For anyone living under a rock, who is still not aware that milo Yank-a-pole-r-us, is a total freemasons plant whose sole purpose is to pretend to be Catholic so as to lead any potentially actual Christians on the road to hell, here is a little background: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, but really, just use the Search me button on the right sidebar and type in Milo and you will have as much detail as you need.
His handlers and “fans” inevitably try to say that I focus on him because I “envy” him, or his “suck-cess” or whatever. But the reality is merely one: I too for a brief moment during gamer gate was fooled into thinking Milo was probably on the right side of things, however terminally flawed individually. But the reality has been that Milo was a gatekeeper from the start. Financed to be so.
He has had troubles with his financiers, and that more than once, but his grift and his gatekeeping continues. And his gatekeeping is one that affects primarily young men, and is intended to keep them from finding true Catholicism, while bombarding them with the literal opposite of pious messages or anything inspiring of actual Catholicism. Because the last thing the servants of the enemy want, is a bunch of young, determined, objective, sedevacantist men. Why? Simple, because Sedevacantism is the only actual Catholicism left, and actual Catholicism is fearless and militant. Did you think the Crusades stopped Islam from conquering Europe by writing them sarcastic witty letter?
Do you think all the pious saints and priests that would rather die than deny Jesus or break the confessionary seal were all just “mistaken”. Do you think that people like Bohemond, Tancredi, or Jean Parisot le Valette were anything other than proper, hardcore catholics. And do you think that such men will stand for any of the globohomo nonsense that is being pushed globally?
Of course not. So enter Milo the gay freemason to pervert, muddy, confuse and ultimately lead down the road to Hell instead.
I have been taking note of his telegram chat from shortly after the start of Lent, and decided to screenshot once every few days, just some of the type of messages he sends out there, and the overall quality of the “christian message” such a barrage of deviancy suggests and implies, sometimes very directly, sometimes more subtly, but always with impiety, perversion and deceit at its core. It is salutary to take note of this in a somewhat condensed fashion as displaying these screenshots in a row does.
It is also interesting to note that in the period of Lent, though he started with some 26,500 subscribers or so, and the 26,000 threshold was retained by the skin of his teeth for quite a while, when it dipped below 26,000 it plummeted pretty quickly. The number of comments on his chat is also certainly not in line with 25k or so active users. As I said before, I believe a large portion of his subscribers is fake and are likely bots.
Below is a string of just some of his posts starting shortly after Lent started. I added some commentary after certain examples, but mostly they are self-explanatory in their subversive intent. I leave a final comment at the end too.
Trying to keep youth in the unnatural centres of sin and degeneracy, cities, instead of allowing them to reconnect to the natural instincts and intrinsic divinity that contact with nature provides, along with a suggestion to violence.
Obvious mocking of Saints/Sainthood and divinity, humility, grace and certainly Lent in toto.
Intentionally trying to propose absolutely idiotic comments, to bring doubt into well established things, like quantum tunnelling, which has demonstrably transmitted Mozart’s 40th Symphony at 4.7 times light speed way back in 1994. While quantum dynamics has certainly got some issues (mostly related to the truncation of the Maxwell equations, and the removal of the concept of the Aether, which is related to scalar energy transmission (which can be used as weapons)) Quantum tunnelling, certainly produces engineering effects.
Homosexual writings.
More homosexual direct innuendo.
Pretty obvious sexual imagery, especially since his “sadness” is essentially related to having to go back into the closet about being a homosexual, and as indicated above, being on his knees, etcetera.
More flat Earth nonsense, which is all distraction, nonsense and doubt for the Beverly mentally challenged.
Homosexual imagery, followed by clear blasphemy and ridicule of Lent.
Draw your own conclusions about what it might mean that he is sending out pictures with details of his eating while defecating. And the kind of imagery and intent such activity made public is supposed to inspire. During Lent, no less.
