It is almost impossible for a secular person to even begin to understand what has happened to this planet and its people over the last few hundred years.
The two main reasons are:
1. The change is very gradual over time so that one generation merely complains about the previous one or the latest one but, also due to family ties, no doubt, doesn’t really take up arms, metaphorically or literally, to return things to a more Just, more True, more Beautiful and Good state of affairs.
2. The primary motive is imputed to mere human foibles and weaknesses, which is correct as far as it goes, but ignores the primary motivator and movers behind the human element. Absent this point, it becomes truly impossible to see the issue as it really stands, and therefore, quite naturally, also impossible to fix or even marginally improve, both individually as well as socially. That motive force, I ask you, especially if you are an atheist, or agnostic, or lukewarm Churchian, to bear with me a moment, and for the sake of pure intellectual thought experiment, assume for a moment that what you read next is simply correct, and run the model in your head, seeing how it would apply. If you do this exercise honestly, you may well be stunned into realising that the model answers more questions and situations than you could possibly have suspected. And that, logically, means the model is superior to anything you’ve used up to now. So here it is: the motive force behind all the degradation and corruption of our present situation derives from demons. Demons and their ruler, Satan. Spiritual entities that have various powers and abilities to interact with the material world also directly in mostly rare occurrences, but whose primary means of achieving their aims is to influence, subtly, nefariously, indirectly, and fuel the flaws, sinful nature and weaknesses and cowardice that is present in every human being.
I ask you to keep this model in mind, whether you believe it or not, as you read the rest of this post, and then, after, note for a few days how it models the world. If you do, you may find your way, eventually, to the real Church Militant; but for now, let us merely observe the last few thousand years of human history and note the arc of human virtue and its counterpart, human weakness, sin, or outright evil.
Before Christ, the best of humanity could probably be found in the Roman Empire or the Greek classical times. Even so, life was decidedly brutal. While men certainly exhibited a level of concepts of honour and valour, including the ability and will to commit suicide rater than lose dignity, similarly to later Japanese Samurai, it was also true that certain practices of the day were abhorrently vicious. Rape, murder for entertainment, enslavement of defeated enemies and so on were all normal occurrences of the day. While the Spartans certainly were formidable warriors, their brutality even with their own people was similarly legendary. Defective children were abandoned to the elements because they would not make healthy warriors or healthy birthers of same.
Their gods were fickle, dangerous and used human beings as set pieces in their Olympian squabbles. Truly their influence was really demonic, and as far as catholic thought goes, that is precisely what they were. The “Gods” in the Old Testament, that the one supreme God chastises for their tragic and evil non-compliance with leading humanity in a good way, is noted in Genesis as well as the Psalms. Their legendary offspring, the titans or nephilim were also deemed to be not only giants, but also unquestionably corrupt beyond redemption.
After Christ, the viciousness of the Roman Empire, along with its utter degeneracy began to collapse and gradually humanity was elevated into a level of scientific method, beauty, art, human behaviour and charity for your neighbour that has been unsurpassed in human History. And this happened most and most rapidly in those areas that were Catholic. Despite the unending lies of the fomenters of the “enlightenment”, the so-called “Dark Ages” were anything but. Had the psychotic pedophile and demon inspired “Prophet” of Islam not started a vile, murderous, rape-and-pillage oriented religion, who knows to what heights this planet would have reached? Are you even aware that hundreds of years ago Catholic theologians contemplated aliens, invented the actual, real, functional scientific method and dragged humanity out of Barbarism into what is in fact, the Risorgimento, the rising from metaphorical (and often literal) death and the murky waters of demon-filled “life”.
If you are not familiar with this history, allow me to suggest for your four books. If you actually read all of these, I promise that your perspective on the past is going to shift drastically.
In order then:
- The Four Witnesses
- Bearing False Witness
- God’s Battallions
- The Crusades – I have read thousands of books, this might be my top one. Certainly it’s in the top 5. But reading the other three above first will heighten the appreciation and enjoyment you will get from this one.
Bonus book: The Great Siege 1565
If you take the time to just read even just one or two of those books, you might well note the dramatic shift in attitude to life, honour, duty, valour, courage and so on.
