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Russia Explains Math to the Gay Macaroon

Aside the fact that apparently the news all over France is that Macaroon’s “wife” may in fact be a man, and that there is zero record of “her” before the age of 30, Putin has made it clear that if Macaroon wants to play with the big boys, the kind of butt-ramming that Russia will deliver is far more than he’s used to taking, either at home from his “wife” or abroad from his “friends”.

Here are a few details of the Sarmat (SATAN) missile Putin referred to, the RS-28 is an ICBM that contains 10 nuclear warheads which split off shortly before impact, cascading in “umbrella” format, that would devastate an area of approximately 650,000 square kilometres. The entire area of France is 643,802 square kilometres, so, a single Sarmat RS-28 can literally wipe out the whole of France.

The Sarmat RS-28 flies at a speed of between 21,000 and 25,000 km/h, which means once launched it can reach Berlin in 1 minute and 46 seconds, and New York in 18 minutes. France would at most be 4 minutes.

That would be the area affected. Now, anyone rational would know that:

  1. Russia has not bluffed once the entire time, therefore, especially since they are NOT the aggressor, and have never been it since the Cold War,
  2. If NATO actively starts to try to attack Russia the Russians will have zero problem going nuclear.

As I said, anyone normal would understand and simply STFU now.

But… when you are as deep into the gay life of the WEF, and the Rothschilds, and the Puppeteers, you become SO gay, that this kind of thing might just be irresistible to you, consequences to your sphincter be damned.

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