So Bp. Sanborn has made this video, which is short enough and to the point enough I suggest you watch it if you are at all interested in the Catholic Church and the Sedeprivationist vs Sedevacantist positions and why both are valid and Catholic. The Video is here.
The Newsletter from Bp. Dolan he is responding to is here. And the part that offended and was read out by Bp. Sanborn in on the third page on the left hand side.
Now some ground rules and truths:
I have some direct experience and knowledge of Bp. Sanborn and his behaviours, both public and private.
I have no knowledge or experience whatsoever of Bp. Dolan and the only behaviours I am privy to at this point in time is the newsletter referenced above. This will naturally tend to give Bp. Dolan somewhat of an advantage in my view of the disagreement/s that may exist between these two men and that, as far as I can tell and as far as the video by Bp. Sanborn himself seems to indicate are being made PUBLIC, by Bp. Sanborn himself, not by Bp. Dolan. If this is indeed the case, as I suspect, then this alone in and of itself is a strike against Bp. Sanborn, but I reiterate that as I have no more context other than the single newsletter referenced above, I may be in ignorance of other potentially public communications that Bp. Dolan may have made that are more specific than the ones present in the newsletter.
I am a layman. Normally, in pious times of the Church’s light shining across the globe powerfully, my opinion would be merely one that would be discussed among other Catholic friends as we argue amicably for this or that perspective, not to hear the sound of our own voices mind you, but to find the closest way to the absolute Truth that we can, by prodding each other’s brains, as good friends and good Catholics should. However, given the confused, confusing and ever present snakes of deception pretending to be Catholics while trying to lead souls to Hell (see for example my exposé on the Freemason Milo, the charlatans, EM Jones, Taylor Marshall, Church Militant and their Opus Dei sponsors) it is incumbent upon every Catholic man to stand firmly against any such practices or deceivers or deceptions. In this case, I want to make it clear that as far as I am concerned:
BOTH Bp. Sanborn and Bp. Dolan are VALID Catholic Bishops. As such they are princes of the Church. And as such a modicum of respect for their courage and position is due.
That said, they are both human beings and as such, inevitably both will have their flaws, as, of course, do I and no doubt mine are far more profound and numerous, nevertheless, my shall we say rather debased position does give me some advantage in a few respects, firstly, I fear no man, nor any man’s judgement, I submit and subject myself wholly and totally only to the Judgement and Will of God the Father, Our Lord Jesus Christ the Son and the Holy Spirit. I may and I do, submit to the requests, observations, judgements, edicts etcetera, etcetera, of VALID Catholic Clergy that is:
Validly ordained and in good standing with the infallible magisterium of the Church as presented in the Code of Canon Law of 1917.
Issuing such pronouncements in accordance with same.
Issuing such pronouncements in accordance with my own conscience once I have carefully examined it to ensure it is not my ego, pride or other human flaw impeding me to obey such pronouncements.
It is a scandal and a shame if these two men cannot put their differences aside and regardless of their personal opinions, permit each other to work together against the enemies of the Church. I would therefore implore them to BOTH make a public statement of tacit support for all the LICIT efforts made by the other party towards increasing the reach of the remaining Catholic Church and saving souls, and to keep their personal misgivings of one another private and if possible to resolve them in private too.
Given the times, anyone sufficiently learned in the matter should point out errors, but to keep these private if possible and make them public only when necessary. In this specific instance, I am undoubtedly skirting the edge of the abyss, but for whatever reason, it seems I live there, on that edge and always have, I pray, that whatever failing I do in this, God forgives me. Whatever my errors may be they are, in this, I am quite sure, not of pride or ego, but of genuine wish for all Catholics and all would-be Catholics, to rise up as a wave of light against ALL the current darkness. That all said, do not, for one second, hesitate to think that I will tell you exactly where to go, if you think I was kidding about point n.2 above. Critique all you like, but if it is not licit, expect both barrels. To the face. Twice over. It is not a time for pussy-footing around as Catholics.
Now to the video and newsletter. First the “offending” part of the newsletter, here it is quoted below (7 minutes in):
Friday’s St. Martin I suffered exile and a miserable death rather than accept the heresy of only one will in Christ. It sounds obscure to most, doubtless, but we must hold the whole Catholic Faith without compromise. Even the best today want to make us believe that bad though he be, Bergoglio is the validly elected pope, and that the Novus Ordo, One World Church, is identical with the Catholic Church. That’s a theological error, and savors of heresy. As we honor the anniversaries of our churches, we remember that there is only one Church, the unchanged Catholic Church. If people would only understand this truth, so much confusion would be dis- sipated, so much peace—though at a price!—would ensue.
Well, taken on its own, as I specified above, I am doing, I see absolutely nothing wrong with hat paragraph.
Now, it may be that the “best” in question IS directed specifically at Bp. Sanborn and the sedeprivationist position in general, but if that is the case, I certainly cannot say that from this newsletter or this paragraph at all. And unless it is specified elsewhere, someone self-identifying with those “best” would, by their OWN choice, be falling in precisely that category as described by Bp. Dolan.
There is, however, a principle of distinction between Sedeprivationism and Sedevacantism that absolutely needs explaining and precision if we are to understand things properly.
Sede vs Sede?
The Sedevacantists essentially state that the current occupiers of the Holy See, from fake Pope John the XXIII (henceforth known only as Roncalli) to today are not Popes in any way, shape or form. In fact, they are not even Catholic, being public, notorious heretics, so have absolutely zero standing in the Catholic Church, they are impostors, fakes, Freemasons and Satanists (I repeat myself) and as such deserve only our contempt. It is the position I too hold, though I call myself a Sedeprivationist, the reason for which I explain below.
The Sedeprivationist hold with the Cassiciacum theory produced by Father Gerard de Lauriers. It is available in the original only in French by a publication that will not allow reproduction of it. I have read it (yes I read French quite well, thank you) and in a nutshell it states that the fake Popes could be assumed to have been validly elected as Popes in a material sense, but not in a spiritual sense and especially given their behaviour as public notorious heretics, they could not be considered legitimate or valid Popes nor obeyed as such. This position was not unreasonable at the time it was formulated because the takeover of the Vatican by Freemasons was for many (especially laymen but also some pious clergy) so sudden that one dared not initially believe almost the entire Church had been converged to heresy and handed over to a bunch of heretics (and in fact much worse, never-were-Catholic, Satanists). Using the principle of charity and benefit of the doubt, Father De Lauriers, who was an outstanding theologian proposed that even IF the Popes had been validly elected, by supposedly valid Cardinals and so on, their behaviour precluded them from being actual Popes. It was a charitable, pious, best case scenario thesis that in my opinion hoped to reconcile, correct and bring the Church back together. Unfortunately, the rot was so deep and the very weapon used by the enemy is our good natures in order to get inside our guard to stab us, that the thesis, in hindsight, was clearly over-charitable. And given what we NOW know about the entire process, the level of Freemasonic infiltration etc it is patently obvious that the Sedevacantist position is the correct one (if you do not know, read my book Reclaiming The Catholic Church, which unlike the fake Catholic Taylor Marshall’s book Infiltration I wrote myself and has actual verifiable facts in it). There is one tiny aspect that the Sedevacantist position ignores however, and that is that the Chair, technically speaking is NOT empty (which is what sede vacante means). It is filled by an impostor PREVENTING it being filled licitly and validly. Hence my slightly subversive use of the word Sedeprivationist. I do this for two reasons:
The sedevacantist position is undoubtedly correct.
