Posts Tagged ‘the kurgan’

Laziness breeds stupidity

A lesson any parent needs to install in his children is to absolutely fight the scourge and mortal sin of laziness.

Now, I don’t mean that a child who stays in bed until noon is necessarily lazy, if they are up at eight and have been reading a book for four hours straight.

Or as long as they are involved in learning or doing something physical or intellectual. They could be researching the life-cycle of earthworms, or trying to memorise all the names of the craters on the Moon for all I care. neither thing is likely to feature very much in their life, but at least they are exercising their brains in some fashion. Similarly, I don’t care if they are building an entire miniature village of mud huts, and destroy their clothes doing it. In fact, that would be pretty awesome. Their mother would disagree, but you know women, they hardly see the potential of this future colossus of civilisation in its proto-stages.

What is not acceptable is the mental retardation that comes from watching TikTok videos and/or most of the trash one finds on YouTube as well as all the other streaming services. TV, does in fact, rot the brain.

And while flat out banning any TV is somewhat hard to do as well as impractical in many ways, especially if you want to future-proof them for the trash on it, and prevent them from doing the equivalent of what most Anglo/Teutonic teens do as soon as they hit drinking age: Become lifelong functional alcoholics. Because in many of those cultures, drinking was absolutely banned strictly, and then, when they hit 18 or 21, hey, you can drink all you want.

Mediterraneans feed their kids little sips of watered-down wine when they ask from a young age. I certainly tasted wine and beer long before I hit age ten, never mind 18. But I have never been a drinker, nor a smoker or other drug user. Mostly because I was future-proofed against it by my upbringing. Junkies were pointed out to us, and we had first class views to what daily consumption of marijuana does to people throughout our childhood, since many of the adult labourers in Botswana smoked it on a regular basis.

So it is with TV. One needs to educate them, maybe watch some shows with them and point out the degeneracy in even the supposedly “wholesome” and “family friendly” shows. But aside from that, if you are not on top of it, your children, and humans in general, will gravitate to sloth instead of effort.

Effort, learning, building, doing, achieving is a net good. And an attitude to be fostered and rewarded.

My little four year old son today wanted to help me while I was busy chainsawing and stacking up the cherry tree that came down with the flood and needs clearing along with several metric tons of other forest, brambles, and sticks, not to mention the mud-slide I need to find a way to format into some kind of channel. It’s not exactly work for a four year old. Nor for a fifty-three year old mind you, but there we were. And in his little boots and hat, and ear protection I put on him, he stayed next to me, sweating, red-cheeked, lifting pieces of logs that were small tree-trunk equivalents for him, and putting them in the wheel barrow for me. Then I showed him how to operate the mini-chainsaw, with both hands, making sure he was safe and I helped him hold it and he cut down several branches into manageable firewood ready bits. I was out there a couple of hours under the sun, I never asked for his help, he volunteered it, and he stuck with it, in grass that is head-height for him at least half the time too. When we finished he said he wanted to eat and he also asked if we could eat outside.

My wife, who is good at this sort of thing, captured the moment through the kitchen window.

So we did. I got some salame, an apple, and some bottled water, and we sat down outside and ate together while he asked me a bunch of questions. About what the sharpening of the knife was all about first, then about animals and what kinds of animals there are and what they eat and so on. The mosquitos also decided to join us and started eating us, so we went back inside as soon as we had finished. The point is, as long as I engage the boy, his preferred way of being is to be outside with me learning and doing things. But if you don’t do that, he would soon be swallowed by cartoons on TV or playing some silly game on an iPad. As it is, when he and his little sister play together, it is fascinating watching them and seeing the kind of little worlds they build in their imaginations.

When they say you can’t re-create the past, it’s true. We need to create a future where such things are valued and the trash on TV is identified as such and understood as such. Not just by us, but by them.

Do you think I recall any of the TV shows I watched as a kid? I have vague memories of Lupin the III, Captain Harlock and Goldrake, all Japanese mangas that were quite popular in Italy in the 1970s.

