Posts Tagged ‘catholicism’

Milo Yiannopoulous: Gatekeeper to the puppet starlets of “Catholicism”? (With Pictures)

A lot of people are getting all excited and clapping their hands, much like trained seals, at the supposed conversion to Catholicism of Britney Spears, the hoped for imminent one of Shiea LaBeouf, who is in the middle of acting in a film about Padre Pio, and of course there is the flamboyant “coming closer to God” of supposedly already Catholic, ex-sodomite Milo Yiannopoulous. Milo has joined forces with Gary “Michael” Voris of Church Militant, another supposed ex-sodomite, and now does quite a bit of writing and promoting of their agenda just by virtue of the fact that with Milo come large numbers of followers. And he’s been positively *glowing* about Britney; and threw a sideways uplift to Shiea. What a revival of Catholicism right? What a magnet for all the young people to join it too! Yay! (Insert trained seal clapping like an evangelist here).

I, however, have good reason to believe Milo is a Freemason and works for the enemy. And the score of pictures and screen-captures at the end of this post and his reaction to the questions on them, tend to be more than just mere circumstantial evidence.

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One More Idiot’s Head for the Kurgan’s Blade

Once again, my charitable nature forces me to correct an idiot in the only language they seem to respond to.
In order to save time and boredom, I have not bothered to copy my responses after each of the idiot’s replies, because in essence, they were a variation of this:

What part of “you are too ignorant to speak on these matters” did you not understand?Do you even know what canon 188.4 says?!?Read it!And you are again completely wrong it is the DUTY of every and ANY Catholic to point out heresy. Even a child can do it.And STOP repeating the same idiotic nonsense about “if a Pope does a heresy then he’s not a Pope”. You literally don’t know what you’re talking about.

UPDATE: As a result of this post he apparently went on a wall of text screaming fit, accusing me of lying and selective editing, which is absurd since I literally just copied and pasted his own words as they were, editing none of them out at all and in the same order. He was mocked by others for this as well as his lies and further stupidity and as a result he then deleted his own thread. Truly these monkeys invariably always behave as expected.

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Your Moving to Italy and the Kurganate

Omnia Vincit Amor


This post will be fairly long and will cover the basics of wanting to move to Italy to join a growing community of real Catholics intent on reclaiming the Church from the claws of the impostors and Satanists that currently pretend to impersonate Priests, Bishops and Popes of Catholicism.

As many of you know, I was named The Kurgan by a group of people that read Vox Popoli.

As even more of you know, after some 45 years as a wild heathen, I was baptised on Ascension day 2017 after several years of intense research into the One True, Holy and Apostolic Catholic Church, which, as anyone who knows me at all will tell you, has NOTHING to do with the Church of Moloch run by the Vicar of Pedophiles on Earth Bergoglio.

My position is commonly referred to as Sedevacantist although I prefer the term Sedeprivationist since it is technically more correct. If you are interested in the topic you may want to read my short book BELIEVE! on the subject (about 2 hours to read and it has many references for further study) or if you are more serious and want all the gory details, you may want to read Reclaiming the Catholic Church, which is:

  • 530 Pages
  • Lists at least some of the direct heresies present in 15 of the 16 Vatican 2 documents
  • Lists and counters every single objection ever made against Sedeprivationism
  • Lists and explains the precise Modus Operandi of the deceivers, impostors, and bad faith actors who try to disparage or pretend Sedeprivationism is not valid. It turns out there are just 11 things they do, usually only 2 or 3 of them at a time.
  • Gives a brief but rather complete history of how and by whom the Church was infiltrated, going back all the way to the secret instruction of the Alta Vendita, translating documents into English that have not previously been done to my knowledge.
  • Explains the reason why the Canon Law of 1917 is the impregnable fortress of Catholicism that it is, being the most vetted document in the history of mankind.
  • Explains the way forward for Catholics as well as the process that unaware Novus Orco “Catholics” can take to educate themselves honestly about their supposed religion.
  • Explains why the Novus Orco Mass and their related Clerics are in fact all heretics and not valid Catholics, never mind clerics.

So that’s the introduction to the belief system. Now a little more context. Italy is the home of one of the best organised and largest Sedeprivationist organisations on the Planet, and you can find out more about them here.

