Posts Tagged ‘the kurgan’

Protestantism is Satanic

Which is not to say that every protestant is some kind of devil worshipper. In fact most are probably “good” people who believe themselves to be Christians. After all, if you are told from birth you are (fill in blank here), and given we now know 98% of people don’t even question the government, it stands to reason they would believe they are (fill in the blank).

See this video and try to understand that this is not “oh, just another church cucking” this is the absolutely inevitable result of Protestantism.

I will explain why in a way you probably have never come across before below the video.

There are multiple ways to point out the obvious Satanry of Protestantism, but almost none of them break the brainwashing that they have been subjected to.

Rivers of ink have been written proving that the lies Protestants have been taught about Catholicism are complete fabrications. Including by non-catholics not all of which converted but yet saw that Catholicism has been lied about for 5 centuries.

Equal or more amounts of ink have been put down to show that the 40,000 interpretations of the “Bible” are absolutely wrong, infantile, historically ignorant and so on.

It has been pointed out that their “top Bible” was the intentionally corrupted translation of an already pharisee corrupted version, ordered by an openly gay king who literally started the masonic (satanic) temples.

It has been demonstrated that it was Protestantism that first permitted divorce, then sex before marriage obviously becomes normalised, and sex for sport inevitably leads to abortion on demand. “Oh but not MY Church/sect/family…” shut up. America is a baby murdering factory that puts the FAKE numbers of the holohoax to shame, never mind the real ones. And America is predominantly a Protestant country.

But do any of these facts change the mind of a Protestant. Very rarely. And then usually only after years when they actually begin to read some patristic texts.

I even tried to show Protestants their absurd sects are absurd by the simplest of logic. After all, if Luther ripping out parts of the Bible finally “fixed it” how can you ever say that the Bible alone is all you need? First of all, the Bible itself was put together by TRADITION. And if the Bible that served Christianity perfectly well for over 1000 years needed “fixing” by a fat German of Jewish descent that had a fetish for raping maids and banging nuns, and who committed suicide, then I posit to you it couldn’t have been the “right” Bible and for all we know, when Bruce Jenner decides to rip some more out of it and interpret it so trannies are God’s chosen people, well… show me EXACTLY how you will be able to differentiate between Bruce’s “God-breathed” and Martin’s “God-breathed”. You won’t be able to, of course, because both versions are and would be only Satan-Farted.

And here is a picture for those of you allergic to reading (though it’s doubtful you got this far if you are, but maybe the colours attracted you.)

And keep in mind that Apostolic succession simply does NOT exist in ANY Protestant denomination. Not a single one. And it’s extremely doubtful if it exists at all in the supposedly “Orthodox” world, since in Russia and Greece, the metropolitans were essentially political plants of the KGB as one of the top Metropolitans recently admitted. Furthermore, they have their own schisms too, which invalidated the whole concept of “one body” as found IN THE BIBLE, not as invented by some bitter protestant.

But do any of these facts convince? Not often. What about all of them together? Well, they usually don’t sit through 1/10 of the information presented here before they try to think of objections.

But here is the thing:

Protestantism is absolutely shallow. It is fickle. It is ephemeral. Anyone can interpret anything the way they want. It literally has no rules except:

  1. Interpreth as thou will (which is actually Satanic law, do as thou wills)


2. Jesus is the King of Kings. Well, even Demons know this.

It is not even a childish religion it is a religion for retarded toddlers.

Protestantism has only created degeneracy, weird Puritanism, divorce, destruction of the family, abortions and fuelled the flames of bitter feminism due to having relegated women to second class men-with-tits who must obey.

Catholicism has created the most advanced, humane and just civilisations in human history, the highest forms of art and engineering, love and respect for beauty, truth, honesty and helping your neighbour.

And Catholicism is DEEP. Roman law is an adult legal system, perfectly suited for messy, disagreeable, complicated human. It is deep because it is simple yet penetrating and cognisant of human nature. Anglo-saxon laws, and even worse, American laws, are a barbaric artificiality imposed on human beings as if they were machines in comparison.

Human beings are NOT robots, and allowances for specific circumstances should ALWAYS be aired out and considered. And discarded when they are absolutely in the wrong, or irrelevant, but used and listened to when they are very relevant.

Even murder is not always murder.

