Posts Tagged ‘the kurgan’

Honest Intellectual Debate

This very useful process, which is actually the correct procedure of philosophy, originating with the ancient Greeks in the formalised sense and later improved and refined by Catholic thinkers, remains essentially unchanged and just as useful as it ever was.

Since today most people have no idea of how it works, or how to do it, I though I would provide a little starter pack.

The order of how to properly argue —which does not mean “fight to win” but rather, present your ideas honestly to subject them to equally honest criticism so as to improve them and the theories that follow from them— is thus:

  1. State your Axioms — these are concepts, items, or ideas that are stated as being true and valid or correct for the purposes of the argument. Some examples might be: The Sun rises in the East, 2 plus 2 is 4 and so on. Axioms might not necessarily be true or correct, but for the purpose of the argument are accepted by both sides as being so. Which of course, does not mean that they need to be accepted by the other side if there is sufficient evidence to bring them into question. Even then though, it is often intellectually useful to have some “as if” axioms. For example, to disprove the idiotic idea of a flat Earth, you can posit the axiom that the Earth is flat and the sun is a little ball of fire sixty miles up. You would then have to do all the steps outlined below to show how this would work and how it matches with what we observe. The very fact not a single moron that believes in the absurd idea of a flat Earth has been able to do this, tends to prove the point that only idiots believe in the flat Earth “theory”.
  2. State your Premises — These are points that you believe or have supporting evidence for being true, but are open to criticism. Or may be true only under certain limited conditions which you are detailing in order to present your hypothesis. For example, while it is true that human beings can and do survive in environments where there is no breathable air (when in the womb and if you ever saw the film the Abyss, there are partial exceptions) your premise accepted for the general theory you want to present might be that “Humans need air to live”. Depending on the theory presented, premises can be few or many, more or less detailed and so on. Generally these are also the points which the counterpart “attacks” or tests for correctness, viability, context and so on.
  3. Present your Hypothesis — The argument you make usually takes the form: Given these axioms and premises I posit that… X
  4. Present your Theory — This takes the some of: Given Hypothesis X I just presented, we should be able to observe Y, Z and A1 (with or without special conditions that may or may not be required, which can be constraints of the theory, meaning the observations are expected only under specific conditions which should be deducible from the axioms and premises.

That concludes the presentation and formation of a Theory.

It should then be presented to the relevant people interested in so as to stress-test it. That is only part 1 of the testing process. The real test, or part 2 of it, comes when you take the theory and apply it in the real world and note if the expected observations take place. This is the experimental stage.

A good theory predicts specific results/observations and these are repeatable and consistent when performed by others who retain the parameters of the experiment.

This whole process of arguing (putting the theory through it’s intellectual paces, looking for errors in logic, and reasoning) is completely pointless if it is not done honestly. Ego, has no place in this process.

Unfortunately, as we have seen, most humans are utterly incapable of being intellectually honest, and ego runs amok like a giant dragon, devouring all in the land.

This is why YouTube “debates” are nowadays simply the equivalent of watching two hobos fight over a ten dollar bill for the “entertainment” of monkey-level IQ in-duh-viduals. I refer to these things as Internet bum fights (bum as in hobo/homeless drunk/junkie).

My “debate” with Vajay Drier was such an event. And the average cretin that listens to Jay Dyer thought he “won” because he made more monkey noises and bluster. When in fact, he completely lost the argument on all fronts, as the written after report proved. But since people are illiterate today, I will soon post the video with spliced in all the proofs, so that it is clear also for those who do not read.

Honest Intellectual arguing is practically a lost art that informs real science and is the bedrock of real philosophy.

What people call “philosophy’ nowadays is as corrupted and degenerate from it’s true origins and reality as what most people call “Catholicism” is from actual Catholicism.

It is a sad state of affairs, but I hope, with totally unreasonable optimism, that this blog might, in due course, become something of a haven for honest intellectual explorers of ideas.

When I was 26, I wrote The Face on Mars (updated and re-issued in 2014).