You will find mass centres and dates they serve them wherever they operate at their site along with excellent articles and a bookshop of various publications, most of them in Italian.

As I have been asked a number of times about what it takes to move to Italy and would it be possible to build a proper Catholic community that in essence replicates to some extent or other the actions of the Monks who in the 4th and 5th Century retreated from the world and build monasteries and then farmed them and worked the land to produce a surfeit of goods and value that ultimately ended up not only invigorating and growing Catholicism, but civilising the world. Of course, history does not repeat and we are not monks. But there are resonances and one thing we can learn from the past is that once the monasteries became fruitful and wealthy they were raided by Vikings.

So… the Kurganate will aim to have walls and crusaders manning them even as the fields are being worked and made fruitful.

Practicalities in General Terms of Moving to Italy

There are several factors to consider.

  • Your willingness to travel by air and thus be tested fro the scamdemic at both departure and arrival.
  • The ability to travel without having been injected with the genetically modifying deathtrap they call a “vaccine”.
  • Moving all your stuff or buying new, etc etc.

On each of those things you will have to find your own way. Suffice it to say that the Kurganate will not be accepting non-vaccine injected shedders. If you think this is all tin-foil hat stuff, I only have one thing to say to you, since you are clearly not a thinking human being: This is not the place for you. Go elsewhere.

The practical aspects are relatively simple:

  • You need approximately about 10,000 Euros per adult person to move to Italy successfully and easily if you are not an Italian Citizen and don’t already have visa and all that stuff done through your employer.
  • As a freelancer or self-employed person you need about 6,000 Euro to show you are not going to be a burden on the state.
  • If you are a single man or a young couple you can probably rent an ok place for the remaining 3 to 4k of the 10k So this assumes you have accommodation sorted for a year and you will also have the required 6k to show you are not a welfare thief.
  • You need to get an Italian fiscal code and make an appointment with an Italian embassy near you for a visa. There are different types of Visa and you will need to select the one that best suits for you.
  • If you are not an EU citizen you will need to apply for the visa while outside of the country.

Of course, Italian bureaucracy is a nightmare and despite the simple steps above, it may require additional bits of info, for example, you are supposed to register with eh local police when you arrive and you should do it sharpish (within 2 weeks) and the place you are staying in, if owned by someone else has to state you are there within 24 hours. Mostly these rules if not completely followed there will be a way to make good, but it’s best to do the right thing from the start.

Fiscal codes can be applied for online and received relatively problem free, but can take a long time; or not at all. In typical Italian fashion it can take from a few days to 6 weeks. Here is a sample site for Americans but find the one relative to your country.

General points about Italy

  • The food is good, relatively cheap and GMO free
  • If you move to a rural area it’s easy enough to grow your own food, but be aware that buying property in Italy is a lengthy process that requires paying the estate agent, a notary public and taxes on the purchase of the house and lands (but there are no ongoing property taxes thereafter)
  • Zoning in Italy is brutal. If you bought a house don’t expect to be able to modify it easily or extend it easily or maybe even at all. Furthermore, agricultural land cannot have buildings erected on it and even if you buy a giant piece of land with farmland and a house on it you may not be able to build anything else on it. There are usually again, ways around things, but they are long, painful, complicated and usually expensive. It also depends who you know and which part of Italy you buy in. The further North you are the more likely laws are enforced. The further South you are the more likely you need to pay a protection fee to the local mafia. Maybe.
  • The people are friendly and generally good fun although the scamdemic has created a high number of Karens.
  • Wearing masks in public is throughout the country BUT the highest law of the land has also determined that it is not a crime to not wear one. That said, peer pressure is pretty high in Italy… except that there are people who always resist too, so it’s a bit a write your own adventure book in that sense.
  • Gun laws are relatively reasonable in Italy but I am not sure how they apply to non-citizens.

The Kurganate

The Kurganate will be in one of the Northern Regions of Italy, it will be composed exclusively of Sedeprivationists/Sedevacantists who are actual Catholics and NOT LARPING at it. I have seen groups form online and then translate into meatspace too of “Good Christian Men” from various Protestant traditions and Eastern “Orthodox” and Norco “Catholics” and invariably they become a kind of social club. The Kurganate is not a social club. It is an earnest reality of Catholics taking their religion, land and laws back. If you need an analogy for it think of it as a real life Crusader Kings. Except it’s not a game. It’s real.

