Well, it is always nice to know that my very first instinct about charlatans is always correct.
I had absolutely no idea Taylor existed and I only became aware of him a few days ago when the High Priestess of my personality cult top fan, told me he was going to go live on YouTube concerning Vigano’s latest letter where he says Vatican II was a mistake and should be forgotten.
Within a few seconds of his starting the video I got a definite stench of protestant televangelist, and as I say, I knew nothing about him. It is only later that I discovered he had in fact been a “priest” in a Protestant branch (sorry I can’t be bothered to recall which of the 40,000 branches of Churchianity he pretended to be a priest in).
He has all the hallmarks. The nice suit and tie, the meticulous presentation, the ritualistic “let us pray” as a leading and pacing of those fooled by his money grabbing efforts and so on.
But one could forgive all that IF he had any valid content. He does not. He plays the same game as all the other “Traditionalists” like the SSPX, Church Militant, E. Michal Jones, etcetera. Unlike people like Ann Barnhardt and Frank of Canon212.com however, whom I believe are genuinely deceived, I sense absolute intentional deception in Taylor Marshall. Oh sorry, DOCTOR, Taylor Marshall, because that matters so much, let’s not any of you non-doctors forget it.*
But let me charitable, as a good Catholic boy should be. I need to clarify that I don’t believe Taylor, (or Tay-Tay, as I think I’ll call him from now on) is an intentional deceiver with malice of the type of say a John Salza. No, I think he’s just your typical Protestant Grifter and he is going after the numbers and in this respect he is playing the three card monty trick quite well. the masses of deceived, nominal “Catholics” is multiples larger than the actual Catholics who understand Sedeprivationsim, but I grant that if that number were ever to start going the other way, Tay-Tay would make the jump in a flash and state how he suddenly saw the light.
Which I’d be tempted to guess is what prompted his jump from Protestantism to “Catholicism”. Besides, he does have 8 kids and a wife to feed after all, you can see why he would go after a larger crowd. Well. Until it remains profitable anyway.
I did, of course, post a question at him and as it was the only superchat with an actual question, his totally ignoring it is at least a little telling. But lest it be said I am not giving the man a chance to answer directly, here it is:
My question happens at the 24:24 timestamp.
I won’t hold my breath, and I expect to be studiously ignored, for to shine any light on this at all, would not do him any favours, cash wise.
But as I learnt from my Jay Dyer Internet Bum Fight after action report and seeing Vox’s slow motion surface-to-air-missile books Jordanetics and his SJWS always lie, thorns like me end up festering in your side and eventually taking down the whole gigantic, pink, gay elephant in the room.
As for his book Infiltration, there is a pretty thorough and very entertaining review of it in podcast form here: Enjoy.
Remember, you cam always get the T-Shirt of Truth so you become like a radioactive beacon of truth and will automatically keep such grifters as Tay-Tay at bay. Better than Garlic for Vampires! (And no, I don’t make a cent from it, in case you were wondering, but I like the people who make it and I love the T-Shirt).
* Because bits of paper you pay for to append to your wall mean so much more than truth, fact, or reality. After all, like the good Professor Rupert Sheldrake said, (I paraphrase): “All you need to get a degree or diploma is to stay alive through the 4/2/whatever years and pay for the tuition and the certificate at the end.” You should know this, you low-status monkey!
You are either an idiot or completely ignorant on the subject if you believe…
1. That 9/11 was the result of islamic terrorists flying planes into buildings and not done by people linked to Mossad.
2. That mRNA genetic serums are vaccines.
3. That mRNA genetic serums are not going to alter your DNA; and that of any children you may have after it.
4. That Epstein killed himself.
5. That Epstein was not a Mossad asset used to blackmail a bunch of pedophiles into doing whatever Epstein/Israel wanted them to do.
6. That John Podesta just happened to have pedophile/satanic symbols on his hands and similar reference in his emails by coincidence.
7. That Hillary and Bill Clinton are not responsible for multiple Arkanicides.
8. That Barry Sotero (Obama) was born in the USA, is not gay and is not muslim.
9. That the USA was not founded by freemasons with freemasonic principles from the start.
10. That freemasons are not satanists and knowingly so at the higher echelons.
11. That child sacrifice in satanic rituals is not happening at very high levels of government/s and billionaire gatherings.
12. That the Bilderberger group and Skull and Crossbones and the the Carbonari and Freemasonry and the Illuminati and the “freethinkers” and the Rosicrucians and the Novus ordo fake Popes and their fake Bishops, fake Cardinals and fake Priests are not all just different versions of the servants whose names are legion, of the Prince of the Air.
13. That all versions of “Christianity” will bring you salvation.
14. That the American government as well as many (most) others has never done terrible, deadly experiments on ita own citizens.
15. That evil, sadistic, pedophiles cannot possibly exist and be active at all levels of government, the judiciary and especially the entertainment industry, primarily in the USA but also the UK, Belgium, France, and many other countries.
16. That climate change is killing people of “suddenly” instead of it being the result of the mRNA genetic serums.
17. That the damage done by the genetic serums, the whole COVID “pandemic” and the incoming economic collapse was not all pre-planned years in advance.
18. That the intention to depopulate the planet is just a paranoid “conspiracy theory”.
19. That Covid was not studied, created and elements of that research patented in a laboratory.
20. That JFK was shot by Lee Harvey Oswald.
21. That Hitler died in a bunker in Berlin by suicide.
22. That the destruction and murder of the royal houses of Europe was not an organised, intentional ploy by the same forces that eventually infiltrated the Catholic Church and created Vatican II and placed heretics, non-catholics and Satanists on the Papal throne since 1958.
23. That Joe Biden was legitimately elected by the democratic process of voting in the USA.
24. That the Talmud does not permit sex with little children.
25. That Talmudic Judaism hates the Catholic Church (the real one, not the Novus Ordo fake “Catholics”) and has been behind every attack on it from the time of Jesus to today.
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By G | 13 September 2022 | Posted in Social Commentary