The spur of the moment robbery gone bad that kills a little old lady for stealing her pension, should get the death penalty. While the well-thought out, planned and executed homicide of a child rapist, in my view at least, deserves a medal and a small pension for life. You may disagree with my take, but don’t tell me that the two are equally guilty. They are not.

The Rules of Catholic Dogma and how to apply them are ALL enshrined in one document, the Pio-Bendictine Code of Canon Law of 1917.

If you read it and you consider what a society that follows these dogmatic rules would look like, you will see it can only create a great and wonderful civilisation with almost no crime.

The point is, in its very superficiality and paradoxical rigid flexibility (the main rule being you can make up your own rules, and don’t let anyone tell you otherwise!) Protestantism ultimately stands for nothing. It has no lasting values. while the Catholic `Church dogma has remained unchanged for almost two millennia. Sure, from time to time they refined a concept or expounded another, but the divine dogmas remain unchanged. The rules to manage worldly affairs certainly changed but that is not to say the old ways are invalid, in fact, in many cases, the old ways show how Sedevacantism always was the correct position to take when faced with a fake Pope, or one that was or became a heretic.

How can you possibly believe in a Church that is fallible? Does your version of Jesus lie? Produce fallible Church dogma? Or agrees that everyone should have their own “truth”? Including Bruce Jenner?

Catholic priests and Bishops and Popes even have always been only flawed human beings, but the church itself has endured all of these and the rules of the Church, as presented by the magisterium of the Church, in the form of the compiled Canon Laws, is indeed infallible and has stood the test of time. Not because Catholics are flawless or Popes infallible (they are only infallible when valid, pronouncing ex-cathedra, and then only because GOD ensures their infallibility, as per His promise, not because any Pope ever was perfect or infallible in se.

But such concepts are generally “too much” for the average protestant, brought up on a diet of soy for breakfast, lunch and dinner, presented with a succulent steak, or a boiled lobster, or even just a salad with pomegranate and orange in it, recoils in shock. His simple-minded palate cannot even imagine such rich textures and flavours and tradition and history and objective fact built on objective fact so that the very methods of science were invented by Catholics. He wants to deny such things even exist or were ever true.

“NEWTON!” He shouts almost like an atheist would retardedly shout “DARWIN!” Forgetting that Newton was an anti-trinitarian, wrote far more on religion in a heretical perspective than he ever did on physics and that about 30 years of his life were spend on occult alchemy.

While the anonymous 14th Century monk that wrote The Cloud of Unknowing, almost certainly touches on far more penetrating truths about God and Christianity than Newton did. And the original free version online in Middle English is delightful (if you are clear on the language, the modern version linked to above is useful to read alongside it).

And yet, even with this barrage of starting points to investigate, the average Protestant will simply dismiss them all out of hand and assume he’s right anyway.

Do you see now, why the Catholics thought it worse for pagans to be “educated” by Protestant “missionaries” about “Christianity” than if they were left to their own devices?

Being completely wrong on something you are ignorant of, you have a better chance that your God-given conscience leads you correctly, or, that conversely (or jointly) due to invincible ignorance, God takes mercy on you.

But a fake version of the truth, a corrupted, half-truth wrapped in poisonous lies, that will lead you to your death. The lies baked in as you learn them make you lazy and spoon-feed and you never bother to investigate them yourself. This is human nature. We have seen it.

98% of people would euthanise themselves instead of take the time to research something that they are supposed to inject themselves with because the government or the TV told them to do it. Why would they ever bother to question the absurd nonsense of Protestantism as it is fed to them from childhood?

THIS is why Protestantism is Satanic. Exactly like the Mutagenic Serum shots, it is designed to fool you and lead you to eternal Hell.

However uncomfortable this idea may make you, I put it to you that it is an infinitesimally tiny dot of absolute inconsequence when compared to eternity in Hell because you believed in something so utterly retarded as “Sola Scripture” and “Once saved always saved”.

So I hope you take heed.

The continuing lies of the Novus Orcos

It is by design that they continue to put forth a bunch of lies and try and confuse the waters, that is their entire purpose of course, but in reality, thanks to Pope Pius X and Benedict XV, the creation of the Code of Canon Law of 1917 means that how the dogmas of the Church are applied, from the start of the Church to 1917 are embodied in ONE book. This was a massive achievement and simplifies very clearly what is and not valid, licit, dogmatic or not in the Church, and how one is to function under the rules of the Church.