But I recall going hunting with my dad from the age of 2. I recall seeing my first fox and the first time he asked me to pick up a bird he had shot and I said to him “But it has blood.” And, according to him, looked at him not only with obvious disgust, but as if he was an idiot for even asking me to do it. I recall firing a handgun the first time, with his friend from the army standing near us watching as I exploded a small puddle with my dad’s .38 special. I was 2 years old then too. And I recall other hunting times with him and my brother. I recall when my brother and I had to hold measuring staffs for him while he measured levels for an irrigation scheme that would never have worked and he saved his employer a lot of money by figuring it out before the project begun. And my brother and I nearly passed out from dehydration because it took hours and my dad had forgotten to bring any water and it was close to 40 degrees in the shade. Not that there was any shade. Just dried grass and dust.

And I remember a thousand other memories like that, good and bad, even though many of those events that had been photographed are lost to moves, and floods, and time. But I learnt from them and they shaped me. No damned TV program did that in my childhood. And even later, it is few and far between the films or programs I saw that sparked some meaningful realisation.

It’s not about the specific activity you do, as it is the false song of demonic laziness, that lures you into a stupefying situation where you don’t need to think, don’t need to act. When all you need to do is become a sort of human couch-larva that sits and absorbs false ideology, and false doctrine, and false “normality”, for lack of the small amount of testosterone, will power, and free will that doing —and thinking, but especially doing— requires.

That laziness, if allowed to grow leads to more laziness, and with it stupidity. The excuse-making becoming the go-to response whenever something is required of the person, some action, some input.

It reminds me of a thing I had read on the old twitter account called Shit my Dad Says, which was literally quotes from a millennial’s boomer father. It stuck because it was so familiar. It could have been my own dad saying it, and indeed, now, it could easily be me saying it to one of my older daughters. It went like this (my commentary added):

Dad: Have you seen my mobile phone?

Son (clearly uninterested and trying to avoid doing anything): No.

Dad (getting irritated): Well help me look for it, I have to go.

Son (Lazily and still not having moved from the couch): Uh… what does it look like?

Dad: It looks like two horses fucking! What do you think it looks like?!

This kind of response in my house was very likely at the first “No.” which would have been swiftly followed by something like:

“Well get off your ass and starting looking for it. Quickly!”

I know, most millennials and Zyklons will consider this as a tragically abusive childhood, but the reality is that while I might not have enjoyed it at first, even in childhood already, I understood that the reaction of my father to such behaviour was because he expected more from us, he worked his ass off, and the least we could do was move ours quickly and respectfully when he rarely asked us to do something. But the added bonus was that compared to all the other kids we interacted with, many of them looked like functional retards and cripples to us. We could all swim, shoot a gun, climb rocks, and drive a car before we were 15. We thought drug-users were idiots (because they are) and weak (ditto). We got into some amazing trouble and also out of it without our parents really knowing the details (most times anyway, though sometimes it was a tacit agreement that our solving it ourselves meant we didn’t officially get “caught” so, good enough).

What neither my brother nor I can ever be accused of is being lazy.

And if a few moral, or even physical, kicks in the ass are required to get us there, so be it.

And I am certain that our upbringing was not even remotely harsh when compared to that of children a few hundred years ago. Which probably explained why a well educated teenager was expected to know how to read in Latin and Greek too, aside from his mother tongue.

Consider these things; and consider that sloth often gets put at the back of the queue when the seven deadly sins are mentioned; which makes it all the more insidious.

Blog Traffic Targets

As they say, what doesn’t get measured doesn’t get managed, and curiosity made me look at what my stats are compared to what the average is in the world according to a poll of some 400 or so web traffic analysts (if such a thing really exists).

Anyway, without getting into needless specifics, although I have been blogging a long time, I took the approach that since I have really only started doing so multiple times a day this year, I would accept that my blog is essentially as if born in 2023 but with some minimal street cred due to previous/other activities. I am also a one man show, while many blogs are actually fully professional sites with dedicated staff to them. That said, I am still in the baby end of the pool with occasional dips into the adult section.

So far, only February went over the 15k visitors in one month, the rest being between just over 6k and under 13k, which places me in the orange bar at the top. Breaking into the azure zone —as in, living there month-to-month— will definitely be a nice marker to hit.