As above, plus the barren, slovenly nature of the whole composition is purposely meant to degrade, lower, and bring down the entire tone of anyone reading or seeing such images.
A video showing a rather cruel act to a child with the supposed intent of being “funny”.
Again with the defecation imagery, this time with a slurry meant to at least subconsciously refer you to both what he is “producing” as well as his sexual practices and their results, which he is also implying get swallowed. If you think I exaggerate the intent of these images, you are mistaken, this is classic psyops/hypnosis use for deviant/subterfugeous ends. And he is perfectly aware of what he is doing.
Usual profanity and general tone-lowering under the pretence of “funny”.
Promoting the idea of homosexuality or MGTOW (Men Going Their Own Way) abstention from heterosexual pairing, marriage and making Catholic families and children in a proper Catholic family. The whole thing is supposed to be a “deep” self-reflection, but in reality is yet again, another attempt to denigrate conventional family creation.
Totally disrespectful, mocking, vile and in any case corrupted thought, with association to an image of Jesus. What better way to confound, confuse, mock and denigrate our Lord and Saviour?
More nonsense. Because if you make everything nonsense then…well…everything is nonsense. nothing matters. Nothing is sacred anymore. And that is his aim, as his master’s.
Clearly doing some psyops against DeSantis for whatever reason. Perhaps none other than simply causing more chaos. Or perhaps because, at least according to some, DeSantis may actually have been raised Sedevacantists and may be playing the game in order to gain enough power to possibly change things. So far anyway, he has been good for Florida.
More, general vicious gossip, during Lent, and general slovenliness, for the same reason. Lower the zeitgeist to the lowest possible status.
Ultimately Milo is indeed going to fail. This is not news to me or anyone that has been paying attention. His downfall has a relatively slow arc, but is absolutely obvious, as I mentioned first privately way back in 2015 I think, when I still didn’t realise he was a Freemasonic plant.
He will be 39 in October of this year and after hitting his 40s, he will inevitably degrade faster. His appeal to the youth will be dimmer and dimmer as he gets older, his pudgy roundness is likely to balloon to obese fatness except if he undertakes some form of drastic surgery or dieting, which will further ravage his pudgy, weak body. He has nothing relevant left to say. His “edginess” is all spent and pointless in the aftermath of the scamdemic. People older than him see him as pointless, worthless and a continued degenerate, those younger than him see him either in the same way, or as a kind of circus freak, and they are not so much laughing with him, as they are laughing AT him. And the ones of his age that still follow him are Millennials, who, as a generation, generally, have the morals, work ethic, aptitude and loyalty of jelly fish. They may be following him simply because they are too apathetic to click the unfollow option. It’s like two, maybe three clicks to unsubscribe man. It’s like… tiring…you know? It’s like… wait, what is that shiny thing?
So. He is already, and will continue, to crash and burn. It’s a long arc, more like a satellite spinning out of good orbit than a plane tailspinning, And it will be similar too in the way he will simply just fade away after the nth attempts at reinvention fail faster and faster. He will not even have a “splashy” end. Unless, possibly, he swan dives off the 20th floor of some semi-luxurious hotel in a few years, in order to end it all. Even then, he will be forgotten after the usual 3 day news-cycle.
So why point all this out?
Because deceivers pretending to be Catholics are decidedly my number one target, as they are for any actual Catholic.
Why post this even before Lent is over? Because Lent is not a bad time for you to take stock of not only yourself, your weaknesses, and your need to do better. it is also a good time to commit more to being part of the Church MILITANT. Which means taking note of your enemies and their actions, their forces, their numbers, their tactics and their strategies.
It’s always instructive to notice the level of hypocrisy in the deceivers of Freemasonic variety.
One-eye covered with cow-glove, ex(?)-sodomite Milo, financed by Opus Dei and pusher of fake “Catholic” Church Militant is noble in his fight for abandoned single mothers and getting the admittedly scummy FED-Err-Ique Tarrio to cough up some dough for his son, and as we can see here, Milo takes a dim view of people blocking you for a few “jokes”.