The Freemasons that usurped the Vatican of course hate the CL of 1917 and specifically Canon 188 part 4, because it is absolute, and stabs them in their blackened, foul, devil-worshipping little heart.

For clarity then, any and all rules of how to follow Catholic dogma, can only be contained in the CL of 1917 or, possibly, in one of the documents issued by the 3 valid Popes that ruled prior to the usurpation of the See of Peter by the Freemasons Satanist Roncalli, and all those like him who have come after, right up to and including Bergoglio.

These are the documents in question.

Humani Generis RedemptionemBenedict XV1917Encyclical
Quod Iam DiuBenedict XV1918Encyclical
In Hac TantaBenedict XV1919Encyclical
Maximum IlludBenedict XV1919Apostolic Letter
Paterno Iam DiuBenedict XV1919Encyclical
Annus Iam PlenusBenedict XV1920Encyclical
Principi Apostolorum PetroBenedict XV1920Encyclical
Spiritus ParaclitusBenedict XV1920Encyclical
In Praeclara SummorumBenedict XV1921Encyclical
Rerum Omnium PerturbationemPius XI1923Encyclical
Quas PrimasPius XI1925Encyclical
Iniquis AfflictisquePius XI1926Encyclical
Rerum EcclesiaePius XI1926Encyclical
Rite ExpiatisPius XI1926Encyclical
Miserentissimus RedemptorPius XI1928Encyclical
Mortalium AnimosPius XI1928Encyclical
Divini Illius MagistriPius XI1929Encyclical
Mens NostraPius XI1929Encyclical
 Casti ConnubiiPius XI1930Encyclical
Non Abbiamo BisognoPius XI1931Encyclical
Nova ImpendetPius XI1931Encyclical
Acerba AnimiPius XI1932Encyclical
Dilectissima NobisPius XI1933Encyclical
Ad Catholici SacerdotiiPius XI1935Encyclical
Vigilanti CuraPius XI1936Encyclical
Divini RedemptorisPius XI1937Encyclical
Firmissimam ConstantiamPius XI1937Encyclical
Ingravescentibus MalisPius XI1937Encyclical
Mit Brennender SorgePius XI1937Encyclical
Sertum LaetitiaePius XII1939Encyclical
Summi PontificatusPius XII1939Encyclical
Saeculo Exeunte OctavoPius XII1940Encyclical
Divino Afflante SpirituPius XII1943Encyclical
Mystici Corporis ChristiPius XII1943Encyclical
Orientalis EcclesiaePius XII1944Encyclical
Communium Interpretes DolorumPius XII1945Encyclical
Orientalis Omnes EcclesiasPius XII1945Encyclical
Deiparae Virginis MariaePius XII1946Encyclical
QuaemadmodumPius XII1946Encyclical
Fulgens RadiaturPius XII1947Encyclical
Mediator DeiPius XII1947Encyclical
Auspicia QuaedamPius XII1948Encyclical
In Multiplicibus CurisPius XII1948Encyclical
Redemptoris Nostri CruciatusPius XII1949Encyclical
Anni SacriPius XII1950Encyclical
Mirabile IlludPius XII1950Encyclical
Summi MaerorisPius XII1950Encyclical
Evangelii PraeconesPius XII1951Encyclical
Ingruentium MalorumPius XII1951Encyclical
Sempiternus Rex ChristusPius XII1951Encyclical
Doctor MellifluusPius XII1953Encyclical
Fulgens CoronaPius XII1953Encyclical
Ad Caeli ReginamPius XII1954Encyclical
Ad Sinarum GentemPius XII1954Encyclical
Sacra VirginitasPius XII1954Encyclical
Musicae SacraePius XII1955Encyclical
Luctuosissimi EventusPius XII1956Encyclical
Fidei DonumPius XII1957Encyclical
Invicti AthletaePius XII1957Encyclical
Le Pèlerinage de LourdesPius XII1957Encyclical
Miranda ProrsusPius XII1957Encyclical
Ad Apostolorum PrincipisPius XII1958Encyclical
Meminisse IuvatPius XII1958Encyclical
St. Claire Heavenly Patron of TelevisionPius XII1958Apostolic Letter

In short, if it is not contained in CL of 1917 or one of the above documents, you are perfectly fine to ignore it as the creation of people who at a very minimum are suspect, and thus, as prudence dictates, to be avoided, and more likely, especially if pretending to be “catholic” clergy, are likely Satanists (that’s what Freemasons are), impostors, frauds, pedophiles or at the very least absolute liars and grifters.

