So King Charles is in contact…

with alien butt-probers?

Well, I can’t say I’d be surprised, given what we have known for decades about certain royal… erhm… proclivities!

Rumours that the then Prince Charles piolted an experimental UFO craft in 1975 is expected to be looked into. An interview with witnesses is thought to be featured with detailed accounts of their experiences.

It really does look as if the alien invasion narratives the Nazis knew about at least 70 years ago is heating up.

2 Responses to “So King Charles is in contact…”

  1. gonzo gonzales says:

    The aliens are just the Jews. They came to earth from the Planet Saturn to destroy our planet with faggotry, and depopulate it, and then the rest of their demons will come from Saturn take over when they’ve wiped us out. The advance force they sent are snake creature parasites that live in the heads of empty shell human bodies, which is why they can be of different ethnic makeup. Their real appearance is even more hideos than the features that display on the human bodies they possess. The ones that will come later are bigger, but physically no match for us even despite their giant size, which is why they sent their small parasite minions to finish us off before they arrive.

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