I don’t really monetise my blog, aside from irregularly updating the books I have written that you can get on amazon and having a link on the left sidebar to Kurgan TV, that is about the extent of it. I have never been any good at marketing myself, nor do I really care to, but some aspect of statistics do fascinate me and for the first time ever, I have taken note of the traffic, this year, and I am curious to see where I can take it.

My original target was a modest total of 100k views for 2023, with 30k unique visitors. As long as I keep up the regular blogging, I will hit that comfortably a few months before year’s end, since I am at nearly 60k views and almost 20k unique visitors.

But, as I think the progression is not exactly linear (but not exponential either) I think it should be possible, with a bit of luck, to hit maybe even 200k views and 50k unique visitors, though it would be better if it was 100k, and it should be achievable if the rough ratio of just over 2 to 1 stays steady.

So, here are my blue-sky goals to be hit by 31st December 2023:

  • Over 15k a month visitors for at least 3 consecutive months of the year.
  • Over 200k views total.
  • 100k or more unique visitors.

Given we are at the end of May I think these are fairly ambitious and probably am unlikely to hit all of them, perhaps in fact I may hit none of them, but the geek in me enjoys the challenge.

Realistically I only have 3 months left to hit that 15k plus a month figure, and only seven months to more than double my total views and more than quadruple the number of unique visitors. Like I said, it’s a fairly tall order.

If I forget, remind me in December to let you know how it went.

The Kurganing of Tim Urban

Western civilisation destroying vermin must be outed, and on my recent short post where I mentioned my disgust at/of Tim Urban of the blog Wait but Why, I received the following comments on SG:

Thanks for posting and pointing out the evil. Used to follow this guy a couple of years ago when I was more naive. Without this post I would have still believed him to be a normal.

This was from extraoliveoil, who is so awesome he has literally made all my videos into podcasts for ease of listening, which you can find here.

While another denizen of SG said:

Reading your short blog, expecting it to be some expertly brutal kurganesque dramatisation; then skimmed through the linked blog post — it’s all false, lies, disgusting, misleading, gross, and lying. The disgust expressed in your own blog post is actually uncharacteristically mild, compared to the filthy OP.

It is a harsh, but fair, rebuke. I let small things like family time, work, trying to single-handedly build a small channel to save the road from the next flood on my property, clearing the forest for the truffle areas, getting the grass cut before we are overtaken by the vegetation, fixing the new cupboards to the wall and so on, from appropriately taking another heretic’s head. Mea Culpa. Mea Maxima Culpa.

Furthermore, my recent post on the importance of proper reason and its use in human affairs, laid the groundwork for a proper look at Tim Urban using those very same catholic principles of discernment.

Forthwith, let the vermin that is Tim Urban, be exposed for the Western Civilisation destroyer and deceiver that he is. This is his disgusting blog post on “parenthood” that I will now dissect, point for point, for your entertainment. Tim’s vileness in vomit-colour green, mine in normal text.

1. A newborn is not a baby

He even has a disgusting graphic:

The intent here is clear. Sticking to his religion of birth, I assume, which is Judaism, he is trying to run with that professed tenet of Judaism: baby murder, and going along too with the idea of Australian professor Peter Singer that babies can be murdered even some time after birth.

It is really quite clear that this is the intent, even if thinly masquerading as “humour”. Yeah, this is supposed to be “funny”. When written from a supposed father about his own first-born baby daughter. Right. Yeah. I don’t know a single man who has had a daughter (or son for that matter) born to him that would even come up with such abject and disgusting nonsense. The only emotion that a normal father has towards any of his children is that he would happily axe murder 10,000 Tim Urbans before letting any kind of harm come to his newborn baby.

Hey, Tim, don’t worry; it’s just some humour. Of the funny kind, you know, the one you know nothing about.

2) It is insane that there’s not some required training for new-parents-to-be

Well, it’s not so much training that is required, but some people might agree that some kind of licensing is required. Mostly so that people like you, Tim, are not allowed to reproduce.

That aside, the point here, which most would miss, is that Tim is advocating for even more regulation in people’s lives. Right down to having to go through some government approved course with an exam in order to pass and be allowed to be a parent. No doubt, when one of the requirements on the test is something like answering the question: “Do you agree that all vaccines (genetic serums) are good and should be given to your child?” makes its way on the test it will only be a “natural progression”. For your own good, according to Tim.