I hope that makes things clear for everyone.

NB: As for the “hypocrisy” of not wanting to use the 1955 Liturgical changes that were unfortunately approved by Pius XII, first of all, let it be clear that the Liturgy is in a different class from Canon Law, and is not entirely dogmatic, in fact one could argue almost none of it is. Secondly, a rather simple and direct explanation is provided by Bp. Sanborn here.

Notwithstanding the problems actual Catholics have with Bp. Sanborn, this specific point (as well as many others, of course) he has addressed well.

Increasing pressure and the space of variations

This will be rather esoteric, and not for everyone.

Some of you may have read the book by Vadim Zeland, called Reality Transurfing, which is currently selling for over 400 dollars. I have no idea why that would be, other than possible sanctions against anything Russian?

Anyway, I read 3 or 4 of his books and while information on him is scant (he says he worked in quantum physics and later in IT and now in books) the fact is that his explanation of reality made a certain sense. Not just to me, and not just because it was a kind of woo-woo New age, you control your own destiny, kind of thing, but because he spoke of things I had experienced on various levels.

The physics also made sense, if like me, you have spent a few decades reading various concepts of physics for fun, and concluded that people like Harold Aspen had it right more than plagiarists like Albert Einstein.

Or if you’re at all familiar with the work of now passed on, retired Lt. Col. Thomas Bearden. Or the physics model of Burkhard Heim, which include a model that describes and defines consciousness within a unified field theory. perhaps because he was German and invented some very powerful bombs, used in WW2 (which also crippled him severely after an accident with one of his experiments, or perhaps because he worked mostly alone (due to his disabilities), but his work is largely unknown and when understood, the applications are so “out there” for normal people that most probably just assume it’s rubbish. But it’s not.

In fact, the US military has attempted to use at least some of these theories and ideas to attempt remote viewing by use of astral travel. In doing so, they actually came to discover, quite a lot of weird stuff. Here is the report that explains it all pretty much (including the missing page).

Of course, there will be people, many, maybe even most, that will assume all this is rubbish, or that it’s fantastic nonsense designed to further confuse and so on, and even those who do think it is real and has real world application will assume it’s too hard to understand or use for themselves in their own lives.

To some extent, this last point is true… IF you had to grasp all the physics nd all the math and all the various terminologies. But you do not have to.

In fact if you are also familiar with the work of a Russian scientist that produced some incredible results (which I verified really happened, and I discussed in more detail in my book Systema), called Peter Garajev, it sort of brings all these things together and explains why altered states of consciousness, like hypnosis and so on, can, have and do, produce some inexplicable effects. As I am also one of the very few people on Earth that has read almost everything Milton Erickson wrote, and have practiced hypnosis for over 15 years now, I am probably one of the few people that has at least a working knowledge of what is possible with these theories and the engineering of this knowledge for real effects.

Add to that my understanding of antigravity machines and their discovery/use etc since WW2, and at the very least, it makes for some interesting reading of my fiction books.

And in fact, the easiest way to describe what can be done with this information is in the form of a story. Or… sadly, a con. A lie, wrapped in a thin veneer of reality. Things like The Secret, The law of Attraction and so on, are so popular, because they resonate with a deeper truth on some level. But, just as with prayer, you’re not going to get results by simply repeating a million times over that “I’m a millionaire, now!”

Hypnosis is useful and produces real effects, when used correctly and expertly, which is a rare skill among hypnotists. In fact, most hypnotists, like most therapists, are really not very good and many of them are terrible, or potentially even harmful. The ones that are good are few and far between, and with hypnotists this is even more pronounced.

So is prayer, if you do it correctly, which I explained in Believe! and on YouTube.


The point of this rather long and detailed introduction (I joke, if I were gonna do a half- detailed job it would have to span probably about 200-300 pages) is that there is an element of truth to the concept that our “thoughts” or “vibrational frequency” which is somewhat more accurate, create reality.

