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Russia and China are firm partners. WW3 options…?

185 billion in trade between then in 2022 and expected to exceed 200 billion this year.

Of course, Iran and recently Hungary have also made it clear that despite pressure from the (((people))) running America, they are not on the EU/Nato/globohomo side.

Most of Africa had any Russian debt wiped to zero by Putin a few days ago; and having lived in Africa for more than a couple of decades, I’ll tell you that there is no love lost between Africans and Americans. By and large, they will side with Russia and China. As will a goodly chink of South America.

So… what are the worshipers of the god of this world to do? Oh, for their money (literally), they would be quite happy to see Europe burn in nuclear fire and flying a couple of B52 bombers close to the Russian border was yet more provocation towards that end, BUT… and it’s a big BUT, I cannot lie… the Arabic world seems to be coming together all around Israel. And well… if a new world war suddenly goes kinetic outside of Ukraine, involving maybe Poland and possibly a few coup d’etat in Georgia etcetera, especially the recent Armenian/Azerbajani disruptions… it might just end up that a coalition of Arab nations decide that it’s time to evict the Jews from somewhere (Israel this time) for the 111th time. And if America is busy fighting Russia it will shortly also become busy fighting China (or not, see below). And if America is distracted with such grabby and ill-fated adventurism, it might just not react fast enough to prevent Israel from becoming a very hot zone.

And right now at least some of the Israeli military is not happy at all with Bibi. That whole, changing of the judicial system is not going very much his way right now.

Talking with friends last night, I put the chances of a hot war in Europe spilling out of Ukraine at 25% or so. Probably involving the Poles and maybe some hangers-on like the Lithuanians or Estonians. But if that happens some level of conscription may happen across Europe.

My friends seem to think no one would show up to the draft, but given 90% of them self injected the euthanasing serum, I think a lot of them would. They would make abysmal soldiers, of course, but they would show up. They are all just terrified of not doing as they are told.

That’s my take anyway.

I would like to think that if there was a draft in Europe most would decide to overthrow their own government, by force if required, but I doubt that is what would happen. But who knows, perhaps a few principled commanders remain in the various European armies. And maybe some would overthrow their governments.

Only time will tell.

One Response to “Russia and China are firm partners. WW3 options…?”

  1. Tommy says:

    If you know someone on the fence about the draft, just tell them that they need to defend the homeland so that Ahmed/Ngubu can impregnate thier sister in safety

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