Posts Tagged ‘the kurgan’

A really decent link

This comment was left by SHADOHAND with and excellent link to the site of Bill StClair with an explanation of some of Bearden’s theory that is at least manageable by most people who can keep some advanced (but still reasonable) abstract concepts in mind.

There is also a VERY useful glossary of terms used by Bearden with definitions, which makes it very much easier to follow the concepts.

If anyone takes the time to please archive the entire site, and especially at least these pages, do please send me a link. I will gladly post it.

Maxwell’s Equations and Wrong Physics

The reason for my previous post on Maxwell’s equations is that I have known for a long time that the EM theory/ies we go about with day-to-day are incomplete and have errors in them. This is obvious from a number of absolutely undeniable experiments throughout the last couple of hundred years that have been tried to be suppressed, denied, ridiculed when there is even video evidence of their having absolutely worked. From Tesla’s flying dustbins, to Tomas Townsend Brown Flying discs, and Bearden and Bedini’s over-unity devices and many, many others. My interest in the rediscovered anti-gravity of the nazis too ties in with much that remains absolutely covered up, ignored or flat out denied by the so-called mainstream “scientists”.

So, as a primer:

Here is Maxwell’s Paper on Faraday’s lines of Force, which is rather good and quite clarifying with regards to the concept of Aether, which, by the way, Harold Aspden had essentially proven, in a very, very, smart way that I think clarifies the concept of the Aether rather brilliantly, as well as demonstrates that, although perhaps not quite a weird “gas” as people presented it, it is a real thing, and in any case, I think the “weird gas” presentation of the Aether is the simplification of mediocre minds for a concept we don’t really have words for, but which Maxwell, I truly believe, KNEW could be engineered. He essentially states as much in this first paper if you grasp the crux of what he is saying. As an aside, the link to the Harold Aspden site above includes all of his works that his widow Wendy gave me and specifically asked me to put online for free, which I am doing thanks to a friend who is hosting the site at his expense. And I will always endeavour to keep this information alive and free as long as I can, as per Wendy’s wishes.

That first paper of Maxwell’s on Farady’s lines of Force may not even be the starting point, as he mentions other work of Faraday’s that he used to write the one linked to above, in his 1861 paper, which comes next in the order of things. It’s a PDF but there are better quality ones available if you search the web a bit, I just lost the link and am too tired to search for it again.

In any case, this book, archived, which you can download as a PDF, in the table of contents lists all the papers of Maxwell, so you can see them all. And for good measure, I reproduce here the table of contents.

That should have all the relevant information Maxwell produced to start looking at this from first principles again.

The reason being that Thomas Bearden (who recently passed away) retired Lt. Col. US Army, with whom I had spoken nearly 30 years ago, has explained in multiple writings how some elements of Maxwell’s equations were truncated by Heavyside in order to render them easier and more “practical” for general use. In doing so, however, the scalar component was lost.

Now, in layman’s terms, scalar waves/energy, can supposedly propagate through the Aether without any exterior display, and/but can me made to “pop-out” so to speak, of “normal” spacetime by various means. Some of these means being things that can be engineered.

Another way of putting it in the “modern” parlance, is that the zero point vacuum fluctuations can be accessed by mechanisms that create a potential difference. It is accepted even by modern physicists that in a cubic metre of so-called empty vacuum of space, there is enough energy to boil off all the oceans on our planet. But as there is no potential difference, we are not aware of it. We are like the fish in the sea that is totally unaware of “water” and its “currents” it’s all “myths” to the fish. However, machinery that can and does create potential differences and gives access to this energy can then create spectacular effects.

For example, one of the reasons that space travel through wormholes is thought to be impossible is because mathematically, to create a wormhole with a one metre diameter, you need to convert the mass of Jupiter to energy. Using the famous E=mc^2 formula attributed to the plagiarist Einstein. Keep in mind that one gram of matter, converted to energy using that formula can feed 26,500 people for a year at the average energy consumption humans use from ingesting food. Now imagine the entirety of Jupiter converted to energy using that formula. Well… if you have one of those machines (we’re not gonna say antigravity machines just yet, right?) that can create the tiniest potential difference in the zero-point vacuum fluctuations guess what, you have all that level of energy and a LOT more. Like a real lot more. So you can create wormholes at will and zip around the Galaxy real easy like.

Side Note: Most of this stuff is explained in some detail in my book The Face on Mars (and quite a bit more besides, all in plain language).