3) Babies have giant heads

He walks this one back trying to be funny. It’s a non point. Fluff to camouflage the rest of his disgusting attempts to influence the zeitgeist.

4) Babies are incredibly overdramatic

This is another somewhat subtle but really disgusting point. He essentially is advocating for the ignoring of a baby’s discomfort. Babies only cry for a reason. They are either in pain, hungry or otherwise uncomfortable. Whether from colics or something irritating or hurting them in their clothing, or them being hungry or requiring a cuddle, necessary human contact that provides them with neurological changes required for healthy humans. On top of which Tim outright lies and pretends that the old canard about babies not being able to see or be conscious or normal (which he made in point 1 above) is true. When it is an absolute lie, and this point is supposed to subtly reinforce that, while also adding the lie that babies have no positive emotions. All babies do, and my children all could see and even smile from day one. And no, it’s not “wind” it’s a smile. And anyone that can’t tell the difference is either a retard that should never be allowed to reproduce, or intentionally evil and trying to relegate babies to some sub-class of living beings that is somehow not human. Either way, such people really should not reproduce.

5) The parent-newborn relationship is super one-sided

Here Tim exhibits that narcissist streak his people are very famous for. It’s all about him and his needs. The idea that it is perfectly normal that you should be willing to die for your children without so much as a “by your leave”, much less a thank you, is absolutely foreign to him.

6) Babies shit all over your schedule

More of the same. The idea that your baby may be more important than lazying around with a mocha-latte from SatanBucks NOT writing your book that took you 2 years for some reason, because the lazying around was easier, is simply foreign to narcissist Tim.

7) It’s mathematically impossible to know if your baby is cute or not

Here Tim (always under the guise of really unfunny “humour”) is trying to imply that some superficial attribute of “beauty” can be assigned to a baby that will only develop features you can begin to note as being in the finished state a year or more after birth. Because that matters. Somehow. Possibly to Hollywood influenced and influencing members of a tribe of superficial caricatures of humans, but certainly not to any actual functioning human being looking at a newborn baby.

I’m guessing that the phrase “the miracle of life”, as far as Tim is concerned, only applies to himself.

8) I’m a motor skills virtuoso

Once again, Tim reveals how everything in his head is all about him all the time, incessantly. Not just that, but he is totally uninterested and oblivious to the rather fascinating concept of how a baby forms mind-maps of its own body and how it literally increases proprioception right in front of you. If you have read my book on Systema, you will also understand why babies can pretty much grab anything out of your hands, and/or smack your face, insert a finger directly in your eyeball and so on before you have a chance to react at all. Because they do not transmit information in their movement as they are at first absent of any intention. And the micro-cues that would let you unconsciously anticipate such intentions are absent given their unexpected and only semi-intentional movements. Observing this in real time is actually really interesting. But then, you’d have to actually care about your child. And that would mean having space in his head, heart and soul for someone other than himself; clearly an unthinkable proposition for him.

9) You don’t go from a non-parent to a parent overnight

Here Tim continues to promote the general zeitgeist that making children is a huge deal, that it’s difficult, that you’ll never be ready, that the learning curve is huge and forever and impossible to get right. Let’s see… is that geared to promoting having children or not? What do you think?

Sure, one never stops learning being a parent, but so fucking what? One never stops learning how to paint, or draw, or do martial arts, or skeet shooting for that matter. Should it stop you from having children? No. Because guess what, all the billions of people that were born and then went on to make children all had the same challenges in various degrees, and yet, here they all are. That’s life. Get over it, and make babies. Unless you’re Tim. Then please stop. Don’t do it again. No, seriously.

10) Having a baby really makes you think about the future

Incredibly, here Tim advocates for full-blown transhumanism, literally stating:

My baby might live a life a lot like mine, just a little more futuristic. Or she might live to 500. She might live most of her life with a brain-machine interface implanted in her head, thinking with her own superintelligent AI.

