scum that had tried their best to kill him, would have kept fitting until this last scumbag was also fully neutralised.

Kyle was 17 at the time so technically still a child and he did absolutely nothing, NOTHING wrong. He acted in a way that any man would and should be proud of. He acted for justice, honour, truth, beauty and did what was necessary to survive and he did not do a single thing more than that. Which for me is the most astonishing part of all. Only the innocence of a child would have had the calmness to act that way. A jaded, battle hardened soldier would have drilled that last stupid piece of shit a few more times. Not out of revenge or “wanting” to kill him, but simply because, in such a situation, surrounded by enemies who are attacking you from all sides, the fact one of them that was actively trying to shoot you a half-second before happened to have temporarily dropped his gun because you hit his arm, does NOT mean he is no longer a threat and the second you turn your back on him he can pick that gun up again, or jump at you with a knife, or God knows and who knows how many are sneaking up behind you while you worry about the legalities of what is going on in that precise split second where you are and have been for a LONG time, fighting for your life. Because yes, MINUTES, in life and death situations are a VERY LONG TIME.

But only people who have ever faced a few realities would know that. And the stupid bastard who posted that comment never will know such situations because he stands for nothing, protects nothing, knows nothing, is a despicable coward without shame and only tries to paint in a bad light men who is not worthy of shining their shoes. And of course, the fake piety of the sexually frustrated “puritan” encourages such abject shameful behaviour by her male equivalent, the impotent rage of those who are discarded by any human being who has even a modicum of appreciation for the true, the good, the beautiful and the glory and justice of God.

So fuck these people, and fuck anyone that aligns with them.

Except… you, know… I mean fuck them metaphorically of course. Don’t actually degrade yourself by having sex with them, it’s what they crave most from you.

Behold the Novus Orco Clergy

Remember how I posted all the detailed take-down of that fake cleric, that Novus Orco impostor pretending to be a catholic Deacon? Well… guess what, here you can see him in all his glory and the deep “piety” and “respect” he has for our Lord and how he posts about him.

Look at that face. Doesn’t it just inspire something in your average altar boy?
Now with more pedobeard (tm)
Now with NEW and IMPROVED PedoBeard ™
Typical “Piety”, “Respect”, and “Dignity” shown to our Lord Jesus Christ by the impostor fake clerics of the Novus Orco Satanic Cult.

What did he respond to this after a few dozen people took notice? This was his DEVASTATING REPLY:

If his screen capture is a tad too small, here, let me blow it up for you. It’s from the Testimonials page (see sidebar) on the Hypnosis I used to do long before I became a Catholic.

Oh, how will I ever recover from this mortal blow to my very identity!

As those who have been paying attention know full well, I will NEVER doctor my past to pretend it was any different than it was. The concept of course is incredible to dishonest people, who lie more easily than they breathe, but the whole point of not selectively trying to change my past is precisely this, so you can see I certainly was not a “good Catholic boy” who did “nuffin wrong”. Quite the contrary. And that’s precisely the point. If it can happen to me, to become Catholic, maybe, just maybe, there is a little more to it than just being some superstitious fool who believes in “sky daddies” Which is also the entire point of BELIEVE!

Needles to say, the fake Catholic’s attack to my deepest id, my very ego, why, nay, my core, was… well, a little less effective than spitballs at a battleship.

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