Posts Tagged ‘liars’

Proof Positive of the True Nature of Ruminant Puritans

A short while ago, I posted a take-down of one of the retarded denizens of SG, here: Bovine Things.

As a result, there was a few morons that complained about… honestly I don’t know and don’t care to even find out in any more detail than the rumours and passing screenshots I received, but let’s all assume it was the usual: My brutal, brutal, brutally harsh, and brutalist nature, my “gammaness” for writing such a long post just to fisk one, lone, irrelevant, puritanical cow for getting the tingles at everything I do, my general hate-filled hatey, hate, my stunning good looks and whatever else.

The discerning gentleman, appreciative of both digital as well as natural blood spatter patterns however, understands that such exposés are required to point out the enemies of God and all that is good, true and beautiful of Western Civilisation.

It is not this probably overweight, frustrated, puritan-raised idiot that is important in se, of course. She is utterly irrelevant in the scheme of things, but it is necessary to educate any who may still be able to be educated, to note that such creatures are NOT on our side. They are not even neutral. It is a mistake to let them near you or your loved ones and they need to be purged from your relationships without mercy or delay. These poisonous morons are the very reason why we have allowed satanic beasts to control the world. They are the majority. Individual-duh-ally they are irrelevant, but like drops of sewage, together, in their millions, they pollute everything with their idiocy, their blatant stupidity and more importantly their discivic cretinism and behaviour.

The average soy-eating, metro sexualised (gay), weak, nominally “male” of the modern era, along with all the multi-coloured hair feminists of voluminous mass that nevertheless claim to be “conservatives” or “Christian” or even pious “Catholics”, however, feel great discomfort at my public observations of the enemy. Mostly because they simply don’t have a clue and are not able to see the things I do thanks to long experience and not a few grave mistakes on my part to gain that experience.

The sensation is not unlike being next to an expert sniper that takes out an enemy at a thousand paces with certainty and a smile on his face after pulling the trigger for a job well done. You, lacking field glasses can barely tell it’s a human being. It is only later when, filled with guilt, revulsion, fear and a wish to not even be associated in any way to the “psycho” sniper that just dispatched another human being oh my God! (Insert deep sobs here), that as you approach the corpse, you realise it was a guy with a suicide vest filled with C4 that would have torn a giant hole in the wall of your citadel and murdered dozens.

But since most modern people are too lazy to even walk a thousand paces to check, most simply assume the sniper is a psychotic brutalist of some kind.

Behold then, the ultimate proof that I am correct in my fiskings.

The below was posted by a guy that unless I am mistaken (I very much doubt I am) tagged along to dinner with me and a friend when I went to visit the USA a couple of years ago. He seemed polite enough and didn’t say much at dinner. Later, online, he revealed himself to be a devotee of Owen Benjamin’s Flat Earth idiocy and was told in a direct manner to take his stupidity elsewhere, as he refused to do so, he was banned from the YouTube channel. And now here he is posting this cowardly, weak, vileness, in an attempt to make people turn agains all that is good, true, virtuous, courageous, honest about Christianity, God and the behaviour of men who still have their own testicles attached. Behold the politically correct soy-drinker:

Notice the 47 down voted, which as someone else on the platform noted, must be some kind of record, but notice 3 upvotes. And who does one of those votes belong to? That’s right, the same bovine beast that blurts out her thoughts much like a cow in a field releases the excess grass she has ruminated on from the other end.

Let me state in no uncertain terms that Kyle Rittenhouse did absolutely NOTHING wrong. He went to protect friends and family businesses with courage, fortitude, and a wish only to do good and ease suffering. He had some medical training and wanted to use it to help anyone injured. He was assaulted WITH FIREARMS, by a pedophile and two other criminals, and Kyle reacted with the innocence of the just and the skill that is the envy of many supposed experienced special operatives. He even had the presence of mind to not kill the last useless piece of shit, oxygen thief who was aiming a firearm at him and wanted to kill him and has since admitted as much AFTER THE FACT. When Kyle saw that the degenerate would-be child killer had dropped his pistol after Kyle shot him in the arm, he stopped. Most men in such a situation and considering he had already had to shoot 2 would-be murderous scum that had tried their best to kill him, would have kept fitting until this last scumbag was also fully neutralised.

Kyle was 17 at the time so technically still a child and he did absolutely nothing, NOTHING wrong. He acted in a way that any man would and should be proud of. He acted for justice, honour, truth, beauty and did what was necessary to survive and he did not do a single thing more than that. Which for me is the most astonishing part of all. Only the innocence of a child would have had the calmness to act that way. A jaded, battle hardened soldier would have drilled that last stupid piece of shit a few more times. Not out of revenge or “wanting” to kill him, but simply because, in such a situation, surrounded by enemies who are attacking you from all sides, the fact one of them that was actively trying to shoot you a half-second before happened to have temporarily dropped his gun because you hit his arm, does NOT mean he is no longer a threat and the second you turn your back on him he can pick that gun up again, or jump at you with a knife, or God knows and who knows how many are sneaking up behind you while you worry about the legalities of what is going on in that precise split second where you are and have been for a LONG time, fighting for your life. Because yes, MINUTES, in life and death situations are a VERY LONG TIME.

But only people who have ever faced a few realities would know that. And the stupid bastard who posted that comment never will know such situations because he stands for nothing, protects nothing, knows nothing, is a despicable coward without shame and only tries to paint in a bad light men who is not worthy of shining their shoes. And of course, the fake piety of the sexually frustrated “puritan” encourages such abject shameful behaviour by her male equivalent, the impotent rage of those who are discarded by any human being who has even a modicum of appreciation for the true, the good, the beautiful and the glory and justice of God.

