Slight Revamp

So I have done a quick update to the About me page and the Books I have written (written Page) I still have to update the one with images of the books as a few are missing, and probably go through the site and update a few things all-round, but it’s a start. Think of it as a bone to the new stalkers that are coming to read here more regularly this year.

So thank you. The increased readership has motivated me.

4 Responses to “Slight Revamp”

  1. Kentucky Gent says:

    “Think of it as a bone to the new stalkers that are coming to read here more regularly this year.”

    LOL, what an honor! Some of us newbies have been granted “stalker” status. Do you consider this to be ‘leveling up’?

  2. Kentucky Gent says:

    I read the “about me” article. You referenced the siege of Malta. Just so happens I watched a good youtube video about the siege earlier this year. Here’s the link, for anyone interested:

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