Posts Tagged ‘church militant’

GRIFTERS – Catholic Edition

The below Kurgan Production, done with the always cutting edge of technical know how of film from about the 1890s, features the notorious GRIFTERS Stars:

Tay-Tay Marshall – Ex Protestant Con-Man now running the same scam on nominal “Catholics”.

Emo Jones – Shouty boomer vociferously pretending to be a traditionalist while at the same time recognising Vatican 2 as legitimate, Argentinian pedophile protector as Pope, and pretty much every other heresy as being “legitimate” or “Catholic”, all the while, screaming about this or that book he produced and using the phrase “who am I to judge” to avoid any actual question of dogma, copying his fake leader, Bergoglio.

Michelle Voris – Ex homosexual turned pretend Catholic so as to get closer tot hat wonderful nominal “Catholic” money, while sneaking in from behind, so to speak, as if given his past he could testify to anything except his own sins being mortal, but in any case continuing to promote the pederastic agendas of known homosexuals within the Novus Orco and child rape protectors such as Bergoglio while pretending Vatican 2 or Ratzi-n-gear Joe is any more Catholic than Pachamama Demon-worshipping Bergolgio.

Enjoy this subtle motion picture with the suave and demure colourings of truth and actual Catholic dogma, one might experience at the very first light brought on by a limpid new dawn, brought about by a massive nuclear detonation.

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