So fuck these people, and fuck anyone that aligns with them.

Except… you, know… I mean fuck them metaphorically of course. Don’t actually degrade yourself by having sex with them, it’s what they crave most from you.

Exposing Duplicitous Little Trolls Too

Some cretinous little liars think that if they refuse to go public with their lies —on a blog somewhere, in their own name, like any honest man can do freely and easily— that is, if they refuse to put their name to the absolute deceptions they try to pass as Catholic knowledge, I may not savage them in the arena of reason, logic, canon law, and truth.

One such filthy little Brazilian who goes by the name @Ranger on Social Galactic believes his hiding and sniping will prevent him from the rightful scourging he deserves. Well, as the little meme below shows, he miscalculated, so now I will prove beyond shadow of a doubt that he is an intentional liar.

It would be tedious to repost the last 2 months of proofs of his constant deception and extreme gammaness, but it is always instructional to point out a few obvious lies. It helps other see the maggot-like twitching against truth and the plain meaning of words, so that you will be better able to avoid such creatures in all areas of your life. And since he’s certainly nowhere near as important as the fake clergy that was exposed in the last post, this will be a quick Kurganing. Barely enough energy released from this one’s head to charge an AA battery.

Let us begin: Lie number 1

An outrageous lie in multiple ways:

  1. The commission was put together not to have a bunch of rules lawyers argue with laymen or even clergy about how this or that sentence really means the opposite of what it says, or, what the meaning of the word is, is. No. It was put together to ensure that the over 6,000 documents of the Catholic Church that were consulted to make sure the Code of Canon Law of 1917 was coherent and did not go against any of the dogma of the Church, previous rules and so on. In fact, the commission was not even going to respond to ANY questions from laymen, but only to clergy IF they found something from older documents that seemed to contradict the code. As a matter of fact, it was put in place to ensure the continuity of the Code was correct. And guess what, from thousands of even MORE documents that were consulted AFTER the code was published, in some 30 years, there was required the grand total of a single minor change to PART of canon 1099. So Ranger’s suggestion and implication that the Code of Canon Law is a vastly complicated system that only rules lawyers can use, is nonsense. Rules lawyers like himself, as he admitted to being trained in law, but apparently not practicing, thank God for small favours. He probably failed the game of hopscotch that passes for the Bar Exam wherever he lives.
  2. He KNOWS that Roman Law does not operate as Common or American Law, so his intention here was to confuse and make the average person who doesn’t know these things assume that a Pope put in place a bunch of Canon Lawyers to argue endlessly about what the meaning of the word is, is. No. How do I know he knows this is completely not the case with regard to Roman Law. Well… he tells us he knows.

Lie number 2: He pretends that I think Canon 2314 applies in the case of Canon 188 part 4.

It does not. It never has and never will because, come on, you know this by now, Canon 188 part 4 applies instantly, requires no pronouncement from anyone and is judged by the law itself. As it clearly says. In fact, it clearly states in Canon 2314 that when considering the ignored warning given to suspected heretics, one must have due regard for canon 188 part 4. Which, of course states no pronouncement required by anyone. So in actual fact canon 2314 further CONFIRMS that Canon 188 part 4 is an exception. This is obvious to anyone who reads this canon in any language. Though he also tried to say it read differently in French, or English or…so guess what…I put the French, the English and the Latin all next to each other, and lo and behold, it’s very clear in all of them. But in any case Canon 2314 doesn’t even come into it for a second reasons, the people who fall foul of Canon 188 part 4 are notorious public heretics already judged by the law itself. The sentence is ALREADY PASSED ON THEM.

But notice the delicious subterfuge, in his message, while he pretends to be praising my view of not falling for ….whatever nonsense he will say next (see below), he tries to imply that canon 2314 applies at all in conjunction with Canon 188. As we have seen before, it does not. Because…







Not for Canon 188 part 4. And further, his implication is that I too agree that Canon 188 and 2314 go together. No. They do not, and you can be sure I made that very clear over the last few months.

Lie number 3: He continues with his deceptions pretending that before you can say Bergoglio is a heretic, you need to prove Karol was. Well, that’s not a stretch at all since Karol, just like Joey-Nazi and Jose Bergoglio and the other antipopes ALL promoted, taught, did not repudiate, and call out Vatican 2 for the heresy it was, making them of course, also fall foul of Canon 188 part 4.

Notice also how he is trying to seed the usual doubt that “Oh well, but the Code of 1917 has been made redundant”. No, it has not. Because non-clerics, non-catholic, public and notorious heretics and their equally non-catholic, heretic, Freemasonic and hence practicing satanist henchmen, do NOT get any say in ANYTHING within the Catholic Church, so their fake Code of 1983 has less authority than second-hand toilet paper.

Lie number 4: coming up… An ignoramus we have met before asks a genuine question, and Ranger promptly goes on to use more subterfuge and lies.

And how does our worm-tonguing liar, that lies lyingly, lie? He lies thusly:

Notice again that he is an accomplished deceiver. He pretends to faintly praise my knowing that the fake code of 1983 did in fact literally try to overturn the entire of Code of 1917 and in particular canon 188, as we have seen in detail before in this post, while still “pretending” that the fake Code is valid in any way. And then goes on to lie about its contents. Again, I refer you to the clear dissection of the fake code against the real one in the post mentioned above.

There are, of course, more lies he spews with practically every text he types, but I trust the above suffices to show the point.

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