Posts Tagged ‘freemasons’

The Inevitable Fall of the Freemason Milo

For anyone living under a rock, who is still not aware that milo Yank-a-pole-r-us, is a total freemasons plant whose sole purpose is to pretend to be Catholic so as to lead any potentially actual Christians on the road to hell, here is a little background: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, but really, just use the Search me button on the right sidebar and type in Milo and you will have as much detail as you need.

His handlers and “fans” inevitably try to say that I focus on him because I “envy” him, or his “suck-cess” or whatever. But the reality is merely one: I too for a brief moment during gamer gate was fooled into thinking Milo was probably on the right side of things, however terminally flawed individually. But the reality has been that Milo was a gatekeeper from the start. Financed to be so.

He has had troubles with his financiers, and that more than once, but his grift and his gatekeeping continues. And his gatekeeping is one that affects primarily young men, and is intended to keep them from finding true Catholicism, while bombarding them with the literal opposite of pious messages or anything inspiring of actual Catholicism. Because the last thing the servants of the enemy want, is a bunch of young, determined, objective, sedevacantist men. Why? Simple, because Sedevacantism is the only actual Catholicism left, and actual Catholicism is fearless and militant. Did you think the Crusades stopped Islam from conquering Europe by writing them sarcastic witty letter?

Do you think all the pious saints and priests that would rather die than deny Jesus or break the confessionary seal were all just “mistaken”. Do you think that people like Bohemond, Tancredi, or Jean Parisot le Valette were anything other than proper, hardcore catholics. And do you think that such men will stand for any of the globohomo nonsense that is being pushed globally?

Of course not. So enter Milo the gay freemason to pervert, muddy, confuse and ultimately lead down the road to Hell instead.

I have been taking note of his telegram chat from shortly after the start of Lent, and decided to screenshot once every few days, just some of the type of messages he sends out there, and the overall quality of the “christian message” such a barrage of deviancy suggests and implies, sometimes very directly, sometimes more subtly, but always with impiety, perversion and deceit at its core. It is salutary to take note of this in a somewhat condensed fashion as displaying these screenshots in a row does.

It is also interesting to note that in the period of Lent, though he started with some 26,500 subscribers or so, and the 26,000 threshold was retained by the skin of his teeth for quite a while, when it dipped below 26,000 it plummeted pretty quickly. The number of comments on his chat is also certainly not in line with 25k or so active users. As I said before, I believe a large portion of his subscribers is fake and are likely bots.

Below is a string of just some of his posts starting shortly after Lent started. I added some commentary after certain examples, but mostly they are self-explanatory in their subversive intent. I leave a final comment at the end too.

Obvious Sexual reference (which in his case is gay)

Trying to keep youth in the unnatural centres of sin and degeneracy, cities, instead of allowing them to reconnect to the natural instincts and intrinsic divinity that contact with nature provides, along with a suggestion to violence.

Humiliation ritual demanded by being a Freemason (especially when you are not being effective and your subscriber numbers continue to fall)

Obvious mocking of Saints/Sainthood and divinity, humility, grace and certainly Lent in toto.

Intentionally trying to propose absolutely idiotic comments, to bring doubt into well established things, like quantum tunnelling, which has demonstrably transmitted Mozart’s 40th Symphony at 4.7 times light speed way back in 1994. While quantum dynamics has certainly got some issues (mostly related to the truncation of the Maxwell equations, and the removal of the concept of the Aether, which is related to scalar energy transmission (which can be used as weapons)) Quantum tunnelling, certainly produces engineering effects.

Homosexual writings.

More, very real (obvious to non-retarded humans) push for the flat earth and “viruses don’t exist” crowd of retards.

More homosexual direct innuendo.

Pretty obvious sexual imagery, especially since his “sadness” is essentially related to having to go back into the closet about being a homosexual, and as indicated above, being on his knees, etcetera.

More flat Earth nonsense, which is all distraction, nonsense and doubt for the Beverly mentally challenged.

Homosexual imagery, followed by clear blasphemy and ridicule of Lent.

Draw your own conclusions about what it might mean that he is sending out pictures with details of his eating while defecating. And the kind of imagery and intent such activity made public is supposed to inspire. During Lent, no less.