Talking of “Zero Point Vacuum fluctuations” however is not something most people understand. In essence, reality, the Universe, that supposedly “empty” vacuum of space is constantly “bubbling” with appearing and disappearing “particles” of protons, neutrons, photons, quarks, whatever. And because “statistically” you can’t pinpoint any of them, we say it’s “empty”.

Perhaps you’re now beginning to appreciate why I, like Tesla, think Quantum mechanics is if not total nonsense, certainly akin to a blind man with a hammer trying to describe the world around him by striking blindly with the hammer and then making up theories to fit his “experiments”.

In reality, to even begin to describe/understand the nature of what we call “physical reality” you need to consider the component of time. And here it becomes both absurdly strange, yet, I think at least, easier to understand.

We experience time linearly, but it is not really. And if you had read the roughly 20,000 pages of material Milton Erikson wrote on Hypnosis, and then tried some of the experiments yourself independently and experienced certain time-dilation and physical effects that sound “fantastic” but are absolutely objectively real, then you would begin to grasp, initially at least, why things like timeline therapy work on people, as does “past life regressions”. And if you are a freak that goes hunting down physics papers for fun, you may become fascinated with the physics of Burkhard Heim, who was a Nazi scientist I mentioned before (use the Search me link on the sidebar) whose concept of physics included consciousness.

Putting it all together, you then begin to understand that photons, which no one really understands, protons and electron, appear in fact to be time-reversed entities of themselves. That is a “proton” being “positive” is really just a time-reversed “electron” which is “negative”. And here reality begins to sound almost fluid, yet it explains things like why a particle that is separated or split, but that remains “entangled” and allowed to travel a relatively long distance from the split component, when it is put through a transformation, the other half of it undergoes the same transformation instantly. That is, faster than light. And it also begins to explain the absurd sounding process of Quantum Tunnelling which people assume is science fiction, but it is not, it has been engineered. Back in the early 1990s. They transmitted Mozart’s 40th symphony at 4.7 times lightspeed.

If the sell-outs like Carl Sagan and the trained circus monkeys that pretend to understand relativity theory were correct, NOTHING could break the light speed barrier. And instead, we have done it. Some 30 years ago.

Because you see, when you understand that TIME is a component of the subatomic world you have been taught to thing of as being composed of smaller and smaller billiard balls, and that it is not in fact composed of little particles at all but rather interfering patterns of energy and frequency that can be going “backwards” or “forwards” in little eddies and swirls of “time” that is usually localised, but don’t have to be (which incidentally explains the spontaneous worm holing events that have in fact been objectively demonstrated to have happened), then, my friend, you BEGIN, to distantly, imperfectly, begin to grasp that reality (and God) are far more incredible than any reality our little minds can conceive of.

It also begins to make sense to think in terms of the Aether, or the “space of variations” I mentioned before (again, Search Me on the right sidebar there), and how hypnosis and our supposedly “junk” DNA can and does affect everything from “miracles” to epigenetic, as has been demonstrated in the lab by people like Peter Garajev and Rollin McCraty (I discuss them in a lot more detail in my Systema book). It explains the metadata study done by Honorton and Ferrari on precognition (again, detailed in the Systema book and also detailed with Rollin’s work on Special Forces training. I had emails with both Rollin and Garajev on these topics, which I describe in the book).

And it explains how some of the “fantastic” claims of over-unity devices, flying discs (whether by Brown or Doctor Searle, whom I met in the UK some 28 years ago) and so on are in fact, entirely possible.

And after all, we all know that hydrogen cars, (fuelled by water) cars that ran on a single AA battery and even electric cars of which Mel Gibson had one, in the 70s or 80s I forget, were recalled, disappeared, their inventors get bought out or have accidents. And if you still think the “conspiracy theorists” are crazy, well… there is no hope for you after 3 years of the planned-emic and genetic serums being passed off as “vaccines”.

So that’s why the Maxwell Equations.

And I also leave you with this mish-mash of a PDF that, however, MIGHT prove of some use to some people.

Oh, and Miles Mathis has a couple of books that I think are very good though I have not had the peace of mind or time to really go deeply into them.

I know most people will just glaze over this post, but there are a few out there that will hopefully go off and do great things.

Why the Valley of the Saints?

If you have taken a look at the link in the sticky post above, you may have wondered if my wanting to get the little valley where I have my olive trees become filled with trees sponsored by well-wishers in the name of Catholic Saints is some kind of appeal to pious religiosity.

