Posts Tagged ‘heretics’

Judas’ Witnesses

A while back we had a somewhat amusing visit by a pair of Jehovah’s Witnesses, an older man and a young and pretty woman. This tends to be the practice of Jehovah’s witnesses, to pair up an older person with younger one of opposite sex to tray and appeal to as wide a range of people as possible.

The older guy was walking down our driveway exclaiming what a beautiful place it was here and what a lovely forest and so on. I happened to have my scythe, seriously, no joke, as I was trying to clear the weeds and brambles around a dead tree I had to take down, and I started to walk towards them with the Italian version of “What?” on my face and a bit of a scowl. I don’t like people wandering onto my property unannounced and for no reason I could see.

To my “Yes?” The older guy continued to give no explanation and saying what an amazing property I have and how great the woods and the surrounds were. I kept walking right up to him and he eventually had to stop half-way down our long driveway. I just stood in front of him, scythe in hand, silent, waiting to see what he would eventually say he wanted. it was clear to me from his mannerism he was some kind of con man. I had no idea what nonsense he would be trying to sell, but I knew the type. Trying to be charming, affable, friendly. He had already irritated me in a number of ways. First by entering my property uninvited and unannounced. Secondly by ignoring my essentially asking him what he wanted without actually saying “What do you want?” but making it very clear that is what I was asking, and thirdly by his continued attempts to ingratiate himself into my good graces. So, although there was no mirror nearby, I have been told many times that my face is not particularly hard to read when I am pissed off and apparently it goes from “resting serial killer face” to “Imminently active serial killer face”.

Seeing me keeping silent he tried once more, in a way that he must have regretted later.

“Well, you have such a wonderful place her, like a paradise, nice and remote eh? No one here to bother you, well, except a few boars or wolves maybe, heh, heh.”

He really set himself up.

“I prefer wolves and boars to people. What do you want?”

His smile wavered and he brought his phone out and started to turn it while saying “Have you heard what the Bible says…”

He did not finish the sentence.

“I’m a sedevacantist catholic. Be on your way.” I pointed to the gate and turned and left. He wished me a good day as he quickly headed back uphill.

My daughter laughed at the situation and when she referred to them called them Judas’ witnesses. The first couple of times it was an honest mistake, because as she speaks three languages, sometimes words that are similar in one translate slightly differently in another. But it became our word for them pretty quickly.

It’s amazing how kids sometimes come up with much better words than we have for things. The 3 year old renamed the trampoline the jumpoline when she was 2 and it’s been the jumpoline ever since.

As an aside, someone told me once that the Judas’ witnesses try to convert you to their religion because the more people you convert the more likely you are to be one of the only 144,000 that will be allowed into heaven. So in reality, their trying to convert you is a kind of pyramid scheme were only the guys with the best numbers get it.

I never bothered to verify if this is specific to one set of Jehovah’s witnesses or all of them, nor do I care, because heretics will be heretics, so who cares, but I do think if true it’s a further nail in the coffin of heresy and hypocrisy they peddle, and it also makes me wonder… do they know which number they are on the heaven’s lotto game?

Logical Challenge to Ann and all nominal Catholics

In order to make this very simple and to show that there is literally not a single valid refutation to the position of Sede Privationism* I have constructed the below logical argument.

Please note there are several resources at the end of the post to find legitimate Mass Centers and clerics

Axiom: The Catholic Church is the true and Valid Church instituted by Jesus Christ on Earth. This is the assumed starting axiomatic point. That is, regardless of if you personally agree or not with it, for the purposes of this argument it is assumed to be true and correct as our starting point.

Question 1. Is the Pio-Benedictine code of canon law of 1917 the legitimate code of Catholic Canon Law that was legitimately and correctly put together by the Church?

If Yes, go on to question 2.

If No, demonstrate this with specificity and exhaustive proof.


Question 2. The Vatican II documents are 16 documents produced between 1963 and 1965. Do you agree that in every case these documents contain heresy that is not in keeping with the doctrine of the Catholic Church from the start to at least 1958?
Reference:The Heresies of Vatican II

If Yes, go on to question 3.

If No, you’re probably a vile heretic yourself, but go, on, try and refute even just the linked reference document IN DETAIL and specifics. Honestly, you can’t because facts are facts and objective truth exists.