As above, plus the barren, slovenly nature of the whole composition is purposely meant to degrade, lower, and bring down the entire tone of anyone reading or seeing such images.

A video showing a rather cruel act to a child with the supposed intent of being “funny”.

Again with the defecation imagery, this time with a slurry meant to at least subconsciously refer you to both what he is “producing” as well as his sexual practices and their results, which he is also implying get swallowed. If you think I exaggerate the intent of these images, you are mistaken, this is classic psyops/hypnosis use for deviant/subterfugeous ends. And he is perfectly aware of what he is doing.

Usual profanity and general tone-lowering under the pretence of “funny”.

Promoting the idea of homosexuality or MGTOW (Men Going Their Own Way) abstention from heterosexual pairing, marriage and making Catholic families and children in a proper Catholic family. The whole thing is supposed to be a “deep” self-reflection, but in reality is yet again, another attempt to denigrate conventional family creation.

Totally disrespectful, mocking, vile and in any case corrupted thought, with association to an image of Jesus. What better way to confound, confuse, mock and denigrate our Lord and Saviour?

Here he is trying to “justify” and promote the absolute drivel of flat earth to those with IQ points above room temperature (in Alaska) who may actually notice that Flat Earth is absolute idiocy. Pushing the Psyops at different levels for maximum adoption of incredible stupidity and absolute lack of conventional science, logic, mathematics, and even mere simple observation the ancient Greeks managed without any modern technology.

More nonsense. Because if you make everything nonsense then…well…everything is nonsense. nothing matters. Nothing is sacred anymore. And that is his aim, as his master’s.

Clearly doing some psyops against DeSantis for whatever reason. Perhaps none other than simply causing more chaos. Or perhaps because, at least according to some, DeSantis may actually have been raised Sedevacantists and may be playing the game in order to gain enough power to possibly change things. So far anyway, he has been good for Florida.

More, general vicious gossip, during Lent, and general slovenliness, for the same reason. Lower the zeitgeist to the lowest possible status.

More, general lowering of the tone and causing chaos and chaos reactions.

Ultimately Milo is indeed going to fail. This is not news to me or anyone that has been paying attention. His downfall has a relatively slow arc, but is absolutely obvious, as I mentioned first privately way back in 2015 I think, when I still didn’t realise he was a Freemasonic plant.

He will be 39 in October of this year and after hitting his 40s, he will inevitably degrade faster. His appeal to the youth will be dimmer and dimmer as he gets older, his pudgy roundness is likely to balloon to obese fatness except if he undertakes some form of drastic surgery or dieting, which will further ravage his pudgy, weak body. He has nothing relevant left to say. His “edginess” is all spent and pointless in the aftermath of the scamdemic. People older than him see him as pointless, worthless and a continued degenerate, those younger than him see him either in the same way, or as a kind of circus freak, and they are not so much laughing with him, as they are laughing AT him. And the ones of his age that still follow him are Millennials, who, as a generation, generally, have the morals, work ethic, aptitude and loyalty of jelly fish. They may be following him simply because they are too apathetic to click the unfollow option. It’s like two, maybe three clicks to unsubscribe man. It’s like… tiring…you know? It’s like… wait, what is that shiny thing?

So. He is already, and will continue, to crash and burn. It’s a long arc, more like a satellite spinning out of good orbit than a plane tailspinning, And it will be similar too in the way he will simply just fade away after the nth attempts at reinvention fail faster and faster. He will not even have a “splashy” end. Unless, possibly, he swan dives off the 20th floor of some semi-luxurious hotel in a few years, in order to end it all. Even then, he will be forgotten after the usual 3 day news-cycle.

So why point all this out?

Because deceivers pretending to be Catholics are decidedly my number one target, as they are for any actual Catholic.

Why post this even before Lent is over? Because Lent is not a bad time for you to take stock of not only yourself, your weaknesses, and your need to do better. it is also a good time to commit more to being part of the Church MILITANT. Which means taking note of your enemies and their actions, their forces, their numbers, their tactics and their strategies.

And act as a proper Catholic regarding it.