In today’s world, feminism has been injected into every so-called “modern” culture, and throughout human history, what has happened to societies that had rule by women imposed on them? Without exception, transgenderism, homosexuality and child sexual abuse become rampant. The brutality of Ancient Rome or Ancient Greece was in large part required in order to prevent the depredations of competing tribes of peoples from murdering, raping and enslaving your own people. But the degeneracy that quickly results from effiminating mankind is a special kind of chaotic hell that has only viciousness at it heart, and that turned against the most defenceless member son society: Children.
Being raised a few hundred years ago meant you certainly had a hard time of it from the start. If poor and of peasant stock, you had to work hard daily to simply survive. If born wealthy and of noble stock, you were trained to be a warrior and take part in wars from a young age, to defend your lands, your peasants and your King, or whichever noble higher up the ladder you aligned with. But in Catholic creation, the nobility had a duty to protect his charges and by and large, noblemen were men that had the respect of their people because when called to it they did not hesitate to go into battle for the right reasons. This parallel reality of the noble warrior is, paradoxically, better known to Westerners from the Japanese counter-part of Samurai, while they ignore their own history of even more charitable and equally courageous men within their own ancestry.
Now, why do you think you are not being made familiar with such history? With eh type of men and attitudes that existed for centuries? With the way a boy was raised or disciplined a few hundred years ago?
Today the mere idea of a spanking for a child is seen almost as some kind of abuse. And in fairness, those parents who do still install corporal punishment around the world, often, because absent a proper moral, ethical and logical foundation based in Catholic principles, do so out of mere rage or frustration, or without a real understanding of the role of such an act in respect of your own child.
The imperative is to raise your children as “friends” and to ensure the poor darlings know just how special they are, regardless of their lack of manners, lack of ability to focus, lack of ability to read a room, lack of ability to not just be little narcissistic imps. And they becomes such little terrors, not because they are born bad, quite the contrary, children are fundamentally born with an awesome capacity to be logical and make very logical conclusions from their observations. They do this instinctively and in keeping with their natural sex. Boys will tend to be more direct and simple, girls will tend to be more circumspect and devious in their ways. While a boy may simply ask for something that he knows is not really good for him, say eating all the chocolate he can before getting sick from it, a girl will try to get in your good graces before pulling at those emotional strings.
There is a reason why fathers tend to be more forgiving of their daughters than of their sons. Mostly because as men, they want and know the importance of their sons being able to be strong when required, compassionate but also just, and to be able to overcome whatever difficulty they encounter mostly on their own, because life will often throw that at them. But faced with their daughter saying pretty please and giving a hearty smile and a hug, strong men falter. Similarly, while their mothers will not be fooled by their endearing ways, they will often let a son get away with more, because after all, he is their little prince, and damn the world.
And such balance is good and healthy.
But if you listen to the metrosexualised working couples on a diet of TV and Netflix, with their children in government schools, who are barely aware of what their own children are exposed to daily, you will tend to think that such concepts are bigotry made flesh and evil, evil, evil. And gay couples who want to purchase small children to pretend to play at “family” are jus as healthy and normal as any heterosexual couple who produces their children the “old fashioned” (normal, proper and correct) way, by procreating them with each other. Never mind the statistical reality of what child sexual abuse in homosexual “couples” looks like. Because after all, math is racist! Or something.
So teaching your children to farm, to hunt, to shoot, to defend themselves, to reason, to do logic, to know their ancestry and traditions, to learn about the “rituals” of Catholicism and what they mean and what they are and the benefits they bring to everyday life, oh, no, no, no, that would be some troglodyte regression to cave-times.
Which is why the average “parent” injects their children with weird foreign substances that demonstrably cause more harm than good, as anyone that, like me, used to think vaccines were good… until I actually read up on their history, the “science” behind them, the actual ingredients and more importantly than all of it, the real motivations for them by the people who imposed them on us all.
