Posts Tagged ‘the kurgan’

The Artemivsk-Bakhmut Radius

The German astronomer Karl Schwarzschild, was the first to calculate what is normally referred to as the Event Horizon, that is, the radius at which a collapsing star or black hole does not let even light escape, and as such becomes a black hole.

Karl, did this in 1916 while fighting in the trenches of WWI. He was clearly an uncommon man that could see beyond his immediate circumstances even when these were rather dire.

In any case, I would now like to bring your attention to another black hole radius: The Artemivsk-Bakhmut Radius.

This is the location in the ex-fake country called Ukraine, where one could say that either directly or indirectly, pretty much everything disappears.

About 140 billion US $ have disappeared, countless NATO weapons and Ukrainian (and some Russian) soldiers and so on have been ground to dead dust.

And it doesn’t seem it will end any time soon.

The AB Radius is gradual. It is strongest at the epicentre of the actual geographical location of the ex-city of Artemivsk-Bakhmut, where everything from men, materiel, money, possibly UFOs and God only knows what else, seems to disappear, usually in flashes of Russian artillery and drone fire, but it has radiating lines of propagating force that reach into every household of the Western Hemisphere and indeed the world.

Extracting mostly energy, money and health from the rest of the planet.

It seems to be a self-feeding mechanism.

Producing the effect is Corrupt Political Western Powers (CPWP), divided by Parasitic Foreign Impostors (PFI), multiplied by Corrupting Potential of Western Puppet-Leaders (CPWPL) which is a complicated calculation because this is a variable factor that ranges from near-infinity to beyond-infinity; that’s the left side of the formula. On the right side of the formula you have Russian Will to Survive as a Nation (RWSN), multiplied by Chinese Will to Survive as an Entity (CWSE). The parallel product of these formulae is that on the left we have a net negative number that fluctuates as a combination of the result of negative trillions of dollars multiplied by the potential loss of billions of souls, and on the right hand side a small positive number of the irrational fluctuating number known as Human Hope.

In mathematical terms then:


Which reduces to:

-x Trillion USD * -y Souls : HH<0.0001%

For the non-mathematicians: Russia is not going to have a massive offensive that takes over Ukraine, because it does not help them reduce their actual enemies, the USA, and the NATO puppets being run by the deep state Satanic self-declared “elite” to a state of impotent military flaccidity and economic poverty while also fomenting huge social unrest at home, with concomitant rebellions, fragmentations and balkanisations.

On the other side, the Homoglobalists are completely incapable of doing anything other than feeding the maw of war for multiple reasons.

First of all, stopping would mean loss of profits for those of them that benefit financially from the continued war.

Secondly, it would expose even more their crimes against humanity, and it’s not as if anyone who cares doesn’t already know most of them, but because the actual in-your-face presentation of them, even to the docile, retarded, brainwashed, obese masses, is likely to cause instability to a degree even the protected “elite” might find uncomfortable.

Thirdly, it is an admission of defeat for various of the factions, be it the Jewish Messianic ones, the actual Satan worshipping Freemasons in high positions, and also their entire Wester World puppets that think they are very important people.

Fourth, there is a small but real possibility that either the winners, or the completely fed up populations of the West, may set up ropes around lampposts, guillotines in their town squares, drawing and quartering horses, or stakes to be burned at —according to cultural preferences— in order to have some popular regime change spread around the West as a whole.

And there you have it. Please be sure to keep me as the person who gave the AB Radius it’s name, if not the official discoverer of it, since I am sure several high-minded Russians have undoubtedly come to the same theorem, and may have just been too busy in a trench to publish. I have no problem sharing the glory with such physicists on the field, of course.

Thank you.

Yes, all the names mentioned are of Jews

But I am sure that’s it’s just a Cohencidence.

Probably nothing to do with the passages in the Talmud that says it’s perfectly acceptable and no sin at all to rape children under the age of 3.

The video below is only a couple of minutes long. Look at the way the Zyklons are trying to shut the prof down when he shows the links between Anarchists (antifa types), homosexuality, and pedophiles. Using unassailable facts, no less.

Maybe one in five Zyklons really is not just LGBT, but actually is a pedophile?

What say you Zyklons?

The Gay is Rising?

So… supposedly, this is what’s happening in AmeriKa

Supposedly, one in five Zyklons is some kind of sexual deviant.

