It is something I have observed, and with increasing degree of scale that is probably logarithmic in nature, how the absolute falsehoods we are all born and raised in, seem to double, and triple, and quadruple, year on year.
We have now reached levels of deception and falsehood were literally people are killing themselves rather than do the most basic investigation into reality, use a modicum of logic, or face any of their totally erroneous premises.
What can anyone do against this complete tsunami of lies?
I have written four books of non-fiction in three very disparate areas of interest, that each can (and has for quite a few people), remove really quite a lot of veils of deception from your eyes, but even so, there is so much left that is corrosive poison, one never feels one has achieved very much.
The Face on Mars – essentially gave what remains the most complete —and since confirmed in many of my then theories over the last 27 years— history of what happened to Mars, which coincidentally sheds more light on the real history of humanity than probably any one book ever has. And it is based on absolutely rock-solid (real) scientific principles of methodology, observation and verifiability.
Systema – The Russian Martial System – Demystified some hyperbole about a martial system that uses a completely different approach to close quarter combat from any other martial art, and that in my over 4 decades of training I found to be vastly more effective in real situations than anything else I had trained in or come across. It also removed, to a certain extent, the tendency to have personality cults around gurus in general and explained some principles of the human mind-body connection in eminently practical ways that benefitted any sportsman, regardless of if he did martial arts or not, but also normal people who took on board some of the principles. They all found a general improvement in their day-to-day lives.
BELIEVE! REAL CHRISTIANITY TAKING CHRISTENDOM BACK: A Reply to the Pederast Infested Vatican, the Churchians of All Denominations and a Manual for Atheists, Agnostics and Would-be Pagans – This was a short book that I wrote in a style that I wish I had come across when I was in my mid-twenties. It does not mince words, I do not excuse all the inconsistencies, lies and nonsense of the conmen that call themselves priests or pastors or “Christians”. Instead, I delved deeply into the various branches of “Christianity” and made my case simply, directly and apparently effectively, since this small book has resulted in well over a 100 conversions to Sedevacantism (actual Catholicism, which has nothing to do with the Vatican, Bergolio, and the other Novus Orco impostors).
Reclaiming The Catholic Church: The True History of Vatican II and the Visible Remnant of the Real Catholic Church now that the Vatican is a Pederast Infested Hive of Impostors – As you can tell from the last two titles, I’m not the shy, pious, wallflower type, yet, I get emails regularly from people whose lives my books have apparently helped alter course. And I always am very clear to stress the effort and thanks belong to them, and the Grace, and Glory, only to God. I am, at best, possibly, but a pebble in the road that helps them to go more this or that way.
And for those who prefer video I create Kurgan TV with various series on various topics.
My point, however, is not to glorify in my works. I am very happy if they help you and if you read them, for I would not have bothered to write them if I didn’t think they were important things to share, I absolutely believe they are.
That said however, even if you read all of them and take them on board, you will, at best, become a real Catholic (which today means a sedevacantist) have a much better idea of how fantastic our real history is, and how to better operate your body and mind, possibly in a self-defence situation too if you also begin to train regularly.
To be sure that puts you way ahead of most humans on Earth, especially if you study and learn real Catholicism and the way that it applies to family. The creation of a family, the relationship between husband and wife, and theirs to their children, and the world.
But I have not yet put together anything that directly affects and deals with the pernicious lies that infect our world today, especially in the West, regarding a number of topics relating precisely to the aspect of the family.
How to create a successful one. How to find the right person. How to raise children well. How to future-proof yourself from the lies fed at you and everyone you love daily, all day, every day.
It is a huge and difficult topic. And in many cases, speaking bluntly and directly about it is probably simply “not allowed”. I doubt such a book would get published. Simply affirming that there are only two sexes and the word “gender” is to be used for grammar, not people, is probably enough to get you cancelled, if not imprisoned. God forbid you call Bruce Jenner, Bruce, instead of “Caytlin”. I mean, you might get away with raping a child, but “deadnaming” a mentally ill man that likes to pretend he’s a woman, Good good, no, that surely deserves jail time!
We have reached levels of clown-world nonsense that make the ancient gnostics either blush in shame or look at us from the tunnel of time in awe at how much further we have gone than they ever did. Burn a few thousand firstborn children alive in a giant statue of Moloch? Hey, look at us, we tear apart babies by the millions and have full on marches against anyone trying to prevent mass-baby-murder.
There is so much ground to cover, so many lies to burn down, that one is almost at a loss for where to begin. And of course, if you try to short-cut it and just tell people, that look, if you just become a proper Catholic and learn what that is and what they do and what they believe, your life is going to take a major turn for the better, they simply don’t believe you. They think it’s another con. And why wouldn’t they. I did too for almost 40 years. And I was LUCKY. I got a massive hit in the heart that forced me to look better. Most people don’t get that wake up call. I got several in my life and, again, I am lucky.
