Posts Tagged ‘book reading’

Good Fan Mail

The reader that sent me an email with a picture of four of my books he is reading this year (see a few posts back) also does readings of books he enjoys on Youtube, his channel is small and just a hobby, but for the millennials among you who are reading-challenged, perhaps if you ask him nicely he might select a book you like to read.

As every writer who is honest knows, we enjoy receiving good fan mail. It certainly makes a difference from the stalkers, unhinged, fed-psyops, and outright hate mail anyway. And on balance I receive a lot more good fan mail than bad one, but People like Stephen truly give a writer a sense of achievement, because he articulates well the things he appreciated and as they resonate with my intent in terms of my writing, it gives one a sense of having managed to accomplish what we set out to do.

So I hope you enjoy his channel and that in due course perhaps he might blog too. He certainly seems to be an interesting person in his own right anyway.

UPDATE: I actually went to see one of his videos and he certainly gives me high praise from about 4 minutes in, here. And I was correct in thinking he is an interesting character.

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