As if that is somehow a cool option for the future, instead of the dystopia, horror-show the Klaus Schwabs and they (literally) homosexual freaks like Yuval Harari, fantasise about for us. Really in this last point, his agenda is somewhat shown. As is the little known fact that Tim was contacted by Elon Musk a while back, because supposedly he’s an “influencer”. Which is why, this ticket-taker does what he does. Whether he got paid in money and power or not is irrelevant, he’s a ticket taker anyway, by sheer adherence to the baby-murdering transhumanism we have evidenced here and the fact that he is indeed, boosted as an “influencer”.

In Conclusion

Do not listen to, do not be influenced by, and see through the thin veneer of “humour” this transhumanist would-be abortionists tries to hide behind. When looked at in the correct, objective, view of reality, his nonsense is not just absurdist nonsense, it is identifiably evil. Which, of course, he would deny strenuously while pretending to just be a mere victim of my cruel Catholicism that has “hated” his people for almost two thousand years.

Hated, no. Seen for what they are, absolutely, yes.

Tony Lowe Beats a Heretic With a Stick

Tony is becoming quite the heretic basher, and doing so nicely. He wrote this short book, which is quite entertaining. I know it intimately as he emailed me most of the correspondence as a vetting process before taking my suggestion of putting into book format. If you want to see how deceptive fake “priests” are, this is definitely a good read.

More recently, Tony came across yet another impostor, liar and deceiver, who tried to do a “takedown” of Peter Dimond’s debate with an SSPX heretic.

The original debate was, as I think Vox once described a debate between William Lane Craig and Christopher Hitchens “Frog meets train”.

With Peter Dimond being the train. And yes, the train was fine.

This character; Trent Horn, who has all the charisma of a drone reading a teleprompt, tries to pretend he can derail the train. He cannot, and he does not, and Tony took the time to list just the nonsense Trent Horn says about Catholicism in this video, meant to support the fake, satanic infested Bergoglian “Church” of the Novus Orco.

Here are tony’s notes for just the first 25 minutes of the video, enjoy.

2:00 -> He says that there are no Bishops… wrong because there are Sede Bishops and Bishops can ordain other Bishops.

06:30 -> Contradiction: T. admits that there can be an interregnum (when there is no visible head) and then says that The Church teaches that there will always be a visible head (which it doesn’t say and can’t because there are times of interregnum when there is no visible head)

Also, Sedevacantism doesn’t mean that the office of the Pope has finally ended. The office still exists and The Church still retains the power to elect another Pope, we just don’t have one at present and might not for a while.

9:30 -> Messy interpretation juggling about Bible and prophecies. Still, the Bible does predict a great apostasy.

12:00 -> Red-Herring/Conflation: He mentions past heretical Bishops and then argues that this didn’t mean that The Church defected, but having some heretical clergy is not the same as having a Church that consistently and publicly teaches heresy in councils, liturgy and catechisms!

16:00 -> Very Subtle Argument/Misdirection here…

T. talks about the “sin” of heresy but admits that Popes lose their Papacy if they commit the crime of heresy. Then he argues that the sin of heresy is only private and that the crime is only a crime if it is concluded by a trial. He also argues that priests who mortally sin still retain their Orders (which is true).

The problem is that whether we call it the “sin” or the “crime” The Church teaches that public, manifest heretics are automatically excommunicated (Ispo-Facto) without any public declaration (Canon 188.4)!

The subtle deception results from the fact that it is indeed true that sinful priests or even excommunicated priests retain their orders but, of course, they lose ALL authority! 

Even the Eastern Orthodox still have valid orders but they can’t become Popes.

Now, T. also says that we can’t ever judge when someone has become a public, manifest heretic and so, the logic goes something like this…

If a priest walks into a catholic church and sacrifices a goat on the alter in the name of Satan, no one can really tell whether that priest is a public heretic or not. And so, the laity should patiently wait while he does his ritual and then go to receive the sacraments from him. After all, its only been 10 minutes and no trials have been had yet and so, who are we to say if that is heresy or not?

23:00 -> Bergoglio isn’t in communion with Peter because he contradicts papal teaching and the Catholic faith.

24:00 -> Conflation: He equates “small” with “invisible”. Just because the Church is “small” doesn’t mean it is “invisible”. It wasn’t “invisible” when it only consisted of 12 Apostles and some Holy Women.

