Posts Tagged ‘invalid popes’

Ann Barnhardt is Spiralling

I have written before about Ann’s blind spot, namely her refusal to look at the simple fact that the papacy has not had a valid claimant since 9th October 1958.

The logic — a Catholic virtue she correctly is always championing — is inescapable, and yet, she still refuses to accept the inevitable conclusion that Sedeprivationism is obviously correct. Recently, however, she has done the intellectual equivalent of taking her objections to Sedeprivationism for a long walk in the woods and then shooting them in the back of the head with a .44 magnum.

Before I present the post-mortem on the bodies, let me quickly summarise for any new readers:

Truly, if the Catholic Church is indeed the One, True, Holy, and Apostolic Church instituted by Jesus Christ on Earth, and therefore its Magisterium is supernaturally protected from drastic and fatal error, the ONLY viable conclusion we can logically, legally and in accordance with the Magisterium of the Church, arrive at, at this point, is that every “Pope” since 28th October 1958 has in fact been either invalidly elected, or has vacated their office due to heresy in accordance with the Canon Law then in use (The one of 1917; which consequently also means it remains the only Canon Law still in use, since the 1983 version is created by the same non-Catholic impostors that have either never been Catholic to begin with, or have vacated their office for the same charge of public defection from the faith already discussed in some detail before).

Even if you are not Catholic and don’t believe the Catholic Church is the one true Church, if you can actually do logic and follow the applicable Canon Law, you cannot come to any other conclusion that, as per Catholic Doctrine and Canon Law, the Catholic Church has been infiltrated by impostors and has had no valid Pope since in all probability 9th October 1958, but, even at its most charitable, as already explained elsewhere, definitely and without question since 7th June 1966, at the most outlandishly generous. 

In fact, I believe that Ann is now starting to struggle with the cognitive dissonance that is assailing her. She is increasingly spiralling, complete with smoke, flames, and mentioning things that frankly are out of place unless you are a Sedeprivationist, since they don’t make sense in the context of someone who accepts Ratzinger. Remember that Ratzinger (or RatNazinger, as I call him) was one of the chief architects of the Protestantisation that was the infiltration and dumpster fire of treachery and cowardice that bears the name Vatican 2. Remember he is German and Ann herself documented how he was a proponent of the destruction of the Papacy by making it some kind of German union of Bishops. And trust me, as someone who has seen Germans have 9 hour meetings and resolve absolutely nothing, such a proposal is far more worrying than a simple dirty nuke going off at the centre of St peter’s Basilica.

And now we come to the death of her objections. Consider for example Ann’s ONLY stated reasons for not accepting Sedevacantism as recently as her podcast 101 and then view them in light of the two comments she makes (below).

Her two objections to Sedeprivationism were, as she clearly stated in her podcast 101 and documented here:

1. The Church has to be visible

Well… in this blog post, she torpedoes that point exactly as I have been saying for some years now. Besides which, given the internet, I think even actual blind people are aware and have visibility if they want to at all be interested in the point. Extract from her post:

 Remember, the Visibility of the Church is NOT a matter of how many people see it, or claim that they can’t see it.  The Church will always be visible – lit up by the Light of Christ – but people fallen into the darkness of sin will be blinded to it. Imagine Ray Charles standing on the Las Vegas Strip.  Ray’s blind.  He can’t see it.  That doesn’t mean that Las Vegas is “invisible”. It just means that Ray is blind.

And 2. Well….62 years is JUST TOO LONG. Of course, there is NO prescribed time limit on an interregnum so…that one is just a “this is what I want/feel/desire” and has nothing to do with Catholic Dogma, Canon Law or historical tradition of the Church, all of which line up perfectly with my position of Sedeprivationsims.

But take a look at this comment, which I would say goes precisely to the fact that heretics can’t be clerics, and consequently, all they do will become increasingly Satanic, banal and trash. Her post this is in is here.

 When instruction and correction are framed as “attack” by default, only stagnation and then profound retrogression result.

There is no clearer cultural example of this today than the post Vatican II – Novus Ordoist Catholic Church.  Banality, primacy of individual conscience, toxic sentimentality, all yielding REBELLION manifesting as a contempt for sacred tradition, beauty, objective truth, and ultimately contempt for the Law, which is nothing less than hatred of God Himself.

And notice also…she specifies Novus Ordoist…it’s a short step Ann… it’s called Novus ORCO. Say it with me. They are not Popes or Priests or Bishops. They are Spiritual Orcs. Twisted by Satan to do evil.

And honest Catholics around the world are starting to awaken from their slumber and realise it.

Join us Ann. You’re a good fighter and I believe, despite your struggles with reality of late, ultimately and fundamentally honest and a good servant to our Lord.

Also, because your continued request to pray for Ratzinger to be recognised as the true Pope is about as likely as God listening to prayers of people asking Him to make Bruce Jenner accepted as the most beautiful woman in the world.

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