The charity of Fr. De Lauriers should be lauded, if, at times, ignored. Particularly by people like me and my brothers in arms against lies, deception and Satan’s little helpers. My current position is that if we could get rid of all the fake clergy we also got rid of 100 genuine men that aspired to be real Catholic Priests and were merely deceived, well, so be it. God will sort them out. Leave all retards behind. We will cross that bridge and burn it, so we can only march forward. People like me are the tip of the spear. We will make errors. We may seem at times uncharitable or cruel. We are neither, and although we may well be thought of as a necessary evil, without men like us, Christendom would have been swallowed by the hordes of enemies long ago. So… God must at least in some way, deem us necessary, since I count people like Bohemand, Tancredi, Jean Parisot le Vallete and so on among our number, and pray I can only measure up to those men. YET, in the name of tempering our fiery natures, it is good to remember (for better times at least) that Piety, Humility and Charity are great virtues, and only Courage bridges those three with the ones of Fortitude, Justice and Reason. And those who operate on the first three are generally better men than those who operate in the latter three. So I use the term yes to co-opt it, but also to remember its founder as the honourable and charitable way to do things, being always higher in intent than our own, more practical ways.
Now that you know these things, let us move to the video of Bp. Sanborn.
What Bp. Sanborn gets right
Bp. Sanborn is absolutely right concerning the differences between Sedeprivationist and Sedevacantists being essentially irrelevant in terms of taking the Church forward. There is indeed no higher authority to decide between them, and the errors of one or the other position when compared to ultimate truth must be for every man to decide for himself. Given the history we know, the details we know, the facts we have to hand, personally, I have zero doubt that the sedevacantist position is closer to correct. Nevertheless, the Priest who baptised me and was there for my confirmation and marriage and has been outstanding to our family is a Sedeprivationist, and we have indeed discussed this very topic at some length. I absolutely respect his position, his advice and his counsel and I have no doubt he is one of the best human beings I have ever had the good fortune to encounter. Undoubtedly a much better man than I am. Even so, I disagree with him on his position and he has stated that my technical position is correct. It cannot be assailed, but for his ultimate devotion to charity. And make no mistake that this priest is “soft” in any way. He is not. The point is that he is a priest of piety. Possibly one of the very few who would rather die than break the confessional seal as an example.
Bp. Sanborn is correct that Sedes of either name should and do work together and that their theological disagreement is not one that should cause strife or division. We both agree the fake Popes are fake. One is more charitable to the way they got there, the other is more logical. Given the current situation, there is simply no logical way that Bergoglio or Ratzinger can even be considered Catholic at all. In fact the Sedeprivationist position is that you should absolutely treat these people all as heretics, their only difference is that they say that charity should prevent you from stating it outright. I interpret it as basically the whole “we are too polite for that”. Well, I am not. My behaviour is roughly the equivalent of at a prestigious gala of famous dignitaries, some guy charging in, calling out one of the guests of honour as a disgusting pedophile, dunking him in the punch-bowl and dragging his semi-conscious body out by dragging and kicking him to the exit where he goes on to curb-stomp him. It’s not pretty. It’s not polite. But… if you’re one of the kids he raped, or one of the further ones he was going to rape if no one stopped him, I absolutely believe, it is necessary. And if I were a spectator, I would simply stop a waiter and ask that a new punch bowl is brought on and can they please cover up the blood splatter, before continuing my conversation before I could sneak off to congratulate the “barbarian” for his style and efficiency.
3. But that’s me and my weaknesses, and we are here to try to reconcile differences. And in that respect Bp. Sanborn is also correct in his closing argument when he says that there should not be trouble made.
4. He is right that the usurpers are using the structures of the Catholic Church to promote their heresy, but it is not just heresy and error they are promoting, they are, in fact, ushering in, Satanism, which is a religion and a very old one, so while technically it is not a new religion, Bp. Sanborn is, however, being too charitable in simply saying or believing that the Novus Orcians are simply promoting heresy, as if it was just a big, bad mistake. It’s not a mistake. It’s intentional and malignant with evil intent at that. So, TECHNICALLY right about Novus Orco not being a NEW religion, but it is pointless to say that, since it is certainly NOT Catholicism either, but its most ancient enemy.
What Sanborn gets wrong
BUT he also says that (about not making trouble) after making a very public and very specific accusation video, based, from what he himself presents in the video, heresay (that may well be true, but is not public as far as I can tell from the video. I heard…He said…or…this guy told me…is the definition of heresay) and one newsletter that has zero direct attacks. Does this mean Bp. Dolan has not made public attacks? I don’t know. I haven’t looked and I probably will not. But based on Sanborn’s own video it is not looking good for Sanborn.
On Bp. Dolan calling Covid cowards “girls” for bowing to the worldly laws instead of doing their priestly duty on the further point of Bp. Dolan not offering money for doing it to pay for eventual lawyers or bail. Errr… sorry, you are a Priest! You have CHOSEN to devote your life to God and sacrifice yourself to the world for the sake of the realm of God. If you need to go to jail, by all means try to avoid it, escape, lie to the worldly authorities (it is NOT a sin to do so when necessary, Jesus Himself lied to the Pharisees after all), do the Holy Mass in secret, whatever, but to bend to the worldly will as a Priest and claim you did it to avoid some jail time? Really? You dishonour the very frock you wear. It’s like a cop saying he will not enter a school with an active shooter because he is scared he might get shot! It’s your JOB! MOVE YOUR ASS! Unlike soldiers, cops and Priests don’t get drafted, they chose it. So, no. Bp. Dolan is 100% correct and he SHOULD shame such cowardly Priests. Rightfully. We need direct, in your face, face in the punchbowl truth these days.
He states that Bp. Dolan is accusing him and his seminarians of holding the position that Bergoglio is a validly elected Pope. And in the very next sentence he states that Bergoglio is a validly elected Pope and thus a Pope elect but that he is not Pope. At the very least Bp. Sanborn here does a poor job of explaining what I explained above in the Sede vs Sede section. I am not even sure most Sedeprivationist hold that Bergoglio WAS (even potentially) validly elected at this point in time, but it was the POTENTIAL position of the original theory of Cassiciacum. In other words that even IF the (fake) Pope HAD been validly elected, it would only be a valid MATERIAL (Worldly) election and NOT a Spiritual election, necessary to make one the Vicar of Christ on Earth. It is, a rather rarefied, super-abundantly charitable theological theory. And it was this back then already in the late 1960s. To hold it today is to my view absolutely in error. BUT, technically it IS the Sedeprivationist position. Now… IF Bp. Dolan then went on to MISREPRESENT the situation by further saying that the Sedeprivationist hold Bergoglio to actually be a valid Pope to all effects, then THAT is indeed a lie. But if all he said is that the Sedeprivationist hold the Bergoglio to be validly elected MATERIALLY ONLY. Then he was perfectly correct. And if, as I suspect, Bp. Dolan did not clarify the position, then, well, we can perhaps accuse him of being a little less charitable, a little bit more “pragmatic” in his fire and brimstone in order to avoid confusion, but we can’t fully call him an outright liar. The Cassiciacum position was ALWAYS a very fragile, ethereal thing and frankly, while we should pay homage to Fr. De Lauriers, it is time to move on and reclaim the Church.
Bp. Sanborn makes the comparison between thugs who have hijacked a car to describe the Novus Orco clergy and pointedly calls them Heretics. Yet he refutes the point that the Novus Orco Church is a different Church from the Catholic Church. This is patently false. While he hides of the fact that the usurpers are using the infrastructure of the Catholic Church, just like a car thief has now taken use of your car, it is obvious that:
The car/Church does NOT belong to them
The uses they are putting it to are not only NOT legitimate and criminal, they are in DIRECT opposition to the licit uses YOU, the rightful owner were putting it to. The analogy would be you going to take your pregnant wife to the hospital so she can give birth, getting the car hijacked and the thugs using it to drive to the hospital to murder newborn babies while they leave you by the side of the road. It’s all well and good for you to say that the car is the same car, (the Cathedrals too are indeed still the same, as is all the worldly structures of the Church) it is, but the purposes, intent, use and drivers of it are in direct opposition to everything that car/Church was meant to do. You can hardly say it is not a “New” Church. Physically the structures remain the same, but they have been defiled, they are being used to perpetuate crimes against should and bodies and pervert the truth. The Novus Orco are NOT Catholic. Their religion is NOT Catholicism. There is literally no point at all to not call them out as a fake, new, different religion, because that is what the Novus Orco is.