In reality it is not due to that. Don’t get me wrong, I think it would be awesome if every tree gets sponsored under the name of a Catholic Saint, I do think it will and does change the atmosphere, but I really don’t mind if you want to sponsor a tree in the name of your aunt Gertrude instead, or your dog Rocky, or whatever (within reason and decorum of a certain standard, which is not THAT high, what with me being me, but it will exist at least).

The reason is that when I arrived here, the owner had cut every light fitting internally and externally and left exposed wires all over the place, as well as removed the coverings of all the verandas. It was February and it snowed literally as we arrived, and twenty minutes later our cars were stuck here near the house for three days.

We had no kitchen sink, or indeed a kitchen of any kind, just a tap sticking out of the wall and for months my wife cleaned the dishes in the bathroom tub and sink until we finally got a basic kitchen installed.

The electricity would trip every few seconds because we had dozens of external cables exposed to the wet weather and we only had one hot plate that the loyal crusader had delivered to him. And thank god for that young man, as he had arrived before us, cleaned the place, build our beds that had arrived before us, and found an electrician to at least add some lights in each room, and he had also got a plumber to fix the main water valve that the seller had left hanging by a thread. So when we got here after 2 days of travel and the last day being a 16 hour drive, at least we had a place to sleep. But we had no gas stove as a delay meant it had not yet arrived, we had no gas bottle and the cars were stuck with the snow, not able to climb back out of the little road to the house.

That is when we met the neighbour. Supposedly a “rough man” that didn’t get along with anyone. He hooked up a 50 metre extension to his workshop, the only building anywhere near our place, and with my own 50 metre extension connected to it we at least had power to a nest of multi-sockets that would make a fire-chief lock us all away for years.

His last words to me that day where: ” I have five kilowatts here. If it trips, I’ll leave you this little window open, from there you can get to the latch and open and restart the breaker. I’ll see you in a week.”

When he returned a week later I walked up the path to meet him and he had brought us a litre of his own unfiltered oil. the same one I now produce, which is literally the best in the world. No joke, it won first prize two years in a row at the Dubai expo and then the Monte Carlo Expo, and as I don’t use any kind of insecticides or any other additives to the soil or anything else, my olive oil is in fact, now even better than his, which was in any case superlative.

I told him that I really did not know how to thank him nd to please at least come in for a drink, a bite to eat, a coffee, something, and he refused everything, smiling, happily and telling me:

“Look, I am good like bread, but I just have two rules…” I listened intently, looking him in the eyes as he continued, “… people must mind their own fucking business, and not break my balls.” Even before he finished I knew what he was going to say and I had started smiling. I grabbed his hand and forearm meaningfully and told him we would get along famously, as I had the same rules.

Since that day until the day he died, that man is one of the very few human beings that gave me more than I ever gave him or even had a chance to repay him. His picture is in our lounge, and aside from his immediate family, we were the only people at the cemetery when his ashes were buried next to those of his three lost children (miscarriages all, but one had been born alive).

The other closest neighbour went to get a gas bottle and brought it half-way down the road to us, risking to get his car stuck too. The next neighbour up received Amazon deliveries for us until the snow melted and the vans would come down to us. Another neighbour I had hardly ever seen gave us some of his grapes later in the year saying he had to many and to just come get them from his vines as he couldn’t eat them all and they would otherwise go to waste.

The only person so far that could be considered to have the asshole label is the guy who sold me the property. And no one around here appears to have liked or got on with him either, so it’s not just my view.

The point, is that very shortly after we had arrived here, I really did feel as if we had arrived in the Valley of the Saints.

So that is why I thought it would be a good name for it.

And I plan to name the biggest tree we have, which is near the house and not too easy to collect olives from, after my friend and neighbour who passed away only a short ten months after we met him.

The Face on Mars

It is rather interesting to me that my book The Face on Mars, which I wrote in 1995, and later updated in 2014, remains the only work that really explains what happened on Mars and how. And even, tentatively but rather convincingly, explains who did it.

Graham Hancock plagiarised the main idea in his own book on Mars, which you can see as he adds my book without too many details in the Bibliography, because he had called me and asked me for a copy, which I had sent him, not really knowing who he was at the time in 1996 or so.

When I met him in Cape Town some time later when he came to talk about the supposed Japanese subacquean pyramids I went up to him and told him that when he takes other people’s work as his own, he should instead give credit. He immediately apologised stating that he had ghost writers do his book so he wasn’t really responsible, and add that I had done an outstanding job.