The Genetic Serums passed off as “vaccines” for the last 3 years certainly got me to take note of what the “good” vaccines, which went from 5 or 6 to 30 in my lifetime alone, in many countries, actually are. What is in them and what they actually do or don’t do. If you take the time to research these things yourself, any normal person of normal intelligence that is not ideologically invested in a false narrative, but is instead simply after the truth, will be unlikely to ever inject themselves, or especially their children, with any of them.
Certainly those they would take would be a far reduced number and subject to control processes they can vet themselves with total transparency.
No, I am not. If it seems that way to you, it’s because each of these things, from your secular or at best Churchman model of the world is not linked. Each is a separate issue. Their causalities and determinants and originators are separate and disparate. But are they? Are they really? If you bother to take the time to examine these things, even from a secular perspective, it becomes difficult to avoid noticing certain linking factors.
The overwhelming presence of people that have huge financial impact. The overwhelming presence of a certain tribal group’s over representation in the entertainment, mass media and banking activities. The overwhelmingly mass-murderous and anti-European ideologies of these same people.
And if and when you do notice these things, you may be tempted to revisit history from only some 80 years ago and what and how certain groups that have since been defined as the most evil humans to ever have lived came to the conclusions they did and to act as they did. And how those acts may not be precisely what you have been told they were. At least not in a large number of cases. And maths, once again, becomes very bigoted if you apply it objectively to certain events of the Second World War.
You might begin to wonder why a certain tribe is protected from criticism legally in an increasing number of countries in the world, while that same tribe can do the very things that are illegal to do or say against them to pretty much the entire Caucasoid/European people.
And if you do notice all of these things, from a secular perspective, and you connect the dots, always from a secular perspective, the reaction that may well derive could be a secular solution. Perhaps even a final solution to the issue. And reaching such a final solution, you might be likely, to, in the event that such an unlikely event were to take place, follow a fiery leader with practical, if somewhat distasteful, final solutions.
And that would still play into the demonic world’s scheme of things.
While you certainly have the God-given right to assemble with whom you like, and to exclude whom you like from your company, and while they may pass laws to try and regulate your God-given rights, you can always bypass them. Because ultimately, if it comes down to being regulated as to how and when you breathe near whom, well, mass revolution and rivers of blood let it become then, because some fates are worse than mere death.
But from a secular perspective, that is really the only options. Submit to a totally tyrannical slavery of mind and body unprecedented in the entirety of Human history, or, armed rebellion and a politician hanging from every lamppost, overpass and tall enough tree.
It’s a Satanic gambit and while one option is marginally preferable to the other, neither is ideal.
IF, however, you understand the hidden, the intentionally occult, the “ridiculed” —by those intentionally trying to deceive, or those ignorant and maleducated enough to buy into the deceiver’s lies— concept of the demonic forces at work in this world; the fact that we are under the Dominion of Satan, that we are, literally, if on the side of God, special operatives waaaayy behind enemy lines, and that is why our Church is called the Church Militant, then, your duty, your mission, becomes extremely clear and relatively simple.
Which is not to say it becomes easy. But it is simple. Simple to understand. Simple to know in the marrow of your bones. Acting on it becomes easier not because the actions are easy, but because the distinct and deep understanding that it is the right path, makes the difficulties on that path much easier to bear.
It also becomes obvious that the work you need to do is, in this order:
- First of all on yourself. To know the Truth and live it. Ultimately, this means to know God. And ultimately, however absurd the proposition may sound to you now (it certainly would have seemed absolutely absurd to me eleven years ago) that the best model of God, His will, and how to best fit into the world, is the Catholic model (sedevacantist, obviously since what most people assume is the “Catholic Church ” is in reality the very hub of one of the portals to Hell, manned and populated by Satanists, freemasons and pedophiles, none of which are valid clergy being as they are not even valid Catholics).
- To lead others, first of all your spouse and family, to the Truth, and living it.
- In doing 1 and 2 above, ensure the safety, security, cohesion, education, intelligence, truth, beauty and loyalty, of your own family first and foremost. The family YOU and your wife create, not necessarily the one you were born into, though, if that is good and doable, so much the better.
- To lead by example, and begin to influence others around you to your ways. To begin to form a community of like-minded people.