Arguable Either Way
Assuming it is true that Bp. Dolan characterised the Sedeprivationist position as a tentacle of the Novus Orco Church, and let’s for argument sake ALSO assume it was a PUBLIC statement, which, in fairness, I think is assuming quite a lot. It sounds to me as if the statement by Bp. Dolan may have been made in private conversation, in which case, my explanation here would have even more weight. An argument can be made, that by this continued excess of charity and not simply labelling public notorious heretics as such publicly, the Sedeprivationist faction is unwittingly (and unwillingly) helping the Satanists to continue their wearing of the Church structures like a snakeskin for their demon-infested Church of Moloch that it really is. IF this was the intent, then the characterisation might be unfortunate or lead one to perhaps rushed conclusions, especially if taken out of context, either about Sedeprivationist or about Bp. Dolan, or both. Nevertheless, it has a certain sound logic to it. And, if we are going to be charitable, as Sedeprivationist indeed are, then, surely, this interpretation would be the more correct one.
Ok about the fake “Old Catholic Church” having failed, true, but it is also a fact that these people were intentionally trying to destroy Catholicism and Bp. Sanborn states it clearly himself. The Freemasons/Carbonari/Satanists did this intentionally to take over these structures so as to fool the masses. So how can you say that the present usurpers are not a “new” Religion that is separate from Catholicism? It seems pedantic and irrelevant.
Bp. Sanborns Questions:
Q1. When did this Novus Orco Church begin?
A1. Worldly, on the 28th October 1958 when Roncalli was invalidly elected false Pope John XXIII. Spiritually, when Satan and his third of the host were driven from heaven. Simple. Not sure why he is unaware or pretends to be.
Q2. Was Bp. Dolan not part of the NO originally?
A2. Let’s assume yes and the answer will follow below.
Q3. Was Bp. Dolan not ordained by Archbishop Lefebvre?
A3. I believe he was. Fuller answer below.
Q4. Was Bp. Dolan not part of the SSPX which had as its stated purpose the reconciliation with the NO Church?
A4. I believe he was. Fuller Answer below.
Q5. When did you (Bp. Dolan) make a public abjuration from the NO Church? And here Bp. Sanborn states that as Bp. Dolan says the NO is a separate Church, a public adjuration must be made as if one were previously a Lutheran say. It is a kind of twisted logic and if it were valid then one could accuse Bp. Sanborn, by the same logic of actually BEING a Novus Orco Church guy. Here, I believe, we see the crux of the matter and I think it boils down to something neither side has mentioned and possibly that neither side understands consciously. Here it is, the Answer to the above questions:
A2,3,4 and 5. Being ordained by a man who was trying to navigate the absolute carnage of the Vatican II era while trying to preserve what he thought he could salvage or repair of the Catholic Church is not a sin. Nor is the ordination invalid. Bishop Lefebvre was indeed in error in trying to reconcile with what in all likelihood he had either not recognised as, or didn’t want to believe were Satanists within the very church he loved. But being in error does not make you a heretic. It does not prevent you from validly ordaining Priests other Bishops in good faith. Nor does being validly ordained by such a man and you yourself genuinely believing you are doing your best to navigate the same storm make you a heretic. merely in error. And we all are to some degree or other. Importantly though, like Bp. Sanborn, Bp. Dolan corrected his errors and eventually left the now essentially logically bankrupt SSPX.
As a result of the above, there is absolutely no need for an abjuration, because one never stopped being Catholic. Never belonged to the Church of Satan that the impostors clearly belong to. So there is no need to say you don’t belong to it!
Let me make an analogy that is easier to understand. If a bunch of Nazis decide to wear US army uniforms and infiltrate the trenches of the US Army and start murdering American soldiers in their sleep, are they now US Soldiers? NO. Clearly not. And if a US soldier in the trenches calls these Nazis out and says they are not Americans but Nazis in disguise, and belong to a different army, is he wrong? Does he now have to swear that he has no allegiance to the US Army because THE OTHER GUYS ARE WEARING THE SAME UNIFORM?!? It’s idiotic and ridiculous. Of course not. He is a US soldier and has to abjure or swear fealty to no one he hasn’t already done so. And he is doing his duty by calling out the impostors as belonging to the enemy army and NOT the US army. Simple. Again, I want to be charitable but Bp. Sanborn is not, I believe, stupid, so this, to me, stinks of sophistry.
Bp. Sanborn further embroils himself in deception when he asks who lifted the presumed excommunication of Bp. Dolan since he was originally “Novus Ordo” and this according to Bp. Dolan is a different Church. But this is an inversion. To return to the soldier analogy. Bp. Dolan never took off his uniform. He always was a US Soldier (Catholic) and if the leadership of his Army now tell him to shell his own positions and he does, in ignorance, in obedience, in essentially innocence, he is NOT at fault. Especially since, once he realises that his superiors are in reality Nazi spies in disguise as US soldiers, he stops following their fake orders, raises the alarm and calls them out as enemies. There is not guilt he has to expiate. There is no “nazi loyalty” he ever gave to the impostors. IF he did anything wrong he did it in honest error and by being fooled. He certainly does NOT need to once again swear loyalty to the US army. Whenever left. The other guys infiltrated into it. His conscience is clear. As it should be. In short, I think it is a deceptive and disingenuous question, a straw man. The same applies to deceived Novus Orco lay people who then become Sedes.
But it gets worse. He asks who now has the right to lift the excommunication of all those NO priests who have not yet refuted the V2 NO fake Church. The answer of course is no one and the answer as to whom, if any are potentially t least valid clergy, the answer is almost certainly none. The reason is simple.
Most of them were NOT ordained by valid clergy.
Most of them were not ordained validly. (1 and 2 here are two different things).
Of the tiny proportion left that we might assume have been somehow validly ordained, these must be exceedingly old and therefore utterly aware of the heresy of Vatican II yet have remained silent for decades. Case in point: “Archbishop” Vigano. Such people, are by definition, public, notorious heretics in word and deed. They promulgated the V2 heresies for decades and as such fall foul of Canon 188.4. They are public notorious heretics and indeed there is no one who can forgive them their heresy, but even if there were, their lot would be t spend the rest of their lives in secluded penance with authority over no one.
In conclusion then, even if there WERE any valid NO priests that could potentially become forgiven or be assumed to be Catholic, their lot is to have authority over no one, and hence are completely irrelevant to the future of the Church. This is a good thing, because it precludes the infiltration of any of these supposed “Catholics” into the actual, growing, resurgent, real, Catholic Church.
Bishop Sanborn is certainly a valid Catholic Bishop, nevertheless he is a Bishop of Power, as Rodney Stark labels such people. He is interested in the material aspects of the Church. He wants to “win” so to speak, by having more seminarians, more Churches, more laypeople contributing money to more structures being built and so on.
I do not know personally, and I am not accusing Bp. Sanborn of doing or being this way for personal gain. For all I know he may be, but I absolutely and without reservation give him the benefit of the doubt in this as I always did from the beginning. In fact, I’ll go a step further and state categorically that from my perspective, such clergy are, at times, required. The worldly aspects of Church buildings, funds for seminarians and resident priests and so on are realities of the world, and someone pushing to get these things is required and useful. Often such men can get corrupted by the power they wield. They can become gluttonous, or proud, dictatorial, revered in their cult of personality, and I have reason to suspect that certainly Bishop Sanborn has at least some of these flaws to whatever degree or other. As, I remind you, we all have flaws. That said, his errors will tend towards those that in ancient times were labelled as the avarice, gluttony and so on of the proud, power-hungry, worldly Popes.
I do not know Bp. Dolan at all, and never interacted with him, but judging from his tone and assuming the things Bp. Sanborn said about him in the video are true, it sounds to me that Bp. Dolan is more a puritan sort, which we may refer to as belonging more to the Church of Piety. The errors of such clergy tend to be either excessive charity (which got us where we are today) or, sometimes, a zeal bordering on Donates where if anything or anyone has the tiniest flaw then they are expelled for heresy.
In short, if these men are Power vs Piety, they will invariably disagree and nothing good can come of it. So I hope they put it all behind themselves and move on in a positive manner. Some form of public reconciliation, however superficial, would firstly demonstrate both men are willing to submit their ego to a higher need and secondly, for that very reason, be welcome by all Catholics I believe.
