Posts Tagged ‘Russia and the GAE’

The power of indoctrination

From a telegram channel I follow that gets reports allegedly from the front as well from both sides of the conflict in Ukraine:

With curiosity, I did not so much listen as I watched Gordon’s recent conversation with Arestovich. It was more interesting to watch. They walked for two hours in the center of Kiev. Where I once walked. Why is it interesting? The city is relaxed in summer. Sun, heat, heat, beaches, restaurants… If you do not take into account that mobilizing are being captured on the outskirts of the capital, then in general Kiev lives the way it has always lived. There are some difficulties, but in general, everything is fine.

Hence the unstoppable optimism of Ukrainian citizens. There is a war, but there is no war. Sometimes something arrives, but this only applies to military facilities. For Ukrainian citizens, Russians are much safer than Ukrainian air defense. The Russians, for them, are not a real, but a speculative threat. Such a toothless enemy, a goner, whom the Ukrainians will very soon defeat with one finger. Little finger.

“Rating” poll conducted. It turned out that in Ukraine, 32% believe that Kiev needs six months or a year to win, 30% – more than a year, and 17% believe that several months or less are needed to achieve it. Only 1% of Ukrainian citizens do not believe in the victory of Ukraine. If we proceed from what is in the minds of most of my acquaintances in Ukraine, then the results of the survey as a whole reflect psychic reality. They really believe in their inevitable victory. Sincerely.

Everyone is used to growing cemeteries. To round-ups of military commissars – too. It’s just commonplace. The tantrums of relatives, whose husbands and children either died or went missing, are present, but it seems to be not there. It doesn’t affect anything. This is beyond reality. It’s like a daily routine now. Here we sit in a restaurant, here we sunbathe in the hydro park, here we go to work, here a rocket flew in, here flags over the horizon in the cemetery, where we caught another mobilized on the street … and yes, we need to walk the dog in the evening …

What’s important? No loss! APU – peremogayut! “Orcs” are stupid, cowardly, and helpless, they don’t know how to fight. And they are already armed with cannons of the 30s of the last century, but they will soon run out. There is no enemy from the “orcs”, at the sight of Ukrainian soldiers he immediately runs. The Armed Forces of Ukraine do not even fight, but simply clear the trenches of the “enemy”.

Interesting reality. No one is embarrassed by the loss of “forte Bakhmut”. No one is embarrassed by the “counterattack” drowned in Ukrainian blood. No one remembers Bakhmut anymore, and the “counterattack” grinds the “orcs” and deprives them of their last tanks, guns, and ammunition. Everything is fine!

NATO did not take. But they promised to take it after the “peremogi”. “Peramoga” – in a year, so membership in the Alliance is practically in your pocket!

And in the east, at this time, a giant “meat grinder” is continuously working, daily grinding the lower social strata of Ukrainian society, those who were not lucky enough to be in the upper cabins of the Titanic. The process of extermination is gradually moving upward, but no one notices it in Ukraine. It looks like he doesn’t exist. They don’t want to see him. Ukrainian society, by and large, has adapted to its destruction and takes it for granted. Remember the story of the frog that was boiled alive by gradually heating the water? Ukraine is such a frog. And it won’t come out of the pot.

As a hypnotist, I know the power of indoctrination, although it is a different sort of thing from a session or two or even a few to resolve some internal struggle or issue, it is related.

In hypnosis, some changes in neurological triggers are rewired and depending on a number of factors the session or sessions result in giving the person new neurological pathways as options to behaviours that they previously had little conscious control over. The essence of a session to stop smoking, is that the client now has alternative pathways in his brain to follow instead of lighting up.

Indoctrination is a subtler and also more dangerous practice as the person is gently brainwashed to accept “reality” as presented over a number of years. Given the prevalence of the mass media, these narratives are constantly reinforced and people begin acting as if they are based in reality. The constant push today for absurd things like men being able to be women and women being able to be men, which is simply as reality defying as trying to say the Sun is the Moon and the Moon is the Sun, are designed precisely to break and shift the consciousness of people.

