Posts Tagged ‘bruce charlton’

This is not hard

To all the squealing of those hurt and offended by my zealotry, all I have for you, is the silence of assent.

Of course their squeals are silent too, because they go directly to the permanent spam grave and I will never see one of their idiotic comments again, nor will anyone else, but the point is really not difficult.

There are only two kinds of people:

Those who love the truth, and those who do not.

While people can be in error and indeed we all are at some point on many things, those who are intellectually honest can and do correct their error when presented with objective facts that disprove their theories, beliefs and ideas. Of course, in areas where personal opinions of individuals, can sway large sections of the uneducated population, errors abound and many of these are fostered on the less knowing by those wishing to control them.

And wishing to control others for personal gain, makes you fall into the side of those people who do not love the truth.

There really is no other more meaningful distinction between human beings than this. Either you love the truth and prefer it to any lie, or you do not. And if you do not, I don’t really care about you, your feelings, and frankly, whether you continue to breathe oxygen or not.

I am not talking about people in error here, we all are to some degree or other. I am talking about people who knowingly chose a falsehood for personal gain over a truth that will benefit others but not gain them any advantage. Those people are my enemy. Directly, indirectly and perennially. There is no middle ground. I do not care for liars and their hatred for truth. I do not want them near me. I do not want to work with them, for them or have them work for me.

In fact, I don’t even understand how anyone can have anything to do with a knowing deceiver. Why would you even want that anywhere near you?

So, while I can stomach the deceived protestant that simply states that Church history, the patristic fathers and all the other evidence against protestantism being valid is not important to him and he just believes in a generic good God that loves us and the important thing is to do good and be good and treat people well, I will have nothing to do with a liar that states flatly that Popes did not exist in the year 900 AD and/or that the whole of Christendom was in fact Catholic up until 1050 or so.

One can be thought of as a simpleton, but a friend, the other as a flat out, knowing liar and deceiver and as such, nothing but an enemy.

With respect to people such as Bruce Charlton, as I explained, I do not think he is necessarily an intentional deceiver per se, in the sense that he’s financed by Soros to spread lies, or anything analogous to that. I think he is simply someone so invested in his own intellectual ego that he comes up with fancy —and perhaps superficially attractive to some— heresy.

Charitably, I do not ascribe to him the intent of wanting to lead souls to Hell, only the effect of it. He’s more drunk driver than intentional van-into-a-crowd driver.

And as such he requires calling out and exposing. Especially since quiet correction did not work and in these dire times, clarity of faith is the most important aspect of our existence, whether you realise it or not.

So yes.

I am an absolute zealot for truth. I will go to the wall for two plus two being four, now and forever. There has never been any question of that in my entire life. The real question here is:

Are you?

A bunch of ecumenical heretics dislikes me. Oh dear…

As I have explained before, I dislike cowards perhaps even more than outright evil doers.

I mean, the evil doers at least could be said to have some kind of “principles” even if it is just to serve Satan and cause harm. But cowards, well, cowards have none, they are the squishy molluscs of humanity, willing to fit in any crevice and mould themselves to any lie. And in all honesty, I apologise to molluscs for the comparison.

Intellectual cowards are no exception. They perform twists of strawman-logic that would make a crack addled prostitute blush for shame.

My post on the intellectual cowardice and general incompetent nihilism of Bruce Charlton brought yet another bunch of intellectual heretics and cowards out of the woodwork to “defend” him. They show themselves up as intellectually dishonest right in their about page of course:

Who We Are and What We Believe

Ortho:  Right, correct, straight. As in orthodoxy (right teaching), orthogonal (literally, right-sided; thus, right angled; so, perpendicular, independent) and orthognomon (right knowledge, right indicator (as of a carpenter’s square or a sundial)).

Sphere:  A domain, especially of influence. Thus,

Orthosphere: A domain of Christian orthodoxy independent of conventional conservatism.

We are Christians: Catholic, Protestant and Orthodox. We believe our religion is true, and we take the Bible and the Church Fathers as our guides to the faith. We do not innovate religiously, for that is folly.

We affirm our respective traditions where they disagree with the other branches of Christianity, but we do so respectfully, for we have much in common (catholic or mere Christianity) and our enterprise has as much to do with society as with religion.