I am sure the poll is completely fair and reliable like all other mainstream media news. But you Zyklons out there… what say you?

Also… from memory, GenX and every generation before that was hovering at between 0.5% to 1.5% across the entire sexual deviant spectrum, certainly until the late 90s, on this graph it’s double that or more. Again, I am sure it’s all perfectly statistically correct and true… as long as you also believe that Epstein killed himself.

Still, one wonders how the USA plans to continue controlling the rest of the planet, I think they took that “screw everybody” a bit literally and thing that strap-ons and lube are the way forward for global domination.

I don’t know, I mean it’s just my opinion, but I think the Russians, Chinese, the whole of Africa and large chunks of South America, as well as pockets of hold-outs all over Europe might just disagree a little bit.

They are the Enemy Within

A YouTube commenter starts to understand:

Gabriel Garcìa Moreno

As I’m sure you’ve realized by now, Tay Tay Marshall is no intellectual behemoth. When he saw your superchat I’m almost certain he understood that he couldn’t properly answer it. I’ve come to the conclusion that Tay Tay is an intellectual lightweight and quite likely a grifter. Man, I want to like Vigano. I pay attention to his publications and videos and have noticed that he often calls out Freemasonry and Bergoglio’s shenanigans but you’re right, at this point he must put down his foot and declare every so called Pope from John XXIII to Bergoglio a heretic and an anti-pope. God bless you. Christus Vincit! Christus Regnant! Christus Imperat!

Adam Piggott, recently wrote a blog post about the fake “priest”, the Satan-worshipping Ripperger.

Adam’s piece is a very polite and well-written one, filled with human charity and honesty. He ended it thusly:

Fr Ripperger is wrong. So I will pray for him as I continue to pray for all of the clergy who have eyes but cannot see, who have ears but cannot hear.

And of course, this makes me want to smack Adam upside the head repeatedly. “Bad Catholic! Bad!” I want to say to him, with each blow.

And I may get to do it, as I think he will come to visit soon.

Yes, yes, I know, I am the “EEEEBBILL” Kurgan, without mercy, et-cetera, et-cetera…

But let me repeat what I have been saying now for about 5 years:

  1. That fake “priest” is not to be addressed as “Father”, as that is an honorific to be used for Catholic Priests. Ripperger is not Catholic, and certainly not a priest (except perhaps of Moloch, but that’s neither here nor there). He is a knowing Satanist, yes, he is, because he is perfectly aware that Vatican II is heretical, that Roncalli was a Freemason and that the Vatican is currently filled with Freemason pedophiles, homosexual and so on. Freemasons are Satan-worshippers, and in essence, so is anyone trying to destroy the Catholic Church; which EVERY fake “cleric” of the Novus Orco is doing, directly and openly, or implicitly and subterfugeously, but in any case, they are.
  2. At BEST, he is a heretic, because in my opinion he is a never-was-catholic. He certainly was never validly ordained, nor has he ever done anything other than perform unholy sacrilegious, blasphemous, fake masses that mock our Lord. So in my opinion, he is actually an active Satanist and outright enemy of the Church, and hence God; as are ALL the fake “clergy” of the Novus Orco.

Now, if he is a Heretic, remember, as a Catholic, the correct way to behave towards him is as defined, in the infallible, ex-cathedra, on faith and morals pronouncement (which means it will remain true for all eternity) of Pope Paul the IV in his Papal Bull of the 15th of February 1559, Cum Ex Apostolato Officio, which states:

(iii) that all such individuals also shall be held, treated and reputed as such by everyone, of whatsoever status, grade, order, condition or pre-eminence he may be and whatsoever excellence may be his, even Episcopal, Archiepiscopal, Patriarchal and Primatial or other greater Ecclesiastical dignity and even the honour of the Cardinalate, or secular, even the authority of Count, Baron, Marquis, Duke, King or Emperor, and as such must be avoided and must be deprived of the sympathy of all natural kindess.


So no.

The impostor, fake “priest” Satanic-inspired Ripperger is not “wrong”. He is intentionally trying to send souls to Hell. It’s not a mistake, and no Catholic is to act towards him as if it was, nor give him “the benefit of the doubt”. Because AT BEST, he is a heretic. And that is the RULE of how you treat a heretic.