Aside from the fact that your favourite Freemason is currently literally trying to normalise cannibalism —in the usual Freemasonic way of pretending to be “edgy”, which frankly, is a bit disappointing coming from Milo. So 2016. We’d expect better from the leader of the Freemasonic wing tasked with leading young men of fighting age astray— we must contend with the usual level of stunning hypocrisy of the Freemasons. I mean, yeah, we know, Satanists lie, but it’s the level of bald-faced-in-your-face level of lies that is so blatant most normal human beings just blink and their brain pretends that no, no, surely it cannot be, too obvious. But that’s just what it is. They think you are a dumb, ruminant. A cow in a field. Oblivious to their machinations and laughing at you about it.
So here it is. First, the casual “edgy” cannibalism (which by the way is simply pinched from the Netflix series of Hannibal, so not even original. Which series is, of course, also laden with homoerotica fetishism, cannibalism is a known sexual deviancy of homosexuals of a certain Dahmer type).
But that’s just a by-the-by noticing of his day-to-day task of perverting, fetishising, and normalising absolute deviancy.
He is also, trying VERY hard to pretend he is NOT a Freemason right now, you see. The reality is that these little posts and my continuing Chinese water torture trickling out and exposing of his Freemasonic credentials, intent and work, IS slowly but inexorably, as these things do, gaining traction. It is unlikely it will be directly credited to me, but I don’t care about that. I care about the results, and the more this deceiver is exposed and more people become aware of it, the better. I don’t care how it happens or who takes credit for it. As long as the enemy encampments are exposed, destroyed and the Earth they were in salted, it’s all good.
So what better way than to prove how non-masonic he is than piling it on to one of the “luminaries” that, if my Freemason radar has anything to go by, is currently having to go through a bit of a humiliation ritual himself (though he’s the type that probably enjoys these)? That’s right, Milo the totally non-Freemason ex-gay good boy, exposing the evil “doctor” Fauci.
See? Milo exposing Freemasonry right? I mean, it’s true, you can’t do that by coincidence, I agree.
So… Can you explain all these coincidences Milo?
And… Milo… what’s that round your eye? Do tell us.
That’s quite the set of coincidences. Right up there with Monkeys on typewriters writing Shakespeare.*
Milo is like… TOTALLY reformed. Like To-OOOTS. Totally. Yeah man. Super-straight “Catholic” now. You can just tell, can’t you?
I mean, come ON! What’s more Christian that a few “jolts up the ass” for your elders? You know, good “Catholic” Elders. Maybe like Gary “Michael” Voris, also ex-gay, totally super-straight “Catholic”. He’s bound to enjoy a few jolts up the ass now and then, and Milo is there to help.
Seriously, those of you who STILL can’t see that the fake, Bergoglian, Church of Moloch is a wide road to hell pretending to be the “Catholic” Church, are probably beyond help. It’s Sedeprivationism (aka CATHOLIC!) or GTFO. Forever.
*It can’t be done by the way, there is not time enough in the Universe since the Big Bang to even do a paragraph of Shakespeare that way. Seriously. Do the math.
Milo wrote the article archived here, on September 9th and posted about it on his telegram channel multiple times. More so than anything else I have seen him do in the last few months. Wonder why? well…allow me to take it to pieces, one scalpel cut at the time.
Keep in mind that the whole theme of this entire post is to show how Milo is a freemason whose job it is to keep those who are waking up, beginning to question reality, the fake “Catholic” Church and all the satanic crap going on, from seeing clearly and, eventually, after doing their own research, coming to the only sane conclusion: Catholicism. Which means Sede (Privationist or Vacantist) because anyone and everyone linked to Vatican II is literally a satanic freemason, most likely gay and most likely a pedophile.
But Milo is not a Ben Shapiro or a Jonah Goldberg, or a Jordan Peterson, he is going after the shrinking hardcore of actual people still mostly able to do logic who may not be able to see it all but know instinctively that the narratives are complete bullshit. And in PARTICULAR, he is trying to dissuade, young, able-bodied men. Straight ones at that, but because young, still tolerant of a homosexual and especially an “ex” homosexual who supposedly threw his “sodomy stone” engagement ring worth 150,000 USD into the sea. Titanic-style. Riiiiight.
But it works to an extent, and young, straight, disillusioned (but still fighting) men is his target audience. Because if even a few of them become objectively convinced, crusading Catholics… weeeeellll… that is how historical reversals have been done throughout human history. Thanks to a small but completely dedicated bunch of zealots.
Think the 300 of Leonidas.
Or better yet, the 600 Catholic Knight of Malta in 1565.
THOSE are the types Milo is tasked with gatekeeping. And if he offends a few thousand fence-sitters or “right-wingers” who in any case are action-shy, well, no real harm done.
So let us look at his latest offering, hoping no child sacrifice ritual was involved in its writing.
He titles it:
Right there in the title, using counter-intuitive juxtaposition of ideas he plans to draw his young readers in with the natural curiosity such a title would generate in the slightly more naive than yours truly. It’s not his best work though, it does have that Jonah Goldberg/David French/Ben Shapiro-ish quality of “the Republican case for why being sodomised is manly and right for the right” kinda feel doesn’t it? But let us continue. His words in fat bold, mine in fit, normal-sized font.
I keep getting panicky texts from right-leaning friends about Australia, a country whose COVID restrictions have become cartoonishly severe.
I doubt this very much. If he does they are not friends, and most likely his texts are from his handlers complaining about why there was a blip in his traction lately. But I admit, this is mostly just speculation on my part. I’ll keep it to a minimum from now on though.
Australia used to be an independent country, but it is now something akin to a vassal state, since the Chinese bought off its politicians and acquired controlling interests in all its infrastructure and major corporations.
Nice way to blame the Chinese. No Soros or Gates foundations involved at all. No Australian politicians mentioning live on air the New World Order with impunity. Nope. It’s the slant-eyed Chinese, nothing to do with any other tribe that Milo may belong to of course, no sir.
Western liberal democratic values are being replaced by child-snatching and a totalitarian surveillance state that is testing the limits of what the global European diaspora will endure.
Nice touch there at the end; Global European Diaspora. Should be capitalised really. Not a subtle way to make all the “fellow white people” of Europe sympathise with that other, small-hat wearing “Diaspora” of people Milo is a tribe member of. Not at all. Surely not. Just a word-coincidence. Besides we have all those shared Judeo (Talmudic, child rape is ok as long as they are 3 years old or less)-Christian (Fake Catholic, no, no, you can rape kids of ANY age, it’s fine) values.
Thousands of Australian children were recently grabbed from their parents, rounded up in a giant sports stadium and forcibly vaccinated.
Not quite correct. I am told by several actual Australians that as far as they are aware most parents dropped their kids off there themselves. So, not quite the child-snatching it was supposedly reported as.
If you think that’s scary, there will shortly be a smartphone app in Southern Australia — compulsory for all citizens — that will randomly ping people and demand that they prove they are in the location they’re supposed to be. If you don’t reply within 15 minutes, the police will be dispatched to issue fines, and probably custodial sentences for repeat offenders. “What if they do it here?” my Republican friends are asking. “Are they the test case? Are we next? Would we even resist?”
Admittedly it does look like Australia is the test-bed for the Satanic deep states running things, and it is probable that once they see Australians doing what Australians always do, bend to their knees, mouth wide open and hands behind their back with not even a gag reflex in sight, they will justifiably think the rest of the world will follow suit.
The thing is, I just can’t get upset about it. Because the fact of the tyranny doesn’t scare me — only that the wrong people are in charge.
Right. No, not really, it doesn’t scare you too much, because like in RPG games like Call of Chthulu, you, being a lieutenant of the satanic forces, expect to be eaten last-ish.
And it occurs to me that the global police state currently in deployment could be a powerful force for good.
Pay attention young nationalists of every type! This is the whole point! Don’t you worry about anything at all. The tyranny is good! Because soon YOU will be wielding it. Seriously, that is his whole shtick.