The Catholics I consider part of it are in every case people who will go out of their way to make this happen. They give each other money. Without expecting it back. They work all hours of the day and sometimes night to help each other out. They ALL reject the fake Novus Orco Church, Vatican II and all their fake clergy and they will only take proper Catholic Mass that is non una-cum (meaning the fake Pope is not in any way mentioned at the Mass). There is no amount of LARPING that will get a couple with 6 young kids to go to Mass every Sunday without fail. There are no fakers and it will become apparent very quickly if you are faking it, or wanting to join because it sounds like a good idea, or you want some new friends, or you think it might be good for security down the line but you don’t really believe all that Catholic stuff. My advice to such people is to go elsewhere. Form your own community. You will not fit in the Kurganate, and we have no hesitation in making sure those who are pretend Catholics, who do not reject Vatican II and all its poison fruit in toto are excluded from everything that we do. We’d sooner have a nice enough Agnostic or Buddhist live near us than a fake Catholic. We purge those who pretend at Catholicism harder for they have no excuse for their errors once they come into contact with the information. That said, it is a matter of Catholic dogma that conversion by force or coercion is anathema, so no one will ever be pressured to convert. And of course, if you don’t believe like us, don’t share the same religion and ways of thinking as us (reason and logic being a mainstay of Catholicism) then there is little reason why you should want to hang around with us too.

No doubt, because I have called it the Kurganate, many will think it’s a personality cult or some kind of sect. Let them think what they want. the reality is that every single man and woman that is part of our community understands the concept of hierarchy, in heaven as it is on Earth. And those who are best suited for a role lead in that role. Aside from that, each man is his own person and makes his own choices. I would no more presume to teach a farmer or a schoolteacher anything about their chosen profession, and in similar fashion, I do not expect the farmer or the schoolteacher to tell me how to go about creating a functioning community that will continue to grow in time and space. But if someone feels they are better at the task, then let them create their own Catholic community, Barony, Kingdom, Citadel, or whatever name you want to give it. If theirs expands faster and better than mine and it too is Catholic, then well met; you might even gain our little community’s allegiance.

Parting points

  • I am not a visa service. You have a computer and the internet at your fingertips. Figure out all the details yourself, don’t ask me. I’m busy, and more importantly, I don’t answer questions you can answer yourself simply by doing the work you are asking me to do for you. Do it yourself.
  • But, but, but… I have this brilliant reason why Sedeprivationism is wrong/heretic/mistaken/schismatic/protestant/whatever and here it is, let me tell you all about it in my brilliant email… No. No you do not. Read my book of 530 pages and then write one yourself refuting every point I make in it if you can. Go on. I’ll wait. Otherwise, shut up. You are ignorant, have come up with nothing new and your nonsense will be summarily ignored or made a spectacular example of in public if I have the time and inclination.
  • Where do I sign up to come live in your house/garden/next door. Nowhere. If you want to own some land or a house, buy your own. If you are genuinely Catholic and genuinely interested in becoming part of our community it will not happen overnight. We need to know who you are and how you think and how you observe Mass and who your priest is and so on.
  • Why… you sound so unfriendly! You won’t get many people wanting to join you that way! This is what you should do… No. Go away. No one cares what you think and least of all me. Go create your own community, as I said. The Kurganate is not a soft place of hugging lies and virtue signalling. It is a hard place of Truth, Reality, Courage, Justice, Fortitude, Honour and a Beauty that lazy fakers cannot even imagine, much less comprehend. Because it is above all CATHOLIC. 1095 Catholic. Not Novus Orco Pedolitic.


The New book is finally out and you can find it on Amazon USA or Amazon UK or pretty much any other country’s Amazon you may want to use.

As you can see it has a catchy innocuous subtitle, so I expect all the Catholic Grifters, fakers, Novus orcians and so on to studiously avoid talking about it at all, much less responding to it. The truth often has that effect on them. But thanks to the loyal foot soldiers of Catholicism and the awesome converts and fans I am slowly gathering, I think this is one cannonball that will invariably create somewhat of an avalanche, no matter how “silent” and underreported it might be by the usual suspects.

