Posts Tagged ‘billionaire pedophiles’

The first rule of pedophile billionaires…

…is that you can’t talk about the truth.

This rather excellent individual, Peter Flaherty, whom I had never heard of before, spoke unquestionable facts at a shareholder’s meeting and before his 3 minutes were up, he was physically arrested by actual police.

Although the archived daily mail article above is a faithful reporting of the events seen on video, this is a longer clip than the one provided by the daily mail, that shows the start of his speech too.

Flaherty said Buffet had ‘donated tens of billions to the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation’, adding: ‘If “woke” culture is a disease, then philanthropy is the virus. The Gates Foundation bankrolls the teaching of Critical Race Theory around the country, including that math is inherently racist.
‘The Gates Foundation offers a Gender Identity Toolbox which asserts that gender is the result of ‘socially and culturally constructed ideas.
‘This is a lie. Gender is not a cultural construct. It is a genetic and biological fact.’
At this point, he appeared to be interrupted by Berkshire official Cathy Woollums, but Flaherty insisted he would not be ‘censored’ and appealed to Buffet that he be allowed to continue.
Buffet agreed but reminded him of his three-minute limitation.
Flaherty replied ‘of course’, before continuing: ‘We know how much Bill Gates cares about children. He met and traveled with Jeffrey Epstein many times after Epstein was convicted of sex crimes.’

It’s very interesting, is it not, that Flaherty was arrested so quickly for… umm… well, stating objective, indisputable facts.

And Hunter Biden hasn’t even been charged with anything yet, despite there being video of him with actual children on his laptop, smoking crack and brandishing a weapon, while naked.

But you keep thinking voting is gonna solve things? Ok millennial.

UPDATE: This is the only post I had to write twice and on the desktop, as the upload from my phone first failed, then was not saveable as a draft and finally was partially hidden. Just a coincidence I am sure.

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