Judging by the dozens of people nuked from his chat for simply ASKING him about his Freemasonic connections, his sense of “free speech” seems a tad biased.
But he is right I suppose. His Freemasonic connections are no joke after all. It’s really all quite serious. Especially for him.
Even more so when you become aware that according to court documents Milo was feeding Antifa information in the whole Charlottesville thing.
UPDATE: Here, I must confess a terrible MEA MAXIMA CULPA. I took the word of an Australian at face value without reading the full documents myself. Quite unforgivable!
As it turns out, when you look into it, the extent of this “giving information to Antifa” was Milo burning Dick Spencer by releasing recordings of Dick, being Dick, who is, in any case, as his name suggest, both a Dick as well as a dispenser of dicks. So, no real harm done. When Milo was asked for more evidence supporting the claim that the Charlottesville marchers were really neonazi thugs hellbent on violence Milo originally gleefully said he would be happy to provide plenty of evidence but then ignored subpoenas to provide such information. And apparently Milo did so with zero consequences, which is a tad odd.
Now, at first glance this would seem to just be Milo burning Dick because Dick was being a shouty racist cretin. However, it has since come to light that Dick is definitely a Fed and a plant, and quite likely also gay. Which would explain why and how Milo was apparently able to ignore multiple subpoenas with no consequences. Easy to do when both you and your frenemy work for the Feds, not so easy to do when you aren’t controlled opposition, as another SG denizen figured out pretty instantly too.
I was not aware of that until today, when Adam Piggott let me know he had figured out Milo long before I had. Read his excellent article here.
But he got it badly wrong on the court docs showing Milo was feeding information to Antifa. And I got it badly wrong for not checking the work of an Australian. An Australian I say. You carry on reading while I go get my rosary, cat-of-nine-tails and hair-shirt.
Oh and for those of you that STILL are retarded enough to think that Freemasons are just about brotherly love and building children’s hospitals, and are trying to defend Milo on it despite the previous two posts on him, here is a video that although very irritating in the first 5 minutes or so and the presenter is a little dramatic, nevertheless has celebrity after celebrity after celebrity posing the same one eye covered, one hand covered, devil horns and “OK” 666 sign. You can only rack up so many “coincidences”. He does a fairly decent job of explaining for normies what Freemasons are really all about.
It has been interesting to note the reaction from Milo, because he’s been far from his usually composed self. While Milo has fielded all sorts of “attacks”, even on live TV, with aplomb, I have never seen him quite this at a loss for coherent response other than denial, avoidance, subterfuge and outright censorship of the topic. But before I get to him and his own reactions, allow me a small pleasure in exposing the retards he has working for him.
The funny part is that his own moderators didn’t exactly help the situation when they made attempts (predicted in the original post I wrote), to cast me as some poor desperate “gamma” seeking Milo’s attention. An attention that was not forthcoming because obviously I am just some nobody and he is… well… Milo: International Sodomite; or maybe Milo: International Ex-Sodomite now Pretend-Catholic. Or something.
This was such a predictable accusation that I prepared for it. Mostly because I was sure the morons who would launch it did not pay attention to the fact that while I initially approached Milo, he was VERY receptive to reading RTCC and so on, emailing me back pretty instantly. It was only after he received the book, and I assume realised “this guy is not for sale”, that he then went “I’m too International-(Ex?)Sodomite-busy for you” silent.
And yes, there have been attempts to buy my Catholicism by so-called “Trad-Cats” and no I have not mentioned them publicly, but I have recorded them and turned them down repeatedly.
Anyone with an ounce of sense would have figured it out but not this idiot:
Paddy and I have had a few run-ins before, mostly because I called him on his bullshit, and probably because he also forgot where he planted his potatoes or something, but even without knowing about Milo’s email reaction (see further below), it should have been obvious from the instant reaction to the post that Milo was not QUITE as busy as he wanted to appear, and judging by the liberal use of the ban hammer in that chat, not as nonchalant either.