You are either an idiot or completely ignorant on the subject if you believe…

1. That 9/11 was the result of islamic terrorists flying planes into buildings and not done by people linked to Mossad.

2. That mRNA genetic serums are vaccines.

3. That mRNA genetic serums are not going to alter your DNA; and that of any children you may have after it.

4. That Epstein killed himself.

5. That Epstein was not a Mossad asset used to blackmail a bunch of pedophiles into doing whatever Epstein/Israel wanted them to do.

6. That John Podesta just happened to have pedophile/satanic symbols on his hands and similar reference in his emails by coincidence.

7. That Hillary and Bill Clinton are not responsible for multiple Arkanicides.

8. That Barry Sotero (Obama) was born in the USA, is not gay and is not muslim.

9. That the USA was not founded by freemasons with freemasonic principles from the start.

10. That freemasons are not satanists and knowingly so at the higher echelons.

11. That child sacrifice in satanic rituals is not happening at very high levels of government/s and billionaire gatherings.

12. That the Bilderberger group and Skull and Crossbones and the the Carbonari and Freemasonry and the Illuminati and the “freethinkers” and the Rosicrucians and the Novus ordo fake Popes and their fake Bishops, fake Cardinals and fake Priests are not all just different versions of the servants whose names are legion, of the Prince of the Air.

13. That all versions of “Christianity” will bring you salvation.

14. That the American government as well as many (most) others has never done terrible, deadly experiments on ita own citizens.

15. That evil, sadistic, pedophiles cannot possibly exist and be active at all levels of government, the judiciary and especially the entertainment industry, primarily in the USA but also the UK, Belgium, France, and many other countries.

16. That climate change is killing people of “suddenly” instead of it being the result of the mRNA genetic serums.

17. That the damage done by the genetic serums, the whole COVID “pandemic” and the incoming economic collapse was not all pre-planned years in advance.

18. That the intention to depopulate the planet is just a paranoid “conspiracy theory”.

19. That Covid was not studied, created and elements of that research patented in a laboratory.

20. That JFK was shot by Lee Harvey Oswald.

21. That Hitler died in a bunker in Berlin by suicide.

22. That the destruction and murder of the royal houses of Europe was not an organised, intentional ploy by the same forces that eventually infiltrated the Catholic Church and created Vatican II and placed heretics, non-catholics and Satanists on the Papal throne since 1958.

23. That Joe Biden was legitimately elected by the democratic process of voting in the USA.

24. That the Talmud does not permit sex with little children.

25. That Talmudic Judaism hates the Catholic Church (the real one, not the Novus Ordo fake “Catholics”) and has been behind every attack on it from the time of Jesus to today.

Milo Knows.

They can never help but out themselves. Usually with a comment like this, supposedly “edgy-sarcastic”, but in reality the usual signalling to each other.

And the answer is no, because associating with, covering for and joining with pedophiles is unforgivable. As if being a Satanist in transparent disguise was not enough.

Milo’s totally coincidental Masonic poses.

Aside from the fact that your favourite Freemason is currently literally trying to normalise cannibalism —in the usual Freemasonic way of pretending to be “edgy”, which frankly, is a bit disappointing coming from Milo. So 2016. We’d expect better from the leader of the Freemasonic wing tasked with leading young men of fighting age astray— we must contend with the usual level of stunning hypocrisy of the Freemasons. I mean, yeah, we know, Satanists lie, but it’s the level of bald-faced-in-your-face level of lies that is so blatant most normal human beings just blink and their brain pretends that no, no, surely it cannot be, too obvious. But that’s just what it is. They think you are a dumb, ruminant. A cow in a field. Oblivious to their machinations and laughing at you about it.

So here it is. First, the casual “edgy” cannibalism (which by the way is simply pinched from the Netflix series of Hannibal, so not even original. Which series is, of course, also laden with homoerotica fetishism, cannibalism is a known sexual deviancy of homosexuals of a certain Dahmer type).

But that’s just a by-the-by noticing of his day-to-day task of perverting, fetishising, and normalising absolute deviancy.