Question 3. How long does it take for someone to be a persistent heretic? A day of teaching heresy as if it were correct dogma even after multiple persons point out it is heresy and a simple check would show this to be true? A month? A year? According to canon 2315, it is 6 months. However, since 1965, is far more than that, and MORE than enough time to declare anyone that purports to be a cleric of the Catholic Church and yet continues to publicly teach heresy, a persistent heretic. And a persistent heretic who teaches such heresy in public and acts, talks, and professes such heresy to be doctrine, has, in fact, defected from the Catholic Faith. This is simple and obvious and reiterated also in canon 2314 part 3, which specifically mentions such clerics whilst referring to canon 188 part 4 (see question 4 below). Just as if a person said “I no longer believe in Jesus Christ or the Church or the Catholic Faith.” In brief then, is 6 moths, knowingly teaching heresy, long enough to declare anyone a persistent heretic? 

If Yes, go on to question 4.

If No, explain your position using logic and reason and Canon Law. But keep in mind we are now (as of 2019) 54 years after 1965, and that, surely, is long enough for sure. Again, there really is no argument against this point, unless you ignore reality, and logic, and reason. And Canon Law instituted by the Magisterium of the Church.


Question 4. Given all of the above, it is absolutely clear that any supposed cleric of the Catholic Church who did not stop teaching doctrine as per Vatican II by at the latest 1966, was a persistent heretic. We cannot reasonably expect that a cleric of the church was unaware of the heresies of Vatican II given the clamour, uproar and massive abandoning of the Church by the faithful once these pernicious heresies were introduced along with the fake Novus Ordo Mass. Nor can we reasonably expect any modern cleric to be unaware of the heresies of Vatican II since their entire reason for existing is to protect, promote and further the Church and its doctrine all over the world. It would be like saying a physicist should not necessarily be aware of the equation force = mass x accelration. It is a basic, simple and obvious thing, grasped by any literate layman who cares to look into it for themselves, so there can be no excuse of ignorance for the clergy. As such, such “clergy” has, in fact, vacated their office, as per canon 188 part 4 of the code of canon law, which reads:

Any office becomes vacant upon the fact and without any declaration by tacit resignation recognised by the law itself if a cleric:

Part 4: Publicly defects from the Catholic Faith

This means that ANY cleric (emphasis above added) without the need for ANY DECLARATION, by ANYONE, automatically vacates their office, when they defect publicly from the Catholic Faith (which being a persistent heretic, and a public teacher of the faith, they do) because their crime needs no declaration by anyone, the law itself, the fact of it, the divine, simple reality of it itself, condemns them. The fact they may hold on to the MATERIAL office is irrelevant to the fact that they have vacated the SPIRITUAL office. Hence the point of Sede Privationists, the seat is not empty, it is filled. With an impostor that has no spiritual sanction, office or authority. And not just the seat of the Pope, but the one of ANY cleric that does not specifically reject all of Vatican II and all connected to it as heretical.

So the question is: Given that the Law of 1917 was in full effect in 1958, in 1963, in 1965, in 1975 and so on, there is literally nothing that prevents it from being correctly applied to all these heretical false clerics, as such, there is literally no argument that holds water in this regard, why then, should you ever consider any cleric of the fake New Order as legitimate?

The answer is you should not, for they are NOT valid clerics, which also explains why the Novus Orco Church is so filled with pederasts, predatory homosexuals, fraudsters and so on, and why Bergolgio has been intimately tied to people accused of child trafficking, demonstrated child molesters, pedophiles and rapists of every sort.

Should you have a different answer, feel free to explain it using logic and reason in a comment below. Before you do, you may wish to check on this detailed explanation of Canon 188 though.

*Sede Privationism is the position that the Holy See is not in fact empty (Sede Vacantis – from the Latin meaning Empty Chair) but rather filled, by an impostor, non-valid, fake cleric of the Church, thus Preventing (Privating) the seat from being legitimately filled. 