The Idiocy of Sola Scriptura

As I had a post on Catholic grifters, liars and so on and a new book coming soon on the actual Satanists that run the Novus Orco due out later this month, it’s only fair I take my two handed sword to a Protestant Churchian next.

Lest it be said I am uncharitable allow me first of all to state that my personal impression is that White is, at least mostly, simply obstinately stupid and probably not a completely knowing deceiver and grifter like the three stooges I discussed here.

White responded to a tweet by James Fox Higgins with a video that I will now dissect below. Here however was the offending tweet by James.

And here is the start of White’s response, which carries on from the linked timestamp below of about 30min in to at least 1:05 before I stopped watching. To be fair the first 5 minutes or so from about 00:30 to 00:35 he just waffles on about how he’s been defending Sola scriptura for 30 years and yet how almost no one, Protestants included, use the term correctly. Cue speTHial reasons why his definition is super SpeTHial. Which is essentially an appeal to his own completely inexistent authority. So he’s been advocating for a completely idiotic idea for 3 decades without learning anything about the idiocy of it. Not a great start.

Here is a link to the roughly 00:30 start of his response.  

My own video response for those allergic to reading is here.

And for those who prefer the written format as I do, here are my notes so there is no dodging of anything later.

1. White Defines Sola Scriptura (SS) as only scripture (the Bible) as being “God breathed”. Which according to him is therefore almost as if God Himself had spoken it and this is a higher quality and inerrant aspect that nothing else has.

Counter: What I would like to know is:

A) who defined what the Bible is actually composed of? In other words which books it is made up of exactly that are “God breathed” only? As far as I know White doesn’t tell us but there is a clue as he states that scripture took 1500 years to be put together (at about 39:30 or so). So presumably he is telling us that all those guys who sat around and put the Bible together about 300 years after Jesus ascended, using letters, parts of oral tradition, various books etc etc basically had done a sloppy job until the Fat German with lust for nuns in his heart came along and “fixed” the Bible. Which until then and for the previous 1200 years obviously had “non-God breathed” writings in it polluting it all up.

B) how do you know when the final editing is completed? I mean, if we had to wait for that beer swigging, sweary, “if the wife is not willing (to have sex) use the maid” German to put the finishing touches, how do we know that a flamboyantly gay transvestite who will decide that all of Paul’s vile, vile, comments on sodomites are ALSO just apocrypha like the letter from James that squarely rejects the other idiotic idea of Protestantism, Sola Fides?

I mean that’s why Martin the nun-banging “monk” decided James was not “canon” after all and all those poor martyrs of the previous 1500 years just had it wrong don’t you know.

And who’s to say Kaytlin with a y, (formerly Bruce with the deuce) will not further educate us on the benefits of being a raging sodomite and how all references to the opposite of that were just apocrypha too?

2. At about 38:30 or so – White states that the enemies degrade scripture precisely so it can then be attacked as all just non-God breathed stuff.

Counter: A bit of projection going on there, since changing the supposedly infallible Bible is precisely what Luther did as item 1 on his list really. Especially since the Latin translation of the original Hebrew (Old testament) and Greek (New testament) known as the Vulgate is a better translation than the Protestant KJV which used manuscripts for the Old Testament that had been edited by literal pharisees who rejected Christ (the modern day “Jews” which are Talmudic Jews since original Jews that actually followed their religion became Christians).

And the Catholic Bible certainly hasn’t changed or been edited at all, so… who exactly is degrading things here?

3. At about 40:30 he makes probably the most hilarious hypocritical statement of the decade, accusing non-Protestants of just inserting their own ideas into the Bible and all of them just having their own views instead of God’s.

Counter: Hahahahahahaha. I mean really. That’s the whole point of Protestantism! Everyone to interpret for themselves! Literally interpreth as thou will is the only law of Protestantism.

Catholicism has dogmatic principles and beliefs that are explicitly stated. You can’t be Catholic if you reject any of those dogmatic positions. It is literally the opposite of what he is saying. It is Protestants who make it up to suit their needs, not Catholics, who literally have a book of all the canon laws and dogmatic catechisms all set out in writing. Unified. One Church. One approved Dogma. Not 40,000 and counting.