He is also, trying VERY hard to pretend he is NOT a Freemason right now, you see. The reality is that these little posts and my continuing Chinese water torture trickling out and exposing of his Freemasonic credentials, intent and work, IS slowly but inexorably, as these things do, gaining traction. It is unlikely it will be directly credited to me, but I don’t care about that. I care about the results, and the more this deceiver is exposed and more people become aware of it, the better. I don’t care how it happens or who takes credit for it. As long as the enemy encampments are exposed, destroyed and the Earth they were in salted, it’s all good.

So what better way than to prove how non-masonic he is than piling it on to one of the “luminaries” that, if my Freemason radar has anything to go by, is currently having to go through a bit of a humiliation ritual himself (though he’s the type that probably enjoys these)? That’s right, Milo the totally non-Freemason ex-gay good boy, exposing the evil “doctor” Fauci.

See? Milo exposing Freemasonry right? I mean, it’s true, you can’t do that by coincidence, I agree.

So… Can you explain all these coincidences Milo?

And… Milo… what’s that round your eye? Do tell us.

That’s quite the set of coincidences. Right up there with Monkeys on typewriters writing Shakespeare.*


Milo is like… TOTALLY reformed. Like To-OOOTS. Totally. Yeah man. Super-straight “Catholic” now. You can just tell, can’t you?

I mean, come ON! What’s more Christian that a few “jolts up the ass” for your elders? You know, good “Catholic” Elders. Maybe like Gary “Michael” Voris, also ex-gay, totally super-straight “Catholic”. He’s bound to enjoy a few jolts up the ass now and then, and Milo is there to help.

Seriously, those of you who STILL can’t see that the fake, Bergoglian, Church of Moloch is a wide road to hell pretending to be the “Catholic” Church, are probably beyond help. It’s Sedeprivationism (aka CATHOLIC!) or GTFO. Forever.

*It can’t be done by the way, there is not time enough in the Universe since the Big Bang to even do a paragraph of Shakespeare that way. Seriously. Do the math.

Explaining (in detail) how Milo’s piece is typical Freemasonic Gatekeeping.

Milo wrote the article archived here, on September 9th and posted about it on his telegram channel multiple times. More so than anything else I have seen him do in the last few months. Wonder why? well…allow me to take it to pieces, one scalpel cut at the time.

Keep in mind that the whole theme of this entire post is to show how Milo is a freemason whose job it is to keep those who are waking up, beginning to question reality, the fake “Catholic” Church and all the satanic crap going on, from seeing clearly and, eventually, after doing their own research, coming to the only sane conclusion: Catholicism. Which means Sede (Privationist or Vacantist) because anyone and everyone linked to Vatican II is literally a satanic freemason, most likely gay and most likely a pedophile.

But Milo is not a Ben Shapiro or a Jonah Goldberg, or a Jordan Peterson, he is going after the shrinking hardcore of actual people still mostly able to do logic who may not be able to see it all but know instinctively that the narratives are complete bullshit. And in PARTICULAR, he is trying to dissuade, young, able-bodied men. Straight ones at that, but because young, still tolerant of a homosexual and especially an “ex” homosexual who supposedly threw his “sodomy stone” engagement ring worth 150,000 USD into the sea. Titanic-style. Riiiiight.

But it works to an extent, and young, straight, disillusioned (but still fighting) men is his target audience. Because if even a few of them become objectively convinced, crusading Catholics… weeeeellll… that is how historical reversals have been done throughout human history. Thanks to a small but completely dedicated bunch of zealots.

Think the 300 of Leonidas.

Or better yet, the 600 Catholic Knight of Malta in 1565.

THOSE are the types Milo is tasked with gatekeeping. And if he offends a few thousand fence-sitters or “right-wingers” who in any case are action-shy, well, no real harm done.

So let us look at his latest offering, hoping no child sacrifice ritual was involved in its writing.

He titles it:


Right there in the title, using counter-intuitive juxtaposition of ideas he plans to draw his young readers in with the natural curiosity such a title would generate in the slightly more naive than yours truly. It’s not his best work though, it does have that Jonah Goldberg/David French/Ben Shapiro-ish quality of “the Republican case for why being sodomised is manly and right for the right” kinda feel doesn’t it? But let us continue. His words in fat bold, mine in fit, normal-sized font.