Even if you are not insane and/or brainwashed and/or broken, and reject such nonsense, the fact remains that the zombies you are surrounded by accept it to various degrees and begin “acting as if”.

Pretty soon, you are watching the freaks parading around daily as if they were normal. And eventually, 20 or thirty years down the line, your children, or their children will have been trained to see all this as “normal”.

by 2050, raping an 8 year old will be seen as just a different sexual orientation/choice and anyone not participating will probably be in violation of some “bigotry” laws.

“Never!” You say?

Uh-huh. How do you think we went from about 1920 when divorce was considered a permanent stain on a family, a scandalous thing that no right-thinking person would condone, to now, barely 100 years later when murdering babies by the millions every year is considered normal? Look at you reading this sentence and automatically making some level of “excuse” for what I just wrote, which is simply a statement of objective fact. And in the Rothschild’s America, that murder is able to be performed right up to and including birth. With an Australian “professor” advocating for murder of children up to two years of age.

Plus, if you consider epigenetics, if, despite your “gender confusion” you manage to reproduce, your own children will be already predisposed to being mental guinea pigs more readily able to be twisted into parodies of human beings, taking on all the mental illness rampant today as what it is being presented “alternative lifestyles” that are just as good and beautiful and real as any “natural” situation, you religious bigot/dinosaur.

You only have two choices in life: Let someone else run your brain, OR:

Take hold of your own brain, and learn about objective reality, logic, math, reason, and the ultimate model of reality that explain literally everything better than any other model of reality, that is to say, Catholicism (Sedevacantism being the last and only Catholicism left, and Catholicism being the only true Christianity).

You can argue with me about Catholicism until you are blue in the face, the same way the idiots of 20 and 30 years ago argued with me about everything from Echelon and Carnivore and 9/11 and Mars and Antigravity technology, and the Clintons being murderous scum, the sex slaves and hunting of them by the “elite” including ex-presidents of the USA, and literally dozens of other supposed “conspiracy theories” that all, eventually, turned out to be absolutely real. And you’d be arguing with me the same way those people did back then. In abysmal ignorance fuelled only by their emotions. Not any research of their own. Not any thoughts of their own. Only regurgitated mantras they had been indoctrinated to believe and spew out.

The citizens of Ukraine, have been subjected to propaganda to a level where they are literally losing a number of men that is fast approaching the half-million dead, and they are doing it while daydreaming in their daily sleepwalking routine. Family members being ground into meat-chunks by the thousands on a daily basis, with cocaine clown sniffing and making squeaky noises on the TV daily, and they just keep stumbling along as if all is well.

These are people that will not “see” or admit, or realise what is going on even when their own house gets bombed to rubble. They will just put it down to an unlucky hit by the evil Russians.

They literally lost ground and whole cities for months and months, and had part of their original “land” annexed and returned to Russia (as it should have been given the history of constant bombardment of civilians since 2014) but assume they will win.

It’s enough to remind the older among us of the black-knight sketch in Monty Python.

Except it’s real. Thousands of men dying, to satisfy the whims of a Satanic bunch who literally use men, women and above all children, as if they were disposable sex-toys or puppets for their own entertainment, no matter how grotesque.

Do you see Cocaine Clown and Diaper Bidet going to the front?

I dare say that if it were possible to have those two face up directly against Putin, in a fight to the death, I think Putin would take them up on it. You don’t see many politicians that would be willing to forego all the armies and death and put themselves on the line, do you? How many wars would there be, if the evil scum that starts them (and I am talking about the controllers of Bidet and Cocaine Clown) had to fight on the front lines? Zero.

But the kings of Catholic Christianity fought alongside their men more often than not, and were right there if not at the front, at least overseeing the battle, which is why sometimes they died fighting along with their men. We should make it absolutely compulsory that ANYONE who advocates for war from the safety of their civilian job gets immediately drafted into the point of the spear battalion.

And since we are all equal, whether that “leader” is male or female is irrelevant. Here is your AK-74 and 50 kilos of equipment and body armour. Off you go to the front, charge those Russian trenches with confidence, “tits”. Oh, wait what? That’s not the right translation of her name? But… Meloni… Melons…

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