I have been very hesitant to write this post for a number of years. Mainly because, generally, when it comes to non-fiction work that I wish to share with others, I tend to have some 20 years of experience in it. The Face on Mars was written at age 26 after an entire childhood and teenage years and all of my 20s obsessed with astronomy. Systema was written after three decades of martial arts, and RTCC was written after seven years of obsessive, intense study, of only a part of Catholicism as it pertains to where/what is actual Catholicism and the real Catholic Church.
This post addresses something I have been studying for a whole decade now, but personally I would prefer to have another ten years of study before I can really make some more accurate statements concerning the science of prayer. That said, I think this information is pertinent and important, so, despite it not being as detailed in terms of data points, repeatability and so on, as I would like, I think it is at a “good enough” point that it would be helpful for many people.
The post of yesterday was basically the foundation for this one. Definitely read the post from yesterday concerning the problem of evil first if you are to make any sense of this one.
I have explained before in video a couple of times and in my book BELIEVE! and also RTCC how prayer works under specific conditions.
The point here is that if you begin to study prayer as an actual scientist —you know, like the last ones that lived, in the late 1800s, who would have approved of my blog’s baroque background, not the current day’s trained, political circus monkeys— you will find that it follows certain parameters.
In summarised format they are these:
- If you are praying for help: Your request for help should be ABSENT of desire, hope, despair, fear, expectation and so on. In short, difficult as this is to explain, this type of prayer is successful when you hold the wished for outcome inside you (for me it feels as if inside your heart/chest area) but WITHOUT expressly asking, trying to reach for, begging for, yearn for or have self-pity for yourself in the waiting for it. It is extremely difficult to explain in words what the correct approach is, but I hope my description here at least helps guide you.
- If you are praying for certain people/things/results that are not directly necessarily help for you: The process is not different from above, but there is more “leeway” since your desire/fear/worry is generally lower.
- If you are praying to connect with God and/or make you a better person: Again, the sensation is usually easier to achieve if you stay in the positive aspect of the wished for improvement. An excited, “looking forward to it” and somewhat mildly expectant (but NOT overly so) attitude towards your better self, is not a bad thing. Your hard-wished for desire and impatient awaiting of your new “powers” is NOT good and will not produce results.
- If you are praying for God to show you the way: Especially during particularly difficult times or events, tragedies, and so on. It is imperative to keep the right, fear and pain-free attitude mentioned above in the first point. Of course, this is extremely hard to do. This is where actual faith, not the “blind” faith people pay lip service to, but real faith, an intrinsic sense that even through the tragedy of pain that you are sensing in this moment, God does love you and there is some kind of good that will ultimately result, and acceptance of God’s Love knowing best even if you can’t understand it and would likely be even raging against such a thing, is very, very important (and of course almost impossible to do if you are experiencing massive grief and so on). The ability to stay inside yourself in communion with God (for me wordless, sensing and not talking, nor even verbalising internally is best, except maybe for a few words at most, is best) is the main thing. And a genuine trust that eventually it will make sense. God will show you the Way, not as a forced idea, but rather, a surrendering trust in His mercy and love, is pivotal.
What I have tentatively discovered in these ten years, is that if you perform prayer correctly, it is almost always answered, and in “emergency” cases, usually within 2 days.
The 2 days timeline seems to be real and true not just for me but in general. John C. Wright, the notable SF writer had a similar experience of 2 days. I did multiple times under different but difficult conditions, and it appears that others who understand this method or stumbled upon it by chance also get the 2 days effect.
The first time this happened to me was on the 3rd of March 2013, after a completely emotion/desire/hope/fear/expectation free request made after not having slept since the previous 26th of February. I had made the request, almost as a throwaway “ask” but with no contempt, self-pity or anything like that. I had reached the very bottom of the barrel and in that moment after 5 days of mental torture I don’t wish on my worst enemy, I had simply asked something like: “Oh, yeah, spirits, ancestors, God, whoever, or whatever is or may be out there, if you can help me, please help me.”