Now, let’s leave aside for a minute that only psychopaths actually WANT any such tyrannical things in place. Personally I am very happy putting all the freaks like Milo in a camp, but it would be a fairly big camp, and they would be left to their own devices to do as they please. I’m thinking Australia can fit them all in and is already mostly populated by his sort anyway.
But as I say, let’s leave aside the absurdity of his premise, or the possibility of me becoming world Emperor and for a brief period actively enforcing a few things that would get rid of Satanists for a very loooooong time.
Let’s see HOW he thinks this wonderful, wonderful technology of tyranny will come to fall in YOUR hands, comrade, yes YOU!
With all your crusading instincts, hate for the LGBT-Pedo agenda, lies, fake “vaccines” that are genetic “therapy” and all the rest of it. And don’t forget to hate the Chinese through it all by the way, because in any case, even if you DO become emperor, with about 2 billions of the little fuckers, you’re hardly going to create any “holocaust” that makes a difference, but it gives you an outlet for your rage right? A safe outlet, you see. Not looking at any other tribe of devious infiltrators…nope, nope. Stop right there. Let’s just see HOW you get to be tyrant ok? All will be well then!
We just need different people running it, which, if you look at history, now seems more likely than unlikely, as populations the world over begin to crave populist, nationalist right-wing governments run by charismatic strongmen. It seems to me only a matter of time before the tools “globohomo” has created fall into the wrong hands. Our hands.
Right. By magic. Just magically, the same forces that made the United States of America, the most powerful Super-nation on Earth become a banana republic whose elections made Zimbabwean ones look free, fair and carefully vetted by impartial observers, are just gonna take over the planet then hand YOU the rains. Of course. Logical. Obvious. Why, you must be dumb if you missed it!
Democracy isn’t quite dead yet,
Really? Hahhahahahaah oh, so we will be voting out the satanic pedophile elite that were all elbow deep up Epstein’s backside before he didn’t kill himself? Of course. Of course. Slap your own head. HOW, oh HOW did you miss it? We’ll just vote Trump back in. In August. With a time machine, and then the power rangers will win. With Grrrrll power ™. Sure. Obvious. We really are so dumb for missing it.
and the electorate is fed up with conventional politics.
You mean a few of the retards are starting to suspect PERHAPS CNN isn’t telling the WHOLE truth? Why say it is not so!
In America, particularly, there’s a sort of late-1920s-Germany feel to a lot of the right-wing discussions online.
Utter bullshit, but he’s trying to make a parallel between Weimar Germany whose economy was in shreds to present day America in the hope it is leading the few neo-nazis, Alt-retards, as well as more sane, erudite and potentially good men who still have a spine and testicles attached (I don’t consider the neo-nazi alt retards as possessing either) to think that a new “Hitler” is the solution. And that it will actually happen.
Might they do the unthinkable and vote in someone truly toxic? I mean that as a compliment; I’m thinking of an unashamedly Christian, family-values semi-dictator type.
Oh, you mean like Trump? With the time machine? Or maybe Jimmy Swaggart? More your style that, Milo.
The sort of person the media imagines Donald Trump and Viktor Orbán to be, but in real life. Someone blissfully untroubled by the howls of pain from heretics hanging from city hall, and with just the right amount of Inquisition spirit.
This is the funniest and most unbelievable fan fiction I have read in some time. The premise is so absurd it could not be made into a film because no audience is stupid enough to even buy the premise that voting someone actually Christian into office is even a long-shot at this point.
And then, once you have a smartphone infrastructure that can demand responses within 15 minutes to ensure COVID compliance, how hard is it to repurpose that for more virtuous ends?
This is like those articles that try to convince you that as a straight young male, giving your male friend a blowjob doesn’t make you gay at all. It’s just a bit of stress relief. So, to recap. Submit to the anal swabs with facial recognition in place because automagically, soon, a little bit after your 15,000th anal penetration for Covid-19 purposes, YOU will own the technology and then YOU can anal swab everyone else. Right. As the rest of this piece, it’s entirely obvious, logical and above-all based in how the real world works, right? you can see that, right? Anyone? Right?
Especially when America’s most ferocious feminists are leaning into social conservatism all by themselves. If you don’t believe me that authoritarian tendencies are ideologically promiscuous and easily untethered from their original belief systems, consider the feminist reaction to Texas’ new abortion law.
Ah yes! Let’s take the reaction of Alyssa Milano, to not being able to abort more babies as the normal effect of society and how things go when she says she will no longer have sex with men to fight the ban on abortions. See, ye of little faith, the logic… steel trap mind right there buddy. See Milo the saviour, comes to the rescue. Don’t you worry about a thing. Feminists will give you the tyrannical power.
(Please bend while you read, anal swab testing is required every 5 minutes. Just relax please.)
In response to a viral Twitter inquiry this week from someone called “Erie Siobhan is Vaxxed to the Max” who asked, “What advice would you give to young women in Texas right now?” a respondent wrote, “If it looks like a guy is going to rape you, just shoot him. It’s easier and cheaper than an abortion, and Texans seem okay with that form of ‘protection.'” Congratulations, sweetheart, you now understand why people want guns. I speak for all conservatives when I say we are totally comfortable with you shooting a rapist’s nuts off or capping him in the knee.
Look at that! Manly! See? Milo loves guns and the second amendment and makes fun of dumb feminists! Aha! Totally straight, ex-gay, not Freemason Milo is on our side. And teamed up with totally straight, ex-gay, Gary Voris to show you the way to the real (fake) “Catholic” Church, broseph. The “Catholic” Church that is not gay or pedophilic at all even if Bergoglio has protected priests who have raped 30 little girls aged 10 or less while having AIDS from so much as being defrocked. Go on, suck off your broseph friend, that’s not gay at all. It’s Milo-level Catholic! It’s edgy, don’t you know?! Just like Milo! Go for it!
Androgynous imbecile Rachel Maddow, pontificating on the same subject, stumbled into accidental genius on her MSNBC show when she produced the novel idea of financial consequences for men who knock women up. “If they make abortions illegal,” she intoned, “they should make it illegal for men to desert women after getting them pregnant. If women can’t back out of pregnancies, men shouldn’t be able to either.” Well done, dear! You just invented marriage.
This line by the way is about 6 years old, but it’s fine, it’s just Milo flashing his Totally-Straight-Manly-Catholic Credentials ™
Best of all was the Reddit user “walrusgambit,” from whose screen name a body mass index of 35 or more can be inferred: “Starting today I refuse to have sex with men. As a person with no control over my reproductive organs, I simply cannot safely engage in sex with men. #IWillNotHaveSex #NoAbortionNoSex.” Conservatives everywhere will be weeping tears of joy today at this outbreak of chastity. Poor liberals. They can’t seem to catch a break.
Milo makes fun of feminists. Yay! So brave. Much Catholic. Crusade next year in Constantinople. #Add-your-edgy-meme-here.
I’ve heard it said that American conservatism is liberalism driving the speed limit. But there are no brakes on this new right-wing strain of frustrated feminist.
AND DON’T YOU FORGET IT STRAIGHT MAN WITH A POSSIBLE POTENTIAL TWINKLE OF ACTUAL CATHOLICISM IN HIS EYE! Your “Tyranny ™” will be handed to you by Feminists! Because like natural enemies, it’s what they do! Logic! Mullet! #Look-at-my-hair
If it were up to me, children born out of wedlock would be put into foster care and the mothers sent to nunneries.
Except he’s also been railing against deadbeat dad Fed-rique Tarrio and supporting the single mom who was left with the child. So, yeah, outright lie right there. And don’t get me wrong, it’s good for that woman to get some cash, but it’s also a pretty cheap way for Milo to score GOOD GUY POINTS ™. #compassionate-hardcore-catholic-(ex-gay)-with-a-heart-of-gold.
By the looks of things, today’s Left isn’t far behind me. They’re starting to sound positively reactionary. And that is why, as I watch our Western liberal democracies slide into tyranny, I’m not gripped with horror, but rather with excitement.