24:00 -> Conflation: He says that “If heretics cannot become Pope, therefore no converts can.” WRONG! Converts are not heretics! That’s why they’re converts. They have recanted their heresy and now hold the Catholic faith. This does not apply to heretics, the anti-Popes or their clergy.

24:00 -> Lie: He claims that Cum-Ex Apostolatus Officio was “abrogated” by the 1917 code… No it wasn’t! Its IN the Code!

I will only add that the only fault I find with Peter Dimond’s position is that he (erroneously) does not consider baptism of desire and baptism of blood ads valid, which leads him to essentially not recognise any valid priests or bishops. He is clearly in error on this because he apparently follows the ideas of one Leonard Feeney. But Feeney was excommunicated by Pious XII in 1953, who, of course was the last valid Pope in current times, as we have not had one since then. So, following the ideas of an excommunicated heretic, makes you a heretic in turn, which, sadly, is what Peter Dimond is, purely on this one point, because as far as I have seen from the rest of his site, he is otherwise rigorously correct. As far as I have seen anyway, his site is extensive and I have quoted him in various places and ways when his arguments are correct, which they more often than not are, as well as exhaustive, but I have certainly not perused the entirety of his voluminous works, so I can only attest to those things I have linked or quoted in the past (always giving attribution).

Peter Dimond is a heretic by fault of wanting to be too zealous and thus rejecting a truth that the church has always held, that Baptism of desire and of blood are valid baptisms (rare though they are). But he is otherwise correct on most positions I have seen him take regarding Catholicism. If Dimond corrects this one error he would likely be a model Catholic.

Trent Horn is not correct on anything and he’d have to overhaul his entire thought process to even begin to become a Catholic.

And lastly, on a personal note of pride, while I am certainly not Tony’s dad, I am old enough to be, and I have seen him grow as a Catholic and a man in the few years I have known him. He has helped me very much here on the farm, at personal cost to himself, while being generous and constant in his support of both myself and my family as well as the church. He is a better Catholic than I am in many ways and he continues to improve as he ages, and he is not yet 30. It does make me proud to see how far he has come in such a short time, and I am excited to see what he will create of his life in the years to come.

His takedown of this deceiver is personally satisfying as I can see our conversations have matured and now, he is striking out on his own, taking heretic scalps as he goes, it’s enough to make a man proud. Godspeed Tony.

The Importance of Intellectual Rigour in Human Affairs

It has not gone unnoticed that I tend to be “unmerciful” in my descriptions of the liars, deceivers, and general gatekeepers we find ourselves surrounded by. Those who read my comments, after all, named me The Kurgan, precisely because of my happy-go-lucky attitude, mixed with a talent for taking heads, just like the maligned (real) hero of Highlander.

Those who pay attention however have noted a subtle but important difference between my criticisms and those of your average thunder and fire and brimstone “preacher” or critic.

That difference, difficult though it might be to see for those unfamiliar with truth, logic, reason and correct charity, is due to my subscribing, and submitting, to Catholicism. That is, in short, submitting not just to God, but to the rules of the Catholic Church. And, of course, as always, when I say The Catholic Church, I mean exactly that, not the current usurping impostors sitting in the Vatican or anything related to Vatican II and their false Popes, false clergy, false mass, false ordinations, false faith and literally satanic practices. As always, remember that Sedevacantism is the ONLY Catholicism left and Sedevacantists the ONLY Catholics left. It doesn’t matter if you like it, if you believe it, if you understand it or not. Just like the sun rising in the East, it is a fact of reality and one that can be verified fairly easily by anyone honest enough to investigate it, whether briefly as I did in BELIEVE! or thoroughly as I did in Reclaiming The Catholic Church. So, for the remainder of this post, this “aside” —which I have to keep hammering on because of the level of deception fostered on the average person— is simply deemed axiomatically accepted.

