Smoking Gun on mRNA

On that whole “trust the science” thing, here is the actual science, by a guy that has impeccable credentials, and it’s not just him, who actually worked on the human genome project, the guy with white hair and beard seated near him is Robert Malone, he invented the mRNA technology being used and has been saying the same thing for a couple or three years, as has Steve Kirsch, who spent millions of his own money to research the “vaccines” with actual science.

Listen to him and realise that so-called “conspiracy theorists” like myself, were entirely correct when we told you that the vaxx was a genetic serum that would affect your DNA and contained evil crap in it designed to sterilise and kill you.

Remember I wrote about COVID being a bioweapon in February 2020 (now been proven by Fauci emails as well as genetic examination of the virus) and the related genetic serum “vaccines” even before they came out with them being mRNA and not being vaccines at all.

And by December 2021 Robert Malone was warning people of the dangers (the video at that link has been taken down) and I was reporting in it.

Some of us have known all of this ling before the generic serum shots came out and we did everything we could to warn family and friends not to take it and we were censored and lied to and about and called crazy and evil.

None of us asked you to believe us on blind faith. We linked to the information, we told you to read it for yourself. But for those of you who ignored us and vilified us on top of it, and went ahead and took it anyway, why did you?

I will never understand you. Why not at least read the things we desperately tried to put in front of your eyes? Why not listen to the very people who created some of this technology or research the facts on mRNA technology and realise it has literally led to NOTHING good in over 30 years?


And no, I am not gloating. I am frustrated and saddened by the level of wilful ignorance of so many people, including friends and family.

And I can’t do much for you, but I still am trying to do what I can when I find something that can help. So I hope you will at least listen to this, on how to help those who did take the serum.

And if you have any sense, PLEASE, stop being angry at those of us who tried to warn you, and focus your fear and rage on the evil bastards that lied and convinced you to take that crap and inject yourself, or worse, your children with it.

They are literal mass murderers as far as I am concerned and they are all still in their positions of power.

4 Responses to “Smoking Gun on mRNA”

  1. JM says:

    Great analysis. I think everyone that got jabbed can expect a shortened lifespan (especially if they got one or more boosters). My question to you is what about us purebloods that got infected naturally? Are we at risk too?

    • G says:

      I don’t think so. I mean chemtrails and whatever else are still a thing, but aside becoming slightly mutant-like or having a high CON score (in Gamma World terms) and remaining a Pure Strain Human (pureblood) by sheer force of will, there is not much else we can do.

      • JM says:

        Thanks GF, I suspect you’re right. Otherwise there would not have been a push to denigrate the concept of natural immunity, nor the creation of the infinite boosters campaign. I do occasionally worry about having had any spike protein in my system, though. Nasty stuff, that!

  2. MMinWA says:

    That looked like Ed Dowd on the panel. If so, I would like to hear what he had to say.

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