Given the extreme sense of oppression and fear that the last three years have instilled in the average human, there is some scope for thinking that the looking glass project not only is a real thing, but that the evil people that have access/control of it, among other things, have tried their damnedest to twist the mass consciousness of humanity towards the lowest order possible. According to the original video/audio linked above, which came out in the 1990s, the convergence of timelines to a point that would result in a mass leap upwards (up being good) of general human consciousness was inevitable although the timeline could be stretched out but supposedly not stopped, regardless of what moves the cabal in charge did.


There are a few possibilities, possibly, by gaming various scenarios, the cabal realised that by injecting a large percentage of the population with material that somehow impeded certain higher level functions relating to consciousness/vibrational increase and so on, then the timeline could be stretched out considerably/indefinitely, especially is they killed off the remainder that did not get injected with the genetic modifying serums. And they certainly seem to be on that path by reducing the state of health providers across the globe, where they could not manage to corrupt them, which, as we know was a very successful strategy.

Secondly, by altering our food, introducing the same genetic modifying elements directly into the food supply, as well as limiting the amount and quality of real, organic, decent food, and ultimately spraying us all with the now absolutely prevalent chemtrails that are a stable all over the Western world, though not as yet as prevalent in Africa and so on.

This would certainly explain the approach, which has been to target Western caucasian populations primarily; that is, those people most able and likely to deal with high-minded abstract concepts requiring a vast mix of disciplines all at a relatively high level of cognisance.

It also explains the apparently indiscriminate spraying us all with the heavy metals and other chemicals that are essentially neurotoxins, designed to reduce our ability to naturally be in tune with our deepest inner self.

If the demon-infested cretins like Bill Gates are already operating at that sewer level frequency, and if that is the primary goal of the chemtrails, to reduce us to short-attention span, neurologically damaged cripples, then it explains why they seem to be unconcerned with this. I mean, look at them, to the Soros, Gates, Schwabs of the world look like brilliant minds possessed of a higher level of consciousness to you? It’s obvious they are spiritual goblins, and very often their exterior countenance reflects this too.

As for those that somehow may remain unjabbed and healthy, they are also, due to all the above vast illness and death that surrounds them, unlikely to be able to raise their own day-to-day “vibrational frequency” to be in tune with what we might call “divine alignment”.

So what is one to do?

There are a number of concepts you should at least be aware of before that question can be answered in a way that is meaningful to you, so settle in for another introduction.

Firstly, with respect to prayer/divine alignment etc. numbers count for little. One person able to produce a positive “frequency” regularly and constantly, or even just by flashes from time to time, can affect huge numbers of people and events. This is related to a law of resonance that applies to human beings and in fact all living beings as much as it does to tuning forks. It is the reason why when in the presence of certain people you feel lighter, happier and more relaxed and quite the opposite when near psychic vampires. These effects have actually been measured in lab conditions and are real.

Secondly, if you are thinking that regardless of your personal intensity/power/vibrational frequency level, the mass of humanity in a negative state is too big to meaningfully affect, there are at least two major flaws with that concept: the first is that you clearly are not in a truly faithful frame if you harbour this doubt, and when it comes to prayer, the key is always what from the outside appears to be an absurd subjective view of reality, but in truth is the actual fundament of how reality really works. The mountain really does come to you, if your belief is not mere wishful thinking, but actual unwavering faith. So… the doubt itself is a tell, you can use it as a feedback mechanism concerning if you are contemplating a good outcome from the right frame of mind or not. See my video on prayer I linked to above.

The second flaw is one that Vadim Zeland discusses and that is that in his view it is quite possible to “escape” this reality. In his explanation of it, there is a vast “ocean” of possibilities, or variations, and our mind (soul/existence/energetic vibrational frequency that constitutes you) is like a tiny flashlight, illuminating a specific area of this vast/potentially infinite space of variations. By changing your focus and energetic frequency, you can “shine” your “light” on a different section of the “ocean” and in effect, become part of a different reality. He goes so far as to explain how many people simply seem to disappear from this world without leaving any trace. And there certainly have been reports of all sorts of strange occurrences that range from travelling through wormholes, covering large distances in short periods of time, that have been confirmed by radar tower readings from both departure and arrival in the case of one light aircraft, and many other strange occurrences. One could even mention the “mechanical elves” that people who take drugs encounter in a fairly consistent manner, but this is in no way any kind of intimation that taking any drugs is good or worthwhile or necessary to access the things I am briefly discussing here.

