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Sedevacantism vs Sedeprivationism

For the TL;DR version just scroll to the bottom and watch the most excellent video on this topic.

This is not the first time I approach this topic:

Very detailed Post on it (weaponised Autism level).

The second post on it. More direct and clear.

And I was always clear on the fact that even if I used the term Sedeprivationism originally, I was clear in my 2020 book Reclaiming the Catholic Church that I was using the term completely differently from what most people that call themselves Sedeprivationists do.

I (being elitist in my linguistics) was referring merely to the etymology of the word. Strictly speaking, Sede Vacante is Latin for Empty Chair Which is shorthand for there is no valid Pope. However, strictly speaking, the chair is not empty. it is filled with an impostor, never-was-Catholic, Satanist and protector of pedophiles on Earth, currently Bergoglio. And this illegal and usurping occupation prevents a real and valid Pope from filling it. Hence Sede Privationist, a mixture of Latin and English. The usurper is Jorge Bergolgio is preventing the legitimate occupation of the chair of Peter.

But of course, by absolute divine law, codified in the Canon Law of 1917, which in no way cancels the perennial Papal encyclical of Pope Paul IV titled Cum Ex Apostolato Officio* but in fact refers to it, it is every single adherent to the Novus Ordo (I call them Novus Orco — the New Orcs) “clergy” too that is ALSO not a Catholic at all, but in fact an enemy of the Church. The Satanists have made this sound very complicated, but it exceedingly simple to understand. A child gets it.

You cannot be Pope if you are not Catholic, and you cannot be Catholic if you promote, promulgate, and espouse concepts that go against the Catholic faith (which is ENTIRELY codified and therefore logically consistent and clear) and act in ways that go against it too and call yourself a Catholic. When you do this publicly, notoriously and repeatedly, it becomes clear you are simply NOT a Catholic. End of. It would be like me calling myself a leader in the sport of golf. I can say what I want. I can dress like a golfer, I can even get some clubs and go tearing up a golf course, but since my golfing ability is nil, never having done it even once, absolutely no one sane would ever take note, care, or listen to anything I am saying about golf. Nor should they.

The sedeprivationist position ORIGINALLY, when it was first presented in the late sixties or early 70s, by the noted and well-respected Dominican theologian, father Michel-Louis GuĂ©rard des Lauriers, who was later made Bishop, it was a potentially if very temporary charitable “way out” for all the traitorous and cowardly “clergy” that did not immediately reject the false “elected” and Freemasonic enemies of the Church, Roncalli and Montini and their Satanic Vatican II heresies. It was a (VERY charitable) way to say:

“Okay, look, maybe you guys were asleep at the wheel, your weak and cowardly natures, coupled with the long-standing tradition to simply obey what you consider to be your superiors, made you “vote” or “elect” this obvious at best apostate, at worst sworn enemy of the Church as “Pope”, but come on, it’s fairly obvious what he and his predecessor were, so let’s get back on the right track, find the right way to get together and kick his heretic ass out of the Vatican and put back in a real Pope.”

And that, of course was the error on which the Freemasons and infiltrators of the Church have relied on for at least the last 250 years to infiltrate and corrupt it to the point that we have not had a valid Pope since 9th October 1958, and what people think is the Catholic Church is in reality, just another branch of Satanic fake Churchianity. The error being that devout Catholics got complacent and started to “give the benefit of the doubt” and “respectfully” not question supposed “leaders” in the Church.

The Satanists ALWAYS appeal to your kinder, charitable, more forgiving nature in order to insidiously enter your home, like snakes, and poison everything and everyone in it. That is probably why God also allows ornery, unagreeable, rude, too-direct, pains-in-the-ass like me to exist.

My misanthropic tendencies aside, the reality is that my ability to reason and do correct logic and dialectic are far above those of the average person and also the average nominal cradle “Catholic” that thinks he or she is Catholic but has never once even asked themselves what being Catholic means, has no idea what the Code of Canon Law of 1917 is, has never even read ONE of the 16 documents of Vatican II, and could not tell you who Roncalli was and why he was invalidly elected to usurp the rightful place of Giuseppe Siri who HAD been validly elected. Twice.

And no, my simply and boldly stating this fact out loud is NOT a matter of personal pride. It’s just not false humility, which too is not a virtue. It’s just a fact, and despite dozens of Freemasons trying to “poke holes” in any of my arguments, they have all utterly failed, which is why some of my work has in fact resulted in people realising the truth and coming back to the real Catholic Church.

However, all of this, if you care enough (you should if you call yourself a Catholic, since your belief in God should be extremely important to you) requires quite a bit of reading. The details in RTCC that I put together are undeniable and in the last 4 years not a single valid argument has been made against any of the information and details I presented in that book. Not one. People have lied, people have misrepresented and straw manned the arguments, but no one has been able to engage with them honestly and people who had no dog in the fight but took the time to look at my arguments and compare them with the “criticisms” have, without exception, even when not Catholic, understood that given the base premises of Catholicism, my arguments are the only ones that hold water.

Now, I am not writing this to tell you what a good and perfect Catholic I am. Or how smart and handsome I am. Think of me as badly as you like, its fine, but engage with the arguments I make, if you will.

As I wrote in BELIEVE! a much shorter book that is far easier to read and more popular, I am not a particularly a good Catholic. But I am an earnest one. And I absolutely have the temperament to NOT keep quiet, when someone, regardless of who he is lies or talks logical nonsense with respect to the truth. Pretty much in any area I am knowledgeable of, but absolutely and particularly in respect of Catholicism.

All that said, however, and if you would rather digest the list of the Sedevacantism vs Sedeprivationism argument in video format, I have not come across a better short form version than the one below. I do, of course, have a whole series on it on Kurgan TV, along with some other very interesting and unrelated topics (the face on mars, the lies of history, etc etc) topics totalling some 160 hours of video.

In short, the entire theory of Cassiciacum, or the “official” position of Sedeprivationism is simply not logically tenable or valid. The only valid position is that of Sedevacantism. Or, in fact, of being Catholic.

The position and even name of “Sedevacantism” sounds complicated and convoluted thanks to the efforts of the Satanists that have usurped the Church, so it is probably more effective to simply say that:

I am Catholic, not Novus Orco.

* It is in fact referred to in Canon 188, of which part 4 makes absolutely clear that all the non-Catholic clergy currently squatting illegally in the Vatican are not Catholics but at best heretics, and given the time lapse, currently probably actually full blown freemasons Satanists

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