I keep getting panicky texts from right-leaning friends about Australia, a country whose COVID restrictions have become cartoonishly severe.

I doubt this very much. If he does they are not friends, and most likely his texts are from his handlers complaining about why there was a blip in his traction lately. But I admit, this is mostly just speculation on my part. I’ll keep it to a minimum from now on though.

Australia used to be an independent country, but it is now something akin to a vassal state, since the Chinese bought off its politicians and acquired controlling interests in all its infrastructure and major corporations.

Nice way to blame the Chinese. No Soros or Gates foundations involved at all. No Australian politicians mentioning live on air the New World Order with impunity. Nope. It’s the slant-eyed Chinese, nothing to do with any other tribe that Milo may belong to of course, no sir.

Western liberal democratic values are being replaced by child-snatching and a totalitarian surveillance state that is testing the limits of what the global European diaspora will endure.

Nice touch there at the end; Global European Diaspora. Should be capitalised really. Not a subtle way to make all the “fellow white people” of Europe sympathise with that other, small-hat wearing “Diaspora” of people Milo is a tribe member of. Not at all. Surely not. Just a word-coincidence. Besides we have all those shared Judeo (Talmudic, child rape is ok as long as they are 3 years old or less)-Christian (Fake Catholic, no, no, you can rape kids of ANY age, it’s fine) values.

Thousands of Australian children were recently grabbed from their parents, rounded up in a giant sports stadium and forcibly vaccinated.

Not quite correct. I am told by several actual Australians that as far as they are aware most parents dropped their kids off there themselves. So, not quite the child-snatching it was supposedly reported as.

If you think that’s scary, there will shortly be a smartphone app in Southern Australia — compulsory for all citizens — that will randomly ping people and demand that they prove they are in the location they’re supposed to be. If you don’t reply within 15 minutes, the police will be dispatched to issue fines, and probably custodial sentences for repeat offenders. “What if they do it here?” my Republican friends are asking. “Are they the test case? Are we next? Would we even resist?”

Admittedly it does look like Australia is the test-bed for the Satanic deep states running things, and it is probable that once they see Australians doing what Australians always do, bend to their knees, mouth wide open and hands behind their back with not even a gag reflex in sight, they will justifiably think the rest of the world will follow suit.

The thing is, I just can’t get upset about it. Because the fact of the tyranny doesn’t scare me — only that the wrong people are in charge.

Right. No, not really, it doesn’t scare you too much, because like in RPG games like Call of Chthulu, you, being a lieutenant of the satanic forces, expect to be eaten last-ish.

And it occurs to me that the global police state currently in deployment could be a powerful force for good.

Pay attention young nationalists of every type! This is the whole point! Don’t you worry about anything at all. The tyranny is good! Because soon YOU will be wielding it. Seriously, that is his whole shtick.

Now, let’s leave aside for a minute that only psychopaths actually WANT any such tyrannical things in place. Personally I am very happy putting all the freaks like Milo in a camp, but it would be a fairly big camp, and they would be left to their own devices to do as they please. I’m thinking Australia can fit them all in and is already mostly populated by his sort anyway.

But as I say, let’s leave aside the absurdity of his premise, or the possibility of me becoming world Emperor and for a brief period actively enforcing a few things that would get rid of Satanists for a very loooooong time.

Let’s see HOW he thinks this wonderful, wonderful technology of tyranny will come to fall in YOUR hands, comrade, yes YOU!

With all your crusading instincts, hate for the LGBT-Pedo agenda, lies, fake “vaccines” that are genetic “therapy” and all the rest of it. And don’t forget to hate the Chinese through it all by the way, because in any case, even if you DO become emperor, with about 2 billions of the little fuckers, you’re hardly going to create any “holocaust” that makes a difference, but it gives you an outlet for your rage right? A safe outlet, you see. Not looking at any other tribe of devious infiltrators…nope, nope. Stop right there. Let’s just see HOW you get to be tyrant ok? All will be well then!

