Posts Tagged ‘high IQ’

Quicksilver Syndrome

Quicksilver in the original comics I read as a kid belonged to the evil legion of mutants, an ill-defined (for a long while at least) group of “bad guys”. When they did delve a bit into their group, it came out that after all, these so called “evil” mutants, weren’t really evil, but that was the narrative that SJW types from the “superhero” class came up with. You know the types, never kill bad guys, fisticuffs only, humans and mutants can live in harmony, etc. etc.

Well, as it turns out, Pietro, or Quicksilver as he’s named, has super-speed, which we all knew, but what we didn’t know is that it is always on for him.

There is a scene where he begins to argue with one of the women in the group, and he starts to talk and then the writing in his speech bubble gets smaller and joined together and finally is just a line. The woman, which if I recall right may have been the Scarlet Witch, calls him “Pietro! Pietro! You’re speaking too fast, I can’t understand!” And then it comes out. Pietro is living his life always at supersede, (autocorrect typo, it was supposed to say superspeed but funny in the context of this blog!) but in order to interact with others he is constantly slowing himself down.

Imagine living like that. Speaking in slow motion, moving in slow motion, in order to have a chance at some kind of human connection. He was always portrayed as guy with a very short fuse, bad-tempered, and quick to anger.

Really though?

He’s the most patient of any group of super-heroes or villains put together. Imagine having to listen in slow motion to a point you already know precisely where it’s going and seeing someone have in slow motion, about to make an error and you even warn them, tell them, several times, and they just slowly, carry on making it. Imagine that being your day-to-day experience with other humans.

Well… that one frame in the comic book I read when I was in my teens struck me so much and stayed with me so long, precisely because I can relate. If I also had supersede the way he does, life would be pretty unbearable. It’s hard enough just having brain that works at roughly three times the speed of everyone else’s on a slow day for me. But yes, it is trying at times. Very trying.

I know, I know, High IQ problems are a bit like Rich People Problems. No one cares and they don’t seem real. But I assure you, they are. Despite the fact that most people wish to have such “problems” the reality is that not many are equipped to handle them.

It’s like this e-card.

Yes, Yes, I will now go shed a single tear for myself and how badly I am misunderstood from the apes monkeys that surround me.

I know you will all commiserate with me, of course.

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