In case you think the thesis above, which I concluded privately by myself merely from purchasing and reading the code of canon law of 1917, is merely the rantings of someone that hasn’t properly understood things, you need to know that it was, of course, not noticed only by myself sometime in 2016, but by many members of the Church closer to the time when the Vatican II deception and subsequent derailing of the Church took place in the mid 1960s. In fact, it was formally stated in a detailed theological argument by the late Dominican theologian, Fr. M.-L. Guérard des Lauriers, a member of the Pontifical Academy of St. Thomas, at one time a professor in the Pontifical University of the Lateran and in the Saulchoir (France). His thesis called Cassiciacum (from the name of the theological magazine that first made it known) is that Paul VI and his successors, are not formally legitimate. And all actual Catholic Clerics have rejected Vatican II ever since its introduction, the fact that these are few in number in no way diminishes the fact that the True, Holy and Apostolic Catholic Church, persists, and in fact, through the spreading of these truths is rapidly increasing its numbers and will, in due course, survive and overcome the Satanic abomination that currently presents itself as the Catholic Church, but which we know to be simply the Novus Orco church.

There are now, some natural truth that follow from the above logical progression:

1. The people who created Vatican II are necessarily at the very least suspect, and in all probability guilty of intentional heresy. And as such all of their diktats and teachings are to be ignored if not treated as intentionally heretical and damaging to the Church and the Faithful. This was already obvious in any case, since the last legitimate Pope of the Catholic Church (Pious the XII) and a few before him too, all seemed to be very aware of:

  • The depth and scale of the infiltration of Freemasonry into the Church (Luciferian worship in all its various forms –Illuminati, Rosicrucians, etc–) as well as,
  • The bankrupt ideologies Freemasonry promotes (Marxism, feminism, homosexuality, pederastry, pedophilia etc.)  

In a slow but determined effort over the previous two centuries or more, the Catholic Church had been infiltrated by these enemies and whenever they reached positions that permitted it, they would   promote and introduce more of their own number into the Church. Which is how Vatican II happened in the first place. Given this, and given the fact that prudence is a Catholic Virtue, it becomes necessary to assume that anyone involved with the creation of the Vatican II documents is suspect at the very least and as such should not be assumed to be a legitimate cleric. Where such a person also continued and continues to act as if Vatican II and the documents it produced where not heretical, the charge of persistent heretic, in any case already applies, but our concern here is with the deceased who may or may not have been heretics that had in fact put together the Vatican II heresies. Such persons, must, at the very least, for prudence, be considered suspect. So, while All the “Popes” from 1965 on are clearly defectors from the faith since they all promoted Vatican II, we must also ignore the ones that initially instigated Vatican II and the ones who helped later to make it happen. In effect, this means every “Pope” since the 28th of October 1958 must be considered illegitimate and not a valid cleric of the Catholic Church. Certainly we know this is the case for every Pope since at the most charitable, 1965. But we have to ignore the ones who started the process of creating Vatican II as well and leave their judgement to God. Prudence demands it.

2. Any Cleric who does not currently and specifically reject Vatican II publicly and all its fruits and adherents as heretical, is clearly a persistent heretic and as such has vacated their spiritual office and has no standing whatever in the Catholic Church other than as an usurper and impostor. They are to be known as Novus Orco (New Orc) clerics. Servants of the Novus Orco Church. The same one that instituted the “Novus Ordo” (New Order) Mass. Guess what, the “New Order” is the same as the old order of Old Scratch – Servants of Satan.

3. The Novus Ordo Mass, or as we call it, the Novus Orco Mass, is clearly not a valid mass, since it is only performed by invalid clerics. In the modern era, some clerics may in fact be ignorant of the Vatican II heresies, but this is irrelevant because they would have been falsely ordained by false clerics, and so are not in fact legitimate clerics of the Church and none of the sacraments they pretend to offer (and in fact try to pervert) are legitimately offered. But if you want a complete and irrefutable proof that the Novus Orco Mass is completely invalid, see this video, it is a nuclear strike.

4. Since the same fake clerics and servants of Satan that created Vatican II and its heresies also produced the documents that came after Vatican II, the “new” code of canon law of 1983 is clearly not a valid code and is to be ignored in toto, as is any document these Satanists produce. This is obvious in any case, since the “code” of 1983 changes the intent and effect of the doctrine and laws clearly and studiously compiled with such care in the code of 1917. All that one needs to do to see an obvious example of this is to compare the 1917 canon of 188 with its “new” counterpart in the 1983 fake code, which is numbered as 194 in that “work”. Compare them side by side:


Canon 188
Any office becomes vacant upon the fact and without any declaration by tacit resignation recognized by the law itself if a cleric:

[Items 1 to 3 omitted for clarity…]

4.° Publicly defects from the Catholic Faith;

[Items 5 to 8 omitted for clarity…]

Canon 194
§1. The following are removed from an ecclesiastical office by the law itself:
1/ a person who has lost the clerical state;
2/ a person who has publicly defected from the Catholic faith or from the communion of the Church;
3/ a cleric who has attempted marriage even if only civilly.§2. The removal mentioned in nn. 2 and 3 can be enforced only if it is established by the declaration of a competent authority.