4. He almost outdoes himself at about 41:30 though when he states that you can’t degrade part of the Bible to make any part of it lower or less “God Breathed” than any other part.

Counter: You know except for the book of James…. and… the other “apocrypha” that made Martin look foolish. That had to be degraded in the first place. Except that wasn’t *akkkshually* degrading the Bible that had existed in the same form for 1200 years, not really, because Martin, like Mohammed really, was just another perfectly good and proper prophet that had to fix the Bible and decide better for everyone what God really meant.

5. At about 42:30 White says that papal infallibility is an example of this “adding in stuff by the reader” and that it happened 150 years ago and is claimed by the Catholics as part of oral tradition.

Counter: This is just flat out wrong and due to either stupendous ignorance and complete lack of even 30 seconds research on google, or just plain outright lying. I’ll assume the first to be nice about it. (Which however means the man is extremely stupid since he speaks authoritatively on things he has literally not even bothered to google for 10 seconds and which any half competent Catholic knows off the bat). The writings of the first 700 years of Christianity ALL described the Bishop of Rome as having Primacy over the other Patriarchates. See the writings of Clement of Rome(~91-101A.D), Cyprus of Carthage (~200-258 A.D.), Pope Leo I, Hormisdas and Agatho (~681 A.D.), to mention a few. Furthermore, Papal infallibility was formally invoked by the Franciscan Pierre de Jean Olivi (1248-1298) when he was worried that a future fake pope (antipope) would strip the Franciscans of their rights. Papal infallibility meant that a future Pope could not undo what a previous Pope had already done. This was highlighted by Olivi, but had in any case always been assumed and used throughout the history of the Church, just like when the Code of Canon Law of 1917 was put together all it did was to formalise in one place the rules the Church has always had. And for those saying but… but… Papal Primacy is not Papal infallibility, you’re not thinking things through, or possibly you are also very ignorant of Catholic Dogma.

Catholic dogmatic positions:

1. The Magisterium of the Church and thus the Church is infallible because of the supernatural protection it enjoys due to the promise of Jesus to always be with his Church. Since Jesus is infallible, His protection means the Church too will be infallible even though at the end only a tiny remnant of the faithful will remain. Nor does this mean the Church will not have bad, flawed, and very fallible men in it. In fact it is assumed all of them are.

2. The Magisterium is headed by the Pope.

3. The Bishop of Rome ALWAYS settled tied votes and disputes between the other Bishops (primacy) and since the Church is infallible and the Pope is the head of it, he also has to be infallible when making dogmatic official (ex cathedra) pronouncements.

In any case Papal infallibility derives from the Bible, primarily Matthew 16:18-19.

6. He then makes the most hypocritical statement of the last ten years at about 43:40 when he states that, well, you can’t have “new” revelation like Papal infallibility (he lies about papal infallibility being new as explained above but that aside…) because it wasn’t taught for the first 1000 years of the church… (it was, as explained above, but let’s leave that aside too…)

Counter: So… you CANNOT have new revelation that wasn’t taught for the previous 1000 years but… you can have *new, super-improved* MARTIN revelation another 500 years AFTER that! Like divorce and banging nuns being A-OK! The hypocrisy…. it just boggles the mind.

7. And lastly at about 1:05 White literally says that Ratzinger is wrong as can be but is still a brilliant theologian. Because he was the head of the modern Inquisition.

Counter: Aside from the fact that Ratzinger is no more Catholic or a theologian of any sort except perhaps of Moloch-ism than Bergoglio is, White is clearly Impressed by titles. Saying Ratzinger is completely wrong yet brilliant at his ONE JOB. Is basically like saying that a pilot that crashes a perfectly functioning plane right on his first flight during standard take off with no adverse weather is nevertheless a brilliant pilot. Of course, given White’s demonstrated sub-normal intelligence, he may very well make such a statement, all while fancying himself a very good judge of piloting ability for the last 30 years!

David Dunning and Justin Kruger should probably present him with a plaque or something.


What we can conclude from this is quite categorically a graphical illustration of the level of clarity of thought and reason present in the usual Protestant theologian. Behold:

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