Well sure, you will enjoy the horror while thinking you’ll be eaten last. But…yeah…even in Call of Chthulu, there are sometimes these pesky investigators (accused of insanity, often enough) who sometimes just screw up ALL you molochian plans even when you are a well-funded agent of some demonic entity like Freemasonry.
The ugly truth about human nature is that schoolmarms, scolds and petty administrative tyrants — mostly women, obviously — don’t really care what they’re enforcing. They just want to enforce.
AHA! See? It will be one easy swop from enforcing Covid-19 Plandemic suicide gene-therapy to enforcing Catholic Dogma in government and burning pedophiles at the stake! #one-simple-trick!
The trick is to replace the godless tyrannies of fascism and communism with a pious theocracy of the kind that is being discussed in right-wing Catholic intellectual circles.
Good God. He ACTUALLY wrote “The Trick”. I swear on all that is holy to me I wrote the paragraph above this one before I wrote #one-simple-trick!
Milo, buddy, you used to be wittier than this. What happened? Lack of ganging orgies got you down while you pretend to be “Catholic”?
But let us get to the “Catholic” “Intellectual” Circles.
He means here his peeps. Gary “call-me-(Saint)-Michael” Voris, E(mo) Jones, Taylor “Tay-Tay” Marshall, and the others funded by the same Supernumerary (Marc Brammer) of Opus Dei. The equivalent to “Intellectual-Dark-Web” that was supposed to reign in Republicans and right-wingers of every type, like Shapiro, Petersen, Golberg, French and other molluscs dredged up from R’Yleh.
Fake Catholics, Talmudic Jews, Meth addicted pathological liars and so on. Good guys all of course, Milo says so. And you know he probes deep and often with his investigative journalism.
Snobs have been scoffing at Thomas Crean’s thrilling book Integralism ever since it came out, as though it’s utterly inconceivable that we might reorganize society according to the strictures of the Catholic Catechism.
Oh, I may have to look up this latest addition to the “Catholic” “Intellectual” Circle when I have time to notice him, but so far, the only thing I am sure of, is that these people, are indeed, in a circle. What they are doing to, and with, each other in that circle, I’ll leave for you to imagine.
But that, mutatis mutandis, is precisely what is already being done for us by the global elites. Once the mechanisms of authoritarian control are in place, they will be nigh-on impossible to remove. And guess what: Subjected to Weimar levels of elite decadence, people choose fascist remedies over communist ones every time.
Oh, man. Again. I wrote the bit about Weimar parallels up above before seeing he had to spell it out here. Seriously, I think Milo has washed up as a writer.
Socialist regimes have to be installed by force. Hitler was voted in. I’m not a Hitler fan, obviously, I’m just saying! All we want is traditional family values, kiddy-fiddling clergy dunked in hydrofluoric acid and maybe some snazzy uniforms. Is it so much to ask?
So join me, friends, in praying earnestly and eagerly for the future I know we all want — a future that’s closer than it might seem and which, by God’s grace, will resemble Gilead from The Handmaid’s Tale, only with less kindness shown to unruly women. Gilead, wrongly maligned by critics for decades as a hellish misogynistic dystopia, is, in fact, the most perfect vision of the ideal society yet imaged by a novelist. I dream of a land where no matter your race, sex or disordered sexuality, you will be put to death equally for blaspheming Jesus Christ.
If you’ve ever read the book (which I will not blame you for not doing because it is painful drivel to read) it will become quite clear that Freemason Milo here is paying lip service to what is most likely another Freemason who hated Catholicism with the burning fires of Hell.
Rejoice! For the New Holy Roman Empire is surely nigh! Our enemies are already building it for us — they just don’t know it yet. Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, we can have a ruthlessly intolerant theocracy, with feminist heads on pikes on the castle ramparts and pedophiles castrated live on national TV every Sunday straight after Latin High Mass, if we want it badly enough.
Sure. Because the Feminists and Pedophiles in charge will just hand it to you after the next free and fair democratic vote. And no amount of militarised police action in your face with rubber bullets or live rounds can stop it! See? #Simples!
(A note to the doubting and/or terrified architects of Weimerica: We do want it. We really, really do.)
No. YOU want it, Milo. Because tyranny, enforcing a religion by death or the threat of it, is the exact OPPOSITE of Catholicism. But Freemasons, being Satanists, prefer the way of Islam for conversion, clearly. The profoundly ignorant take of a “Catholic” tyranny demonstrates Milo not only knows little of Catholicism beyond what he needs to use to fake you into thinking he knows something about it. More importantly, he fully expects YOU to be so ignorant of it that you don’t see the glaring galaxy-wide holes in his “argument”. And to be fair… he may be right about that last part.
Pick up a Catechism of Trent, boy.
I can’t figure out what everyone’s so upset about. We all agree that limp-wristed Western democracies have been tried and found wanting. Now we have a chance to replace them with something better. Why aren’t you all more excited?
Because your lie is a lie Milo. But don’t worry. There will probably BE an uprising at some point. Whether it will be enough or not, time will tell, but either way, WE win in the end. Because we know how the story ultimately ends. And you, whether you will be eaten last or not, you WILL be eaten. We may die horribly, but none of US are going to be eaten by our master.
Mr. Yiannopoulos welcomes correspondence from readers. He can be reached at [email protected].
Well, they SAY he does, so it must be true. So I sent him a link to this blog post. I eagerly await his response. I’m not holding my breath though.
We launched on 26th August, a Thursday, with 14 videos and 4 trailers, and today at the end of the first full week we have 20 videos up (and the 4 trailers), so as promised we have added 4 videos a week and we will continue to do so.
The History series is divided into 5 parts by eras, so the numbering is as follows:
Part 1 – Prehistory to 12,000 BC
Part 2 – 12,000 BC to 2,000 BC
Part 3 – 2,000 BC to 400 AD
Part 4 – 400 AD to 1,500 AD
Part 5 – 1,500 AD to Present Day
We are doing well with the uptake considering this blog is read by 3 people plus disaffected Milo supporters and anti-catholic orthobros. But we’re hoping a few of the Russian hackers spread the word!
In all fairness, we wanted to give the loyal supporters the best chance to get the deal available only for the first 100 subscribers and we think that has probably been done now. In the next week or so, time permitting, some people who are into some pretty strong marketing fields are going to push the button on Kurgan TV, so if you’re still on the fence about registering I suggest you get to it because if we have got to nearly 50% capacity by just my measly efforts alone, when the big guns come in, I expect those remaining 50 spots or so to disappear very quickly.
All the feedback we have had to date has also been positive, so we’re happy on that front too.
The most popular series so far seems to be the Lies You Have Been Told – History series, but time will tell.
We already have plans for two new series and we may also introduce material from other creators in due course, but those conversations generally take some time.
We are on track to exceed 160 videos for the period to August 26th 2022, as promised.
Thank you to all the people who are supporting us. You are making the Physical Kurganate become more achievable every day by making the Digital Kurganate a reality already, so thanks and remember:
Thanks to a little exposé of Milo I did yesterday, here, there has been a rather instant level of response, including on his telegram chat. Milo himself posted a link to the post, with the clear intent of pretending it was so insignificant it didn’t bother him at all. He did this though, only after someone posted a link to it in one of his chats, so it could be said his hand was forced and he took the only possible route he can take denial and attempts to pass the information off as “laughable”. No actual response to the facts presented in any way, shape or form, as you will see.
It has been interesting to note the reaction from Milo, because he’s been far from his usually composed self. While Milo has fielded all sorts of “attacks”, even on live TV, with aplomb, I have never seen him quite this at a loss for coherent response other than denial, avoidance, subterfuge and outright censorship of the topic. But before I get to him and his own reactions, allow me a small pleasure in exposing the retards he has working for him.
The funny part is that his own moderators didn’t exactly help the situation when they made attempts (predicted in the original post I wrote), to cast me as some poor desperate “gamma” seeking Milo’s attention. An attention that was not forthcoming because obviously I am just some nobody and he is… well… Milo: International Sodomite; or maybe Milo: International Ex-Sodomite now Pretend-Catholic. Or something.
