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Sweden cucks hard but with paper money (maybe)

So Sweden apparently is going to go back on the whole digital cash great reset and keep using cash. Or so they say. On the other hand, they seem ready to ensure half a million Swedish men go and die in Ukraine for the aims of Clow World.

Swedish Archbishop Martin Modeus calls for 500,000 graves to be dug for Swedes.

Sweden must be ready for a “war with Russia” – Archbishop considers graves must be prepared for 5% of the population.

Moreover, the Church clergy must be ready to dig – in the event of a catastrophe, most crematoriums will be overloaded.

The churchmen are advised to stock up on shovels and tombstones.

If you had any doubts about fake clergy, well, there you go. It doesn’t matter if Modeus is Protestant or Novus Orco. He clearly is on the side of gay, pedophile, transgender Sauron (US, NATO and puppets).

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