A few of the bans:
Some of the bans were so instant and the comment made deleted so fast that not even the loyal Sodalitium types keeping tabs on Milo got a chance to screencapture them. One in particular committed the evil sin of simply writing:
“How is he wrong?”
That was an instaban and the comment deleted immediately. No dissension was permitted at all and anyone questioning Milo on the obvious Freemasonic signalling was silenced faster than Stalin deleted people from photographs.
What was his supposed reason? Here:
Right. Except they are questions he has NEVER answered. Never even TRIED to answer. There is only one response to them and it’s always the same. Ban, silence, eject.
Except wee-eelll… when it’s persistent little old me doing the asking then he does the only defence he has left if one assumes he is actually guilty.
Think about it, assume he is a full-blown Freemason intent on deceiving the small percentage of the population that is no longer fooled by Ben Shapiro or Jordan Peterson, but in their quest for truth, God and a real Church is still on the fence about Emo Jones maybe, or thinking Church Militant are actual Catholics and not funded by Opus Dei hook line and sinker. If you make that assumption then Milo has no options left except to feign my facts are unimportant rumblings of some attention seeker, far too inept or relevant to even merit a response by our flamboyant, worldly, newly chocolate-dick free “Catholic” hero. Right.
And why is that? Because do you know what the punishment for being exposed as a confirmed Freemason is? Do you know about their code of silence despite all their signalling? They signal because they think of us as dumb sheep and cows that will do nothing, understand nothing and be led to slaughter by them. Yet… the only penalty for revealing the Freemason secrets is death. And death by some rather gruesome means. Don’t take my word for it. Google is not your friend, but it can still dig up some stuff on this.
So here is my take: Milo always was controlled opposition. He was the pied piper to the young ones. The Millennials yes, but more importantly the Zyklons. His rebellious, flamboyant and apparently disrespectful nature was captivating to young disaffected people who wanted to burn it all down. And he fooled a great many of us. Me included for a time, though I was early on to say that he would crash and burn or amount to nothing and eventually fade into obscurity long before his pedo-scandal from the Joe Rogan interview. So what happened?
He upset his masters in some way. Which is why he was burnt down and had to suffer humiliation. Keep in mind that Milo was funded by some of the same people who backed supposedly “right-wing” things like Parler. Then that money was taken away. And after the due process of Freemasonic ritual humiliation and “renewal” (he literally has it in his bio, mockingly: Ex-Gay, good boy) he is being given another shot at it.
By teaming up with the other supposedly also Ex-Sodomite Gary Voris (Who tries to go by Michael and who started up a business called St. Michael with Opus Dei cash, not freakily narcissistic at all, of course).
So now, some bastard Sedeprivationist who can’t be bought is exposing him. Right at the start of his new venture. What do you think his lords and masters will do about that if it gets traction?
In a way, this explanation may save him. Perhaps it will even increase the funds they pump into him. Because if he was found with his throat slit and his entrails pulled out (the penalty for breaking the oath), it might be a tad suspicious, so if instead they bury him in cash and boost him even more, maybe I will just be drowned out by the noise and the ruminant cows will still flock to the fake “Catholicism” that leads to the same pit of Hell of the other fake religions.
Or he might just get a heart attack from covid. It’s hard to say with the servants of the one-eyed “shepherd”.
And anyway, I’m just some unimportant “gamma” not worth responding to right? Except oh…ooops…note the times on these emails.
Cool, Calm and Collected Milo… or maybe not quite
And, it wasn’t really a “forwarding service” that I delivered the book to. And even if it had been it would not take months to get to him. The “forwarding service” (a lady called Kathleen) also summarily ignored perfectly polite emails concerning the book which she had not done at all before its arrival, which she confirmed.
No replies at all to perfectly polite emails but instant replies to these ones. Literally not even a minute after I sent the first one the reply arrived. And the rest followed in rapid succession.