This was such a predictable accusation that I prepared for it. Mostly because I was sure the morons who would launch it did not pay attention to the fact that while I initially approached Milo, he was VERY receptive to reading RTCC and so on, emailing me back pretty instantly. It was only after he received the book, and I assume realised “this guy is not for sale”, that he then went “I’m too International-(Ex?)Sodomite-busy for you” silent.
And yes, there have been attempts to buy my Catholicism by so-called “Trad-Cats” and no I have not mentioned them publicly, but I have recorded them and turned them down repeatedly.
Anyone with an ounce of sense would have figured it out but not this idiot:
Paddy and I have had a few run-ins before, mostly because I called him on his bullshit, and probably because he also forgot where he planted his potatoes or something, but even without knowing about Milo’s email reaction (see further below), it should have been obvious from the instant reaction to the post that Milo was not QUITE as busy as he wanted to appear, and judging by the liberal use of the ban hammer in that chat, not as nonchalant either.
A few of the bans:
Some of the bans were so instant and the comment made deleted so fast that not even the loyal Sodalitium types keeping tabs on Milo got a chance to screencapture them. One in particular committed the evil sin of simply writing:
“How is he wrong?”
That was an instaban and the comment deleted immediately. No dissension was permitted at all and anyone questioning Milo on the obvious Freemasonic signalling was silenced faster than Stalin deleted people from photographs.
What was his supposed reason? Here:
Right. Except they are questions he has NEVER answered. Never even TRIED to answer. There is only one response to them and it’s always the same. Ban, silence, eject.
Except wee-eelll… when it’s persistent little old me doing the asking then he does the only defence he has left if one assumes he is actually guilty.
Think about it, assume he is a full-blown Freemason intent on deceiving the small percentage of the population that is no longer fooled by Ben Shapiro or Jordan Peterson, but in their quest for truth, God and a real Church is still on the fence about Emo Jones maybe, or thinking Church Militant are actual Catholics and not funded by Opus Dei hook line and sinker. If you make that assumption then Milo has no options left except to feign my facts are unimportant rumblings of some attention seeker, far too inept or relevant to even merit a response by our flamboyant, worldly, newly chocolate-dick free “Catholic” hero. Right.
And why is that? Because do you know what the punishment for being exposed as a confirmed Freemason is? Do you know about their code of silence despite all their signalling? They signal because they think of us as dumb sheep and cows that will do nothing, understand nothing and be led to slaughter by them. Yet… the only penalty for revealing the Freemason secrets is death. And death by some rather gruesome means. Don’t take my word for it. Google is not your friend, but it can still dig up some stuff on this.
So here is my take: Milo always was controlled opposition. He was the pied piper to the young ones. The Millennials yes, but more importantly the Zyklons. His rebellious, flamboyant and apparently disrespectful nature was captivating to young disaffected people who wanted to burn it all down. And he fooled a great many of us. Me included for a time, though I was early on to say that he would crash and burn or amount to nothing and eventually fade into obscurity long before his pedo-scandal from the Joe Rogan interview. So what happened?
He upset his masters in some way. Which is why he was burnt down and had to suffer humiliation. Keep in mind that Milo was funded by some of the same people who backed supposedly “right-wing” things like Parler. Then that money was taken away. And after the due process of Freemasonic ritual humiliation and “renewal” (he literally has it in his bio, mockingly: Ex-Gay, good boy) he is being given another shot at it.
By teaming up with the other supposedly also Ex-Sodomite Gary Voris (Who tries to go by Michael and who started up a business called St. Michael with Opus Dei cash, not freakily narcissistic at all, of course).
So now, some bastard Sedeprivationist who can’t be bought is exposing him. Right at the start of his new venture. What do you think his lords and masters will do about that if it gets traction?
In a way, this explanation may save him. Perhaps it will even increase the funds they pump into him. Because if he was found with his throat slit and his entrails pulled out (the penalty for breaking the oath), it might be a tad suspicious, so if instead they bury him in cash and boost him even more, maybe I will just be drowned out by the noise and the ruminant cows will still flock to the fake “Catholicism” that leads to the same pit of Hell of the other fake religions.
Or he might just get a heart attack from covid. It’s hard to say with the servants of the one-eyed “shepherd”.
And anyway, I’m just some unimportant “gamma” not worth responding to right? Except oh…ooops…note the times on these emails.
Cool, Calm and Collected Milo… or maybe not quite
And, it wasn’t really a “forwarding service” that I delivered the book to. And even if it had been it would not take months to get to him. The “forwarding service” (a lady called Kathleen) also summarily ignored perfectly polite emails concerning the book which she had not done at all before its arrival, which she confirmed.
No replies at all to perfectly polite emails but instant replies to these ones. Literally not even a minute after I sent the first one the reply arrived. And the rest followed in rapid succession.
Not sus at all.
Just perfectly non-Freemasonic behaviour through and through.
Church of Power vs Church of Piety?
So Bp. Sanborn has made this video, which is short enough and to the point enough I suggest you watch it if you are at all interested in the Catholic Church and the Sedeprivationist vs Sedevacantist positions and why both are valid and Catholic. The Video is here.
The Newsletter from Bp. Dolan he is responding to is here. And the part that offended and was read out by Bp. Sanborn in on the third page on the left hand side.
Now some ground rules and truths:
Now to the video and newsletter. First the “offending” part of the newsletter, here it is quoted below (7 minutes in):
Friday’s St. Martin I suffered exile and a miserable death rather than accept the heresy of only one will in Christ. It sounds obscure to most, doubtless, but we must hold the whole Catholic Faith without compromise. Even the best today want to make us believe that bad though he be, Bergoglio is the validly elected pope, and that the Novus Ordo, One World Church, is identical with the Catholic Church. That’s a theological error, and savors of heresy. As we honor the anniversaries of our churches, we remember that there is only one Church, the unchanged Catholic Church. If people would only understand this truth, so much confusion would be dis-
sipated, so much peace—though at a price!—would ensue.
Well, taken on its own, as I specified above, I am doing, I see absolutely nothing wrong with hat paragraph.
Now, it may be that the “best” in question IS directed specifically at Bp. Sanborn and the sedeprivationist position in general, but if that is the case, I certainly cannot say that from this newsletter or this paragraph at all. And unless it is specified elsewhere, someone self-identifying with those “best” would, by their OWN choice, be falling in precisely that category as described by Bp. Dolan.
There is, however, a principle of distinction between Sedeprivationism and Sedevacantism that absolutely needs explaining and precision if we are to understand things properly.
Sede vs Sede?
The Sedevacantists essentially state that the current occupiers of the Holy See, from fake Pope John the XXIII (henceforth known only as Roncalli) to today are not Popes in any way, shape or form. In fact, they are not even Catholic, being public, notorious heretics, so have absolutely zero standing in the Catholic Church, they are impostors, fakes, Freemasons and Satanists (I repeat myself) and as such deserve only our contempt. It is the position I too hold, though I call myself a Sedeprivationist, the reason for which I explain below.
The Sedeprivationist hold with the Cassiciacum theory produced by Father Gerard de Lauriers. It is available in the original only in French by a publication that will not allow reproduction of it. I have read it (yes I read French quite well, thank you) and in a nutshell it states that the fake Popes could be assumed to have been validly elected as Popes in a material sense, but not in a spiritual sense and especially given their behaviour as public notorious heretics, they could not be considered legitimate or valid Popes nor obeyed as such. This position was not unreasonable at the time it was formulated because the takeover of the Vatican by Freemasons was for many (especially laymen but also some pious clergy) so sudden that one dared not initially believe almost the entire Church had been converged to heresy and handed over to a bunch of heretics (and in fact much worse, never-were-Catholic, Satanists). Using the principle of charity and benefit of the doubt, Father De Lauriers, who was an outstanding theologian proposed that even IF the Popes had been validly elected, by supposedly valid Cardinals and so on, their behaviour precluded them from being actual Popes. It was a charitable, pious, best case scenario thesis that in my opinion hoped to reconcile, correct and bring the Church back together. Unfortunately, the rot was so deep and the very weapon used by the enemy is our good natures in order to get inside our guard to stab us, that the thesis, in hindsight, was clearly over-charitable. And given what we NOW know about the entire process, the level of Freemasonic infiltration etc it is patently obvious that the Sedevacantist position is the correct one (if you do not know, read my book Reclaiming The Catholic Church, which unlike the fake Catholic Taylor Marshall’s book Infiltration I wrote myself and has actual verifiable facts in it). There is one tiny aspect that the Sedevacantist position ignores however, and that is that the Chair, technically speaking is NOT empty (which is what sede vacante means). It is filled by an impostor PREVENTING it being filled licitly and validly. Hence my slightly subversive use of the word Sedeprivationist. I do this for two reasons:
Now that you know these things, let us move to the video of Bp. Sanborn.