Let us count the ways in which they lie:

1. We are Christians: Catholic, Protestant and Orthodox.

Yeah… so you are not Christian at all. You’re LARPing at it by being actually completely Protestant. Actual Catholics don’t recognise the schismatic Orthobros as validly Christians, much less the absurd 40,000 denominations and counting Protestants. Actual Orthobros also don’t see Catholics and certainly not Protestants as being valid Christians, and only the Protestants can hold the nonsensical position that anyone who says Jesus is Lord is a Christian. I mean, demons acknowledge that too… so yeah, they are just a bunch of happy clappy, kumbaya pretend “christians”. The correct word (at best) for these types is Churchians.

2. We believe our religion is true.

No, you don’t. You can’t say you believe X is true when you also assert Y and Z, neither of which is X and in fact are specifically NOT X are also true. Especially when Y has several competing versions of Y and Z has 40,000 competing versions. So you’re outright lying. What you really should say is that you will pretend to believe all sorts of conflicting and mutually exclusive nonsense in order to appear “tolerant” of the world and its lies. Because apparently, being tolerant of lies is a virtue. For you. Not for anyone intellectually honest, of course.

3. and we take the Bible and the Church Fathers as our guides

No, you don’t. If you did you would be actual Catholics.

4. We do not innovate religiously, for that is folly.

Ahahahhahahaha seriously, these people… I shake my head… how can anyone even remotely honest write this? Well they can’t. Because how can you, with a straight face, say you do not innovate religiously when you literally accept as “true” over 40,000 versions of your “truth”? And directly go completely against the Bible, tradition and the Church fathers all of which tell you to not deviate from the One, True, Holy and Apostolic Catholic Church? Well you can’t. You have to be an absolutely shameless liar to do so, or a complete and utter drooling retard, and usually both.

5. We affirm our respective traditions where they disagree with the other branches of Christianity, but we do so respectfully, for we have much in common

Translation: We “respect” each other’s lies because being liars ourselves we can hardly point fingers. It has been and will always be a fact that actual Catholics affirm and believe, dogmatically, infallibly and forever that: There is no salvation outside the Catholic Church. Because Jesus, the Bible, the patristic fathers. So… if one actually was Catholic, one certainly cannot accept any other “branch” of “christianity” as being in any way valid. The same goes for the Orthobros schismatics. The only Churchians who could come up with this nonsense are the protestants, which is what this bunch of heretics are, regardless of what they pretend to be.

6. Mere Christianity

I have explained before my dissatisfaction with CS Lewis, which goes back to before I became a Christian, precisely because it is a mealy-mouthed “defence” of Churchianity and in typical British fashion, he skirts the main points, never actually facing them on, unlike, say, G.K. Chesterton.

7. and our enterprise has as much to do with society as with religion.

Translation: We are of the world as much as we are of “religion”. That’s really it.

That’s all we really need to know about them. And their incoherent squealing defence of Bruce is even worse. Yes that’s quite the achievement but it is. Honestly, I think “unhinged” is probably a better descriptor for them given the utter word salad they come up with.

They lament that one should simply “tell the truth” and support anyone who does, ever, when they do, even if they are demonic. Yes they literally say that.

Just speak the truth, then, and support all others who do … whether or not they do so consistently. Do this, even when they be demons; for, even, and perhaps especially, the demons cannot but testify to that truth which founds their very being.

So demons testify to the truth. That’s a novel one on me. But hey, I always said it: Protestants have the same method of measure for being a “christian” that demons do. At least these guys admit it, I suppose. And that’s literally the only truth they tell about themselves or anything else. Unwittingly, no doubt.

Oh and according to them, I criticised Bruce because of envy. Heh. That actually did get me to chuckle for real, as, I am sure, it would anyone that knows me in real life.

So yeah, thanks for confirming my points, that you gnostic, non-christian, heretic Churchians are a scourge on truth, and serve only to do the equivalent of adding large scoops of sewage to the ice cream of truth and then expect everyone to pretend it’s ice-cream.

No. It’s not. It’s sewage.


I think Bruce Charlton is a gatekeeper

I am not yet convinced he is an intentional gatekeeper, like say, Milo Yankmypolus, but he is undoubtedly adding to the level of blackpilling despair.

I am more liable to put this down to his being the intellectual coward he is, as well as being a gnostic heretic, which, intentional deceiver or not, can only lead to Hellish effects, results, conclusions and beliefs.