Rigidity of mind without divine grace becomes Calvinism. And Calvinism is not just retarded, illogical and demonstrably false, but it results in the kind of twisted puritanical nonsense that runs totally counter to human natures not just in the negative aspect of those natures, but in the positive aspects too. The kind of mental rigidity that supposedly “follows Jesus”, in typical Protestant fashion, is binary, black and white in nature not just in baseline principles, but in every aspect of its limited imagination, meaning that beauty, charity, compassion and so on, simply become casualties of the (limited) intellectual strife that such attitudes foster internally on people.

There are always two classes of theological concepts one can look at: The high-minded, detailed, intended aspects of a religion or faith, and the actual general effects it has on a population.

Now examine the high-minded versions of Calvinism… well… ok, what passes for high-minded in those mental cripples. Ultimately, it reduces to a sort of Islam. God already knows everything and already determined everything, so you are either one of the elect or not. You have to do everything exactly right as one of the elect, otherwise you are not one of them, but you can’t really know which one you are because only God knows for sure.

It is literally a lose-lose, retarded way to go through life. The “opposite” of Calvinism, the “Jesus is my boyfriend” TV-Evangelist style of “faith” is just as retarded, if in the opposite direction “Well, I follow Jesus, so I am saved”. The Once Saved Always Saved (TM) Franchise is just as moronic, in fact, perhaps more so than puritanical Calvinism. While Calvinism is the metal equivalent of living in a constant mental prison of guilt, shame, inflexibility and (essentially) existential terror, the libertine version of “christianity” fostered on people by the once saved always saved crowd is essentially total debauchery with a religious stamp of approval. And between these two extremes you get all sorts of colourful (as in rainbow striped) nonsense.

Catholicism has a difference from all of these intellectually unsatisfying (because ultimately false and falsifiable) positions. What you will notice in Protestantism, from Calvinism all the way to Jesus is my boyfriend, is that for all its supposedly vaunted “individualism” —after all, it’s all: interpreth as thou will— the aim is always to homogenise the masses. The individual, despite the lip-service paid to him or her, is really never actually considered. Nor can be. Since, by its very core, Protestantism is “unique” to every single person reading it, the illogical nonsense of Sola Scriptura being the mind-warping stick by which they live.

This “Sola Scriptura” nonsensical position is actually a very clever total inversion of individualism. Since every Protestant is theoretically capable of interpreting scripture all by himself (yes, it is as absurd as it sounds, given that the average person can’t even read two paragraphs of an article and rewrite it in their own words without crippling the message) you can’t possibly have a doctrine for it, which means that ultimately it all reduces to one grey oozing mass of “I am a Jesus follower!” with some within it, sticking absolutely inflexibly to some supposed “tenet” that they personally ascribe to, or that their sub-cult has brainwashed them into accepting as such.

Catholicism, instead, has always had the individual human person at its core. The core of Catholicism —as perfectly described even by the last valid Pope we had, Pope Pius XII, in his Mystici Corporis— is the lay family man or woman. The husband or wife that compose a family that makes children. The little guy is the guy in Catholicism. Yes, of course we have priests, and bishops, and a Pope, and it is a hierarchy, and there are also temporal secular leaders (emperors and kings and barons in times past) because even Heaven has a hierarchy, but the entire edifice is there for the purpose of serving the common man.

Catholicism has very clearly defined dogmas and rules, in fact they are all written down in the Pio-Benedictine Code of Canon Law of 1917. So it certainly doesn’t lack intellectual rigour. But correct intellectual rigour deals with reality, not a fantastic lie of how man beings “should” be (but never have been). Puritanical Protestantism tries to force human beings to act, behave and think like automatons. Perfect machines that should never stray from the correct path. Or, alternatively, imperfect humans who will do all sorts of sin, so there is nothing to do other than say you follow Jesus and you’re saved anyway, so, you know…try to be “good” whatever “good” means to you specifically.

Catholicism is very clear on what is good and what is not good. It does not deviate from this. What it does is also recognise that as flawed humans, we are going to fail in some measure in trying to be perfect. In fact, it is practically guaranteed, since we are told none of us are perfect. This is why we have confession. The act of telling your priest your errors, weaknesses and bad deeds, within a context where the confessional seal will not be broken by the priest even on pain of death (which has been sadly tested throughout history and found to hold true) forces you to confront yourself weekly. To consider your actions before you do them in light of the having to confess them later. And gradually helps you become a better human being. Your sins are forgiven because you accept you have done them and try to not to them again or at least in the same way or to improve the length between your lapses, and your intent to do this is, must be, honest, lest your own self-deception begins to eat away at you.