Personally I think he is an active Satanist and he is intentionally trying to send souls to Hell, so I’m gonna have even less sympathy or kindness for him than I do a heretic. As far as I am concerned he is an active mass-murderer of souls. And that is what EVERY Novus Orco fake “priest” or “Bishop” is.

And the only prayers I would have for such creatures, would be that his master comes to claim him as soon as possible and rids us of his presence on this Earth.

A bit intense, Kurgan!

You say what? Well, no. Not at all. Not if you actually BELIEVE in Catholicism. Not if you are actually Catholic, and follow the Catholic rules.

What most decent human beings REALLY struggle with is to even begin to understand the level of deception and evil of the impostors. Just like they are unable to conceive of the kind of mentality that forces little children, along with their parents, to take a genetic serum that will destroy their health and kill them in a few years.

They KNOW what they are doing. They RELY on your good nature, while they pretend to be “on your side” whether that is, be it “traditionalism”, or “anti-woke”, or “republican”, or “conservative”, or whatever, but they are in reality worse than an enemy charging your home with a uniform on and a machine pistol. That guy is OBVIOUSLY your enemy. You can SEE him coming!

But the snake in your own trench, that is the real vicious enemy, that’s a far more dangerous creature. The gatekeepers are NOT your friends.

Besides, if you have read my book Reclaiming the Catholic Church, you would know, that this is precisely the modus operandi of the Carbonari/Freemasons/illuminati. The permanent instruction to the Alta Vendita (Carbonari) were found and the Pope at the time promulgated these documents to warn Catholics, and Christianity in general. And they specifically state that they are to always play both sides of the coin. They are to infiltrate the deepest and most cherished places by PRETENDING to be good men of kind and pious natures. While all the while secretly subverting, degrading, and all while gaining trust and influence. They are, remember always, servants of the Prince of Lies!

What do you think they are going to do? Play fair?

Now, I get it, you think it’s hard to be as “jaded” as I am, but you know what, it’s not true. The hardest part about seeing the truth of this situation is merely that most people are simply too good to believe how corrupt, underhanded and downright evil the impostors and gatekeepers are.

Now, I do struggle with the idea that Adam, an Australian, could ever be a decent guy, I mean… he’s Australian, come on. So that couldn’t possibly be it. That an Australian is too nice to see things as they are… absurd; obviously.

I put it down to his being too dim.

It’s true, I have a lot of dim friends. It gives me an excuse to smack them upside the head, you see. Look. We all need a hobby, don’t judge me. Besides, Kurgan head-smackings have been clinically proven to increase IQ by at least 10 to 15 points. And sometimes all the way up to 30 points, that’s 2 whole standard deviations. Sometimes they improves your looks too. At least if you have a face like Adam’s anyway.

So learn, people: ANY Novus Orco is NOT a Catholic, NOT your friend, and NOT doing or saying ANYTHING GOOD.

It’s all an act, or at best criminal negligence. Do you care which? Does it matter? Sure, it might… to God! Who is the ONLY one that can ever truly know the difference in a man’s heart. But to you and me? No. No it does not matter at all. If it walks like a heretic, talks like a heretic, preaches like a heretic, and acts like a heretic… well… guess what:

It’s your duty to treat him like a heretic!

Hollywood Fame and Glory

I can prove quite conclusively to you, within about an hour or two, less if you are a bit less brainwashed, and if you can do basic math, that the lives of the so-called “rich and famous” are a complete and utter pit of despair.

All you need to do is browse CDAN (Crazy Days and Nights) and scroll down the blog, reading the entries. If after about an hour or so of doing that and doing a quick mental guesstimate of the number of glitterati there are in the pool from which that litany of despair is taken, you will soon realise that the toll one needs to pay to enter that club is —literally— at minimum, a piece of your soul, and in many, even most cases, the entirety of it.

What CDAN does, above all, in my opinion, is list very clearly, the resulting human wreckage that a life dedicated to hedonistic materialism produces.

Most of those people are so far gone, so utterly lost, that a homeless guy who is not a drug-addict has a better shot at making a happy life for himself.

I knew this at a relatively young age, and then confirmed it when I was offered certain “tickets” to do with being involved in a tv documentary-series at various points and/or a film, both based on my book The Face on Mars. I was 26 at the time and even before these “offers” came in, I had already seen the effect of being an author with books on the shelves of the local bookshops had on “friends” and acquaintances.