We just need different people running it, which, if you look at history, now seems more likely than unlikely, as populations the world over begin to crave populist, nationalist right-wing governments run by charismatic strongmen. It seems to me only a matter of time before the tools “globohomo” has created fall into the wrong hands. Our hands.

Right. By magic. Just magically, the same forces that made the United States of America, the most powerful Super-nation on Earth become a banana republic whose elections made Zimbabwean ones look free, fair and carefully vetted by impartial observers, are just gonna take over the planet then hand YOU the rains. Of course. Logical. Obvious. Why, you must be dumb if you missed it!

Democracy isn’t quite dead yet,

Really? Hahhahahahaah oh, so we will be voting out the satanic pedophile elite that were all elbow deep up Epstein’s backside before he didn’t kill himself? Of course. Of course. Slap your own head. HOW, oh HOW did you miss it? We’ll just vote Trump back in. In August. With a time machine, and then the power rangers will win. With Grrrrll power ™. Sure. Obvious. We really are so dumb for missing it.

and the electorate is fed up with conventional politics.

You mean a few of the retards are starting to suspect PERHAPS CNN isn’t telling the WHOLE truth? Why say it is not so!

In America, particularly, there’s a sort of late-1920s-Germany feel to a lot of the right-wing discussions online.

Utter bullshit, but he’s trying to make a parallel between Weimar Germany whose economy was in shreds to present day America in the hope it is leading the few neo-nazis, Alt-retards, as well as more sane, erudite and potentially good men who still have a spine and testicles attached (I don’t consider the neo-nazi alt retards as possessing either) to think that a new “Hitler” is the solution. And that it will actually happen.

Might they do the unthinkable and vote in someone truly toxic? I mean that as a compliment; I’m thinking of an unashamedly Christian, family-values semi-dictator type.

Oh, you mean like Trump? With the time machine? Or maybe Jimmy Swaggart? More your style that, Milo.

The sort of person the media imagines Donald Trump and Viktor Orbán to be, but in real life. Someone blissfully untroubled by the howls of pain from heretics hanging from city hall, and with just the right amount of Inquisition spirit.

This is the funniest and most unbelievable fan fiction I have read in some time. The premise is so absurd it could not be made into a film because no audience is stupid enough to even buy the premise that voting someone actually Christian into office is even a long-shot at this point.

And then, once you have a smartphone infrastructure that can demand responses within 15 minutes to ensure COVID compliance, how hard is it to repurpose that for more virtuous ends?

This is like those articles that try to convince you that as a straight young male, giving your male friend a blowjob doesn’t make you gay at all. It’s just a bit of stress relief. So, to recap. Submit to the anal swabs with facial recognition in place because automagically, soon, a little bit after your 15,000th anal penetration for Covid-19 purposes, YOU will own the technology and then YOU can anal swab everyone else. Right. As the rest of this piece, it’s entirely obvious, logical and above-all based in how the real world works, right? you can see that, right? Anyone? Right?

Especially when America’s most ferocious feminists are leaning into social conservatism all by themselves. If you don’t believe me that authoritarian tendencies are ideologically promiscuous and easily untethered from their original belief systems, consider the feminist reaction to Texas’ new abortion law. 

Ah yes! Let’s take the reaction of Alyssa Milano, to not being able to abort more babies as the normal effect of society and how things go when she says she will no longer have sex with men to fight the ban on abortions. See, ye of little faith, the logic… steel trap mind right there buddy. See Milo the saviour, comes to the rescue. Don’t you worry about a thing. Feminists will give you the tyrannical power.

(Please bend while you read, anal swab testing is required every 5 minutes. Just relax please.)
In response to a viral Twitter inquiry this week from someone called “Erie Siobhan is Vaxxed to the Max” who asked, “What advice would you give to young women in Texas right now?” a respondent wrote, “If it looks like a guy is going to rape you, just shoot him. It’s easier and cheaper than an abortion, and Texans seem okay with that form of ‘protection.'” Congratulations, sweetheart, you now understand why people want guns. I speak for all conservatives when I say we are totally comfortable with you shooting a rapist’s nuts off or capping him in the knee. 