My brother was after me for years to sue him. I know how such legal battles go and had no interest in suing the journalist with a wanker’s name. After all, whatever happened, and whoever got the credit, I –and he– both knew who had figured things out.

Of course, he made a lot of money from his books and I have not, and that’s unfortunate for me, but I have never been very good at marketing myself. In fact I am terrible at it.

That all said, even after the update in 2014, it is still interesting to note that all the new information that comes out only confirms more and more my theories concerning Mars.

John Brandenburg, the notes scientist who also investigate Mars, more recently explained that the level of xenon 129 found on Mars can only be the result of what he hypothesises as being two massive nuclear explosions on the order of 50,000 times the one of Hiroshima.

This however, in my opinion, is not correct, and in fact, I had already explained in my book what the outcome of the war for which I point out all the evidence for, must have included nuclear missiles as a defence system. It was not two large explosions of some super nuke that left all the xenon 129 on Mars. It was the hundreds or thousands of missiles they fired to try and save themselves from the asteroids being flung at them from space by use of antigravity capable spaceships.

The Face on Mars is non fiction, but the Overlords of Mars Series is Fiction… sort of, because even in those fiction stories there is more science and more facts than you will find in the average peer reviewed paper.

And if you wanted the video presentation, which I really enjoyed making, you can see it on Kurgan TV in the Face on Mars Series.

And there are researchers on YouTube now that point out weird anomalies on Mars images that seem to keep falling through the net of now admitted “artists” that NASA employs to cover up, put fake colouring filters and various other doctoring, including cutting and pasting, cloning, and simply auto-covering up non-fractal images with an automated system. Which they need to do in areas of Cydonia that are literally scattered with objects that are clearly not natural. Ancient ruins that still look too much like ruins. There are locations on Mars that look more artificial than some old abandoned settlements on Earth now.

The thing is that I think The Face on Mars remains as possibly the only reference work that really covers not just what happened, but also the people involved and which of these counted most in showing us the truth.

I cannot deny, that, regardless of my lack of fame, glory or (more importantly) riches, I remain really quite happy with knowing I have recorded this information for posterity and at least a few have and will continue to find it.

You can see the images related to the book here on this blog at this image gallery.

Enjoy learning that whatever our real history is, it is far, far, more interesting than anyone you ever had as a history teacher ever even hinted at in your wildest dreams.

And for those who are reading-challenged, there are some summarised videos I did to debate Sci-Man Dan, who, in fairness, I think I crushed, considering the medium anyway, the book obviously always will have more details and evidence than you can mention in a video.

My Mars challenge, Sci-Man Dan’s Response, and my rebuttal, to which we have had only crickets since.

The Benefits of Systema

I know that those people who have never trained with the likes of Vladimir Vasiliev, Konstantin Komarov, Sergey Ozhereliev, Vadim Dobrin, or the recently deceased Mikhail Ryabko, or some of their best students, all seem to think that Systema is fake and nonsense, but the reality is that I do not know of a single human being, regardless of their prior knowledge of martial arts, that has trained with any of the people I mentioned above that did not leave there thinking something like: “How the fuck did he just do that to me?!”

And I don’t know of a single person that has trained with them that thinks Systema is fake, or ineffective, or not able to kick the hell out of pretty much every other martial art I am familiar with given a comparable level of training in a comparable student. Yes the videos all look absolutely fake, but that’s because you don’t understand what you are watching. Systema drills are NOT meant to be realistic attacks. They are supposed to generally be either realistic movements in super slow motion, that can gradually progress in speed and intensity but only as long as the practitioners do not go into a state of “tension” that is fear, or desire to win, etc, as such emotions translate in telegraphing movement and stiff/tense movements that become easy to counter or take advantage of, or, drills meant to give you some discomfort and train you to breathe and move through them retaining a relaxed mental and physical posture, while performing whatever move is required to evade or overcome the drill.

I did karate-do in a very hard dojo for years and I was already a second Dan when I met my first Systema exponent in a training context, Val Riazanov, and I couldn’t touch the guy at all and he could do what he wanted with me. Similarly, after I became a Systema instructor I had everything from Boxers to ex-SAS to active soldiers asking to take me on in a more “realistic” way to test if it was all nonsense. Although I do not profess to be anywhere near the level of the exponents I named above, in every case, they very quickly decided I was absolutely not full of shit. This also included a couple of guys that had 20-30kg on me and worked as bouncers or bodyguards and had serious training in wrestling or other martial arts, I forget which, I think Krav Mama and some karate etc.

