Posts Tagged ‘Aleks’

What Now, Cocaine Clown?

Black Mountain Analysis has been one of the better places to read about the likely outcomes and situations of the Russia vs. Clownworld war.

The latest article on the fall of Bakhmut-Artemovsk (hereafter referred to as Artemovsk only, since this was its original Russian name) is interesting based on a few points that most of us may have missed. For example:

If WW3 would break out, all the European politicians (???) would immediately lose all power over their military and all control over all European countries would immediately and permanently switch to the US military high command. All functions, both civilian (industry, etc.) and military. That is what happened in Ukraine as well.

This is something we all have known a long time, but there is a difference between having a vague sense of being directed by the (((neocons))) of Israel-Washington-Diaspora and realising that literal troop movements, materiel delivery and its logistics are directed by them and their lapdogs. As far as what comes out of the mouths of the puppets pretending to be our respective presidents, prime ministers and so on, well, that was always as obvious as if they had been reading a teleprompt.

But it is a different level of realisation when you are aware that actual men and their weapons —supposedly your co-nationals— are directed at the whim of a foreign power whose main goal is literally, at best, your total subjugation, and quite likely, your extermination so as to benefit them, their people and their ideologies, at literally, the expense of your flesh and blood, your children.

The drone attack on the Kremlin was highly likely ordered by the British and executed by the Ukrainian SBU or GUR. The British received their orders from the Americans. Plausible deniability. The British should start to realize that they are no better than Ukraine or Zelensky if a war should break out.

Reinforcing the point above, is the fact that if a single missile landed in London, the entirety of the British public would suddenly develop PTSD and require psychological support animals, and copious amounts of psychotropics. If the Russians followed that up with an air-drop of pamphlets entitled “There are only two sexes”, they may well begin to see mass suicides in the ancient land of Albion.

The Southern states would react different. If a missile landed on Rome (I doubt the Russians would do this, they are fond of the arts, on the other hand, if they wanted to take out Milan…) the average Italian would be most upset about the loss of historically relevant works, but would also immediately point out that they don’t even live in the Lazio, and that as Abruzzesi, or Sicilians, or Venetians, they never supported the freemasons forced fake state of Italy. The Spaniards and Greeks would be a bit more cohesive, perhaps, but not much.

Well, Zelensky is actually favorable for Russia, since he is a total idiot. Literally a clown. It is great to have such a guy as the nominal leader of the opponent. No way that Russia would attack him.

It’s hard to argue against this point. My only counter-argument would be that if they did take him out, it would be a massive morale blow to clown world. The requirement of simultaneously trying to make the cocaine-clown a much loved martyr, while trying to find a suicidal replacement, as well as trying to explain why such a loss did not mean the end of the farce, would probably break the cognitive dissonance of even some of the boomers that remain glued to CNN, ABC, NSBC, RAI TV, and all the other prostitutes of the (((American))) deep state.

An important point that I had no numbers on before (and I am not sure where Aleks gets this number from, but I think it is probably accurate) is this:

An estimated 70,000 NATO-trained Ukrainian troops. They are highly motivated and ideologically confused.

I agree with ideologically confused, in fact, retardedly brainwashed is a more apt term, but I don’t agree with highly motivated at all. Regardless of how stupid they may be, how thoroughly brainwashed, one thing I have a lot of personal experience on is what happens to such people when they are confronted with physical reality. In fact, I am so familiar with it I have even developed ethnically based generic expected responses. Americans are usually the ones that talk the loudest then end up crying in the corner, all while complaining about how it was all most unfair. East block people (Russians, Latvians, etc) are the most objective about it. Their response being something more like “Ah. I see, you kicked my ass good. I will try to learn from you now, thank you.” The Polish just get hit a lot more than the others, then leave, or just leave. Their confidence in their own ineffective ways remains unchanged but they leave the area quickly. The British will tend to not be too boastful and try to give a good accounting of themselves, including being sneaky if they can get away with it. The British influenced by Americanism however, will go into a depressive and self-destructive spiral. The Italians will try to talk their way around having any physical conflict in the first place. Then if absolutely necessary, will either run away to never be seen again, or they set your house on fire and wait outside with a shotgun to take out survivors. But when it comes to NATO soldiers, the response is mostly closer to the American one. And very quickly so.