The fake code of canon law of 1983 literally invalidates itself, since part 2 of code 194 directly invalidates the whole point defined as “by the law itself”. And note that the ONLY instance in which the law itself remains valid to remove ecclesiastical office is if a cleric loses clerical state. But how does that happen? It is not known by anyone, since it is not defined, and the whole purpose of this “code” was literally to invalidate the very reasonable law of 1917 which, quite naturally states that non-catholics can’t act as clerics for the Church.

The entire point of canon 188 is completley obviated by the new version of 194 in the pile of dung put togehter as the 1983 “code of canon law”. In similar fashion, missals, etc, and of course the entirety of the Novus Ordo Mass (Novus Orco is its more accurate name), all produced after Vatican II are tools of the enemy to confuse, demoralise, depress and destroy both the faithful as well as the Catholic Church.

Nor is canon 188 alone, in the code of 1917, to mention this point, several other codes either directly support it or are ancillary to it, some examples:

Code 823 § 1. It is not permitted to celebrate Mass in the temples of heretics or schismatics, even if at one time [they were] duly consecrated or blessed.

In other words, since the Vatican-II sect is schismatic and an impostor to the legitimacy of the Catholic Church, even if the Novus Orco Mass were valid (it is not), you would still not be permitted to take part in it in the structures used by these Satanists, even though they used to be consecrated Churches.

Canon 2314
§ 1. All apostates from the Christian faith and each and every heretic or schismatic:
1.° Incur by that fact excommunication;
2.° Unless they respect warnings, they are deprived of benefice, dignity, pension, office, or other duty that they have in the Church, they are declared infamous, and [if] clerics, with the warning being repeated, [they are] are deposed;
3.° If they give their names to non-Catholic sects or publicly adhere [to them], they are by that fact infamous, and with due regard for the prescription of Canon 188, n. 4, clerics, the previous warnings having been useless, are degraded.

Canon 2315
One suspected of heresy who, having been warned, does not remove the cause of suspicion is prohibited from legitimate acts; if he is a cleric, moreover, the warning having been repeated without effect, he is suspended from things divine; but if within six months from contracting the penalty, the one suspected of heresy does not completely amend himself, let him be considered as a heretic and liable to the penalties for heretics.

Canon 2372
They incur upon the fact a suspension from divine things, reserved to the Apostolic See, who presume to receive orders from one excommunicated or suspended or interdicted after a declaratory or condemnatory sentence, or from a notorious apostate, heretic, or schismatic; but whoever in good faith was ordained by such a one as these lacks the exercise of the orders thus received until he is dispensed.

5. Who are the legitimate Bishops and Valid Clerics and how do you find them? Here are some sites, the first, is particularly useful in finding a traditional Latin Mass, the only legitimate form of the Holy Mass, as used to be performed throughot the Earth, always the same regardless of city, nation or continent, always in Latin and equal all over the world before the Vatican II fake Clerics and infiltrators introduced the Novus Orco Mass.

Where to find Latin Mass

Ecclesia Lux Vera’s Site

Sodalitium Pianum

You may also wish to get inspired about the real Catholic Church by reading the following books of historical fact that describe the action of actual, real, Catholics. Compare these men to the effeminate wet rags of the supposedly Catholic Church (in reality those deceived by the Novus Orcians who have not yet realised it, and yet try to be faithful) and you will understand why precious few men attend the Novus Orco services even if they are not aware they have been deceived, while the attendance at the real Catholic Masses is invariably driven by virile men with ever growing families and feminine wives.

God’S Battalions – Rodney Stark

Bearing False Witness – Rodney Stark

The Crusades – Of Iron Men and Saints – Harold Lamb

You may also wish to purchase my own book, which seems to have converted quite a few people to Christianity, everything ranging from Atheist, Protestant, Agnostic and even one Orthodox Jew have turned to real Catholicism or Eastern Orthodoxy as a result of this book.

All content of this web-site is copyrighted by G. Filotto 2009 to present day.
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