- Reject, totally and absolutely, all of the following:
- Anything and everything related to Vatican II.
- All and every Novus Ordo “Cleric” they are not Catholics, they are not validly ordained, and in the unlikely event that they were in the past, they have been heretics for some 60 years or more, like Vigano. And heretics are to be shunned by all. Even should they repent, they are to spend the rest of their days in penitence secluded in a monastery, with authority to preach or expound their thoughts on precisely no one.
- Anything and everything offered to you by globohomo world.
- The false narratives presented to you on:
- Feminism.
- Toxic Masculinity.
- Anything “gender”. It’s called sex. Gender is for grammar.
- And there are only two sexes: male and female.
- Equality. No two humans are equal, not even twins.
- No culture is equivalent to another.
- No ethnicity is equivalent to another.
- No system of laws and rules is equivalent to another.
- No religion is equivalent to another.
- Tolerance. Tolerating evil is evil. It is not good.
- Moral relativity. No. Wrong is wrong and right is right.
- Justice is not complicated. If you think it is read On Natural Law, or the Science of Justice, by Lysander Spooner. It is 8 pages of A4 printed and is all the law and all the politics any honest person will ever need.
- A world without Justice is a world in which Love cannot exist, only perversion.
- “Social Justice” is not Justice, but the inversion of it.
- Violence. While certainly violence is never optimal, from a Catholic point of view, it is, absolutely, at times, necessary. Such is the state of things in a fallen world, if we are to preserve Justice and Love. This is why Catholics absolutely believe in the death penalty, and always have. human dignity demands it. (When I say Catholics, I always mean the real ones, Sedevacantists, not fake “Catholic” Churchians that do not reject completely all of the Novus Ordo lies).
- The LGBTQ agenda. Educate yourself on things like the incidence of violence in homosexual relationships, the incidence of childhood sexual abuse in those presenting as homosexual, the incidence of the perpetrators of child sexual abuse among homosexuals, as well as various other things, such as the incidence of horrific diseases brought on by their lifestyle, or their overall personality disorders beyond the obvious ones.
- Reject absolutely the very concept of Truth Relativity. Objective truth exists and is a foundational concept of reality. Regardless of whether you personally are able to know what the highest truth of any given situation or event is, an objective, absolute position exists.
If you do this work, you will find that those texts discussing the way people lived, believed and acted a few hundred years ago, suddenly make a whole lot of sense and that your life is immensely improved by re-learning some basic principles of virtue, courage and perseverance in the face of a demonically inspired world.
Once again, this is not to say your life will necessarily become “easier” in practical terms, but it will absolutely become far more beautiful and significant, and that is a prize worth having a little discomfort for. After all, all the great achievements involved sacrifice. it is the very quality that makes us admire the achievement! And how much better an achievement to have begun the creation of a community dedicated to Truth, Family, Courage and the ability and will to resist the demonic processes and practices now so diffuse into the world.
Once you reclaim the ability to think, move and above all, ACT like a man, instead of some feminised version of one, and understand the judicious use of reason, and of all your other faculties, to achieve success, not by mere brute force, but by use of your intellect as required and to overcome the devious even at their own game if need be, in service of God, Truth, Beauty and the human virtues of the best of humanity, then, life truly becomes worthwhile living.
And remember how to define success:
To create a powerful, strong, family, with powerful, strong bonds and excellent values of the main virtues of honour, honesty (but learn to deceive the deceivers too) right action, justice, truth and beauty. And to not only resist the temptations and moral decay and degeneration of the worldly all around you, but lead others to salvation by example and create the tide that will reverse and overcome the evil and the deceitful in ways neither you nor I could even imagine, but that, when you follow God’s Will, appear to happen spontaneously in very unexpected ways.
And real success is to pass on a legacy to your children so they continue to build on what you started, never relenting, never allowing tolerance for evil to creep in, and never to become so soft that squashing the snake heads as soon as they appear ever becomes too distasteful for them.
I for one am doing my part. I hope you are doing yours, and that one day, we see each other from across the way and recognise: Ah. There is another brave soul who stood when it counted and held his shield next to mine, even if I may not have know it.