I had forgotten about it five minutes later. Two days later I had the almost literal Road to Damascus moment that proved to me beyond any doubt that God exists, is Love and knows every single one of us utterly intimately.
Up to that point, I didn’t even believe in “God” as such, just at best a vague, intelligence behind creation, but certainly not one that could possibly concern itself with the details of my utterly insignificant existence in a Universe with over a trillion starts per Galaxy and trillions upon trillions of Galaxies.
The subsequent discoveries concerning God, actual Catholicism (Sedevacantism) and so on, surprised no one more than me. Of all the religions on Earth I had studied previously, Catholicism in my mind was second only to Islam as the worst possible religion any sane person could believe in. And yet… here I am. God has a truly funny sense of humour.
So, if you are in the midst of despair, hard times, demonic oppression, or whatever it is, and need help, I hope the above guidelines help you get in touch with God and His Mercy and Love.
Feel free to post a comment or ping me an email a couple of days from now if it works.
God bless you and keep you and help you every one.
Freeze Peach
Both on Gab and at Vox’s blog, the mentioning of Free Speech was discussed and I thought I’d add my 2 cents, which are radically different from probably any of the stuff you read so far, and perhaps ever, in your life.
I was in my early teens the first time I heard of the absolutely idiotic concept of “free speech”. It was at the private school my brother and I went to in Africa that was based on the British Model but had considerable influence and funding, as well as several teachers from America.
Previous to some misguided “teacher” presenting this wholly retarded notion, no normal human being of average intelligence had ever considered this “idea” any more than they would have considered trying to fly from the tenth floor of a building by leaping off it and flapping their arms. This was immediately obvious to me as well as random Africans with an 85 IQ or Scandinavians with 120 IQ. And all of this was when I was still in my atheist or at best agnostic stage. The idiocy of Free Speech has literally nothing to do with blasphemy laws. I mean it may have historically been concocted to corrode them, but my point is that the notion is absurd regardless of if you even have any religion!
I am continually amused at even supposedly “intellectual” Americans and their acolytes going on about this or that “Free Speech” and how it applies to this or that subset of speech… It’s all so ridiculous.
Only a people as naïve and gullible as the Americans could ever have even considered such an absurd idea for a minute, never mind try to espouse it as some kind of cornerstone of civilisation.
It’s such absolute insanity.
Now, I can feel all the yankees and some Southrons too getting all their heckles up, but consider… REALITY!
The reality is not only that certain speech WILL get you killed, but that it absolutely SHOULD get you killed.
Now, you and I may disagree on what kind of speech deserves you getting killed for it, but rest assured that pretty much every normal human will be willing to kill you for certain types of speech. Including (and sometimes especially) the ones that are supposedly all for it.
The classic example I always make is your new neighbour coming to your door, knocking on it, and when you answer it, he happily informs you he is the local pedophile and can’t wait to get his hands on your toddler for a bout of child rape. As far as I am concerned, that’s an instant visit to the nearest swamp, where said pedophile will have gone “hiking” and is never found again.
The waddling Americans are all shouting “I’m talking’ political speech… not…”
Yeah, shut up.
When the politics becomes that the local pedophile should absolutely have the right to rape your toddler, then that politician too, should get a free ride to the swamp hiking trail.
The REALITY is that NO SPEECH, ever, in the entirety of the human existence has EVER been free, nor will it ever be.
Only a literal retard can even consider the concept at all.
So… if this is all a rude shock to you, my American friend, take a seat, relax, open a beer (a real one, not a transgender piss one) and think about it for a minute or ten.
Then say it with 12 year old me, and 53 year old me, and every version of me in between: Free Speech is absolute retardedry. And anyone espousing it should be pelted in the face with Frozen Peaches until he or she repents!
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By G | 18 June 2023 | Posted in Freemasons, Humour, Impostors and Frauds, Social Commentary