My take is that they may start out as highly motivated, but after the first casualties on their side they will suddenly awake from their stupor and realise they are dead meat. And they will want their mommies and to run back home where they can play the glory-hound as a “survivor” of the “campaign” in Ukraine.

These people are well trained and highly motivated fighters for the Ukrainian side. Denazification and demilitarization both apply to them. What now follows does not represent my opinion, my wishes, or hopes. It is a dry analysis of the facts on the ground.

There is no way on earth that anything resembling the end of the SMO or similar could happen before these guys are all dead or have fled abroad. None whatsoever. Russia can’t let them back into the (then Russian) Ukrainian society since they are highly toxic and a multiplier of the nationalistic ideology. As long as they are part of the population of the future territory of Ukraine, there can be no real peace and reconciliation.

Agreed, but I would extend this to any and all Western NGOs. The whole concept of X nation for X nationals needs to be enforced with an iron fist in a mailed glove with spikes on it for whatever is left of Ukraine when it ends.

Everyone knows that. The Russians, the Ukrainians, the West. Before anything significant can happen, these guys need to die. And they will die soon. In fact, they are dead men walking, doing now some last activities of their lives. This is one part (of many parts) of the denazification and demilitarization effort.

They will not be missed by me or anyone rational. The fact that they too are puppets in the scheme of things, and the most disposable of puppets at that, is irrelevant. People this stupid and aggressive are a net negative for humanity. Aggressiveness itself is not necessarily a bad thing. And the stupid, like the poor, as Jesus said, will always be with us, but the stupidly aggressive and the aggressively stupid, well, the world can be improved by thinning their numbers.

There is a really important point that I think does not get enough attention, and even here, I think Aleks may have not highlighted the core of it:

Since American weapons are, by many orders of magnitude, more expensive than they should be, this is nothing less than a huge corruption scheme. Everyone in the MIC chain earns something from the flowing money and the biggest part goes back as donations to the politicians. Whose money? Yes, you are right. Your money. Your tax money. You who read this. There is a probability of 60% that you who read this are paying for this scheme since the US is taking this money all over the world from tax payers. At least for the time being… this could change quickly.

So, I come back to my initial statement. Everything will be delivered to Ukraine which fulfills the criteria mentioned above. And it’s okay.

The third criterion is crucial. If Ukraine would get something with which it could inflict serious damage (is there something like that at all?) on Russia, then this would escalate the retaliatory strikes against NATO. Since I don’t see such a wonder weapon, I have no headache at all (yet).

The above three paragraphs fail to highlight that perhaps the main fallback position of the Western “elites” pushing this agenda is simply that, as they decimate a good potion of the European slav population, they keep getting wealthier and thus later able to manoeuvre themselves into whatever protected echelon of humanity is required, while the masses below them that died and continue to starve, die and suffer, are merely a means to an end for them to continue to rule humanity from behind the scenes.

Naming and identifying these people at their various levels of influence, command, and —above all— control is important.

Getting them before a Nuremberg-style trial before execution, even more so.

Aleks thinks a lot of fighting still has to be done before the Russians will make any decisive move, and I agree. In fact, I am not even sure that any decisive move from Russia is on the cards at this point. At least, not in the way most people think. If I were Russia, my next big move may well be to place some serious military force on the doorstep of some NATO puppet, or maybe even the USA. Remember the Cuban Missile Crisis? Something along those lines, not big enough to start WW3 on its own, but enough to be a militarily relevant position if WW3 starts. And while I might not do this overtly, I would certainly be shoring up such positions covertly as I build up goodwill with the host nations.

Many would think this is a slightly insane strategy, but think, do you believe the same tribe that has tried to destroy Russia multiple times over the last 150 years or so is suddenly going to give up once Ukraine becomes a quartered corpse at Russia’s feet?

And if you were Russia, would you content yourself with having survived yet another total onslaught while just sitting back and waiting for the inevitable next time?

I wouldn’t. I’d want to hunt down every last relative of these people and remove their genetic code from planet Earth. And beyond too if required.

In fact, I would take steps to ensure that even if they go underground and become very, very quiet for decades, that I have a long list of their names and make sure each and every one of them stays underground permanently, in a permanently quiet position.

And that’s my take, built on the back of Aleks’ analysis.

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