Look at that! Manly! See? Milo loves guns and the second amendment and makes fun of dumb feminists! Aha! Totally straight, ex-gay, not Freemason Milo is on our side. And teamed up with totally straight, ex-gay, Gary Voris to show you the way to the real (fake) “Catholic” Church, broseph. The “Catholic” Church that is not gay or pedophilic at all even if Bergoglio has protected priests who have raped 30 little girls aged 10 or less while having AIDS from so much as being defrocked. Go on, suck off your broseph friend, that’s not gay at all. It’s Milo-level Catholic! It’s edgy, don’t you know?! Just like Milo! Go for it!

Androgynous imbecile Rachel Maddow, pontificating on the same subject, stumbled into accidental genius on her MSNBC show when she produced the novel idea of financial consequences for men who knock women up. “If they make abortions illegal,” she intoned, “they should make it illegal for men to desert women after getting them pregnant. If women can’t back out of pregnancies, men shouldn’t be able to either.” Well done, dear! You just invented marriage. 

This line by the way is about 6 years old, but it’s fine, it’s just Milo flashing his Totally-Straight-Manly-Catholic Credentials ™

Best of all was the Reddit user “walrusgambit,” from whose screen name a body mass index of 35 or more can be inferred: “Starting today I refuse to have sex with men. As a person with no control over my reproductive organs, I simply cannot safely engage in sex with men. #IWillNotHaveSex #NoAbortionNoSex.” Conservatives everywhere will be weeping tears of joy today at this outbreak of chastity. Poor liberals. They can’t seem to catch a break.

Milo makes fun of feminists. Yay! So brave. Much Catholic. Crusade next year in Constantinople. #Add-your-edgy-meme-here.

I’ve heard it said that American conservatism is liberalism driving the speed limit. But there are no brakes on this new right-wing strain of frustrated feminist.

AND DON’T YOU FORGET IT STRAIGHT MAN WITH A POSSIBLE POTENTIAL TWINKLE OF ACTUAL CATHOLICISM IN HIS EYE! Your “Tyranny ™” will be handed to you by Feminists! Because like natural enemies, it’s what they do! Logic! Mullet! #Look-at-my-hair

If it were up to me, children born out of wedlock would be put into foster care and the mothers sent to nunneries.

Except he’s also been railing against deadbeat dad Fed-rique Tarrio and supporting the single mom who was left with the child. So, yeah, outright lie right there. And don’t get me wrong, it’s good for that woman to get some cash, but it’s also a pretty cheap way for Milo to score GOOD GUY POINTS ™. #compassionate-hardcore-catholic-(ex-gay)-with-a-heart-of-gold.

By the looks of things, today’s Left isn’t far behind me. They’re starting to sound positively reactionary. And that is why, as I watch our Western liberal democracies slide into tyranny, I’m not gripped with horror, but rather with excitement.

Well sure, you will enjoy the horror while thinking you’ll be eaten last. But…yeah…even in Call of Chthulu, there are sometimes these pesky investigators (accused of insanity, often enough) who sometimes just screw up ALL you molochian plans even when you are a well-funded agent of some demonic entity like Freemasonry.

The ugly truth about human nature is that schoolmarms, scolds and petty administrative tyrants — mostly women, obviously — don’t really care what they’re enforcing. They just want to enforce.

AHA! See? It will be one easy swop from enforcing Covid-19 Plandemic suicide gene-therapy to enforcing Catholic Dogma in government and burning pedophiles at the stake! #one-simple-trick!

The trick is to replace the godless tyrannies of fascism and communism with a pious theocracy of the kind that is being discussed in right-wing Catholic intellectual circles.

Good God. He ACTUALLY wrote “The Trick”. I swear on all that is holy to me I wrote the paragraph above this one before I wrote #one-simple-trick!

Milo, buddy, you used to be wittier than this. What happened? Lack of ganging orgies got you down while you pretend to be “Catholic”?

But let us get to the “Catholic” “Intellectual” Circles.

He means here his peeps. Gary “call-me-(Saint)-Michael” Voris, E(mo) Jones, Taylor “Tay-Tay” Marshall, and the others funded by the same Supernumerary (Marc Brammer) of Opus Dei. The equivalent to “Intellectual-Dark-Web” that was supposed to reign in Republicans and right-wingers of every type, like Shapiro, Petersen, Golberg, French and other molluscs dredged up from R’Yleh.