The interviews I did for television and radio were absolutely geared to turn the whole thing into clickbait, and since I’m a pretty quick study and I realised the interviewer was trying to take the approach of letting me run my mouth to then edit things in some tinfoil hat fashion, I very quickly reverted to one word answers and mini-sound bytes. the result was they could not make me sound crazy, so they did what a friend of mine at the time suggested they would do, jokingly.

I explained to him the interview was a hit piece and they would try hard to make me look insane, and he laughed and said, “yeah they may morph you into an alien on TV! ha, ha, ha.”

Well, that is exactly what they did, I kid you not. When the interview aired, at one point they fade my face out and gradually faded a gray alien head over it. My friend and I couldn’t believe it and laughed ourself to tears. I was 26 and I didn’t care for these people or their lies.

An outfit that was supposed to do a 13 part documentary had only to produce an outline of the 13 part documentary, I had already lined up an investor for them and this was all they wanted. They had 2 months to do it. They produced 2 pages of incoherent A4 where they had also screwed up the major premise. I advised the investor to not deal with these clowns.

Graham Hancock plagiarised large parts of the book as well as its main concept and still got the basic premise wrong. It’s like… steal Ferrari’s plans for a fast engine and still build a crappy Mini Morris one. They aren’t even good thieves. The guy who wrote the original comics on which the film The Matrix is based more than a little, will tell you the same thing.

Elvis didn’t write his songs, though I like how he sings them, and so do many others. Everything in the entertainment world is basically a lie. And usually also very gay; when it’s not also pedophile infested.

Graham Hancock certainly made a lot more money than I ever will from my work, with “his” stolen, then half-assed-executed ideas. And sure, that can irk a person somewhat, but you know what, when I confronted him face to face on it in Cape Town, his demeanour was the one of an apologetic, scared, cardboard-cut-out of a “man”. He apologised, blamed his ghost-writers and “complimented” me on my astonishing and brilliant work. He was a middle-aged journalist of supposed world-renowned fame, I was I think 27 at the time, had little or no money and did karate on an almost daily basis and worked as an armed bodyguard/security specialist and sold computers now and then when I could.

And I wouldn’t have traded his life for mine for any amount of money on the planet. I could then, and I still can now, look in the mirror and know that whatever errors I made in life, they were honest ones, and that despite all my faults, and they are many, I, at least, did not become whatever subspecies of cowardly, underhanded, sneaky, slithering animal people like that become. My brother and others were more enraged than I ever was by such occurrences. Which makes sense. They saw only the surface loss of what generally gets perceived as money, fame, and glory.

But I got to see the people that supposedly had or created this money, fame and glory. And this is what I saw, time and again:

The fame was a net negative. People wanted to be with you, whether as friends or sex partners, based on your fame. They had no idea, who you are, nor cared. the scary thing about this was that it wasn’t limited to gold-digging whores. In fact it was something that affected roughly the same percentage of people that decided to take the genetic serum or buy into the lie of the rona. Men wanted to be my friend and women wanted to bear my children, because I had a book on the shelves of the local book shops and did signing events. Or because they heard me interviewed on the radio or saw me on TV in the UK or, the USA, or in one case, saw my book briefly on CNN apparently (I never saw it myself but several people told me they had in a brief mention).

What becomes absolutely obvious then is that most human beings do not live, love, or care about the person they are with, perhaps marry and even have children with. No. They do not. They care about the idea about them they have in their head of them. Or they later end up hating the idea they have about them in their head. It is absolutely rare that they even glimpse the reality of who or what you are even if you spend decades with them.

In the modern era, this “disease” is a lot worse than it ever was in the past before television, the internet and mobile brainwashing and attention destroying machines we call “phones”.

Seeing this firsthand, noticing a girl you might have thought of as attractive and even intelligent if you had met her under different circumstances, and then noting how she is so transparently offering herself as some kind of sacrificial sex toy, purely in order to have the “thrill” of having had a “famous” person inside her, well… I know I am the minority perhaps in this, but I assure you, it is depressing. It destroys a certain aspect of innocence that makes life easier and more beautiful, and is hard to live happily without.

And that’s just the “fame” part.

And if you did sleep with such a girl, chances are, that after a while (or maybe only after minutes if you’re no good in bed) she would too feel empty, and disappointed, and lacklustre, because her fantasy of who you are and how her life might become is a fairy tale. As much as the one you might have told yourself if you’d met her as a nobody at a party and saw how pretty and quick-witted she appeared. Only to realise later it was just a facade, she is not smart, or quick-witted, she just learnt a routine of things to do and say at parties.