What Bp. Sanborn gets right
3. But that’s me and my weaknesses, and we are here to try to reconcile differences. And in that respect Bp. Sanborn is also correct in his closing argument when he says that there should not be trouble made.
4. He is right that the usurpers are using the structures of the Catholic Church to promote their heresy, but it is not just heresy and error they are promoting, they are, in fact, ushering in, Satanism, which is a religion and a very old one, so while technically it is not a new religion, Bp. Sanborn is, however, being too charitable in simply saying or believing that the Novus Orcians are simply promoting heresy, as if it was just a big, bad mistake. It’s not a mistake. It’s intentional and malignant with evil intent at that. So, TECHNICALLY right about Novus Orco not being a NEW religion, but it is pointless to say that, since it is certainly NOT Catholicism either, but its most ancient enemy.
What Sanborn gets wrong
Arguable Either Way
Bp. Sanborns Questions:
Q1. When did this Novus Orco Church begin?
A1. Worldly, on the 28th October 1958 when Roncalli was invalidly elected false Pope John XXIII. Spiritually, when Satan and his third of the host were driven from heaven. Simple. Not sure why he is unaware or pretends to be.
Q2. Was Bp. Dolan not part of the NO originally?
A2. Let’s assume yes and the answer will follow below.
Q3. Was Bp. Dolan not ordained by Archbishop Lefebvre?
A3. I believe he was. Fuller answer below.
Q4. Was Bp. Dolan not part of the SSPX which had as its stated purpose the reconciliation with the NO Church?
A4. I believe he was. Fuller Answer below.
Q5. When did you (Bp. Dolan) make a public abjuration from the NO Church? And here Bp. Sanborn states that as Bp. Dolan says the NO is a separate Church, a public adjuration must be made as if one were previously a Lutheran say. It is a kind of twisted logic and if it were valid then one could accuse Bp. Sanborn, by the same logic of actually BEING a Novus Orco Church guy. Here, I believe, we see the crux of the matter and I think it boils down to something neither side has mentioned and possibly that neither side understands consciously. Here it is, the Answer to the above questions:
A2,3,4 and 5. Being ordained by a man who was trying to navigate the absolute carnage of the Vatican II era while trying to preserve what he thought he could salvage or repair of the Catholic Church is not a sin. Nor is the ordination invalid. Bishop Lefebvre was indeed in error in trying to reconcile with what in all likelihood he had either not recognised as, or didn’t want to believe were Satanists within the very church he loved. But being in error does not make you a heretic. It does not prevent you from validly ordaining Priests other Bishops in good faith. Nor does being validly ordained by such a man and you yourself genuinely believing you are doing your best to navigate the same storm make you a heretic. merely in error. And we all are to some degree or other. Importantly though, like Bp. Sanborn, Bp. Dolan corrected his errors and eventually left the now essentially logically bankrupt SSPX.
As a result of the above, there is absolutely no need for an abjuration, because one never stopped being Catholic. Never belonged to the Church of Satan that the impostors clearly belong to. So there is no need to say you don’t belong to it!
Let me make an analogy that is easier to understand. If a bunch of Nazis decide to wear US army uniforms and infiltrate the trenches of the US Army and start murdering American soldiers in their sleep, are they now US Soldiers? NO. Clearly not. And if a US soldier in the trenches calls these Nazis out and says they are not Americans but Nazis in disguise, and belong to a different army, is he wrong? Does he now have to swear that he has no allegiance to the US Army because THE OTHER GUYS ARE WEARING THE SAME UNIFORM?!? It’s idiotic and ridiculous. Of course not. He is a US soldier and has to abjure or swear fealty to no one he hasn’t already done so. And he is doing his duty by calling out the impostors as belonging to the enemy army and NOT the US army. Simple. Again, I want to be charitable but Bp. Sanborn is not, I believe, stupid, so this, to me, stinks of sophistry.
Bp. Sanborn further embroils himself in deception when he asks who lifted the presumed excommunication of Bp. Dolan since he was originally “Novus Ordo” and this according to Bp. Dolan is a different Church. But this is an inversion. To return to the soldier analogy. Bp. Dolan never took off his uniform. He always was a US Soldier (Catholic) and if the leadership of his Army now tell him to shell his own positions and he does, in ignorance, in obedience, in essentially innocence, he is NOT at fault. Especially since, once he realises that his superiors are in reality Nazi spies in disguise as US soldiers, he stops following their fake orders, raises the alarm and calls them out as enemies. There is not guilt he has to expiate. There is no “nazi loyalty” he ever gave to the impostors. IF he did anything wrong he did it in honest error and by being fooled. He certainly does NOT need to once again swear loyalty to the US army. Whenever left. The other guys infiltrated into it. His conscience is clear. As it should be. In short, I think it is a deceptive and disingenuous question, a straw man. The same applies to deceived Novus Orco lay people who then become Sedes.
But it gets worse. He asks who now has the right to lift the excommunication of all those NO priests who have not yet refuted the V2 NO fake Church. The answer of course is no one and the answer as to whom, if any are potentially t least valid clergy, the answer is almost certainly none. The reason is simple.
In conclusion then, even if there WERE any valid NO priests that could potentially become forgiven or be assumed to be Catholic, their lot is to have authority over no one, and hence are completely irrelevant to the future of the Church. This is a good thing, because it precludes the infiltration of any of these supposed “Catholics” into the actual, growing, resurgent, real, Catholic Church.
Bishop Sanborn is certainly a valid Catholic Bishop, nevertheless he is a Bishop of Power, as Rodney Stark labels such people. He is interested in the material aspects of the Church. He wants to “win” so to speak, by having more seminarians, more Churches, more laypeople contributing money to more structures being built and so on.
I do not know personally, and I am not accusing Bp. Sanborn of doing or being this way for personal gain. For all I know he may be, but I absolutely and without reservation give him the benefit of the doubt in this as I always did from the beginning. In fact, I’ll go a step further and state categorically that from my perspective, such clergy are, at times, required. The worldly aspects of Church buildings, funds for seminarians and resident priests and so on are realities of the world, and someone pushing to get these things is required and useful. Often such men can get corrupted by the power they wield. They can become gluttonous, or proud, dictatorial, revered in their cult of personality, and I have reason to suspect that certainly Bishop Sanborn has at least some of these flaws to whatever degree or other. As, I remind you, we all have flaws. That said, his errors will tend towards those that in ancient times were labelled as the avarice, gluttony and so on of the proud, power-hungry, worldly Popes.
I do not know Bp. Dolan at all, and never interacted with him, but judging from his tone and assuming the things Bp. Sanborn said about him in the video are true, it sounds to me that Bp. Dolan is more a puritan sort, which we may refer to as belonging more to the Church of Piety. The errors of such clergy tend to be either excessive charity (which got us where we are today) or, sometimes, a zeal bordering on Donates where if anything or anyone has the tiniest flaw then they are expelled for heresy.
In short, if these men are Power vs Piety, they will invariably disagree and nothing good can come of it. So I hope they put it all behind themselves and move on in a positive manner. Some form of public reconciliation, however superficial, would firstly demonstrate both men are willing to submit their ego to a higher need and secondly, for that very reason, be welcome by all Catholics I believe.
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By G | 16 November 2021 | Posted in Social Commentary