Protestantism is Satanic
Which is not to say that every protestant is some kind of devil worshipper. In fact most are probably “good” people who believe themselves to be Christians. After all, if you are told from birth you are (fill in blank here), and given we now know 98% of people don’t even question the government, it stands to reason they would believe they are (fill in the blank).
See this video and try to understand that this is not “oh, just another church cucking” this is the absolutely inevitable result of Protestantism.
I will explain why in a way you probably have never come across before below the video.
There are multiple ways to point out the obvious Satanry of Protestantism, but almost none of them break the brainwashing that they have been subjected to.
Rivers of ink have been written proving that the lies Protestants have been taught about Catholicism are complete fabrications. Including by non-catholics not all of which converted but yet saw that Catholicism has been lied about for 5 centuries.
Equal or more amounts of ink have been put down to show that the 40,000 interpretations of the “Bible” are absolutely wrong, infantile, historically ignorant and so on.
It has been pointed out that their “top Bible” was the intentionally corrupted translation of an already pharisee corrupted version, ordered by an openly gay king who literally started the masonic (satanic) temples.
It has been demonstrated that it was Protestantism that first permitted divorce, then sex before marriage obviously becomes normalised, and sex for sport inevitably leads to abortion on demand. “Oh but not MY Church/sect/family…” shut up. America is a baby murdering factory that puts the FAKE numbers of the holohoax to shame, never mind the real ones. And America is predominantly a Protestant country.
But do any of these facts change the mind of a Protestant. Very rarely. And then usually only after years when they actually begin to read some patristic texts.
I even tried to show Protestants their absurd sects are absurd by the simplest of logic. After all, if Luther ripping out parts of the Bible finally “fixed it” how can you ever say that the Bible alone is all you need? First of all, the Bible itself was put together by TRADITION. And if the Bible that served Christianity perfectly well for over 1000 years needed “fixing” by a fat German of Jewish descent that had a fetish for raping maids and banging nuns, and who committed suicide, then I posit to you it couldn’t have been the “right” Bible and for all we know, when Bruce Jenner decides to rip some more out of it and interpret it so trannies are God’s chosen people, well… show me EXACTLY how you will be able to differentiate between Bruce’s “God-breathed” and Martin’s “God-breathed”. You won’t be able to, of course, because both versions are and would be only Satan-Farted.
And here is a picture for those of you allergic to reading (though it’s doubtful you got this far if you are, but maybe the colours attracted you.)
And keep in mind that Apostolic succession simply does NOT exist in ANY Protestant denomination. Not a single one. And it’s extremely doubtful if it exists at all in the supposedly “Orthodox” world, since in Russia and Greece, the metropolitans were essentially political plants of the KGB as one of the top Metropolitans recently admitted. Furthermore, they have their own schisms too, which invalidated the whole concept of “one body” as found IN THE BIBLE, not as invented by some bitter protestant.
But do any of these facts convince? Not often. What about all of them together? Well, they usually don’t sit through 1/10 of the information presented here before they try to think of objections.
But here is the thing:
Protestantism is absolutely shallow. It is fickle. It is ephemeral. Anyone can interpret anything the way they want. It literally has no rules except:
2. Jesus is the King of Kings. Well, even Demons know this.
It is not even a childish religion it is a religion for retarded toddlers.
Protestantism has only created degeneracy, weird Puritanism, divorce, destruction of the family, abortions and fuelled the flames of bitter feminism due to having relegated women to second class men-with-tits who must obey.
Catholicism has created the most advanced, humane and just civilisations in human history, the highest forms of art and engineering, love and respect for beauty, truth, honesty and helping your neighbour.
And Catholicism is DEEP. Roman law is an adult legal system, perfectly suited for messy, disagreeable, complicated human. It is deep because it is simple yet penetrating and cognisant of human nature. Anglo-saxon laws, and even worse, American laws, are a barbaric artificiality imposed on human beings as if they were machines in comparison.
Human beings are NOT robots, and allowances for specific circumstances should ALWAYS be aired out and considered. And discarded when they are absolutely in the wrong, or irrelevant, but used and listened to when they are very relevant.