That, right there, the shabby feeling of mild despair that grows on you if you do take the ticket, if you do reach for the “glory”? That is the real “glory”.

The fame makes you a cartoon caricature and the glory turns out to be dust and emptiness. I at least was wise enough to not indulge in either.

The money sure can be useful, but it invariably comes with those two strings attached, and no amount of money on the planet is worth that. Not to me anyway.

It is possible, to get at least some of the money and dodge the “fame” and the “glory” and if you are smart, you can even manage a certain level of “fame” in a way that it doesn’t harm you, but it takes uncommon firmness of mind, courage, and not a little luck, or fate, or divine providence, whatever you choose to call it. In short, it is very rare, and probably has a cost anyway, as all roads do.

All of these despairing things, are made a thousand or a million times worst if you are alone in it all. Even family and close friends can turn, like zombies in a horror movie, becoming infected and turning on you with those soulless, dead eyes. Imagine your own parents or children becoming swallowed by the despair and materialism of “fame” and “glory”, or, much more often, your wife, or husband.

And where, in a world like the one of today, do you find a wife or husband that is not ready to jump neck-deep into the mire of “fame” and “glory” given a half a chance? Especially for those who grew up with the internet as a done thing?

There is no easy answer, but I assure you that whatever difficulties I faced or will face in life, I would always choose them over the ones that come with Hollywood level “fame” and “glory”.

I made my life an exercise in living between the cracks and not getting caught by what Vadim Zeland calls “Pendulums”, and just to be safe, I never tried to “transurf” the waves more than a tiny little bit here or there, (long before I read anything Vadim wrote) because in this game of life, one big wipeout is enough to reduce you to shark-food. And even as it is, I took my wipeouts, and they were hard enough, and perhaps many would not have survived them, but I did; again, by my will, but also a lot of divine providence and grace, which the lost often call luck or fate.

My problem has always been the same one.

My DNA, as far back as I can find information on my ancestors, has the curiosity of the explorer in it, and the fearlessness of the fool. It is a dangerous combination, and I do not advise it to anyone. I certainly hope my son is wiser than I was, but already, I see in him, the brutal honesty he has with himself, the fearlessness in the face of danger, at times due to innocence, and other times due to calculated observation. And the calm, considered, approach to things that might be dangerous, which he has not yet investigated.

How to guide such a boy?

There is no simple or clear path, because these are the qualities of a man, and ultimately, as men know, we are born alone, and we die alone, and every choice we make, every effort, every despair, every victory and every crushing defeat, is ours, and ours alone, no matter who loves us and may help us, or who hates us and may try to destroy us. All we can rely on is providence, God’s grace and our tiny, but eternal flame of faith inside ourselves, regardless of if we know it exists in there or not. He has it, and perhaps all I can do is try to make him aware of it consciously. Maybe, if I can help him be less mute than I have been to myself, he might be able to more readily rely on that fire in the centre of his heart even when he is alone and tired and scared, and I am no longer around to do what I can.

Maybe, if I train him even as I play with him, he can learn to roll with the punches of life and pop up nearby and unexpectedly, and turn things to his advantage then too.

And above all, I hope I can do a good job of showing him the decay and deceit and lies and illusion of “fame” and “glory” and instead choose the real Glory of, and for, God, and Honour, and the ones you Love. And to know fame is a lying whore riddled with disease and fancy clothes, and make-up; and real fame is the trust and loyalty of your friends and your loved ones, and nothing else compares.

And hopefully, in the Fake New World that is being prepared for him, either we are able to collapse the shit out of it before it gets off the ground, or there will in any case remain a way for him to navigate the “pendulums” and “surf” the “waves” remaining as best as possible, untouched by the filth of the sewage from which they are formed.

The lives of the “rich and famous” are a preview of the Hell that awaits us all if we don’t wake up and return to what really matters: The virtues of Truth, Honesty, Honour, Fortitude, Courage, and Faith.

Except it will be worse for you will not even have the villas and the retinue of concubines and the drugs, because you will not even have the money to distract you from the despair.


Choose your path wisely, friend, and support that which is real, and see through that which is fake, and gay, and Satanic.

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