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So, you like Catholic Secret Agents…

The history of Monsignor’s Benigni’s Catholic Secret Service, Sodalitium Pianum was downloaded some 50 times in just over 24 hours. Given that it’s not a light read and that the daily readership here is some bots, a few NSA guys, the CIA, angry Jews, and probably seven hardcore Catholics (i.e. Sedevacantists) that’s quite impressive.

Sodalitium Pianum is Latin for Solid Plane, but it can also be a play on words since Benigni’s work was approved of by Pope Pius X, a Pope that started the process that would lead to the creation of the absolutely impregnable fortress that is The Pio-Benedictine Code of Canon Law of 1917. You could interpret it as Solid Pius, who, it must be said, did not mince his words when it came to the Satanic minions that were infiltrating the Church and who had plotted since the mid 1700s for certain to destroy it.

Catholicism has the most astonishing history of Survival in the entirety of Human history. No other organisation has survived as long, and continue to exist to the present day, unchanged in its fundamental teachings and principles.

If you think that the Novus Orco abomination created by the Satanists after October 9th 1958 and ritually brought into infernal being with Vatican II is the Catholic Church, of course, you would laugh at my previous paragraph, thinking it unhinged. I would have thought the same a mere 10 years ago. But a lot has happened since and I spent a good few years educating myself on the actual history and facts concerning the Catholic Church.

It remains a real brainworm for the Protestants, that Christianity itself, is Catholic. Oh they deny it and scream and shout like ignorant children about how it’s all lies and not so, but the truth is absolutely undeniable to anyone sane and honest.

Christianity was Catholicism and Catholicism is Christianity. The Bible was put together by Catholics some 300 years after the ascension of Christ, and they did it by referring to Tradition. Including oral and written works. And Christianity had Popes from the very start and everyone knew the Pope, as the Bishop of Rome, was the ultimate and final boss of the Church on Earth, being Jesus’s representative, who is, and always has been, the absolute head of Catholicism, along with God the Father and the Holy Spirit.

No one can deny a thousand years of factual history on these matters. And the schism of the Eastern Catholics, due to politics and power and greed, obviously os not the true path, since they never proselytised the gospels beyond a very local area. And when they called for help 40 years after the split, the Catholics rushed to help and protected Christendom from the Muslim hordes even overseas, where the supposed “orthodox” had their lands for 200 years, supported by finances from the Western Catholics only. And when they finally could no longer keep up the costs they still offered all the fortresses that they had built to keep back the Muslims to the “orthodox” so that at least they could keep their lands and some form of Christianity alive in those areas. Did the “orthodox” take them up on this? Did they, fuck. They let it all go in the hands of the Muslims with the corresponding enslavement, rape and pillage of Christians.

Not only that but right from the start, that is the first crusade of 1095, the Eastern “orthodox” immediately backstabbed the Catholics that had just saved their lands, cities and lives from the marauding Muslims. They promised reinforcement they never sent. Food and water and provisions they never sent. And finally they literally teamed up with the Muslims to attack and kill the very people that had saved them. And they did so countless times in each of the there crusades sent by the West. When the fourth crusade after yet another betrayal eventually lightly sacked Constantinople, the cowardly two-faced “Orthodox” are still whining about it today. And you think those guys represent proper Christianity? Please.

Who created Christendom? Catholics.

Who defended it? Catholics.

Who spread Christianity all over the world? Catholics.

Who put the Bible together? Catholics.

Who were the crusaders? Catholics.

What kind of men were the Crusaders? Read about it. Catholics.

Who has the most incredibly brave and fearless martyrs in human history? Catholics.

The fruits of Catholicism are undeniable:

Beauty, Art, Civilisation, Astronomy, the Scientific Method, the use of Reason and Logic to discover natural laws, the absolute clarity of the human virtues and sinful nature, and on and on and on.

What are the fruits of Eastern “orthodoxy”? Insularism, a kind of avoidance of certain topics by labelling them “mysteries” when a bit of applied logic suffices, schism (even if at a crippled snail’s pace when compared to Protestantism), and a certain secularisation of Christianity by essentially paying lip service to it but not really following through (again, at a glacial pace when compared to the headlong rush to degeneracy of Protestantism).

As for the fruits of Protestantism, well, look around. Sex for fun, contraception, divorce, abortion, interpreth as you will is the only law, more than 40,000 denominations. If we are being kind, since in truth every single in-duh-vi-duh-al in Protestantism is his or her own interpreter of the whole of “christianity”, and if it ain’t in the Bible then it ain’t “God breathed” by golly gum, and ONLY the Bible matters. The fact that the Bible itself was put together by Catholics 300 years after Christ ascended by using tradition is… uh… well… uh… let’s just pretend that didn’t happen. Or that Martin the maid-raping sex pervert, didn’t change the Bible by tearing out a bunch of it that didn’t agree with him. Or the fact that if Martin could do that 1520 years after Christ and some 1200 years after the Bible was put together, what would be the difference if Bruce Jenner was to do it next? Because, if you’re honest and use the logic even a child can use, you’d have to realise that Protestantism is ALL devil-farted, and not a speck of it is “God breathed”.

The entirety of Christianity is and has always been, and will always be, Catholic, and only Catholic. Even the Bible tells you so. And the Protestants nor the “orthodox” can even show a single thread of apostolic succession. Only the Catholics can, and only the Sedevacantist are Catholics today.

Hey, no one will force you to join us. No one is even asking you to that much. And you certainly don’t have to like it. But we both know you can only deny the fact of it by lying to yourself first then to me or others.

And that, by the way, is as we know it will go. After all, if you read your Bible at all, you’d know that the road to Hell is wide and well travelled. And the path to salvation is narrow and hard. And no, saying Jesus is Lord is not enough, that is literally the same standard that demons have. They too know Jesus is Lord. They just don’t call themselves His followers.

Oh, you might, of course you do. There is just that pesky thing Jesus said though… but hey, I’m sure you’ll be just fine, right?

Matthew 7: 21-23

Do you not feel the call of twenty centuries of tradition, of men and women martyred in His name, and who fought for Him, and gave everything up to serve Him as warrior or priest?

Are you that deaf?

That blind?

That insensate, and fooled and brainwashed in your heart to go an look with your own eyes and read with your own brain and mind and turn the pages or slide the screen to read at least enough to find out for yourself?

Are you that slothful?

And don’t you mind me. I’m not important and I’m not anyone to tell you what to do. I really am not. The choice, remember, is entirely yours. And yours alone.

As are the consequences of it.

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