Nor, even if you did everything in an orderly manner in order to try to shift your reality am I saying it is necessarily a good idea. If you do believe in the possibility of somehow travelling through various planes of reality, or shifting your position in it, you need to also appreciate that by the same token, it is entirely possible that such activities or portals can lead you to places undesirable, and/or give you access to undesirable beings. At the risk of sounding Lovecraftian, messing with these things can literally drive people insane. You’d be attempting to explore alternate realities or dimensions that are almost entirely unknown and which, in many, maybe even most cases, can or seem to have rather nefarious beings in them that do not have our best interest at heart.

So. Why mention all this stuff at all then?

Because I believe that prayer, a positive outlook rooted deeply in faith whose cornerstone is love, gratefulness, grace and beauty, can, and does affect material reality. I believe it does so at a very basic, simple worldly level that is undeniable even to skeptics. having a positive outlook that is genuine —rather than a “pretend” one, or “act as if” while harbouring deep doubts— has undoubted benefits ranging from purely physical health, to more indirect, but still very materialistic results. if you are more relaxed and open to seeing the positive you will see more potential opportunities, and as long as you are relatively balanced on a worldly level, these will be likely to provide at least some of the time, positive outcomes.

More esoterically, if enough of us “vibrate at that frequency” the effect on the space of variations may well be of shifting a larger chunk of reality into a part of that “ocean” that has much better general outcomes for humanity as a whole. The mass extinction event of the types of people that organise chemtrails and pushed the fake “vaccines” would certainly be a good start. A return to sane logic, sound civilisational principles of real Catholicism and so on would make for a glorious time on this Earth.

Errr… ok then Mr. Kurgan, so… WHAT exactly should I be doing?

Now, looking at all the various data points concerning the war in Ukraine, the subjugated puppet status of the overwhelming majority of Western governments to the deep State of the (((USA))) and so on, the fear is designed to continue to rise.

I say the only correct (and relatively easy to achieve) preventative method of becoming anxious, afraid, weakened other words, by these Danes, or anything else, is the true, deep, knowledge of God, Jesus Christ and the Church. While it is in some ways “easier” to access certain states, or possibly even planes of existence, as some kind of natural Pagan or heather being, you certainly can’t be sure you will end up in a good place or attract the attention of anything good. While a correct, fervent, faith in Jesus Christ, God the Father and the Holy Spirit, will and does set your mind at ease and in peace, AND provides also a sanctuary, a fortress within which you are quite safe from the mental aggravations and spiritual predations these evil Cabal-Goblins are trying to foster on us.

And, convinced as those of us are in our faith, only a few of us should be enough to form initially small communities, and later, larger ones.

So, at the risk of sounding no different from the average hippie, do try to keep the truth deeply with you. Reject that which is false and use your own judgement, but remember, if you will not eat a whole apple because of a bruised spot, then you still have much to learn.

The pressure on you to feel pressured is increasing daily. Reject it, be safe and confident, and act and follow through to ensure the safety, independence and well-being of yourself and your loved ones, and do it clearly and unambiguously wherever and whenever you can. It inspires others, it rejects fear and makes you a reference point for many others that you are not even aware of, and never will be aware of, but it has a positive effect anyway.

If you get thrown out of 109 different clubs a total of over 1000 times, whose fault is it?

You know who’s been attacked from the very first moment He came to Earth, and it hasn’t ever let up since, 2023 years ago?

That’s right, the Christ.

And you know who has come a very close second ever since?

That’s right, the Catholic Church.

And you know who the pre-eminent enemies of both Christ and the Church were?

That’s right, the Pharisees.

And do you know who and what the Pharisees are now?

That’s right, they are what we call today, “The Jews.”

The Original Hebrew texts of the Old Testament are essentially 400 years of stories of both determination of God and prophecy concerning Him.

Isaiah essentially is one of the key texts that proves that Jesus Christ was the Messiah.

You may think all this is blitheringly obvious, and it is, but a lot of people who call themselves “Christian” are completely, abysmally, ignorantly unaware of these very fundamental, extremely basic truths about Christianity.

It is important to know your history, not just in general, but also your personal family history. It matters. Which is why communists, freemasons, etcetera —that is, in essence, all the Satanists, in their legion of names— have always tried to destroy history. Hide the past, pervert and change it. According to them, everyone in the past of any note was a homosexual. From Alexander the Great to Achilles in the Illiad to Tesla, to Julius Caesar, and on and on and on. The Egyptians were black, and so were the Romans in England (I kid you not, supposedly “professional” historians have tried to claim this nonsense).

