Posts Tagged ‘death penalty’

Reinstating the Death Penalty

It is my considered opinion that certain crimes absolutely deserve the death penalty.

The rape or murder of a pre-pubescent child comes top of my list. Which is not to say that the sexual assault of children or rape or murder of other minors would be exempt either, but an absolutely clear line that really need not have any discussion whatsoever is that anyone who rapes a pre-pubescent minor should absolutely be removed permanently from society. And no, even life-long forced labour is not good enough.

Certainly the proof needs to be solid and beyond reasonable doubt, which today with advanced forensics if there is a will and actual objective science done in the lab, the opportunities to have “no reasonable doubt” are great.

Apparently DeSantis is going to do this in Florida. If that is the case, more power to him. Of course I don’t know, nor really care directly about US politics and a lot of people are saying DeSantis is just another paper tiger, which may well be the case, probably is, I suspect. But even if it turns out to just be rhetoric, it’s a start.

Furthemore, if I became emperor for a day, I would absolutely not only reinstate the death penalty for certain crimes, but in the case of child rape especially, I think I would be trying to push through the rule that such crimes would result in death by burning at the stake. Other death sentences could be hanging or firing squad or lethal injection, or whatever, but child murderers and rapists should have the burning at the stake.

The reason is, of course, obvious, if you understand Catholicism. Such crimes are committed by people that are clearly not normal, that are either demonically influenced or perhaps even possessed, or at the very least, so sick that they need to be put down forthwith.

It is therefore unlikely that a simple firing squad would give them any opportunity to contemplate Hell properly. Being burnt at the stake is certainly a horrible way to die, and normally I would not wish it on anyone, but yeah, child rapist-murederers, I would have no problem with that.

It is also true that such executions would be brutal to see and I probably would not want young people, especially children, to be exposed to such a sight. And then there are the sickos who would enjoy watching it for their own perverse reasons that have nothing to do with justice.

So, while the execution would need to be at least partially public, a record of anyone that does come to see it would have to be kept along with a reason why they want to see it. Such records would be kept in perpetuity so that if any red flags are raised, certain individuals may be barred from viewing such executions, or even investigated.

If you are a man, and find yourself “shocked” at this concept, for it being too barbaric to be even considered seriously, then I need to ask you a question.

What, exactly is it that made you into some feminised, faux version of a man?

Not too long ago, if a pedo was caught in a village, not only the child’s father, but his neighbours, friends and even strangers that lived there would help him quickly gather up the offender and transport him where he could meet either this maker or his master. In many cases, if the child was old enough, he or she too would be present, so that they knew that the person that did that to them was dead and that he (the child) was blameless, loved, and cared for by the community represented by those men.

If any law enforcement ever showed up, they would be met by a wall of men, usually armed, that assured the sheriff, police constable, military police guard, or whatever that Norman the Nunce had, in fact committed suicide, by dousing himself in petrol, nailing himself to a dead tree out in the swamp and then setting himself alight, leaving a tasty and crispy snack for the local alligators. And the Sheriff, or police constable, or military police guard would look a bit worried, nod sagely and note down a clear case of suicide had taken place.

But as proper Catholics we are, of course, civilised men. And while efficient, it’s simply a bit barbaric to have to resort to such ways. No, no, it will not do. We must immediately demand the reinstatement of the death penalty, so that such pedos can be burnt at the stake semi-publicly, with everyone knowing about it and it be all properly legal in all ways.

The idea that a man should not immediately want, and have the moral right to expect, the execution of some pervert that caused this kind of harm to one of his children, is perfectly and absolutely natural; and if you lack that instinct, then one must ask: What the hell happened to you?

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