The previous post linked to something I wrote in 2008, but had been aware of from at least 1992 or so.
Here it is, and below I am going to review its predictions against the current state of things, point by point.
A lot of things have changed in the last 16 years. I went from being a single, once divorced, childless, generally Zen Agnostic hedonist type with strong views on justice and laissez-faire liberalism to a thrice married, father of five children and a hardcore Sedevacantist Catholic with strong views on justice and strong views on the consequences of laissez-faire liberalism.
It can be said that 16 years ago, despite my obvious general cynicism and misanthropy I was still, like all of us before the covid scam/mass murder events of current WWIII a wide-eyed, rose tinted glasses optimist about humans and their nature in general.
1. People will become a lot more tolerant towards each other
This I was waaaay off on. And you can tell that even at my most secularist cynical I was in fact a wide eyed optimist about humans and their ability to do logic instead of their monkey-like tendencies to just fling their own faeces at random based on their emotions and that behaviour exponentially increasing the more their real nature is exposed to the world.
2. Certain behaviours will have to be de-regulated
This I was rather correct on, but more in the sense that all sorts of perversions are now more and more normalised and the only real taboo now is to have any moral standards whatsoever.
I hadn’t specifically thought too much about the clown world tendency to want to pervert and degrade everything because i simply assumed that things like child rape would always be things everyone would agree should result in the sentence, and as a then secularist for the most part, didn’t consider deeply enough what things like sexual permissiveness amongst adults would eventually lead to, because even as degenerate as my own tastes may have been, I never imagined anyone would try to normalise bestiality say, or people in assless gimp suits or worse, being urinated on in public at “pride” events. Once again, my boundless optimism about humanity had me fooled.
3. Identity theft will become harder and more severly punishable
Generally I was correct except if the government is trying to do it to you, although in fairness this hardly needed mentioning, and the reality is that even then it IS more difficult to fool people into buying the lies like Obama being American or the Las Vegas shooting being all by that one lone gunman and so on. They will of course still make you subject to all the punishments, but no one is really fooled by the Biden body doubles and the fake news.
4. Identity theft will become more common and more lucrative
Also kind of generally correct.
5. The faceless corporation will begin to die
In a sense this is true although the faceless corporations are also morphing into faceless government branches of the bureaucracy, but individuals within them are getting easier to expose in general terms even then. See Fauci for example amd Bourla and Klaus Schwab and even the major puppeteers like the Rothschilds running the BIS and so on. It will be a while before small groups of people are more immune to the ravages of such monstrous and monolithic entities, but it is/will continue to happen. In isolated incidents for now but increasingly more likely. One larger example is the shedding of French colonial power from Africa and other colonies.
6. You will not be able to get away from anyone
This was essentially correct.
7. Who you are will become more and more evident to all from this moment forward.
Also true mostly, despite the amount of energy spent in trying to persuade the masses of variously more or less carefully crafted narratives concerning various individuals, anyone who cares enough and has a modicum of intelligence can generally get a good sense of who almost anyone is
So: In conclusion. Why wait?
Wether you like it or not, privacy is mostly dead and it’s not going to get better unless we are all thrown back to the stone age. So you need to adapt to this reality regardless of your feeling about it, which was the same as my original perspective 16 years ago.
A Review of my Observations on Privacy from 2008
The previous post linked to something I wrote in 2008, but had been aware of from at least 1992 or so.
Here it is, and below I am going to review its predictions against the current state of things, point by point.
A lot of things have changed in the last 16 years. I went from being a single, once divorced, childless, generally Zen Agnostic hedonist type with strong views on justice and laissez-faire liberalism to a thrice married, father of five children and a hardcore Sedevacantist Catholic with strong views on justice and strong views on the consequences of laissez-faire liberalism.
It can be said that 16 years ago, despite my obvious general cynicism and misanthropy I was still, like all of us before the covid scam/mass murder events of current WWIII a wide-eyed, rose tinted glasses optimist about humans and their nature in general.
1. People will become a lot more tolerant towards each other
This I was waaaay off on. And you can tell that even at my most secularist cynical I was in fact a wide eyed optimist about humans and their ability to do logic instead of their monkey-like tendencies to just fling their own faeces at random based on their emotions and that behaviour exponentially increasing the more their real nature is exposed to the world.
2. Certain behaviours will have to be de-regulated
This I was rather correct on, but more in the sense that all sorts of perversions are now more and more normalised and the only real taboo now is to have any moral standards whatsoever.
I hadn’t specifically thought too much about the clown world tendency to want to pervert and degrade everything because i simply assumed that things like child rape would always be things everyone would agree should result in the sentence, and as a then secularist for the most part, didn’t consider deeply enough what things like sexual permissiveness amongst adults would eventually lead to, because even as degenerate as my own tastes may have been, I never imagined anyone would try to normalise bestiality say, or people in assless gimp suits or worse, being urinated on in public at “pride” events. Once again, my boundless optimism about humanity had me fooled.
3. Identity theft will become harder and more severly punishable
Generally I was correct except if the government is trying to do it to you, although in fairness this hardly needed mentioning, and the reality is that even then it IS more difficult to fool people into buying the lies like Obama being American or the Las Vegas shooting being all by that one lone gunman and so on. They will of course still make you subject to all the punishments, but no one is really fooled by the Biden body doubles and the fake news.
4. Identity theft will become more common and more lucrative
Also kind of generally correct.
5. The faceless corporation will begin to die
In a sense this is true although the faceless corporations are also morphing into faceless government branches of the bureaucracy, but individuals within them are getting easier to expose in general terms even then. See Fauci for example amd Bourla and Klaus Schwab and even the major puppeteers like the Rothschilds running the BIS and so on. It will be a while before small groups of people are more immune to the ravages of such monstrous and monolithic entities, but it is/will continue to happen. In isolated incidents for now but increasingly more likely. One larger example is the shedding of French colonial power from Africa and other colonies.
6. You will not be able to get away from anyone
This was essentially correct.
7. Who you are will become more and more evident to all from this moment forward.
Also true mostly, despite the amount of energy spent in trying to persuade the masses of variously more or less carefully crafted narratives concerning various individuals, anyone who cares enough and has a modicum of intelligence can generally get a good sense of who almost anyone is
So: In conclusion. Why wait?
Wether you like it or not, privacy is mostly dead and it’s not going to get better unless we are all thrown back to the stone age. So you need to adapt to this reality regardless of your feeling about it, which was the same as my original perspective 16 years ago.
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By G | 23 June 2024 | Posted in Catholicism, Clown World, Sedevacantism, Social Commentary, Zombie Apocalypse