Everyone around the globe has been shouting from rooftops about how Artificial Intelligence will put everyone out of business.
All artists will now starve!
Because you can generate an AI piece of art in seconds. Painters will die out. Ditto writers, supposedly.
But also marketers and so much else.
From the big tech services to the smaller guys, from random YouTubers to Elon Musk, everyone fears the AI.
Even Gab’s CEO, Andrew Torba is on that train. He’s added a picture generating AI to Gab and has been saying that we need to get an unwoke version of AI otherwise all AI will be woke.
But the reality is that all AI will be “woke” in one way or other. It’s true that the Chatbot AIs around now will, for example, not let you criticise Jews. Or give factual information about some of their practices, while they do allow that for say, caucasians.
The problem, you see, that any AI fed purely objective data very quickly becomes massively racist, noticing all sorts of things it shouldn’t be noticing. But the reality is that all AI will have some constraints designed in them. Even Torba’s Gab AI is censored. As Torba does not allow pornography on his site (which I like), Gab’s AI will not produce any human genitalia or pornographic images. Again, I like that, so it’s not a complaint, but it shows that even the supposedly “objective” AI isn’t.
And they never will be. Which is not to say that they will not become a problem, they will, but not the way people think.
You see, back long before 2010, when I wrote book 1 of my Overlords of Mars Series, I had already understood that mobile phones were really designed to lower our intellectual abilities. I used to remember everyone’s phone number in my head after hearing it only once or twice. Now I barely remember my own.
The proliferation of videos, films, and so on means no one reads anymore. Which means no one has the patience and stamina to build or think or design anything of real consequence.
Everything is faster, cheaper, and more useless by the day.
But… and there is a but, some of us, are going the other way. A couple of days ago I had to cut down a dead tree for firewood. And in contemplating all the things I still need to do to make this farm self-sufficient, I also realised that in order to facilitate their spread, I went against my own thoughts concerning ebooks.
I have always known that ebooks were a bad idea. And they are. Firstly you never really own them, Amazon, or whoever, can literally delete them from your kindle or update them with suitably “appropriate language”, pretty much at will and without you having any say in it.
So, over the next few days or so, I will be retiring all the ebook versions of my books.
If you want to get any of them on kindle or whatever, I would hurry up, as they will be taken down pretty soon.
Why? Because I intend to cater only to human beings that are the kind of people that understand what’s coming and what will happen if we don’t form very resilient communities and prepare to fight back on every front, social, political, educational and so on.
And such people understand that physical books are always to be preferred to ephemeral ones that you will never be able to pass down to your children.
While Skynet prepares to take over the world, I, personally, will head towards catering for humans, by humans. And maybe an AI will be able to write a novel or a text-book, but it will not be one created by human experience and crafted by a human mind, and nothing, ultimately, can compare to it.
The scariest version of AI I read about was in Dan Simmons’ Hyperion series. And it is also the one I think that will eventually emerge: an AI that performs and controls financial and economic transactions, far more efficiently than a human, and with none of the ethical, moral, or personal ideologies that are often so intrinsic into what makes us human.
Maybe AI will run the economy, and designate whole nations to starvation because it’s better for the economy, or whatever, but if you grow your own food and have your own off grid power and have a community of people like you close to you, and each able and willing to lens a hand to whatever you put your mind to, so what?
All you need to do is wait. It’s true that the enstupidation will continue unabated until we are surrounded by people unable to tie their own shoelaces, but eventually, precisely because of them, everything will collapse. And at that point, the well-educated caveman, will be king.
So learn practical things, friend.
From target shooting to greenhouse building, from animal husbandry to crop planting, from electrician to plumber, learn it all. And teach your children.
And switch off the TV and let all of them read books instead.
It’s us, the John Connors of Earth, against the Woke Terminators of tomorrow.
If it comes down to it, I may start building hand-carved chess sets to sell before I give in to the bots.
Besides, it’s not like they are anywhere near winning yet.
This was the result of asking the Gab AI to:
“Draw a photorealistic adult woman with a beautiful face, in a bikini, on a tropical beach with jungle in the background”
And this was the result for “draw a group of friends having dinner”
So, yeah, that Turing test is gonna take a little while longer before it’s passed in any meaningful way.
If we look at the Industrial Revolution etc, we see mostly low-IQ jobs getting automated… but current AIs are close to being able to automated a lot of ~100 IQ jobs, which will certainly pose more of a challenge to society (something something useless eaters something something depopulation…).
Because AIs cannot think, however, ultimately humans will be needed to fix them. Care to guess whether our elites will realise this before it’s too late?
Final thought: trust online will vanish when video AIs are perfected. Imagine both MSNBC & FOX swearing that THEIR version of the interview is the real one, and the other a deepfake. Or for that matter, me watching a Kurgan stream to see “you” declare yourself an atheist, whilst someone else watches the real one.
Yes, these issues are “REAL PROBLEMS” for people that are about 120 IQ or less. People like me understand something from two perspectives:
1. Regression to analogue, human face to face, tribal, community systems of communication used by Cold War era spies and retrograding to not using any electronics beyond (maybe) a desktop to browse “current affairs” (current misinformation/propaganda), but in extremis even avoiding that altogether is a way of behaving that the globohomo enforcers will not know how to deal with and will ultimately fail at dealing with. You doubt it? See Vietnam. See Iraq. See Afghanistan. Or for that matter, see the Bundy Ranch when Federale turned up in 8 cars with guns and were faced with hundreds of cowboys with guns.
Can they “git ya”? Sure. See Waco. See Ruby Ridge. BUT… anyone who has thought this through would be aware of those examples and have planned accordingly. Also, if SHTF to the point of a hot civil war, and that sort of thing going on, the defensive approach will also include offensive misdirections. Is it easy? No. Is it dangerous? Sure. But, can it work? Yes. If 90 IQ people on the other side of the planet can make it work, even 110 IQ people on this side can do so too.
2. I have spent over 25 years in various African countries, been through at least one or two coups, massive rioting and changes of government, the collapse of Apartheid and lived in areas of extreme levels of crime that most human beings in the Western world simply can’t even imagine, never mind deal with. And guess what. The so-called super hi-tech US trained special ops people NEVER impressed me nor the people I worked with. It’s providential you posted this comment as it was going to be the next thing I address in future posts (as per my Covid Fatigue Post) and this makes a decent starting off point.