And if you are of the high-minded variety and want to know the detailed ins and outs of Catholicism, well, you have entire libraries full of historical details of how this or that dogma and doctrine was interpreted, clarified and finally summarised in Canon Law. If you are legalistically, logically minded, Catholic dogma (and Roman Law) are an autist’s delight, because they are rules that follow a clear, bright, logical path, and that path is also humane. The more you investigate why this or that rule exists, the more the wisdom and charity and logic of the rule come to the fore, and slowly, you begin to realise that such perfect ruling does not derive from any human being, but can only be the purview of divinity. And that, as the Church teaches, the Church is merely the handmaiden of the Divine Grace that God gives us.

All the flawed humans that comprise and have comprised the Church have not been able to pervert or corrupt the truth, because the Church is indeed supernaturally protected from error. The Magisterium of the Church, int he form of Canon Law, is infallible because God has protected it from corruption. Even as the church was infiltrated and usurping freemasons satanists took over the Vatican, the Code of Canon Law was created and is the most vetted document in human history. Even as the Papacy was overrun by impostors, the truth of Catholicism was forever enshrined in writing. And even, as prophesied, Satan entered the Vatican, actual Catholics remain and continue to practice the same religion with the same Mass and the same ordinations and rituals as has been done for nearly two millennia. Yes Sedevacantists are the only remnant of Catholicism left, but this is not a shock, or even a surprise. If you read your Bible, it literally states this will be the case.

If you look at the high-minded sample of Catholics, you will not find any lack of logic, reason and reality-based factual, objective practices.

If you look at the overall common man and the mass experience of Catholicism, today, you will not see much evidence of it because in order to become Sedevacantists, most have actually got good powers of reading comprehension and tendencies to high-minded aspects of truth and faith, but luckily we have an abundance of historical facts to draw from. Even when most Catholics may have been illiterate, Catholic communities were the ones that had the best systems of justice, and societies that were safe, produced happy children and happy life-long marriages. Catholicism literally created the modern Western world and invented the scientific method (which we now have mostly lost to politics and lies).

Your average illiterate catholic peasant was a happier, free-er and more serene than your average protestant peasant by far. And the societies they created reflect this. Even today, almost 70 years since we had a valid Pope and the Church was so deeply and widely infiltrated by Satanists, those countries that used to be Catholics still have remnants of behaviour, even in their legal systems, that tend to concern themselves more with the individual and his real, human nature, than with he legalistic loopholes best suited for robots that the protestant nations have mechanised into creation.

The “loopholes” of Catholicism, like Baptism of Desire, say, are not loopholes at all, but rather realities based in truth, justice and divine grace. Not created by human minds trying to escape reality, like the nonsensical concept of “once saved always saved”.

A rule or law that does not consider the reality of human beings, is not based in reality, and as such is either useless or tyrannical, but can never be just. Catholicism has always, and will always be for the death penalty. Because some crimes deserve it and require it. Similarly, Catholic believe that yes, God can forgive any truly repentant soul. Yes, including a child-rapid mass-murderer. It is possible that at the last minute such a soul truly repents and instead of eternal hell is relegated to a long time in purgatory and eventually will also be in heaven and share in the beatific vision. It is absolutely possible. But, in Catholic thought, such a person would still be burnt at the stake. For his crimes demand it. And of course, while he is burning to a crisp, he may, indeed have time to reflect and actually repent, and God may well save him from eternal hellfire for it. But we, as mere mortals, can only ensure he is put to the fire, here on Earth.

It is perfectly logical, even if to the average protestant it may seem illogical or hypocritical, because such is the perspective when you can only see things in two-dimensions. To a 2D thinker, a line on the floor is an impassable wall, but to a 3D thinker, it is merely alive and one that can easily be traversed without any fault.

Consider then, the intellectual rigour required, for logic to be done correctly in the human context.

It may be salutary to have an example of this, and I may do a blog post on it soon.

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