Posts Tagged ‘Catholicisim’

Exposing Milo the Freemason in more detail

I have now made three blog posts identifying Milo Yiannopoulous as a Freemason. Something he denies unconvincingly given the evidence provided here, here and here.

Since then I had one persistent detractor trying very hard (to the tune of thousands of words of nonsensical illogic that has in any case all been replied to in detail before) to “prove” how sedeprivationism is wrong and I in particular am wrong. Who is this detractor? A fake “Catholic” deacon, (too cowardly to provide his real name of course, because secrecy is how Freemasons operate) previously exposed multiple times (here, here and here) as no Catholic of any kind who slinks around on Social Galactic hoping to score a point against me with lengthy screeds that literally no one but himself reads and which are in any case, quite obviously in error AND filled with outright lies. But that is all beside the point, except for one: The reason this vermin has crawled out of the woodwork more than a year after I demonstrated conclusively what kind of Freemasonic, fake Catholic scum he is, is for one reason, and one reason only, by his own admission: To defend the honour of poor, poor, ex (supposedly) sodomite, surely-not-a-gatekeeping-Freemason, Milo.

I am not the only one to note the physognomy of this Deacon of Moloch is terrifying to altar boys everywhere.

And he is Compelled you see, COMPELLED to defend Milo. I do believe this is probably true. I can see where he may well have received some orders to try and discredit me however he can and starting in the relatively gated community of Social Galactic. Absurd as such a situation sounds to anyone unfamiliar with the fake “catholic” Church of Moloch headed by Bergoglio, as well as how Freemasons act in general and their entire main mission being the destruction of the Catholic Church, it is, in reality, very plausible, and even has some circumstantial backup from Milo himself. Shortly after my expose Milo posted how he had received an email and a phone call that basically had given him a panic attack. What on Earth could possibly provoke such a result? I covered that in part 2 and even gave him an out from the supposed disembowelling and decaptitation that is the punishment for being exposed as a Freemason.

Now, as I say, I KNOW how insane this sounds. But then, if you’d told me I would have become Catholic ten years ago I would have thought that far more ridiculous. And the things I discuss are not unverifiable by anyone willing to take the time.

So, in the next post, I will dissect an article that Milo has been pushing harder than any other article I saw him write or discuss. Keep in mind I am saying he is a gatekeeper designed to keep awakening nominal “Catholics” (but really ignorant Churchians that are just so disgusted with Bergoglio they are starting to wake up and BEGIN to question things) from actually looking at the: DETAILS. The details of Catholicism, of Vatican II, of Canon Law and why Sedeprivationists (or Sedevacantists) are the ONLY actual Catholics left. We are supposedly just a TINY sect of crazy “schismatics” as the narrative they keep pushing on the world at large says, from Bergoglio down to the vermin like the “Padre” Geo guy. And yet… we seem to attract a very INORDINATE amount of artillery for our mostly quiet views. I, of course, am not a quiet type, but even those who are and just continue to grow their parish by having proper Catholic Mass and proper Catholic sacraments delivered by VALID and actually Catholic clergy (who outright reject Vatican II and all who do not also reject it) causes Bergoglio apoplectic fits and gives Milo panic attacks. And gets non-entities like the fake “deacon” to come charging to the rescue of his higher placed Freemasonic Sodomite friendly (to put it mildly) betters. And of their fake “Church Militant” run by also supposedly ex-gay, Gary Voris. Who insists you call him Michael though, because he got 250k USD to start up his fake “Catholic” media empire by a supernumerary of Opus Dei and called it St. Michael’s Media or something like that. Rampant Narcissists ex(?) sodomites of a feather and all that. Enjoy the next post, this was just the intro as to why I’ll be doing it.

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