Sede on Sede Violence

Adam has written a post about sedevacantism here.

Let me quote the pertinent part, in which he quotes a letter written by a fake priest who got chastised by a fake Archbishop, for doing a fake “traditional” blasphemous mass in Latin.

Let me quote a small passage from the end of his letter:

Despite the differences of opinion we have with them, we respect the Holy Father, Pope Francis and Archbishop Timothy Costelloe. We acknowledge them to legitimately hold their respective offices even if we do not understand and agree with all of their actions. We continue to pray for them in each and every Mass offered at St Anne’s.

The praying part is good and just. But the rest is straightforward naivety.

I find it a little ironic that Adam calls this fake priest writing to a fake Archbishop, “naïve”.

Don’t get me wrong. I like Adam and I consider him a friend, he’s a good guy and he’s visited me on the farm and a great time was had by all. I am not “having a go” at him. I also realise that his intent, or result anyway, is to educate and teach and thus bring to the truth those confused (or lazy) nominal “Catholics” that wallow (or prefer to wallow) in ignorance (or wilful ignorance) regarding Bergoglio and his retinue of pedophiles, cocaine fuelled partakers of homosexual orgies and general frauds and criminals that are currently in the Vatican as well as all those that continue to pretend that the Novus Orco is anything other than Satan’s Church.

Any ACTUAL Catholic knows this is the reality. Those who continue to pretend otherwise are either, lazy AND ignorant, flat out cowardly, or intentional deceivers. But that’s the lay people. None of the “clergy” can be excused. NOT A SINGLE ONE.

I don’t care if they tell you they were “fooled” I don’t care if they think Ratzi the Nazi was “Pope” instead of Bergy the Oleous. They have a DUTY to know. And their “ignorance” cannot be put down to mere indoctrination, generational ignorance or laziness. It is intentional.

It would be like a doctor not knowing that eating rat poison is bad for you. Or a surgeon thinking that use of an axe and no aesthetic for heart surgery is how you do it. Or an engineer thinking you can just pile bricks on top of each other without mortar to build skyscrapers.

These people are not naïve Adam.

They are guilty.

They are guilty of mass spiritual murder. They are leading souls to Hell on purpose. I would not give any mercy whatsoever to a child murdering rapist. Regardless of his personal sob story. So why on Earth give any to a mass-murderer on a spiritual level that is leading souls to eternal damnation?

To every Sedevacantist out there:

  1. Laity claiming they are Catholic MIGHT be, due to generational ignorance (born and raised in Novus Orco) but they are also LAZY. Because they profess that they believe in the Catholic God but made zero effort in studying the history and nature of Catholicism. So how important is it to them, really?
  2. Pretend clergy of ANY rank, that continues to profess the Vatican II Novus Orco heresies are HERETICS AT BEST! Get it? Because most likely they are KNOWING and INTENTIONAL Satanists. Certainly all the Cardinals that bowed down to the child-eating Demon Pachamama INSIDE the Vatican, absolutely are.
  3. You are infallibly and perpetually told that heretics are to be deprived of every natural human kindness. Ex Apostolato Officio.

So… you wanna become Catholic, then read a bit. Learn the history of the Church from the people who were there at the time. Read the patristic fathers. There are VOLUMES of stuff written before 200 AD. Read it.

And so learn what Catholicism is. Then follow it through. Read what Vatican II documents actually SAY. And learn why there has NOT been a valid Pope since 1958. Yes you can save yourself time by reading my books Believe! or Reclaiming the Catholic Church, but I don’t care if you learn from me and my work or somewhere else. Just learn.

And then stop acting as if the Satanist with Catholic masks on are relevant, or right about anything or not the fake, Satanic scum they are. Give them NO QUARTER.

I know, Adam is the nice guy going around the village saying “Guys, those people there are not really your friends, this is why…”

Well… there is a time and place. I am more the guy on horseback with a lance shouting “CHARGE!”

2 Responses to “Sede on Sede Violence”

  1. Texas T says:

    I read Adam’s blog this morning and thought much what you wrote in this post. I wondered if you’d respond to such a fat pitch…

    I wish you a very Merry Christ-mas to you and your family. I hope you get your 1911.

    All the Best


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