It is the reason I despise cowards perhaps even more than I do actively evil people. The evil are just servants of evil and must be destroyed or they will destroy you. But the cowards… the cowards backstab you and poison the well in order to be eaten last. They pollute the mind of the gullible and young with the lies of fear and teach them cowardice as virtue and courage as “bigotry”. They are the fog-fart beings upon which all evil is founded.

And Bruce is an intellectual coward. Something I have evidenced before, and his net effect is to create only more despair and fear and weakness in all those who listen to or read his gnostic, heretical nonsense.

Let’s take a look at his “take” on certain things.

Here is a screenshot of his latest posts:

So, out of six posts, we have:

  • 2 posts equating, implying or directly saying that computers/the internet and so on could be/are/would be influenced by or used by demons.
  • One post on psychology that is really quite absurd, don’t take my word for it, go on, read it yourself and let me know how it changed your life.
  • One on the doom and gloom idea that even if we try to fight back against the forces of evil we are only contributing to the overall evil and destruction of all and his completely nihilistic nonsense ends with the panacea that we must only rely on the “spirit” since all battles in meatspace are only adding to the evil. It is possibly his most cowardly post yet and the one I despise most of the ones I have read. Bruce is obviously of the opinion that the Spartans should have just gone quietly into the night, and so too the knights of Malta and everyone who ever picked up a weapon and fought the tyrants and won. Pathetic, disgusting black-pilling coward. It is enough to make me believe he is a gatekeeper and intentionally so, but I know enough to realise that the probability is more on the side of him being your typical, nihilistic British geek. All theory and no balls.
  • One in which he totally cripples the very idea of precognition, which, by the way is a verifiable scientific fact, as the meta study by Honorton and Ferrari has amply demonstrated (I discuss this at length in the book Systema) and which I also have personal experience, as to other people I know, then he carries on in his bumbling, intellectually dishonest and also ignorant way, to get Karma and Destiny similarly wrong and “defined” in the same crippled way he “defined” precognition. It’s not just bad, it’s objectively, demonstrably wrong.
  • Lastly, one in which Earth becomes some giant being that “chooses” to be resurrected and everything is beings… honestly, it’s like the fever dream of a heroin addict, a bunch of utterly gnostic rubbish.

Bruce Charlton is your typical British geek, he clearly has been an incel most of his life and retreated in his specialboi ™ idea that he is very smart and has very important ideas to share with the world. Unfortunately his ideas are mostly delusion and as he becomes more despairing and probably lonely, he churns out more gnostic and heretical nonsense that if anyone bothered to try to take seriously could only lead them into the same pit of depression he probably inhabits.

In short, Bruce Charlton is not promoting anything real that will improve your life, your faith, or, especially, your reasoning ability. He is a fraud and ultimately a negative one.

Some are liable to say that I criticise everyone and are not sufficiently supportive of those that are “on our side”.

Let me state the obvious again.

There is ONE truth. ONE.

It is the same for you, me and the entire rest of the Universe.

Yes it’s true that none of us sees it perfectly, but where I see obvious error and deviation from what is absolutely true, I try to correct and help if possible, privately first, less so later and finally publicly when it affects things like the despair and salvation of others. Do I think Bruce Charlton is evil incarnate? No. I assume he’s your typically pedestrian Brit, unsatisfied with life and going about it in his quiet desperation, while sharing it with others in an effort to make himself feel more relevant as a whole, but instead, just spreading despair, nihilism, and heresy. I don’t care about Bruce. I am far more concerned with the people he might influence into taking his gnostic nonsense on board in any way.

It would be better for anyone to join a boxing gym and focus their energy in becoming a decent practitioner of boxing. And keep in mind I believe boxing over the long term causes a certain extent of brain damage. Even so, I absolutely believe it would be healthier to be a boxer than a follower of Bruce Charlton’s “ideas”. That’s all.

Nor is it true I attack everyone. There are a lot of enemies so I attack them when and as I can or see fit to do so. I have plenty of people close to me that are positive and good and with which I make plans for the future, and there are also the people I support and give shout-outs to, as, recently, for example, that German politician. But the snakes in the grass, the impostors, the frauds, the nihilists, well, they are the traitors in our trenches and they need to immediately be thrown out into no-man’s land as cover for our sandbags. Or to put it another way, with only one addition: It doesn’t limit itself to pedophiles and child abusers. It applies to all important distinctions of the truth.

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