So, for anyone even remotely cognisant of actual Christian history, the atavic hatred the Pharisees, that is, the Talmudic Jews, which includes all the Jews today that are even remotely Jewish in their self-identity, is no surprise. The jews have hated, and tried to destroy Christianity literally from the day Jesus was prophesied to arrive. And they have never stopped.

In the more recent they have almost succeeded, for they have passed off the second-biggest scam in world history: They have made almost everyone believe that the current “Catholic Church”, headed by Bergoglio, and previously by Ratzinger, and so on, all the way back to Roncalli in 1958, is the actual Catholic Church.

Anyone that can do logic to the level of a normal 10 year old and cares to take the time to investigate the matter, will know without any doubt that this deception, is only surpassed by the more recent one of getting possibly up to 5.5 billion people to take a deadly, poisonous, unnecessary and damaging genetic serum that literally changes your DNA as if it were a “life-saving vaccine”.

But of course, the real Church continues to exist. Not because any mortal man says so or wishes it, but because our Lord and Saviour told us he would be with us right up until the End Times, and that the number of believing Christians at that time, will be vanishingly small, and in fact would have become zero if it were not for His last minute return.

Of course, only Catholics are actually Christians, as the first thousand years of Christian history makes absolutely clear; and only Sedevacantists/Sedeprivationists are actually Catholic, so the number of actual Christians is relatively small, and proportionally could possibly be comparable to the first few hundred years of Catholicism. Perhaps around the year 400 AD when St. Dominic decided the world was so corrupt and totally devoid of good men that he retired to the Rocky Mountains and built a monastery, and in time, the entire Dominica order was born from the actions of one man. Estimates vary from between 100,000 at the low end to about 500,000 at the high end. The real figure of actual Sedeprivationists is probably about a quarter million, which is a mere 2 out of 10,000 people when compared to the 1.2 Billion supposed Catholics, which, are, however, only “catholic” Churchman’s, essentially a fooled and deceived, unknowing, very large branch of the 40,000-headed Hydra known as Protestantism.

So this basic knowledge is now largely unknown to most people, though it is far from hidden, given you have access to the Internet.

And it is for this reason that it is salutary to point out that Catholics, have pointed out the issue concerning the Jewish hatred of Catholics and their religious beliefs concerning the idea that they believe that non-Jews are merely cattle, here to serve them for literally centuries. That the life of a non-Jew can never be compared to, or ever considered anywhere near as worthy as that of a Jew. That they assume that they can and will become the rulers of the Earth and all the non-Jews will be their slaves. And that their Talmud permits them to rape 3 year olds with impunity.

Here is a link to a text from Civiltà Cattolica, which is 27 pages of perfectly thought out and detailed analysis of the Jewish issue.

It would be good for you to know the history of your people, especially if you consider yourself a Christian, however deeply in error that belief might be currently. After all, learning one’s errors and correcting them is what life is all about. Without doing that we would not even learn to walk or speak.

I certainly believed I was right for some 35 years of my life, concerning what “Catholicism” was and what the “Catholic Church” was all about. Which is why, like any sane person, I rejected it in toto and consciously so from the age of 7.

It was only by the literal Grace of God, which for hard-headed mules like me, usually comes in a rather unpleasant format, that I was able to recognise my spectacular error, and even then it was another 4 years before I finally decided to get properly Baptised as an actual Catholic.

So. I truly hope you will at least begin a little investigation into what you have been taught by “historians” and “teachers” (who in turn where mostly fooled themselves) concerning Catholicism. You may want to start with two books actually written by non-Catholics (one did convert to Catholicism, but the other remains a Baptist) on the matter. Honest men come in all kinds, including men who are not Catholics. These two are such men.

Rodney Stark, and Rod Bennett.

Enjoy the search and the reading. The revelation of the Truth is always astonishing, surprising and refreshing, like waking up as a child and seeing the most magical of places just outside your window, as your parents travelled with you asleep through the night.

Il mio Inno Nazionale – My National Hymn

This is the official Hymn of the Most Serene Republic of Venice.

L’inno ufficiale della Serenissima Repubblica di Venezia.

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