The four year old leads the three year old into the tool shed which he knows he’s not supposed to go into without me. There are power tools in there but nothing connected or that can be switched on. At most he can trip and bump himself against a shovel or something.
The wife sees them sneaking in and lets me know.
I observe from afar and they come out and one of them says to the other, “Ok, now let’s go back inside.”
Their secret mission of minor rebellion achieved in what they think is complete success and conspiratorial loyalty, they return to the main house in harmony.
This is how you know you’re parenting them right.
I smiled and chuckled reading this. My 7 and 5 yr old are the same, with the 2 yr old not far behind them. It cracks me up everytime I observe them doing something they think they are getting away with, and I wonder how much of my similar behavior at that age was perfectly and easily seen by my own parents.