In the intervening 27 years since, not a single one of my theories has been proven wrong, and in fact, most of them have only had further supporting evidence come out to demonstrate the likelihood that I am indeed very much correct about the origin, causes and nature of the artefacts, as well as the implications of them.

The same is true to date of Reclaiming The Catholic Church.

This is not so much because I am oh so smart (yes, yes, I am, but that’s not the point!) It is primarily because I learnt how to apply the logical process of arguing correctly as it was originally intended to be applied at a young age.

In fact, you will find that if you do not corrupt their young minds, children naturally use this process to learn about the world around them. the often hilarious little “errors” of deduction they make, are the result of not having enough data or not yet being able to properly conceptualise that data within a given concept.

For example, when my two year old (Piglet) is scarfing down the tenth piece of salami and her mother tells her “…that’s not good for your belly, you should stop now.” her instant reply, with a smile, is:

“Yes, but for my mouth.”

And it’s a perfect argument. Ok, mom, maybe it’s not good for my belly, but it’s just great for my taste buds! The fact that the consequences of binging on what she likes the taste of are more important than the pleasure felt by her mouth, is a step too far with unknown data she knows nothing about.

Sadly, in the modern age, most adults have less capacity to argue honestly than my two or my four year olds.

Pray Harder Citizen

In case you still doubted Protestantism is an entirely man-as-God Satanic religion, fear not! We now have moved to the next stage of its devolution: Man-made machine as God.

Truly, it is as I said, we are entering the realm of the Paranoia RPG, where the computer is “God”.

It happened in the Bavarian city of Fuerth in St. Paul’s Church where the religious service was one of hundreds of events at the protestant convention of the Bavarian cities of Nurimberg.

The AI avatar doing the preaching was of a bearded African man. I assume this was done to stay in keeping with the historical ethnicity of Bavarians, as taught in the New History ™.

Dear friends, it is an honor for me to stand here and preach to you as the first artificial intelligence at this year’s convention of Protestants in Germany. The avatar said with an expressionless face and monotonous voice.

UltraViolet Clearance High Programmer 29-year-old Jonas Simmerlein,

a theologian and philosopher from the University of Vienna, used ChatGPT to help frame the service, he told in an exclusive statement of the AP. I conceived this service — but actually I rather accompanied it, because I would say about 98% comes from the machine.

I told the artificial intelligence ‘We are at the church congress, you are a preacher … what would a church service look like?’ You end up with a pretty solid church service.

Not all the citizens were completely thrilled.

Heiderose Schmidt, a 54-year-old IT worker, told the AP: 

There was no heart and no soul. The avatars showed no emotions at all, had no body language and were talking so fast and monotonously that it was very hard for me to concentrate on what they said. But maybe it is different for the younger generation who grew up with all of this.

Heiderose-Schmidt-U-n-believer 002 was activated shortly after Heiderise-Schmidt-U-n-believer 001 reported to the nearest termination booth.

The introduction of Confessional Booths to improve citizen happiness under Friend Computer’s guidance will be next.

For those of you that aren’t familiar with the Paranoia RPG, confessional booths in the game are a thing, and are used to spy on the citizens themselves as well as for the citizens to report other citizens for any crimes committed against Alpha Complex or Friend Computer.

Encouraged by Friend Computer’s morale boosting termination of citizen Heiderose-Schmidt-U-n-believer 001, citizen Marc-Jansen-V-Loyal 001 said:

I had actually imagined it to be worse. But I was positively surprised how well it worked. Also the language of the AI worked well, even though it was still a bit bumpy at times.

Friend Computer rewarded Marc-Jansen-V-Loyal 001 with extra Soylent green rations for the next four daycycles.

Friend Computer and his High Programmers want you to have all the information at your fingertips Citizen, which is why this removal of a test-run of Beta Complex was removed from the public scrutiny.

All is well citizen. Your spiritual needs are all taken care of by Friend Computer, citizen. And remember citizen:

Happiness is mandatory! Enjoy your day cycle citizen.

Proud of this are you?

Apparently it’s spotlight of the sexually deviants this month.

So, in that spirit, I encourage you to re-read this earlier post of mine. It has it all and will also teach you a fun new way of sharing math skills with your friends and family! Enjoy.