Anyway, the point here is not to try to brag, not about my skill, nor about Systema itself. The point is that the benefits of Systema go far beyond merely fighting or combat.

In some 3 decades of karate and delving into other martial arts from time to time, to test them, and myself, I had accumulated a variety of relatively permanent injuries. Impacted joints, an injured sternum which had also caused a semi-chronic stiffness in my spine on one side, various scar tissue that had accumulated from various muscle tears and so on. In my mid thirties I started to do Systema and by my early 40s I was healthier and fitter than I was in my thirties. Many of the injuries I had sustained re-presented themselves as I trained Systema then healed, almost miraculously.

Besides all of this, it had a profound effect on my psychology. It is a little know or acknowledged fact, that our connection between mind and body is far deeper and more important than literally any doctor has ever imagined, never mind spoken or written about. The training that you do in a martial art has a profound psychological effect too. Karate-Do is a hard style, and while the romantic theory behind Shotokan Karate-Do is that there is “no-contact”, the reality is that even in competitions, body shots are permitted and head shots are supposed to be “limited” but I had events where the opponent’s fist went past my head to the elbow, meaning if I had not dodged the punch he was trying to put his fist through my head. And in dojo kumite (the “friendly” sparring that happens in the dojo outside of any competitions) pretty much anything goes. You can literally bite a guy’s ear off if he doesn’t submit and no one will chastise you for it.

As a result, the mindset it fosters is a very rigid one. Flexible perhaps in how to go after a target, but the very idea of giving up is anathema. The ruling principle of Karate is: Failure is acceptable, but giving up, never.

In short, you can succeed or die trying. Nothing else.

Systema philosophy instead can be summarised as: Do the impossible, and survive.

Hence in Karate your value is zero. The mission is all. Honour is all. Death is irrelevant. Surrender or giving up is simply not an option.

In Systema your value is total. Win, achieve your goal, overcome impossible odds, but above all, survive.

After I had trained a few years I went to visit my brother in South Africa, and he noted in me a chance that surprised him to the point that he mentioned it out loud after a single day with him.

“What did you do man? You’re like a different person. A lot calmer, even if no less intense.”

I told him about Systema and as a result he went to do some of it with Vadim Dobrin, and I dare say that what he learnt with Vadim, saved his life at least once if not more times.

But now that I have passed the half-century mark, I do not burn with desire to lay out random street thugs, as I did in my youth, when I purposefully would walk around at 3 am through the parks and supposedly dodgy areas of London hoping for some unfortunate thug to pick me. That all said, if trouble comes looking for me, I am not exactly at the wheel-chair section of the “old-fighters” line.

However, I have realised that my lack of Systema specific drills for the last few years is something I need to change again and get back into training my body with those same drills and so on, because the benefits far outweigh the mild discomfort or time it takes to do them. In part I realised this thanks to rather strenuous pruning activity by climbing up and down trees for over a week. While stiff at first, thanks to doing the movements in a Systema way, several aches and pains have left me, and the more serious ones, the result of an injury from my stupidly lifting/shoving a 200kg or so stove into and out of a car by myself, have become more prominent. Which means either I need to see a good chiropractor first and then do the Systema training, or at least do the training. Again, the benefits I highlight are physical ones, but the psychological ones are really probably far more important.

Sylevester, the young guy who came to help me for a week has read my Systema Book and he was explaining to me how doing so had already helped him level up in his jujitsu class in a way that his training buddies couldn’t make sense of. It’s also helped him begin to understand his body and a muscle injury he had in his leg and shortened fascia he has in his feet. It was genuinely a pleasure to see a young man, learning such things so early in life and noticing how beneficial they are to him, but too the attitude he has fostered, which I am sure had its own inborn talent of course, but can only have been helped by the Systema training he learnt from the book, was really quite rare to see in someone that is just over 20 years old.

At one point, one of the branches he was standing on in an olive tree broke off underneath him and he simply fell to Earth as naturally as if he had chose to jump instead of been surprised by a suddenly broken branch.

These are the things you cannot prepare for and that Systema training gives you without you even realising it.

So, I shall begin to train again regularly, even as I continue to do a lot of physical work on the farm, as is required during spring.

I hope those of you who read here will also try to take an interest, as it truly is a beneficial system for your body, mind and soul. The recent sponsorship of the trees, forcing me to say more prayers, together with physical training to limber me up more, is truly quite a wonderful and life-affirming thing. I hope you try similar things in ways that work for you.

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