Even murder is not always murder.
The spur of the moment robbery gone bad that kills a little old lady for stealing her pension, should get the death penalty. While the well-thought out, planned and executed homicide of a child rapist, in my view at least, deserves a medal and a small pension for life. You may disagree with my take, but don’t tell me that the two are equally guilty. They are not.
The Rules of Catholic Dogma and how to apply them are ALL enshrined in one document, the Pio-Bendictine Code of Canon Law of 1917.
If you read it and you consider what a society that follows these dogmatic rules would look like, you will see it can only create a great and wonderful civilisation with almost no crime.
The point is, in its very superficiality and paradoxical rigid flexibility (the main rule being you can make up your own rules, and don’t let anyone tell you otherwise!) Protestantism ultimately stands for nothing. It has no lasting values. while the Catholic `Church dogma has remained unchanged for almost two millennia. Sure, from time to time they refined a concept or expounded another, but the divine dogmas remain unchanged. The rules to manage worldly affairs certainly changed but that is not to say the old ways are invalid, in fact, in many cases, the old ways show how Sedevacantism always was the correct position to take when faced with a fake Pope, or one that was or became a heretic.
How can you possibly believe in a Church that is fallible? Does your version of Jesus lie? Produce fallible Church dogma? Or agrees that everyone should have their own “truth”? Including Bruce Jenner?
Catholic priests and Bishops and Popes even have always been only flawed human beings, but the church itself has endured all of these and the rules of the Church, as presented by the magisterium of the Church, in the form of the compiled Canon Laws, is indeed infallible and has stood the test of time. Not because Catholics are flawless or Popes infallible (they are only infallible when valid, pronouncing ex-cathedra, and then only because GOD ensures their infallibility, as per His promise, not because any Pope ever was perfect or infallible in se.
But such concepts are generally “too much” for the average protestant, brought up on a diet of soy for breakfast, lunch and dinner, presented with a succulent steak, or a boiled lobster, or even just a salad with pomegranate and orange in it, recoils in shock. His simple-minded palate cannot even imagine such rich textures and flavours and tradition and history and objective fact built on objective fact so that the very methods of science were invented by Catholics. He wants to deny such things even exist or were ever true.
“NEWTON!” He shouts almost like an atheist would retardedly shout “DARWIN!” Forgetting that Newton was an anti-trinitarian, wrote far more on religion in a heretical perspective than he ever did on physics and that about 30 years of his life were spend on occult alchemy.
While the anonymous 14th Century monk that wrote The Cloud of Unknowing, almost certainly touches on far more penetrating truths about God and Christianity than Newton did. And the original free version online in Middle English is delightful (if you are clear on the language, the modern version linked to above is useful to read alongside it).
And yet, even with this barrage of starting points to investigate, the average Protestant will simply dismiss them all out of hand and assume he’s right anyway.
Do you see now, why the Catholics thought it worse for pagans to be “educated” by Protestant “missionaries” about “Christianity” than if they were left to their own devices?
Being completely wrong on something you are ignorant of, you have a better chance that your God-given conscience leads you correctly, or, that conversely (or jointly) due to invincible ignorance, God takes mercy on you.
But a fake version of the truth, a corrupted, half-truth wrapped in poisonous lies, that will lead you to your death. The lies baked in as you learn them make you lazy and spoon-feed and you never bother to investigate them yourself. This is human nature. We have seen it.
98% of people would euthanise themselves instead of take the time to research something that they are supposed to inject themselves with because the government or the TV told them to do it. Why would they ever bother to question the absurd nonsense of Protestantism as it is fed to them from childhood?
THIS is why Protestantism is Satanic. Exactly like the Mutagenic Serum shots, it is designed to fool you and lead you to eternal Hell.
However uncomfortable this idea may make you, I put it to you that it is an infinitesimally tiny dot of absolute inconsequence when compared to eternity in Hell because you believed in something so utterly retarded as “Sola Scripture” and “Once saved always saved”.
So I hope you take heed.
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By G | 13 April 2023 | Posted in Catholicism, Christianity, Sedeprivationism, Social Commentary, The Enemy Within