Don’t get me wrong, each time, like the red Indian man said in that film based on some short book I’d read (I forget the name of the author, the book, and the film, but it had Jennifer Lopez in it. Update: U-Turn) — The day comes, the Earthmaker is going to look right in your fucking heart and then you better know what it is you’re doing. Are you a human being? Or just some hungry ghost out there.
And it’s true. God will look straight into you and punch you right in your fucking Heart, and you can’t avoid shit.
Or words to that effect. And that, when it happens, is always, indeed, a big fat punch in the heart that knocks you on your ass far worse than any actual punch you ever got hit by.
If it doesn’t kill you; if you don’t catch fire right there and then; if you manage to crawl back up onto your knees and then eventually stand, spitting out all the blood, and sweat, and tears, and shit you need to get out of your system, then, by the Grace of God, you find out some truth and you realise “Oh. So… yeah… thank you.”
And then that passage in the Bible that tells you to be thankful for your troubles makes sense.
And yet.
How do I get through to you, unknown friend in your twenties, or your teens, or your thirties or eighties for that matter. How do I share with you the truth that makes all wounds better, and heals all pain better than any medicine? How do I find a way to help you see through a glass… less darkly?
Will you even listen? Will you look this way? Will you go down that road that is narrow and hard, but man, does it bring you to a place you have been hoping exists somewhere deep inside your scared and hurt and crushed little heart.
How do I help you find your way there? I don’t want the glory. I don’t care for fame. I could sure use the money and lots of it too, I would put it to good use, I am sure, but even that, I don’t do or want to share this with you for money. I don’t care if my name is never remembered by anyone and I disappear from memory the moment I drop dead, if only it would mean that a lot of people could experience, see, know, the truth about so many things, and the way to manage life, so much easier than what most of us try and do every minute of every day.
How I wish there was some light, some air, some food or drink I could give you to show you.
Well, there is. It’s proper baptism. But so many have been fooled that they already did that. It’s proper catechism. But so many more have been fooled that they already know enough. It’s the proper Holy Mass and Eucharist. But so many have been fooled into blasphemous and erroneous beliefs on this that they consider it a “dinner” or a “feast” or mere “ritual” and “superstition”.
Let me ask you; if I told you that by going to a specific tree near your house, once a day, for 100 days, and saying “How are you? I need a million blue!” As quietly or as loudly as you want, for 100 days, without skipping a day, you are guaranteed to then magically find 10 million dollars into your bank account, and you find a couple other people who say they did it and yes they got the money, some even show you their bank account with a couple of million left in it. But that’s it. In an hour I tell you this, and you meet two people. One takes you to his bank, shows you his account has 2 million left in it. The other guy doesn’t show you his account but points to his house a block away and it’s a massive villa. Say that happened.
Would you go say the silly phrase for 100 days without skipping a single day?
Well, would you?
And yet, all I think it would take is for you to read maybe Believe! which takes a couple of hours or so, and then attend a few Catholic Masses (Sedevacantist ones) as an observer only. Say three. And if after that you feel no pull, no sense that you should go further with this and read more, and learn more, and maybe become a proper Catholic, then so be it.
But what if I tell you that if you do that, chances are you will discover a level of meaning and answers to whatever ails you (which does not mean instant cure, though it can, but answers that over time make sense) that you never had before?
Is it not worth it to take a few hours of your life to try it and find out?
I pray you do.
Where to find a Sede Church.
Boomers gonna Boomer
On the post I did yesterday of the French guy explaining how the boomers must be allowed to suffer the consequences of their degeneracy, John Samson left a brilliant comment:
It’s truly remarkable. There is literally no generation in the West from the Middle Ages or after that just burned the civilizational seed corn so aggressively. They may actually be the worst since Eden for selling so much for so little. I just don’t know enough about ancient generations to be be sure.
Every generation on the whole tried to pass something on to further their progeny within the means available. Down to & including the boomers’ parents. Then add the low-IQ defensiveness. The refusal to learn. The infantility of the hedonism…
It’s singularly bizarre. Even those of us who were raised in their house of lies are more likely to choose reality.
If you noted the original post here, and the boomer comment below it, you will note that the boomer comment’s outrage is aimed primarily at the younger generations being “collaborators” i.e. letting the Boomers get their just desserts.
All that Boomers care about, as a generation, is the Boomers themselves. It really is a quite epic thing. Not Epic as in good. Epic as in, they will go down in history much like the Moloch-worshippinng child-murdering Carthagenians SHOULD have (and did for a few centuries, until they got the upper hand again). Boomers will be remembered in utter infamy, and rightly so.
Yes, yes, of course there are singular exceptions here and there, but no, boomer, it is not for YOU to say you are one of them. And pretty much all the ones that do say they are, are not. And even the ones that were or are exceptions, still had a LOT of wrongness to answer for. They may have left their progeny something, or tried to help somewhat, but nowhere near what they were left by or taught by their own fathers in most cases. And even then, they subscribed to the nonsensical, tradition-destroying, and civilisation-destroying, lies of diversity, equality, feminism and sexual degeneracy.
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By G | 3 July 2023 | Posted in Social Commentary