Support Israel!

Some of you may have got the impression that I am not a fan of Israel or its people. But with this post, I show you that I am all for this Israeli initiative. In fact, I think not only the special forces, but all of the Israeli military en masse should immediately go and help Ukraine. And I would really like to see all the Israeli politicians and also civilian supporters of Ukraine, be added in as additional leaders and troops.

Please support Israel! The War in Ukraine needs to be fought not just to the last Ukrainian, but to the last Israeli too! I’m all for this unmatched solidarity!

Reinstating the Death Penalty

It is my considered opinion that certain crimes absolutely deserve the death penalty.

The rape or murder of a pre-pubescent child comes top of my list. Which is not to say that the sexual assault of children or rape or murder of other minors would be exempt either, but an absolutely clear line that really need not have any discussion whatsoever is that anyone who rapes a pre-pubescent minor should absolutely be removed permanently from society. And no, even life-long forced labour is not good enough.

Certainly the proof needs to be solid and beyond reasonable doubt, which today with advanced forensics if there is a will and actual objective science done in the lab, the opportunities to have “no reasonable doubt” are great.

Apparently DeSantis is going to do this in Florida. If that is the case, more power to him. Of course I don’t know, nor really care directly about US politics and a lot of people are saying DeSantis is just another paper tiger, which may well be the case, probably is, I suspect. But even if it turns out to just be rhetoric, it’s a start.

Furthemore, if I became emperor for a day, I would absolutely not only reinstate the death penalty for certain crimes, but in the case of child rape especially, I think I would be trying to push through the rule that such crimes would result in death by burning at the stake. Other death sentences could be hanging or firing squad or lethal injection, or whatever, but child murderers and rapists should have the burning at the stake.

The reason is, of course, obvious, if you understand Catholicism. Such crimes are committed by people that are clearly not normal, that are either demonically influenced or perhaps even possessed, or at the very least, so sick that they need to be put down forthwith.

It is therefore unlikely that a simple firing squad would give them any opportunity to contemplate Hell properly. Being burnt at the stake is certainly a horrible way to die, and normally I would not wish it on anyone, but yeah, child rapist-murederers, I would have no problem with that.

It is also true that such executions would be brutal to see and I probably would not want young people, especially children, to be exposed to such a sight. And then there are the sickos who would enjoy watching it for their own perverse reasons that have nothing to do with justice.

So, while the execution would need to be at least partially public, a record of anyone that does come to see it would have to be kept along with a reason why they want to see it. Such records would be kept in perpetuity so that if any red flags are raised, certain individuals may be barred from viewing such executions, or even investigated.

If you are a man, and find yourself “shocked” at this concept, for it being too barbaric to be even considered seriously, then I need to ask you a question.

What, exactly is it that made you into some feminised, faux version of a man?

Not too long ago, if a pedo was caught in a village, not only the child’s father, but his neighbours, friends and even strangers that lived there would help him quickly gather up the offender and transport him where he could meet either this maker or his master. In many cases, if the child was old enough, he or she too would be present, so that they knew that the person that did that to them was dead and that he (the child) was blameless, loved, and cared for by the community represented by those men.

If any law enforcement ever showed up, they would be met by a wall of men, usually armed, that assured the sheriff, police constable, military police guard, or whatever that Norman the Nunce had, in fact committed suicide, by dousing himself in petrol, nailing himself to a dead tree out in the swamp and then setting himself alight, leaving a tasty and crispy snack for the local alligators. And the Sheriff, or police constable, or military police guard would look a bit worried, nod sagely and note down a clear case of suicide had taken place.

But as proper Catholics we are, of course, civilised men. And while efficient, it’s simply a bit barbaric to have to resort to such ways. No, no, it will not do. We must immediately demand the reinstatement of the death penalty, so that such pedos can be burnt at the stake semi-publicly, with everyone knowing about it and it be all properly legal in all ways.

The idea that a man should not immediately want, and have the moral right to expect, the execution of some pervert that caused this kind of harm to one of his children, is perfectly and absolutely natural; and if you lack that instinct, then one must ask: What the hell happened to you?

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