Not sus at all.
Just perfectly non-Freemasonic behaviour through and through.
The Inevitable Fall of the Freemason Milo
For anyone living under a rock, who is still not aware that milo Yank-a-pole-r-us, is a total freemasons plant whose sole purpose is to pretend to be Catholic so as to lead any potentially actual Christians on the road to hell, here is a little background: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, but really, just use the Search me button on the right sidebar and type in Milo and you will have as much detail as you need.
His handlers and “fans” inevitably try to say that I focus on him because I “envy” him, or his “suck-cess” or whatever. But the reality is merely one: I too for a brief moment during gamer gate was fooled into thinking Milo was probably on the right side of things, however terminally flawed individually. But the reality has been that Milo was a gatekeeper from the start. Financed to be so.
He has had troubles with his financiers, and that more than once, but his grift and his gatekeeping continues. And his gatekeeping is one that affects primarily young men, and is intended to keep them from finding true Catholicism, while bombarding them with the literal opposite of pious messages or anything inspiring of actual Catholicism. Because the last thing the servants of the enemy want, is a bunch of young, determined, objective, sedevacantist men. Why? Simple, because Sedevacantism is the only actual Catholicism left, and actual Catholicism is fearless and militant. Did you think the Crusades stopped Islam from conquering Europe by writing them sarcastic witty letter?
Do you think all the pious saints and priests that would rather die than deny Jesus or break the confessionary seal were all just “mistaken”. Do you think that people like Bohemond, Tancredi, or Jean Parisot le Valette were anything other than proper, hardcore catholics. And do you think that such men will stand for any of the globohomo nonsense that is being pushed globally?
Of course not. So enter Milo the gay freemason to pervert, muddy, confuse and ultimately lead down the road to Hell instead.
I have been taking note of his telegram chat from shortly after the start of Lent, and decided to screenshot once every few days, just some of the type of messages he sends out there, and the overall quality of the “christian message” such a barrage of deviancy suggests and implies, sometimes very directly, sometimes more subtly, but always with impiety, perversion and deceit at its core. It is salutary to take note of this in a somewhat condensed fashion as displaying these screenshots in a row does.
It is also interesting to note that in the period of Lent, though he started with some 26,500 subscribers or so, and the 26,000 threshold was retained by the skin of his teeth for quite a while, when it dipped below 26,000 it plummeted pretty quickly. The number of comments on his chat is also certainly not in line with 25k or so active users. As I said before, I believe a large portion of his subscribers is fake and are likely bots.
Below is a string of just some of his posts starting shortly after Lent started. I added some commentary after certain examples, but mostly they are self-explanatory in their subversive intent. I leave a final comment at the end too.
Trying to keep youth in the unnatural centres of sin and degeneracy, cities, instead of allowing them to reconnect to the natural instincts and intrinsic divinity that contact with nature provides, along with a suggestion to violence.
Obvious mocking of Saints/Sainthood and divinity, humility, grace and certainly Lent in toto.
Intentionally trying to propose absolutely idiotic comments, to bring doubt into well established things, like quantum tunnelling, which has demonstrably transmitted Mozart’s 40th Symphony at 4.7 times light speed way back in 1994. While quantum dynamics has certainly got some issues (mostly related to the truncation of the Maxwell equations, and the removal of the concept of the Aether, which is related to scalar energy transmission (which can be used as weapons)) Quantum tunnelling, certainly produces engineering effects.
Homosexual writings.
More homosexual direct innuendo.
Pretty obvious sexual imagery, especially since his “sadness” is essentially related to having to go back into the closet about being a homosexual, and as indicated above, being on his knees, etcetera.
More flat Earth nonsense, which is all distraction, nonsense and doubt for the Beverly mentally challenged.
Homosexual imagery, followed by clear blasphemy and ridicule of Lent.
Draw your own conclusions about what it might mean that he is sending out pictures with details of his eating while defecating. And the kind of imagery and intent such activity made public is supposed to inspire. During Lent, no less.
