This article was the conclusion of a metastudy done in 2017 for mostly European descent countries, and repeated in 2022 for a more global outlook.
Here is an extract or two:
Swan and other experts believe the problem is a class of chemicals called endocrine disruptors, which interfere with the body’s hormones.
These endocrine disruptors are found in many everyday products, including plastic bottles and containers, liners of metal food cans, detergents, flame retardants, food, toys, receipts from ATMs, and pesticides.
Phthalates, commonly found in personal care products, plastics, and children’s toys are one common class of these compounds. They’re hard for consumers to avoid, particularly since manufacturers are under no obligation to identify these chemical ingredients.
Also, many of these disruptors are slow to break down in the environment, making them a long-term hazard.
One particular area of concern for researchers is reproduction, as these disruptors can interfere with fetal maturation and sexual differentiation in early pregnancy.
In the video, Swan illustrates the process whereby these disruptors can short-circuit testosterone production in the male fetus as it goes through development:
“So, here’s the whole picture. There’s the male fetus developing around the first couple weeks of the first trimester: The genetic signal is for the testicles to develop and start making testosterone and here comes this foreign influence from phthalates telling the body, well, you don’t need to make as much testosterone [because] we got it covered as they occupy the spaces … of the androgen receptors, the testosterone receptors.”
“They sit there and they say: Okay we’re good here—you don’t need to make any more [testosterone]. So the body says: Okay—it won’t make any more … and the boy will be under-masculinized.”
This would explain the effect being essentially global, according to the latest study.
Nevertheless, there is information that I tend to agree with that I’d say is potentially far more relevant, and, strangely enough, it comes from my own country.
In contrast to the GenderSci Lab’s science-as-culture analysis, a study in Italy conducted by endocrinologists found that low sperm count was associated with metabolic alterations, cardiovascular risk, and low bone mass, according to the lead author Alberto Ferlin, an M.D., and associate professor of endocrinology at the University of Brescia.
“Infertile men are likely to have important co-existing health problems or risk factors that can impair quality of life and shorten their lives,” said Ferlin, who is also president of the Italian Society of Andrology and Sexual Medicine. “Fertility evaluation gives men the unique opportunity for health assessment and disease prevention.”
Specifically, Ferlin and his colleagues found that about half the men had low sperm counts and were 1.2 times more likely than those with normal sperm counts to have greater body fat (bigger waistline and higher body mass index; higher blood pressure (systolic, or top reading), “bad” (LDL) cholesterol and triglycerides; and lower “good” (HDL) cholesterol.
Low sperm count was defined as less than 39 million per ejaculate, a value also used in the United States. All the men in the study had a sperm analysis as part of a comprehensive health evaluation in the university’s fertility clinic, which included measurement of their reproductive hormones and metabolic parameters.
Indeed, the problem is somewhat in reverse. Fat, unhealthy, sedentary lifestyles contribute to low sperm counts. Well. Who could possibly have imagined that?
These study findings, according to Ferlin, suggest that low sperm count of itself is associated with poorer measures of cardiometabolic health but that hypogonadism is mainly involved in this association. He cautioned that their study does not prove that low sperm counts cause metabolic derangements, but rather that sperm quality is a mirror of the general male health.
In short, get off your lazy ass, work like a medieval peasant, drop the smartphone, and netflix, and doritos, and xbox, and all related faggotry and go do something physical and strenuous on a regular basis.
Better yet, start this really early in life and don’t become a fat, lazy, bastard in the first place. Eat properly and begin the creation of your fiefdom as early as possible (see my 4 part series on how to take on globohomo and win. Use the search me button on the right).
And if you’re about to make some children, get feral level inspired to do all of the above.
Sure, avoiding plastics certainly will not hurt, but running up and down hills, learning to rock climb, or box, or do martial arts, or swim a couple of kilometres a few times a week, or any other such activity, is going to help you a lot more.
Of course, the average lardball will just look for testosterone supplements online and pop yet another pill to “fix” the problem. And if that is your “solution”… well… good luck to you in the coming zombie apocalypse. Because frankly, I really don’t think you’re gonna make it.
UPDATE: One important, and I think relevant point, anecdotal though it is (but after all, most so-called “peer-reviewed” papers are reproducible in less than 50% of cases, so, this is certainly valid as far as I am concerned) was brought up by a friend.
He mentioned how he had his sperm count tested in 2019 and it was at very good, impressive levels even, and he’s been a vegan for many, many, years.
Yes, I know. I have a vegan friend. I hang my head in shame, I tell, you. That and the couple of Australians I have as friends… I’d better not own up to that one Polish friend…
But I digress, in my guilt!
He mentioned how he thinks his attitude to certain events is possibly responsible. The man is not a natural fighter or aggressive in the normal course of events, but growing up in South Africa, physical confrontations are a given, and he always stood by his friends, regardless of the fear he may have had. And he would get angry when his fitter, physically larger and supposedly more able to take on a fight “friends” didn’t do the same for him. He mentioned how one time, a guy who he considered an enemy actually came to his rescue rather than his supposedly “fighting fit” friends. And his rage at the event.
Now, normally, I would put this down to simply “feelings” except that I am more familiar with the effects of the mind on the body, and vice-versa, than most men alive today. And I consider this a very real and distinct probability that in my opinion definitely has an impact. How much of an impact I can’t say, but anecdotally at least, enough to make a vegan follow the unspoken code of men that has existed until the present gay Earth.
So… probably a lot.
It’s not looking good for the vaxxed (at least not in the short term):