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Stating the Obvious

Sometimes, it is actually worthwhile pointing out something that even the most basic wide-angle or bird’s eye view observation of affairs on Earth would make blindingly obvious, and yet, seems to escape the vast majority of humanity. More often than I’d like, including me too.

If the last four years have made anything absolutely crystal clear it is that this whole planet is almost entirely under the rule of people and organisations that not only lie blatantly about pretty much everything, but that, in the main, are hell-bent on trying to kill us, wipe us out and destroy our families, children and general lives.

If you pay attention at a global level in a dispassionate, objective, coldly mathematical sense, it become absolutely obvious that IF we accept the premise that “most people are basically good” then something is badly wrong with the world. Because literally most of everything that goes on is certainly not good for you. From the foods they promote and produce to “feed” you, to almost everything pharmaceutical, to the ways in which governments around the world work (in case you are wondering, in the parasitic and self-sustaining-at-your-expense way, best explained by Lysander Spooner in his outstanding piece on Natural Law) to how the “laws” are applied, to how commerce between people is often designed to “work” and that’s even before we bring up usury, banks, and the absolutely criminal practices those bunch of degenerate thugs indulge in. How is it possible, that if “most people are basically good” so much wrong, so much structurally painful, and really outright evil is going on.

Statistically, even if you were to put it down to the average person being a complete moron (well intentioned as they may be, morons cause all sorts of problems) you have two problems: That level of global stupidity would not be capable of creating, nor maintaining the very evil structures we now have in place. In short, there needs to be a certain level of intelligence behind it. And yet, even in countries where the average IQ is relatively low, sometimes even greater evil is absolutely prevalent (see the kind of things that go on in African genocidal wars of the 1990s). Secondly, even if you consider “stupid but basically good” people as indeed damaging (they are) the (supposed) preponderance of intelligent and also basically good people, would build systems that the average moron can navigate with relatively little potential for causing endemic evil.

So, while stupidity is certainly a contributing factor, it cannot be a pivotal factor. Nor can misplaced “good intentions”. Because again, if “most people are good” the intelligent ones go ahead and build systems that are safer from “good intentions” with bad outcomes.

Then you take another data point. The average human. Or even just you, the superior kind of human being that reads this blog (and understands it). Well, good as you may be, you lie. You may only lie infrequently, and mostly to avoid hurting others, but the reality is all human beings lie. It’s just a matter of degree. Personally I have a sliver-thin tolerance for it in general and pretty much none in my private and family life. And of course, yes, I have lied in my own private and family life. Nothing big, really pretty innocuous stuff for the most part (but hey, if I was some kind of freak it’s not like I’d tell you on my blog, right?). And we all have such hypocrisy in our lives. Of course the reasons “vary” but not really. In essence, lies all originate from fear. A fear of the consequences of the truth. Whether to us or loved ones.

But let’s imagine a planet where no one lies. Where everyone just always tells the truth as objectively and unafraid as possible. If we also assume that human beings on this planet also have the same general emotional maturity (or rather lack of) that we have now, and that event (the no lies thing) switched on suddenly at midnight today, the body count would be astronomical within 24 hours.

But let’s say after a week, when most of the human population has killed each other off because of the radical honesty, and there are only a few of us left, strong and emotionally secure enough to survive the truth and noting it daily (assuming such a rose-tinted outcome would even happen, because the mass murders would lead to more, etcetera), what would such a planet look like? Well, it might actually be a kind of paradise.

Imagine the consequences. No stealing, no theft, no injustice. Because if everyone was honest, we all know what is right and wrong, and if you are truly honest, you can’t justify any of your shitty behaviours. And really, why do we not live on such a planet? It would clearly be a better world. So what keeps pushing humanity into ever deeper pits of deception and self-deception? And why is it we tend to crucify those few who really try to tell the truth?

Well… and here is the obvious part:

Do you realise that the Christian explanation of reality fits these conditions precisely, explains them and can be used to predict many, many, many things accurately?

And in specific I mean the Catholic (yes, yes, only the 1958 Sedevacantists are Catholics today) explanation. Original sin explains the fact that despite our supposedly “good intentions” and our supposedly all being “mostly good” we all behave like shitty humans. We are all, literally, flawed.

And the fact that this planet is under the dominion of evil and lies, can hardly be denied when you look at things from a bird’s eye view.

Plus, if you look at history with the same bird’s eye view, (assuming you can find the truth in the events that actually took place) then the general trend you will note is that literally every other philosophy aside from Catholicism has led humanity to a place of, at the very best, not totally horrific stagnation. And in most cases utter malignant societies. And Catholicism is literally the only perspective that has factually improved humanity’s lot.

In short, regardless of your personal beliefs, if you actually take the time to observe the human story of the last few thousand years, it is utterly undeniable that Catholicism explains reality better than any other model.

Of course, today, the supposed “catholic” Church as presented in the Novus Orco is yet another nest of indemoniated pedophiles, and only a remnant is left. But this too happened before and, again, if you educate yourself on all the times Catholicism by all rights should have disappeared from the Earth, it become nigh-on impossible to explain how it has survived unless it is miraculously protected, at least on some level, by a benevolent and all-powerful force.

And as I always say, regardless of your own ideas, if a model works, use it, at least until you find a better model that better predicts reality in all its multi-faceted possible outcomes.

And if the model works, then there really is no reason to not embrace, it. Or at least, to seriously investigate its less obvious underpinnings.

Well, at least that’s the way those of us who are not playing the part of the apes in our very own version of Planet of the Apes.

So, I hope you will at least consider this obvious but oft-ignored perspective, and may it be fruitful to you.

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