As above, plus the barren, slovenly nature of the whole composition is purposely meant to degrade, lower, and bring down the entire tone of anyone reading or seeing such images.
A video showing a rather cruel act to a child with the supposed intent of being “funny”.
Again with the defecation imagery, this time with a slurry meant to at least subconsciously refer you to both what he is “producing” as well as his sexual practices and their results, which he is also implying get swallowed. If you think I exaggerate the intent of these images, you are mistaken, this is classic psyops/hypnosis use for deviant/subterfugeous ends. And he is perfectly aware of what he is doing.
Usual profanity and general tone-lowering under the pretence of “funny”.
Promoting the idea of homosexuality or MGTOW (Men Going Their Own Way) abstention from heterosexual pairing, marriage and making Catholic families and children in a proper Catholic family. The whole thing is supposed to be a “deep” self-reflection, but in reality is yet again, another attempt to denigrate conventional family creation.
Totally disrespectful, mocking, vile and in any case corrupted thought, with association to an image of Jesus. What better way to confound, confuse, mock and denigrate our Lord and Saviour?
More nonsense. Because if you make everything nonsense then…well…everything is nonsense. nothing matters. Nothing is sacred anymore. And that is his aim, as his master’s.
Clearly doing some psyops against DeSantis for whatever reason. Perhaps none other than simply causing more chaos. Or perhaps because, at least according to some, DeSantis may actually have been raised Sedevacantists and may be playing the game in order to gain enough power to possibly change things. So far anyway, he has been good for Florida.
More, general vicious gossip, during Lent, and general slovenliness, for the same reason. Lower the zeitgeist to the lowest possible status.
Ultimately Milo is indeed going to fail. This is not news to me or anyone that has been paying attention. His downfall has a relatively slow arc, but is absolutely obvious, as I mentioned first privately way back in 2015 I think, when I still didn’t realise he was a Freemasonic plant.
He will be 39 in October of this year and after hitting his 40s, he will inevitably degrade faster. His appeal to the youth will be dimmer and dimmer as he gets older, his pudgy roundness is likely to balloon to obese fatness except if he undertakes some form of drastic surgery or dieting, which will further ravage his pudgy, weak body. He has nothing relevant left to say. His “edginess” is all spent and pointless in the aftermath of the scamdemic. People older than him see him as pointless, worthless and a continued degenerate, those younger than him see him either in the same way, or as a kind of circus freak, and they are not so much laughing with him, as they are laughing AT him. And the ones of his age that still follow him are Millennials, who, as a generation, generally, have the morals, work ethic, aptitude and loyalty of jelly fish. They may be following him simply because they are too apathetic to click the unfollow option. It’s like two, maybe three clicks to unsubscribe man. It’s like… tiring…you know? It’s like… wait, what is that shiny thing?
So. He is already, and will continue, to crash and burn. It’s a long arc, more like a satellite spinning out of good orbit than a plane tailspinning, And it will be similar too in the way he will simply just fade away after the nth attempts at reinvention fail faster and faster. He will not even have a “splashy” end. Unless, possibly, he swan dives off the 20th floor of some semi-luxurious hotel in a few years, in order to end it all. Even then, he will be forgotten after the usual 3 day news-cycle.
So why point all this out?
Because deceivers pretending to be Catholics are decidedly my number one target, as they are for any actual Catholic.
Why post this even before Lent is over? Because Lent is not a bad time for you to take stock of not only yourself, your weaknesses, and your need to do better. it is also a good time to commit more to being part of the Church MILITANT. Which means taking note of your enemies and their actions, their forces, their numbers, their tactics and their strategies.
And act as a proper Catholic regarding it.
No related posts.
By G | 28 March 2023 | Posted in Catholicism, Christianity, Impostors and Frauds, Reclaiming the Catholic Church, Sedeprivationism, Social Commentary, The Enemy Within