Fake Catholics, Talmudic Jews, Meth addicted pathological liars and so on. Good guys all of course, Milo says so. And you know he probes deep and often with his investigative journalism.

Snobs have been scoffing at Thomas Crean’s thrilling book Integralism ever since it came out, as though it’s utterly inconceivable that we might reorganize society according to the strictures of the Catholic Catechism.

Oh, I may have to look up this latest addition to the “Catholic” “Intellectual” Circle when I have time to notice him, but so far, the only thing I am sure of, is that these people, are indeed, in a circle. What they are doing to, and with, each other in that circle, I’ll leave for you to imagine.

But that, mutatis mutandis, is precisely what is already being done for us by the global elites. Once the mechanisms of authoritarian control are in place, they will be nigh-on impossible to remove. And guess what: Subjected to Weimar levels of elite decadence, people choose fascist remedies over communist ones every time.

Oh, man. Again. I wrote the bit about Weimar parallels up above before seeing he had to spell it out here. Seriously, I think Milo has washed up as a writer.

Socialist regimes have to be installed by force. Hitler was voted in. I’m not a Hitler fan, obviously, I’m just saying! All we want is traditional family values, kiddy-fiddling clergy dunked in hydrofluoric acid and maybe some snazzy uniforms. Is it so much to ask?

EDGY! See? Edgy! #Edgy-Milo-for-the-Real-Catholics! #TeamBritney! #TeamShea!

So join me, friends, in praying earnestly and eagerly for the future I know we all want — a future that’s closer than it might seem and which, by God’s grace, will resemble Gilead from The Handmaid’s Tale, only with less kindness shown to unruly women. Gilead, wrongly maligned by critics for decades as a hellish misogynistic dystopia, is, in fact, the most perfect vision of the ideal society yet imaged by a novelist. I dream of a land where no matter your race, sex or disordered sexuality, you will be put to death equally for blaspheming Jesus Christ.

If you’ve ever read the book (which I will not blame you for not doing because it is painful drivel to read) it will become quite clear that Freemason Milo here is paying lip service to what is most likely another Freemason who hated Catholicism with the burning fires of Hell.

Rejoice! For the New Holy Roman Empire is surely nigh! Our enemies are already building it for us — they just don’t know it yet. Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, we can have a ruthlessly intolerant theocracy, with feminist heads on pikes on the castle ramparts and pedophiles castrated live on national TV every Sunday straight after Latin High Mass, if we want it badly enough.

Sure. Because the Feminists and Pedophiles in charge will just hand it to you after the next free and fair democratic vote. And no amount of militarised police action in your face with rubber bullets or live rounds can stop it! See? #Simples!

(A note to the doubting and/or terrified architects of Weimerica: We do want it. We really, really do.)

No. YOU want it, Milo. Because tyranny, enforcing a religion by death or the threat of it, is the exact OPPOSITE of Catholicism. But Freemasons, being Satanists, prefer the way of Islam for conversion, clearly. The profoundly ignorant take of a “Catholic” tyranny demonstrates Milo not only knows little of Catholicism beyond what he needs to use to fake you into thinking he knows something about it. More importantly, he fully expects YOU to be so ignorant of it that you don’t see the glaring galaxy-wide holes in his “argument”. And to be fair… he may be right about that last part.

Pick up a Catechism of Trent, boy.

I can’t figure out what everyone’s so upset about. We all agree that limp-wristed Western democracies have been tried and found wanting. Now we have a chance to replace them with something better. Why aren’t you all more excited?

Because your lie is a lie Milo. But don’t worry. There will probably BE an uprising at some point. Whether it will be enough or not, time will tell, but either way, WE win in the end. Because we know how the story ultimately ends. And you, whether you will be eaten last or not, you WILL be eaten. We may die horribly, but none of US are going to be eaten by our master.

Mr. Yiannopoulos welcomes correspondence from readers. He can be reached at [email protected].

Well, they SAY he does, so it must be true. So I sent him a link to this blog post. I eagerly await his response. I’m not holding my breath though.

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